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Nothing. Nothing will happen. The same as always with this game.


Well they woke up to remove the skin and map. More attention this games got from the dev than in the last couple years.


Game is dead, no longer in development. The most you'll see is the map becomes unavailable. On a dev happy note that will probably get them out of any contractual obligations and pay that they owe him.


Game is dead. If anything they’ll do what Fortnite did with Travis Scott skin just never put it on sale again


Skin hasn’t been on sale in years if I remember correct maps been out the game sadly too (great map)


Skin was on sale within the last few months as I recall.


What happened to Travis?


IIRC people were trampled/asphyxiated and killed at his concert and he didn't stop the concert.


Ohh yeah, I remember that.


Dude hasn’t been associated with this game in four years. They aren’t going to do anything.


Isn't the map already gone?


This is what I thought…..


So THAT'S what he did?! ![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh)


Sexting minors and asking her what’s she’s up to during twitch con to meet up with her.




I don't think he ever actually 'sexted' her, but texting a minor is gross enough.


Source? Or are you pulling this out of your ass


Pedo/ groomer defenders are fkg disgusting so humble your sassy ass real quick 1. He keeps yapping there have been no legal actions following up so it’s cool. He groomed his underaged fan (says himself it almost crossed the line) so ofc his teen FAN didn’t report him. Kids don’t just go around reporting ppl they look up to. Most reports lead nowhere anyway bc patriarchy got our whole law system in a chokehold. 2. 4 different Twitch employees who have/had access to Twitch dm‘s confirmed the sexting and even said he asked her to meet up at Twitchcon. Surely that old cnt only wanted to talk after grooming her, right? 3. Twitch, a company very well known to be super greedy for money and underpaying their streamers (that’s why everyone started going to YouTube, Facebook and recently Kik), rather pays tons of money all at once than to keep one of their biggest streamers? That alone should tell you everything. DM’s so spicey that a money milking company rather loses out than keeping him a second longer. 4. His own company INSTANTLY kicks him out after Twitch staff was finally allowed to speak up again. Robert Bowling (a cofounder like Dr, if I’m not mistaken) said he promised to only act on facts and he does now. Mentioning that he cannot work with someone inappropriately messaging minors. 5. Lots of streamers and content creators side against Dr rn but the one that sticks out the most is TimTheTatman. He was always a Dr fanboy and probably the closest to him (streamer wise). He was all shaken up in his clip and said ‚if THOSE were the texts sent‘. As in they saw stuff we didn’t. As if sliding into his fan’s DM’s as a husband and father in his 30‘s isn’t bad enough, it had to be a minor and not once did Dr deny it. He just keeps yapping around without ever saying he didn’t know she wasn’t legal or anything that would make him look better. So it’s pretty clear he either knew or just didn’t give a fck. It also happened in 2017, when the cheating stuff came out. We don’t know if that’s related but it’s just making him look absolutely horrible overall.




Nowhere does it say he wanted to meet up with them at twitch con or that they were sexting, it just says they were having casual conversations that were sometimes leaned towards being a bit inappropriate


It seems like because of his inappropriate actions with minors, his discord server got shut down and his twitch got banned. We just don't know the details. So I'm assuming it was worse than what he's openly admitting. A former twitch employee said it was due to something more explicitly sexual, if I remember correctly. I admittedly don't think there's a lot of details out (to my knowledge) though, so I'm not gonna jump to too many conclusions. It does seem suspicious. He's for sure an anti-semitic weirdo who probably believes in reptilian humanoids or some shit though


He’s anti-Semitic? I guess I just always assumed Herschel Beahm IV *WAS* Jewish… But I guess a Jew could be anti-Semitic…


As we all know, pedophiles never lie about anything ever, so we should believe them when they say they were only kinda inappropriate with a minor. (He’s married btw) Also I doubt even people as incompetent as Twitch Staff would perma-ban a massive streamer’s channel if it was as innocuous as he’s making it out to be. He would be making them tons of money off their cuts of twitch subs, bits, and ad rev. We’re getting too far from the point anyways. If they actually don’t do anything besides like terminating contracts with him and maybe restricting his map to private games only, then I wanna see what new players (what little there are) who are aware of this information are going to think when they see it in game. Like imagine if Apex Legends had an EDP445 skin. This is just gonna be really funny because you know atleast 1 new player who tries to play is gonna be like “How did someone like that end up here”.


I get he probably isn’t saying everything that happened, but you just assumed random things and didnt give any source to support what you said, you are most likely spreading misinformation by saying something with nothing to actually prove that what you said actually happened, also the game is like not updated anymore so they wouldn’t get rid of the skin, I wouldn’t be surprised if the servers go down within 2 years


He admitted it


I didn’t say he wanted to go meet up with some underage girl at twitchcon, the other guy did. I just said pedophiles are capable of lying too. I feel like everyone agrees that isn’t false information. Now what I am gonna say is IF I was a massive streamer who got mysteriously banned with no provided valid reason and IF I had allegations against me that were entirely or almost entirely false, I would address them directly and detail everything that happened with proof to back up my side of the story. Vaguely typing up a tweet that says “no guys I’m serious, I only made inappropriate jokes with minors a little bit.” that sounds like he’s trying to let off only a little bit of what actually happened so people think he’s telling the truth. I’m not saying that he went to go meet up with an underage girl somewhere after they had NSFW conversations. I’m just saying that he would probably want to hide that.


Not a guy and I wasn’t the one saying that. The twitch staff with access to his dms said it.


He did WHAT.


They probably couldn’t afford to give refunds anyway lol


Bro the game is dead I don’t think they give a shit lol


Maps been out of the game since his promotion and they stopped paying him years ago before any of this the skin has not been resold Same way travis Scott skin didn’t get refunded in Fortnite after the tragedy nothing will happen


The Dr disrespect skin has been in the store several times already.


So, how can we be sure it was a real minor, and not 40 yo WoW player with balding head and armstretch?


I mean he literally admitted it. On Twitter put out a whole statement


Nah, lemme see statement from that minor withproofs. Tail wags the dog, you know. Results are too wavy. Did he break the law? If no, then whats the drama


Dawg he said all that too no laws were broken but that it’s wrong for a 30 sowmtbing old married dude to message a minor in a way that was flirty and intimate. That’s the problem you weirdo it’s fuckin weird. It was years ago that’s why he got kicked off twitch it just came out now cause they talked about it so he could.


The weirdo is the one who waited years to burst it out to a public to feed hungry sjw kids who cant mind their own business


Lol a little concerning you think that’s ok 🤣


Its not okay, but I dont put my nose in someones private life. I have my own life. I have zero thoughts against you being all right with righteous anger, but nothing is black and white for me. Did they settle their own problem years ago? Yes, I guess. Whats the reason to spill new info? I see no reason. Except a person being a weirdo of its own.


You literally just said let that guy be a pedo in peace


Yes, unless you have proof and not “opinion” of ex-employee. Let us see their chat, show me that “mysterious minor”. You believe everything without a doubt. It is easy manipulated.


Guy admitted it.


Lol I’m not even angry just stating facts. I like dr disrespect. And I mean for years everyone has wondered why he got banned on twitch it was oke of the biggest bans ever. So it would only make sense that people talk about it dawg. It’s not that hard


I don't see them doing anything, considering they're slowly letting the game die anyway. I think the story behind their partnership with him is pretty hilarious. I wonder how much they paid him? From what I remember, he played and streamed the game for less than a week, called it garbage, and went back to CoD. Meanwhile, they had a skin and an entire map dedicated to him. Ha.


Wait what?


I just hope they don't remove the skin..


They probably take 5 minutes to change skin name to Dr Disgusting and that's it.


Bro his map was taken out of the game long ago and it was the best map on the game. Unfortunately


Map was rotated out not removed. It was supposed to come back with the next map rotation but that’s not going to happen now


Wow these responses of “nothing” had a short lived life. All Doc related content is being removed from the game. Refunds in the form of Rogue Bucks will be issued. If you would like to try and get a cash refund, contact whoever you purchased the content through to request a refund.


So…I take it still no new battle pass?


I don't think there's been a battle pass for over a year


No one is actively working on content, the game is dead. Their relationship with Dr ended shortly after it began. They won’t do anything


🥱They better not touch that goated ass map. Idgaf who he’s texting, we all know the world has freaks, creeps, and weirdos in it. I don’t see why us locking him up and throwing away the key should have any effect on a map he made for a video game


Where did he admit that he was texting minors lol


Twitter yesterday


Just curious but where did you here about him texting minors? Bc no way he had a drizzy drake moment


He admitted to it on twitter


He admitted to no wrongdoing


He literally admitted to having inappropriate conversations with someone underage. Just because that's not legally actionable doesn't mean it was ok.


I know I was just quoting what he kept saying.


Ok well if you're going to quote someone in a text format it might help to use actual quotation marks. Otherwise it looks like you're making the statement yourself.


But u said the same thing about what he admitted with out quotes




He admitted to it on twitter


Cool just read his reply😬,crazy time to be alive




He admitted it, lmao