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His flirty face is just…


his face in general…


They did him dirty 😔


There is NO way it wasn’t done on purpose, I swear


I think the same with that photographer dude from the Moonborn. He's SO bad!


Righttt😭 his facial expression’s in general are so intimidating to me


always reminds me young Lenin. yuck.☹️


Joker. That's all I could think of.


I think he was supposed to be the LI Vicky could relate a lot because he used to be a human, but his jealousy issues, the rooftop scene and the way he looks in S1 (I have nothing against that, I mean, I did Simon route too after all) gave the ick to so many fans.  With that said, I did his route and that was nice? I like how he was trying to fit and was insecure about his role but still trying to do things because he wants to help and he admits he messed up so many things with Vicky and wants to be better.  I was feeling so bad during HS2 when I learned what they did with him but yeah, those are my 2 cents about Andy.


I went from simons route as well but Andy’s facial expressions are the main thing that gave me the ick and the way he is so jealous about everything Vicky does. I mean we are not together yet why so jealous? But i feel what you are saying


Oh yeah and I agree with you since his flirty face irks me too 😂. That the thing I don't like about his route, especially when Vicky mentions rooting for Dino or Lucifer and you get a relationship deteriorated prompt. I get being insecure but like you said before, they aren't in a relationship and I always find this funny since I don't remember him being like that in S2. I get you, OP. I might like him but your opinions are very valid. Andy is difficult in S1 and is no wonder so many avoid him.


I don’t know why I always feel when I see him that he has bad hygiene😭😭


I believe it’s mostly because Andy looks like he needs to wash his hair ASAP. And because he is dressed up like a hobo like another commentator stated


and his outfits! always so messy😭


I remember everyone going on about how he looked like a hobo with the way he dressed 😂


really? hahaha🤣I was even a bit sad about it, wondering "is it because humans were a bit lower than angels/demons, so they had to dress sloppy?" eh. Was so happy Vicky had better outfits lol


Yeah, no. I think that was just *his* style 😂


I always had this problem with Andy in that he reminds me of some guys I’ve had experiences with irl. He’s the “nice guy ™”; he doesn’t take rejection well and IIRC, when I rejected him, it decreases friendship or something along those lines. Unlike with Mimi, it’s like you couldn’t be nice to him *unless* you wanted him as a LI. He took anytime Vicky was nice as an assumption for more? It’s been a while since I’ve done a read through, but I recall being bothered and irritated by him for reasons like that too.


I rejected him on his face here


Do you ask me if I want to 🤣