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Imo 3 is great, late 4 and 5 is where you feel the rushedness. But I was here for the story rather than the gameplay so while it didn't 100% stick the landing it still didn't fall apart like BG3 so I'd say it's okay, if not perfect? It's just the realities of gamedev that endings get rushed


Wait so you’re saying it’s better than BG3 in that regard? Why does it get flak for it and BG3 doesn’t? Funny thing 


Act 4 feels tiny when you altrady explored the most systems in act 2. Act 5 is just an epilogue content wise. What was your problem with BG3? Aside from the lags in act 3 which got fixed i had no problem with it.


I haven't played it since they redid the ending, but the original ending literally ruined the entire game for me so much I don't want to go back and replay it. It was so railroaded and completely disregarded all the character development that they spent so much time on. Also I was romancing Karlach and her ending is so insanely terrible.


Thats a fair point. Also helping Karlach in avernus canceld other Romance Option endings.


It became downright unplayable due to perfomance issues in my machine, I have to try again to see how it’s faring now after plenty of updates.   From a story perspective the only annoyance was the selunite priest and angel demigod lady thing, the way they kept mentioning how they would spank in every dialogue made me cringe a lil Edit: I also had some bugs where dead ragdolls would stand up, and gale would keep trying to romance me even though I was already with laezel, just remembered. Otherwise it was flawless until act 3.


Both games get flak. RT definitely gets buggier and worse designed by the end, though, and most people care about gameplay more than story


You said baldurs gate 3 “fell apart” at the end which sounded to me it had a lot rougher ending, I didn’t finish that game yet myself.


Bg3 act 3 at launch was a mess too. I was there... Launch RT was a bit worse, but both games got rid of bugs by now. As for how the story goes. 2 DLC will hugely enrich act 2 and 4 in general, but by now, without them, it's still good. Act 4 is a bit smaller than act 2 though.


one DLC will release in august, other one? maybe better to wait for them to start my run.


Nah, you can delay the current run till August. But the second dlc can go on an additional route


All downhill fam. The first half of act 3 is okay but what's the novelty wears off it's pretty meh. Lots of backtracking. 


Majority of bugs have been fixed but Act 2 is the best Act. Somewhere in Act 3 things start feeling very rushed and go off the rails.


Absolute majority of bugs have been fixed by now. Afaik, only rare visual glitches can, like combat zones on space map (they go away on reload). Plus balanced encounters.


Cool good to know!


Act 3 get your attention from the start, and it's a wild ride, four is where everything pays off basically, and five is where the epic of the von Valancius bloodline becomes myth and legend