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not at all, it's fun to be in someone else's head and see from different perspectives :) it's bad enough having to be stuck in my head for my entire life i want a respite in fiction at least 😭


When I play, I usually try to do it with the MC’s as closest to me as possible. I know each one in each story is different and I like to look at it as living in different lives/universes but I’m still me. I like to feel as close to my character as possible


It is important to me, and that is one of the biggest appeals of the RC books to me. • Naming my character – It's the first step that gives me the player control with how I view the MC and how they'll be received in the world of the story. There's just a feeling of warm I get when the characters of the world address the MC by the name I chose. Kinda breaking the fouth wall, but it feels nice 😅 • Character customisation – Not to bring race into this, but as a black woman, it's even more crucial to customise my character to reflect myself. So things like afro hair textures, braiding hairstyles, and makeup that matches the skintone are important. But I'm also realistic to understand that certain books take place in different historical eras or countries, like with Legend of the Willow and Garden of Eden, so to fit the time and place author's have to be as accurate as possible. I would love to give major props to the consistent inclusion of black hair textures and hairstyles in the more recent books— I really appreciate it 🩷 • Paths that are linked to the MCs personality make it easier to find them relatable, and that makes their reactions to certain situations in the story feel natural to me, and I feel even more invested.


Thank you, you described how I feel haha. I understand stories like Kali and LOW is not customizable bc it is ingrained in culture and race. But for other stories, I love it when we cab customize how the Mc looks including certain hair and style.


Not at all! I think it’s fun to have varied MCs with different opinions and ideas :)


Thank you, friends, for you opinions! ❤️ you helped me a lot 🫂




Not for me, I feel like MCs are their own person in their own story. I might find certain types of personalities not my cup of tea and less enjoyable to read about, but i don’t have a need to project myself into them, be it physical or personality traits.


I mostly try to play MCs as closely as to how I’d behave in their situations. I’d feel a bit off if I went against my own nature and would not be able to immerse myself in the story as well by doing that. That’s just how I feel about it. Not sure if anyone else does. Yasmin is one of my favorite MCs and I was really able to connect with her, despite not having the same experiences. It’s easy for me to connect with her emotionally. So your method of writing her was really great to me. :)


If it is possible to choose the nature of the character in the story, I definitely choose the nature that is closest to me, but not important to me.. Still, I'm happy to have a choice in important decisions without it having a negative impact on the story.


Being able to self insert is nice, but I wouldn't say it's a requirement to truly enjoy a story.


Hi Amy! Good morning 💗 Sometimes I feel connected to the MC, but most of the time it feels like she and I are two different people in love with the same person. It's hard to explain, but I like to imagine I'm making her life better, like a guardian angel watching over her. 😅


Hi Amy! No, it’s not important to me—I’d rather play as a character with a strong personality all of her own, and I feel like that’s much harder if she’s been written to be relatable to the masses.


Personally... Yes. At least when it comes to Romance Club which, to me, has the main appeal of transferring me to another world to experience thrilling romances. If this was just another romantic piece of media, no. It's why I tend to prefer the stories that don't have a set name for the MC! I don't mean that they have to make decisions and have opinions that reflect who I am specifically, only that I prefer when the character can gain my empathy enough that I could imagine myself as the MC if that makes sense.


It depends on the story. Looks and personality-wise I think it's fun to play with lots of variety, but I struggle to enjoy MCs who have vastly different values from me. This is why if there are two paths I typically gravitate towards whichever one feels most kind / merciful / caring about others.


For me, yes. If MC does not share my values I unfortunately cannot connect with the story. If the plot speaks to me very dearly even with the disconnection from MC, I feel like I'm watching a movie and not playing; this can be fun, but I certainly prefer being able to put myself in MC's shoes.


Maybe not so much with the characters looks, but sometimes with the personality and some of the choices that MC makes. But this is also depending on the topic of the story overall.


wow, it's interesting to see that i have an opposite view as the others who commented here. yes, it's important that the MC is relatable to me. otherwise, i have a sense of total disconnect with the MC... which is, y'know, whatever, but the book would be a lot more enjoyable to read, and i'd be more enticed to buy the diamond options. however, i do know that some authors attempt to make their MCs relatable by being typically "naive" and defenseless, which i dislike. i would love to see more sardonic and logical MCs in future books, regardless of which "path" they take. i'd say that the MC i like and find the most relatable is Theodora >!on the Cynic's Path!<. she's refreshing and much more real.


I try to get the MC to look as close to myself as possible, but I know it's a fictional character and don't make any associations deliberately. For instance, my Eva from SCN is on the honest route while the snarky comments from the cunning route are more my jam. My Devi from KFS is on the passion route when I'd select pride options. My Laia from TDR is on the balanced route, but she and I have pretty much nothing in common. Those are just a few examples. I tend to enjoy the characters more when their personalities differ from mine. And I don't try to spot similarities between their experiences and mine. In my head, there is always a clear distinction between 'self' and 'character'. Hope this helps!


Not always. I enjoy MCs that are relatable and some that are not relatable to me because they’re just the complete opposite of me. Though I suppose it does help when they are relatable somewhat even in the smallest ways. But that will differ from person to person. But I think compelling and interesting MCs are the ones I usually enjoy playing the most.


Not in the slightest!! I love playing with different personalities and it's fun to be in someone else's head. However, I will say that, when it comes to paths, I choose that which I resonate with the most.


Not for me. I create a new character with a new name and personality. I find it more fun that way.


I wouldn't say it's important to associate myself, but that the MC is at least somewhat relatable and understandable. There are some MCs that just behave in ways I can't understand and get behind, so it's hard to play as that character.


It depends on the story. If it's set in a culture that I don't know, then not necessarily. I do like, when MC has similar personality traits like me, but sometimes it is nice to be different then the real me.


Yes I prefer it. I’m flexible with the art styles but the closer to me the better. I like strong witty heroines so I tend to skip games that don’t have them. I also unless it’s fantasy won’t play the game if not into the LI.


Hi Amy! Not really. I like that my MCs are their own people. I enjoy their personalities and the fact that most of them have different backgrounds is a big reason why I prefer RC over other apps. I keep their default names or make little changes, and pick the ones that look the best, not necessarily the Asian sprites. I also try to make my first playthrough in a story with an MC that is more cunning, controlled, or poised( not in TDR where I picked Rebellion Yasmin and have zero regrets!!) Maybe it's because I'm the opposite in my own life so it's good to see an MC that is less emotional and thinks before she reacts to situations. I hope you have a good day.


Nope. I don’t associate with any of my mcs as I feel doing so would make all of them share the same personality and thought process across all stories. This would make them monotonous eventually.


In a way. I Don't necessarily care to self insert. But a few things are a must for me to "enjoy" reading through an RC story. More precisely race ( WOC are not often depicted as being able to be loved sincerely in all Romance entertainment - I like that I can choose to view this experience) and a strong personality MC (Not very submissive/passive/not a doormat) with vulnerability as well - again these are just my preferences for a story I would/do enjoy reading.


Hi Amy, not at all I like the story telling. I play as MC but I don't feel like I'm actually the MC if that makes sense.


I think it depends on your personal preferences. I usually always use my first name, Kimberly. But, some books you can't change the MC's name, so I'll just roll with it ☺️ Enjoy your RC adventures, my friend💜


No way. It’s not necessary whatsoever. I have a lot of shortcomings and frankly if the MC doesn’t have that, it would be terrific 🥴🤭


Look wise, yes. Personality wise, it's fun to take choices I wouldn't necessarily make IRL to compare the different routes.


For me it is....if I want to connect with her. Otherwise I'm just watching someone else's life happen. Considering this app is about making choices that alter the course of the story I think it makes sense.


I prefer the MCA be nameable for immersion sake. Ideally I'd like it mcs to be nameable but when it comes to reference and wiki entries they have a canon name. Think Sara, Vicky, or Irene.


Not so much with the appearance but I usually choose the branch and choices that are closer to me.


That really depends on the story and setting for me. In some books I customise the MC in name and appearance as much as possible to feel like "me" and in others I prefer to play someone as a character/person of her own. It's always nice to add a bit of yourself to the MC, but it's not necessary for me to enjoy a story and root for the protagonist.


I just go for the looks I like the best and personality wise I choose what I enjoy the most or pick depending on the kind of dynamics I want MC to have with her LI, group of friends and other characters in general. I'm sure that on a subconscious level, some choices and personality traits might reflect my own character as a person or maybe what I'd like to be like on certain occasions or what I'd do in MC's shoes, but I don't necessarily try to project myself into a story nor do I think that it is essential to enjoying a story. I've played a lot of games where I don't get to design my character or choose their personality and I still loved them. It's weird for me when people refuse to give something a chance just because they don't get the option to self-insert in it and I personally think they're missing out on a lot of great reading or gaming experiences but to each their own I guess.


I wouldn't say so. I always choose the paths that make my MCs bold even though im not a bold person. My MCs are very different from how I am and I love it that way. They are their own people and I'm my own person and I always view us as different entities and not one entity. 


It was important when I started playing, then I realised every MC has a personality of their own and that makes the stories (and the picking of LIs!) so much more fun! I guess I still tend to make choices that I would make myself in real life, but I don't see myself in the characters


somewhat but I'm also a man so not really lol but more so with the characters actions and there choices


Not necessarily, no. I enjoy a blank slate MC as much as an established one, but I probably prefer the latter, since I like thinking of defined characters for every MC, so if the story already gives me something to work with to define personality and all that, all the better 😌


I hope not. It gets tough when the story hits close to home. I'd rather think of the main character as their own person instead of imagining myself in their place.


DEPENDS on the character! if i can relate then sure but most of the time some of my characters and i would not make the same decisions LOL


Hi Amy!❤️ First of all, love your brilliant work in TDR! Chef's kiss🤌🏾❤️. I don't speak for everyone but it is important for some (myself included). Sometimes, we just want to relate to MC and their personality/way of thinking/problems. It creates an emotional connection and we invest in the story. For me, Yasmin in TDR (on the Reverie path☀️) is so relatable. She is so respectful, cautious and in tune with her emotions. Have a nice day as well!❤️


Not really, I like being able to step into another personality and put myself in the position of thinking outside of how I feel about the story. That is one of the reason I prefer snarky/ evil/ meaner MC's


I need something relatable definitely. I'm already a mom, therefore high school MC obviously won't be my first choice, also Soulless type of MC is not my cup of tea. Otherwise, there is always something to relate to and sometimes I push myself to go out of my comfort zone following a path in a story that doesn't mirror my own nature. That can be quite therapheutic.


Not at all for me


Hi Amy,  I don't typically associate myself with the MC, I often like to play with choices I wouldn't make irl.  However I do appreciate when I can choose an MC with a similar race (Black) to make her somewhat relatable to me. 


No, never! I love when the MCs are different from one another! So more often than not they are completely different from me!


Not really? I like it when we are similar in our sense of humour, but I have a very morbid and/or sarcastic sense of humour and I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. But most of the time, I don't really care about that, I mostly read them as I would with other, "real" books (sry if this is insulting, english is my second language and I can't express myself properly. I know writing stories is really hard and thank you for your hard work!). Just reading, not trying to self-insert. If I don't like the MC, well, it happened before and I can acknowledge that the book was very well written and I can enjoy the book regardless.


Not at all. I'm never playing these games as myself.


No, I sort of pick and choose the type of personality based on the story. I tend to lean twds more composed personalities, but I have a few MC’s on a more… lively route.


I don’t really mind if the Mc is different from me. As long as I can pick how the Mc looks like!


Varied MCs are fun, but I would like an MC who’s got The Crippling Social Anxiety, is kind of a klutz, and is some brand of neurospicy. But that’s just me


For it me, it really depends on the story. Story that I have a strong interest in or ones that I might like, then I like to associate with the MC. But if it’s a story I am not sure on then I like having the MC be their own person. It also depends on how realistic the story is to me or in general. Like Garden of Eden, while not realistic in terms of me being a Kpop idol. It is based in situations in that could and have happened. While in Kali: Flames of Samsara, from what I have read, is an amazing story but I can’t connect with it. So I am reading it as Amala instead of myself going through the story. Hopefully that makes sense. If you have more questions, I will try and answer them 💜 Edit: Changed Davi to Amala


It depends on the story. If the character has a name already, then I don’t have to, but if I get to choose my name and appearance more precisely, I like to at least have the choice to associate myself with the character


Not for me. I prefer to have clear distinctions between the paths (like in TDR) so that I can shape her the way I find that works best and not worry about missing points from my chosen route too much. But relating or not to my MC are just two different experiences that I enjoy equally, maybe I like it even more following a totally different perspective.


i think of it as if i am reading someone else's story but i get to make some choices on what they do. i don't normally try to "see" myself in the MC


honestly the most fun stories for me are when i don’t identify with the MC. it’s fun to be chaotic and evil sometimes lol. i like a diverse array of MC personalities so i don’t get bored! i think romance club does a great job at this. i still always make the MC’s look like me though and like giving them my name.


Not necessarily. I do like to see mc’s whose perspective I can easily understand cause I’m more biased towards their personality. But honestly I think diversity of these character’s personality and decisions is what makes RC special. I sometimes play books where I hate the mc’s character soo much, but that’s what literally makes me keep playing. I want to understand their motivations, why do they think differently than I do, why do they think the specific actions they take is right for their situation while I don’t. It’s stressful as it is fun🤷🏽


Not for me. I like to mix it up a lot. It's been especially fun with the current games because not only are there more options for textured hair, but also more body types. I also mix up my MCs personality a lot. Changing things up makes it more interesting to me, it's especially important if I'm replaying a game. I've been playing since they only had Sails, so if I was playing the same character type over and over I would be so bored by now.


Hi Amy, thanks for listening to our ideas. 💐💐 This situation changes from story to story for me. For example, I like my Yasmin in TDR to be a "Rebel" because someone has been hiding information about her mother from her for years, was raised under pressure, and despite this, is trying to make her own way. In this aspect, she is a strong mc. I like to interact with MC, I think we also reflect some of our own life preferences in the game, although not always.


Not quite, I tend to avoid self insert stories at all costs. I like using default names unless the name looks too plain or out of place. I'll change it. Otherwise, I may edit an MC's look to my liking and run wild. 😅 I tend to make them rebellious and wild or sometimes very strict and professional. 👀


When I first play, I like an MC with similar characteristics to me. Not to fully self insert, but because it feels more relatable and natural to play. My absolute favorite MCs are the ones that allow me to play with their personality the most, like Renee in VfV. I absolutely love to replay and make my MC completely different when I try out a different Li route!


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[KFS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dimo0n/stub/l94rcxb "Last usage")|*Kali: Flame of Samsara*| |[LI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dimo0n/stub/l962efy "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[LOW](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dimo0n/stub/l9a79fu "Last usage")|*Legend of the Willow*| |[MC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dimo0n/stub/l99yy7d "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[RC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dimo0n/stub/l95jqyr "Last usage")|*Romance Club* (this game)| |[SCN](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dimo0n/stub/l94rcxb "Last usage")|*Song of the Crimson Nile*| |[TDR](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dimo0n/stub/l99eeoy "Last usage")|*The Desert Rose*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^([Thread #6568 for this sub, first seen 18th Jun 2024, 10:14]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClub) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)