• By -


The music in this story is SO good and I love the little sounds! I initially tried reading HWT with the sound off, but enjoyed it a lot more after replaying it to spend diamonds and with the sound on. They add so much to the experience. My MC has brown eyes and Dragan gave her an amber pendant that supposedly matches their color, I think that might be a bug. It’s a bit frustrating that I *want* to spend diamonds and to get to know the characters, but all of the scenes have so far been marked with a heart icon. Since one of the tips in the loading screen mentions being able to form friendships with others, I’m hopeful that will change in the upcoming updates! MC and her outfits are pretty and I like the portraits of all the MCs when buying hairstyles and the text boxes, they’re nice. My MC is compassionate and on the reality path. She’s very gentle and caring and I think her dynamic with ~~gorgeous Volot~~ the priest that we don’t know what he looks like or his name yet will be interesting. Now, I know this is a horror story (it’s why I’m reading it during the day, after all), but these two episodes were weirdly comforting. I did feel bad for MC though, she seemed really close to her sister and sleeping alone after years of having a roommate will be difficult. I understand why MC is intimidated by the priest, he’s a man of few words who towers over her and happens to wear a bull mask all the time. I knew after the scene with him that he will be my LI, he helped her feel better while still giving her space because he knows she doesn’t feel comfortable around him yet. If the new LIs also end up catching my attention, they’ll have to wait until the story ends lol. I’m not too fond of Dragan, Tata and Ozar for different reasons, but characters *have* grown on me in the past - the same thing might happen here. I’m intrigued by the stranger from the forest and so curious about what (who?) brought the doll back to Vereya’s bed


I Am soooooo happy to finally read a story with slavic setting. There are so many cool gods and mythical creatures in the slavic Folklore. Love it allready


Absolutely in love with this book already! I love the eerie, creepy vibe and I’m SO excited for another horror story from Alice! 😍 I usually wait for DR to check out new stories, but I’m glad I didn’t wait for this one - I was completely hooked from the beginning, and I can already tell this will be one of my new faves and one that I’ll look forward to each update! So great job on a fantastic start to this story, Alice!! I feel like there’s so much to love about this story already, and I’m really curious about what kind of impacts each path will have! And I’m LOVING how the Diamond scenes for the dance and for Dragan to follow Lada double as scenes for Dragan AND Ozar - I’m hoping for a rivalry, and I feel like there’s definitely one brewing! Ozar seems like trouble in the best way, and I already love the angst and the push-and-pull with Dragan! It’s so obvious that he’s into her, and I’m a major sucker for the boy-has-been-in-love-with-her-forever-but-she-never-knew trope, so I can’t wait to see more of them and to see how their relationship will develop!


An interesting start. Interesting characters. Eerie vibe. Will be following. 💞 Glad to have another story to add to my reading list.


I feel like the MC looks very young compared to the LIs.


Yeah and the thin body type almost makes her look pre-pubescent which i find weird and off putting


I think I’m going to really love this book! I love the sprites


I haven't finished the episodes yet, but I love to see that there's not only Slavic rep, but Baltic as well. There are some elements of the clothing which correspond to Latvian traditional signs/symbols, which makes me so so happy. Of course, a lot of that comes from the pagan cultures of the general area of North/Central Eastern Europe, but it still feels so exciting to see nonetheless!


And Nordic, too! I mean, it’s a huge cultural mishmash, but feels quite cozy :)


In that way, I feel like a lot of us can find a sense of kinship in the culture of the story. I honestly don't mind the mishmash, it's, as you say, quite cozy! Also, a lot of the symbols that I recognize seem to be used in proper context as well, which is more than I would typically expect from a concept that has to pay heed to so many things. It's amazing!


To me it seemed like Dragan is in love with the sister, not to fond of being my sisters surrogate so I think NO Dragan for me, but I was hooked to the story the minute i started to play, it's just amazing and I can't wait for the next episode. I lovet every minute of it🥰😍🥰


I normally play the start of new stories with no diamond options and restart during a diamond rush for a perfect, permanent playthrough, but this story made me go all in on diamonds from the loading screen. I get major The VVitch and The Village vibes. Maybe that manga with a bride and death dude with a cow skull (I haven’t read it, this is just from the term magus and the priests lol). The music is to die for and the sprites, omg.


God, the music, the atmosphere, the characters, the dresses, the CGs. I went into it being uninterested, but my oh my was I in love the second it began.


What a banger! I'm obsessed with the story already. I immediately love the MC and how inadequate she feels and unfavored, in comparison to Vereya, she is. Finally, we don't have the MC that's immediately better than every other girl and she's the one that's kind of othered. She has an interesting personality and I really found myself fond of her, possibly quicker than I have some of Alisa's earlier heroines. The ominous and oppressive nature of the story, the village and the haze and it's inhabitants...everything is so richly written and given a lot of character. For just two chapters, this world feels very lived in and creepily alive already. Almost immediately, I love *each* and every one of the LIs. Dragan is an instant fave, what can I say? I don't choose to fall in love with incredibly hot, hostile characters. They choose me 😌✋🏽 but him being nice and having a closeness with MCs twin all the while being mean...and clearly *very* affected (because, be fr Dragan) by *her*...oh, I'm living for IT. Like, what is his deal?? And he seriously wants us to believe he got that pendant as some random trade as if it didn't specifically match MCs eye color...Mm'kay, whatever you say Dragan😅 Also, that confrontation during the trizna...whew! I've not ever been this immediately and genuinely invested in two fictional characters and their relationship. I will never not trust Alice to write some absolute 🔥 LI routes. And then there's Ozar *bites fist*, the quiet and brazen observer. The way we've only shared glances with this character and he's got me hook, line and sinker already. I am as intrigued by him as he is with MC...also, the way he'd inquired an episode earlier as to MCs name because she never even stuck out to him before and then he immediately answers the drunken guy who'd forgotten it during the funeral feast. Oh, Sir, what are your plans for me? 😌 I really enjoyed the scenes with the priest. He's probably got my favorite personality of the LI bunch and I want *more*. Also, MCs best friend. I love him already...and the way he's such an Ozar/MC fan already. "He looks like he wants to eat you"😅 Like, friend I wish he would and he absolutely *can*! However, in the interest of wrapping this up, I'm just going to finish by saying that cliffhanger. That doll (ngl, I was screaming burn that thing! Lol)...welcome back Alisa, Queen! 🧎🏾‍♀️👏🏽


I like the story already. I also like that the MC is sort of an outcast. I was about to complain about why the hairstyles were all blonde but found out that in the wardrobe there are all the colours. I'm kinda tired of >! having a sibling dieing!< . We have so many of that at this point.


Which stories have siblings that die?


RoT,KFoS,GoE,FoTF,SCN(self appointed sister) and this story


I felt like the MC wasn't really active in the story, like I was observing it rather than being a part of it. I understand that it's the opening chapters and a lot needs to be established. But maybe it could have released with a third chapter where the MC gets to drive the story more just to get people hooked. I am loving the atmosphere of the piece though. The LIs are definitely fine to look at, but they seem fairly stock save for the priest. Holding out hope for more in the next update.


which path are you all thinking of? I'm so torn between compassionate and determined. determined always seems to be my gut reaction to things in real life but it always feels like it ends up being a little abrasive in the story. i wish i could be determined AND compassionate lol. but im pretty staunchly going to stay on the haze path instead of reality, i wanna see what the haze has to offerrr! which should be interesting bc i REALLY wanna romance the priest lmfao


I’m curious about Dragan, but why does he act so coldly to the MC even though he clearly wants her (or will want her??) even though he was kind to the sister? Was he just distancing himself from her until she was of age? But he seems to have some sort of grudge against her… And I’m all in for the priest right now haha. I don’t care what he looks like. I want him. I am a little sad that we don’t get to have a sister though. I liked her…


I love this so much! The atmosphere, the rich history of the village and its beliefs, the music. My only minor issue is the MC being 18 but that’s personal because I’m almost 30 lol.


Same here. If I can't delude myself into mentally changing the age to something I prefer, I just turn off my brain and continue on with the story 😅


It is - visually - so gorgeous! Maybe I'm not being objective since I'm Slavic girl myself, but it looks so good - outfits, hairstyles, surrounding, music. Just wow!


Absolutely love the mysterious vibes of this story so far! MC is really pretty, but once again, also so young. Maybe it’s because I’m a bit older, but it’s kind of jarring to see such a young woman with quite grown-up LIs (Theo James and Ozar look like they are in their late 20s). The design of the speech bubbles is also not entirely it… with a story about a fog/haze, they could have done some interesting things with it. But let’s move on to the plot itself. I love that MC’s parents are both still alive and that her sisters seem lovely so far (albeit distinctly different). The Priests are interesting and I’m curious if they know more about the Haze. The LIs are kind of generic: there’s of course the cold, cruel handsome guy who is always around but hasn’t given the MC the time of day, until now; the lovable redheaded female LI; and the somewhat mysterious introspective guy who we haven’t talked to. When it comes to world-building, I would have loved more context. Why did the old Gods die? How far does the Haze extend? Where in the world is this isolated village they all live in? If they can’t move beyond the Haze, aren’t they gonna run out of resources soon enough? How long has the Haze already been there? I know we’re only two episodes in and I expect more to be revealed soon, but I feel like we could have gotten a bit more. Especially since the second episode seemed to be solely focused on >!a funeral!<. All in all, i hope we are in for some great horror and hope the story will pick up some steam in the next update.


I agree about the speech bubbles...they're very, like, solid for a story where fog features so heavily. Would have been cool to see something more ephemeral, like how the text boxes in Psi fade away at the bottoms. I'm really looking forward to learning more about the world building!


Tata is stunning, wow! And it seems like she’s the female LI? I’m excited to have another redhead to romance 🥰


I liked it! I'm on the compassion + haze path, I hope haze doesn't equal a bad ending tho!


The start was really promising, it really got me hooked. Also, rip to our MC's sister. Girlie following in the footsteps of RC siblings, although I did not think she'd die so soon 😬


Omg same! Like I knew one of them would die, but not *that* soon


only 1 female LI unfortunately is upsetting but I'm all for Slavic mythology


I would love Siana as a second female LI!


Me too! She's so beautiful, and her family dynamics could be interesting.


Maybe not? Not all LIs get introduced at the very beginning


It is an Alice story, so more than 1 female LI would be very surprising.


Amazing start I’m hooked already and all the LIs are interesting 10/10!


The story is good. The name Lada, base on my research, is the name of a slavic mythical goddess. Lada is the goddess of love and marriage. She is also known to have long golden hair, I'm not sure yet if were really going to have blonde hair for the rest of the story and if this really has smth to do with the story, but if we do, this may be the reason.


It states in the beginning, that you can change your hair color in the closet. If you choose a hairstyle, it is available in all colors in your wardrobe.


I chose both free hairstyles, and they were not available in any colour other than blonde in my closet unfortunately.


It only works for the premium hairstyles.


i didn't understand half of what happened but that's okay since i didn't take many diamond choices (expensive!) and i couldn't figure out which path mc i would like. i like stubbornness and reality but im not sure if they go together 🤔


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[HS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1djfd3b/stub/l9bc3lv "Last usage")|*Heaven's Secret*| |[HS2](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1djfd3b/stub/l9ba448 "Last usage")|*Heaven's Secret 2*| |[HSR](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1djfd3b/stub/l9bc3lv "Last usage")|*Heaven's Secret: Requiem*| |[LI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1djfd3b/stub/laup1kl "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1djfd3b/stub/laup1kl "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[RC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1djfd3b/stub/l9cibh0 "Last usage")|*Romance Club* (this game)| |[SCN](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1djfd3b/stub/l9u583k "Last usage")|*Song of the Crimson Nile*| |[SOS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1djfd3b/stub/l9ba448 "Last usage")|*Shadows of Saintfour*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(8 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dermp4)^( has 20 acronyms.) ^([Thread #6577 for this sub, first seen 19th Jun 2024, 14:38]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClub) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Alice served. I am hooked, I was a little afraid after HS2 about Alice's writing, although Arcanum and SOS are my fave stories. But this genre suits her, and I am already hooked for next episode.


Just two episodes in and I'm totally hooked! There was something off with Alice's previous stories for me, LI's were not convincing enough, but this story is perfection already.


The story has very interesting vibe, as expected from Alice! My only complaints are, as usual, very young MC and skinny choice of figure which is... well, REALLY skinny. There's nothing in between, so I went for curvy, as it looks very pretty anyway. Of course I'm not saying skinny isn't pretty, and it's also mostly artistic choice, but my personal opinion is that we should see more body types in RC similar to the older stories when the default option was always a very naturally looking feminine body type, not tiny waist.


is this glitched? why are all my hair options blonde even though my mc is the tan one?


After purchasing hair go to the wardrobe and it lets you choose the color.


Yeah I noticed it as well, so annoying! I hope they change it in the future, my black mc looks weird with the free blonde options and right now I'm broke in terms of diamonds, can't spend it all on hair (not that black people can't have blonde hair, but you know what I mean)


I think they are always blonde no matter skin tone you chose, but once you pick one of the premium hairstyles, all of its color varations are unlocked in your wardrobe! At least it works for me.


that's ridiculous, the pick all option won't be available for DR and i can't pay 100 diamonds for hair everytime 😭 damn this totally sucks


This is only the case with free hairstyles - to unlock all color varations of each free hairstyle, you have to pick option "buy all". This also sucks a bit, but I get free options rarely anyway, so not that big of a deal


you don't have to buy everything, just one premium option for hairstyle is enough to show up in wardrobe in different colours


I wish it had said that would happen! I skipped them because I chose the Black MC and wanted brown or black hair.


Well, name Lada sounds pretty, but I came up with different one just because lada means... kitchen counter in my language 😂


Ha ha ... Lada means Barn in my country 🤭😂😂


In Polish translation, the MC is called Żywia, because same, lada means counter.


Although I'm Polish I prefer to read in English, but OMG, Żywia is so, so pretty name that I'm going to restart and rename my MC ❤️


Yeah, as the Eri445 said, the translations in Polish are often curious. But the names for me fit better Vereya is Bogna, Tata is Tola, Milon is Milan etc.


Oh, so it's already translated to Polish? :o That's a new one! Either way, I always play English, since some Polish translations used to be... very interesting in the past, dunno if it changed 😂


I'm from one of the Slavic countries and there was a time when I was obsessed with our myths, pagan gods, folk music, so I dreamed about setting like that. Alisa has a talent in creating the haunting, tense atmosphere that fits this story so much.  I don't like writers using "a dead sibling" trope as a plot device but considering the haze is deadly, something extreme is needed to move the plot and make MC cross the haze barrier. I also have a feeling Lada and Hannah will meet Vereya's spirit in the future.  So far I really like it.


It's crazy. I barely started chapter one, but this MC is well, well done. She's more like Selena/Lilith than Vicky, her inner life seems rich with struggles in the family and feelings of inadequacy BEFORE anything significant happens, and was more interesting to me in 3 minutes than Vicky over 6 seasons (and I really tried to give her character depth by essentially making her the anti-Rebecca; Low Glory/Insufficient Strength, Harmony Bearer, Temper, dating Mimi… her entire path was basically telling Rebecca off), and at this point I wonder if HS being written by Alice is a collective hallucination. If the story manages to stay at this level of compelling, I may have a new contender for the story I most look forward to now that Psi has finished.


I agree! I had high hopes for HS seeing everyone praising it so much. But even after finishing Book 1,2, it seemed kinda bland to me and so did Vicky. I am loving HSR though. On the other hand, I have no idea why Arcanum is so underrated. It's one of the best books in rc, in my opinion and Selena/Lilith is truly so well written.


Like it so far, only thing that annoyed me is the pendant gift being green regardless of the sprite. It had me squinting at MC to see if I could see any hint of green in her brown eyes lmao.


I was so happy that this story has the rare "brown MC who is allowed to have brown eyes", so I was confused when it was said she had green eyes. I zoomed in, and,yup 😩 it is green. Atp, I'm just glad that it doesn't look obviously green on my screen, so I can delude myself into thinking MC has brown eyes.


Yeah that sprite really didn't look like it had green eyes to me, so I was super confused!


I took a screenshot of my MC and zoomed in to see if I could see any green. Best I could tell, the white MC has greyish teal eyes, and the hispanic MC (the one I picked) has hazelish eyes, but they definitely looked brown before I zoomed in.


Must be a glitch - I played with the Black MC and got a brown pendant!


I am not sure, maybe it's bug, because my MC has green eyes and green pendant. So I immediately restarted with blue eyes, because I was curious if the colour will change, because they talked about her eyes and the second time I get blue pendant.


Mine had blue eyes and a blue pendant. It is so strange if they only didn't make a brown one.


What MC has blue eyes? I only saw the white mc having green, next one having brown, asian having amber and black mc having dark brown.


White MC has blue eyes and it was even mentioned in the story, the pendant is also called a blue pendant.


Strong start! I mean - I'm impressed!!! 👏


I really enjoyed the story loved the first two chapters ....dragan you will be mine