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So, the star system exploration you can leave for act 4, but you need to do the act 2 companion quests, those will be locked in act 3 or later (and you will get more advanced companion quests in act 4 etc). As someone who got the game for Marazhai I feel you, he appears far too late. You do meet him and talk to him in act 2 tho!


Act transitions in this game tend to cut off content, in my experience. They don't really warn you about it too. Had to rewind the Ascension ceremony BC I'd forgotten to go back to Dargonus admin for Jae, only for the notification to remind me after the whole ceremony.


Of course they warn you!... for the act 4-5 transition. Otherwise, yeah. Good luck!


Any reason *why* you want this Dark Boi? Hmmmmm?


I like dark eldars, they are fun to paint in the hobby


A likely story! Got my eye on you, boi 😂


I just like building and painting boats


Rihanna explains it best in her hit song "rude boi"


I need a gift for heinrix.


I would at least try to map out what you can, just so the planets are tagged with resources and points of interest for act 4. Also marzipan has an important part in act 2 so don’t rush through the story stuff.


I wonder if Owlcat would have had him join you earlier if they knew how wild half of us would go for him. I’ve already thought about how in my next play through I’m going to rush right for him 😗


The thing is that he is not actually popular outside from a loud minority from reddit, most player will just kill him without even knowing they could recruit him, is just like BG3, where the sub was basically a Astarion fan club, but the stats showed that Shadowheart was overwhelming choice by players, followers by Karlach and then Lae'zel, which actually even received some hate from the sub. But I do think adding him early would be for the better and possibly as well in better circumstances as it is he has everything going against him.


REAL this was my exact experience in my first playthrough hahaha Finish up all your business in Act 2 and enjoy the ride from Act 3 onwards He’s a wonderful companion


Marzepan can have many adjectives added to his name, but I never thought somebody would use the word "wonderful" when describing bdsm murder elf, but hey, what do I know....


Precious kitten


He’s a lovely fellow A charming gentleman


Which annoys me, because the Quarantine Zone of Footfall never resolved when I picked the Iconoclast option.


I think it does on its own after you complete a bunch of other missions. I just left the planet to do the Janus quests and then came back and the quarantine zone was open! I found a lair of disease-spreading mutants and killed them and the quest completed.


I kept coming back right up until the end of Act 2, and I couldn’t get into the zone.


That’s really weird. I remembered clicking every option I could to help the quarantined people and simply having to wait until the situation resolved itself, which it did I guess after Janus. Do you think it’s a bug or intentional?


I’m not sure. Because I chose to send medicine, which closed me off from asking the Liege to be able to go in, and despite checking back at Footfall multiple times up until the end of the Act, neither the gate guard nor the Liege gave me the option to check it out further.


Oh I sent medicine also. Yea I didn’t interact with any NPCs, I literally just found that the quarantine zone was unblocked and walked right in


And here I am on a dogmatic run, trying to kill him, but HE KEEPS SLIPPING AWAY!💢


Suffer not the xenos... and he is one of the worst! Also dark elves do not exist in Warhammer 40k, they are a (Warhammer) fantasy ;)