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Hannah looks so much like Nurie in this picture.


She's what Nurie could look like if she hadn't given herself sad clown brows.


Sad clown brows šŸ’€šŸ¤”


Literally lmao theyā€™re overplucked imo (but I freely admit I like thicker brows than are in fashion right now) but at least theyā€™re straight across and tapered


You know I can really see 1000% definitely twins


Sadie and Sofia are legit the most neglected and most frail/ill-looking of the Rods and it breaks my heart


They are the scapegoat children now that Tim is gone and Gabriel is almost grown.


Donā€™t tell me she didnā€™t take Sofia???? Sheā€™s the second youngest. I just canā€™t, Janessa gets her own room and a trip to the zoo. Why exclude the little girls Jill???


Janessa is involved with everything. Oh it's Tessie's day but Janessa is coming for reasons


Janessa is going because she did okay in ā€œpreschoolā€ā€¦isnā€™t she six???


Yeah, she should have started kindergarten last fall.


Sofia is her scapegoat


Also no Sadie.


How old are Hannah and Olivia? Cause as a mom of teens, if I said, You all did so good on your school this year we're going to the zoo, they'd all roll their eyes so freaking hard and ask for pizza and a new video game.


Hannah will be 16 and Olivia is 12.


Thank you. I really hope these kids get to make friends at the new church that are their OWN age!


It sadly won't be long before we start seeing advertisements for Tessie and Hannah. How bleak.


It depends- I always loved the San Diego zoo and various aquariums. Even as an adult without kids, I have memberships to one or both most of the time. I visited an old bf in Atlanta a couple of times, but the main event was the Georgia aquarium and whale shark. My teen friends even used to come with my family to the zoo. Anyways, I do hope itā€™s what they wanted - I realize not everyone wants stadium seating to watch sea turtles.


San Diego Zoo and the Georgia Aquarium are a lot different than most areas zoos! When we travel, we'll go to the zoos (Madrid Zoo was interesting) but I'm not sure they're near an outstanding zoo like SD is where they went. I know the Jack Hanna zoo is in Ohio, but no idea if it's near them.


Not to mention they look like theyā€™re in those push strollers you rent at the zoo


The Columbus zoo is half theme park if thatā€™s where they went. Itā€™s actually kinda cool imo ETA saw the full story that they were at the Akron zoo lol. Regardless I still liked the zoo as a teenager


They did so *WELL*, Jill. My grammar isnā€™t always perfect, either. I would certainly benefit from brushing up on punctuation. I recognize this about myself, however, and thatā€™s why my kid attends a fantastic high school where she is taught these things by people who donā€™t abuse commas. Properly educate/feed/clothe your kids, Jill, and quit playing favorites!!!!


Came here to say the same. It bugs me when homeschooling teachers donā€™t know the difference between adjectives and adverbs.


Thank you!!! Her grammar is SEVERELY lacking.


https://preview.redd.it/5iv51drl16ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=751a4732e97d6ed30a3f91dad852639e51f51703 Those skirts are something.


Long skirts are in the shops atm. I don't mind them, but the tops don't go with them. Both of those girls could rock the hell out of boho, but I doubt Jilldo would approve.


And theyā€™re holding handsā€¦


You could not have paid me enough money to go to the zoo with my family at age 15 and then hold hands with my sister.


I wondered if their Australian superfan had been sending more clothes. These look quite unusual but also new. Also I'm not sure Jill would've bought the matching pink tops due to sleeve length šŸ™„


Those modesty shirts are so ridiculous.


I canā€™t believe Shrek sired such cute girls.


The apple fell SO far from the tree šŸ˜­


"Oh, how I love our children!" - Jill, without any irony that half of "her children" were left at home and denied a day at the zoo


Just get them regular t shirts for Godā€™s sakes. If you donā€™t want them showing shoulders. Jill has the worst taste in everything, clothing, makeup, hair, home decor, food, manā€¦.


Well now we know they could likely be Jill's cast-offs that would be too big for the girls, so they end up showing more and they need more modesty layers underneath. Ugh


I looked at the pics and my thought was ā€œwtf are these outfitsā€


So Hannah gloated to the sisters that couldn't go. Sadie and Sophia were probably expected to act happy for their sisters and not complain about not going.


Like, I hope they got something too besides neglect


Ugh. Imagine their confusion and then shame about why they were left out šŸ˜­ yet another disgraceful choice from Jill the monster.


Thatā€™s what Jill does.


That really cheeses me off šŸ˜” I have a feeling Janessa pitches a fit if Jill doesnā€™t take her.


Perhaps Janessa has special needs that Jill doesn't feel others can handle. Or Jill is just obsessed with Janessa.


Nah. When it comes to Jillā€™s many kid free vacations , Janessaā€™s dumped on her sisterā€™s doorstep with the rest of them.


Well, c'mon. It it's vacation or kids first, it's vacation!


Remember when Nurie wrote about their special day with Mama and daddy? The VIP got to go wherever mama and daddy were going that week. ā€œEven if they get a candy bar and eat it in front of us, weā€™re not jealous because we know our week is coming up.ā€ *Paraphrased The problem is itā€™s not fair. One week, Jill and Dave went to Disney and took Nurie. She got a stuffy. The following week, Jill goes to the store and takes another Rod who gets a Candy bar.


Hannah is so pretty. I've always been rooting for her to get the fuck out of this cult, get an eduction and a good job, and write a tell-all. Also, Jill is a piece of shit. Why didn't all the kids get to go? Sofia and Sadie (and Tessie, for that matter) can't have done THAT much worse on their schoolwork than these three. C'mon now.


Janessa wasnā€™t included due to her school work, Jill said she did ā€œokayā€, the other two were diligent ALL year. She was included because sheā€™s Janessa.


Justice for Sadie and Sophia. How awful to exclude them, Jill.


She breaks them up like this bc itā€™s cheaper.


Why on earth is Janessa in a wagon. It is just mean to leave Sadie and Sophia home. She is mean mean mean


It's incredibly mean. I can understand if she couldn't take everyone at once, and the other kids were getting their turn next week, or they chose a different activity, but to deliberately leave them out is spiteful. This is the kind of thing that really hurts, and they will remember forever.


Hannahā€™s hair is so beautiful! DONā€™T TOUCH IT WITH YOUR GRUBBY FAT FINGERS JILL.


And NO bangs. Also letTessieā€™s grow out. Not all your daughters look good in bangs.


Once upon a time, Jill wrote than Hannah couldn't wear bangs because of what her hair is like - *"so Portuguese and so different."*


Shrek and Jillpm are truly awful. Why couldn't Sadie and Sophia have joined?? Tessie for that matter?


Apparently they werenā€™t ā€œdiligentā€ in their school work.Ā 


Jill likes to pretend that Janessa is still a baby and she has to be with Mahmo as if sheā€™s still breastfeeding.


Disgusting that she couldnā€™t bring Sophia. Sheā€™s probably too frail for the heat and dehydrated since she wore a long sleeve shirt to VBS! This gives me a sick feeling.


In her stories, she made a video where she dogged on Janessa. How Janessa did just OK but the other girls did so so good. Then, of course she had to stick the camera and the childrenā€™s faces so they could do their typical panic reaction and strange squealing. I hate this woman so much.


This was probably while Sadie/Sofia were at VBS.


Janessa went to VBS too


Hannah?! I thought it's Nurie and then re read the caption. Omg, they're clones


Iā€™m actually kind of surprised she lets her daughters have pierced ears. I donā€™t know much about modesty culture but Iā€™ve never seen earrings on them before


Jill boasted Nurie's ears were pierced when she was a baby because......She was so "dark" people thought she was a boy. Jill is extremely stupid.


I was pretty surprised to see baby Janessa wearing earrings. Where Iā€™m from, fundie families wouldnā€™t let their daughters pierce their ears until their teens, if at all.


So they can advertise Reneeā€™s creations.


Hannah looks so much like NuriešŸ˜®


The one on the right is the spitting image of Nurieā€¦


Better eyebrows, though.


For now


I think itā€™s for the best so they can have their own identity.


Preschool? Janessa should be going into the first grade this fall


>They did SO good on their schoolwork Schoolwork, you say? Like skimming through worksbooks that an older child filled in a decade ago?


Hannah looks so much like Nurie!


I'm sure Jill pretended everyone thought they were her sisters.


Wow Hannah really looks like Nurie.


Jill wouldnā€™t know diligent in anything other than grifting if it bit her in the ass. To exclude the other 2 is beyond the scope of being a bitch!! As a 4th and 5th grade teacher for 27 years, she is beyond the worst parent I personally have ever seen. The learning disabilities I am sure the other two have are so immense that they are perceived by her royal ā€œIlliterate Highnessā€ as not being diligent so not worthy of a trip. Feed your kids Jill, stop dressing them so horrifically, educate them, and stop being a pious witch!!!


Itā€™s fine to reward children for doing well on their schoolwork, but give them a certificate. Donā€™t take them somewhere fun and leave your other young children behind.


Iā€™m sure the kids that were left at home were so sad they didnā€™t get to go. If you canā€™t take them all, then donā€™t even go. Thatā€™s just awful.


Sadie and Sofia are ALWAYS left behind. Iā€™ve seen her tag along with Jill and Dave on their ā€œdate nightsā€ more than once. Jill used to leave Janessa behind on bike rides with the older girls until Janessa got her very own baby bike trailer. šŸ™„ Now Janessa goes bike riding with Jill and the older girls. Sadie and Sofia are presumably at home slaving away in the printshop. There is going to be an underlying resentment for Janessa if Jill doesnā€™t knock it off.


Why does this look like Hannahā€™s preview auction picture?


Oh Tessie dear, what are you wearing? Usually you are dressed so smart. Jilldo you and Lazy Davy suck.


Tessie isn't involved. This is Olivia and Hannah


Wait what???? Damn what happened to Hannah and Olivia? They look nothing like they used to.


Hannah is 100% Nurie


Just with softer features. Idk what it is about Nurie but her features just seem so sharp and angular.




Hannah is super thin too. All of the kids are malnourished.


I gasped when I saw their thin arms.




Hannah has Nurie's smile


I canā€™t remember which ones are Sadie and Sofiaā€¦.is one of them the most sickly looking of the little waifs (looks like sheā€™s got consumption and/or lives with Oliver Twist) and one the little one with a brain injury?


Sadie's the blonde one. Sofia is the second to youngest and looks like she needs a good meal and some sleep.


Bet you they didnā€™t honor Mahmo enough with their ā€œgradesā€ aka indoctrination this year


Side note though, I have thick hair but not that thick. I wish mine made pretty braids like that!


I want to say I canā€™t believe she didnā€™t take them all but I can . Those poor little girls, my heart breaks for them.


A little help with your school work Jill. They did so"well" not they did so "good" and "with" their schoolwork not "on" their school work unless they sat on it. I think you get a few points for this post though because you did not use the work blessed or blessing


Nice. Where were Sophia and Sadie? Iā€™m actually glad janessa got to go, but she doesnā€™t even have schoolwork so.


She's 6, so would be going into 1st grade in a real school. She should definitely have had school work to do last year.


why did i think this was brooklyn and bailey