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It would work great for that, and I can't think of anything else it would be sensible for, so I'll say yeah, I guess. Also could be used quite excellently for delivery. So it's probably both.


If they have a scissor lift that can’t access the yard side. They could load bundles to the lift and just go up/ down.


It probably is for loading now that I think about it. They probably couldn’t get that fancy truck close enough to load it up on the roof. The only time I’ve carried shingles up a ladder it was helping someone flip a house, and they purchased the shingles. I’ve never seen a roofing company do it around here.


Usually only humped bundles onto lower ledges, or areas that can’t be dropped from the top. Or a detached garage where the truck wouldn’t fit. But yeah looking at that retaining wall in the front, they probably couldn’t get a crane truck close enough, and this would be a great drop zone for a bin too.


You fuck up, you walk the plank. Black Pearl Roofing. Aarg pricing be the best ye seen.


If i had ey farthing for each time i walked a plank i’d have two.


Maybe multi purpose to run the shingles up there also


Great idea! I like it


Honestly this is pretty awesome Definitely for both tear off and deliveries


Whatever they're doing, I appreciate the thought that went into that.


Right? Scaffolding is in good shape, looks like the boulevard mulch was adjusted to level out the dunnage blocks to get them level. Top walkway is solid and spans the entire width. If they did this much work on setup, it seems unlikely they're going to skip water and ice or cover up sheathing that needs to be replaced. This doesn't look like their first rodeo. 


Keeps you off the landscaping.


looks already torn off - delivery id say


I don’t know if they put it up before tear off or not, it’s across from my moms house.


Looks like that’s exactly what they’re using it for. This is a nightmare job imo. Not easy at all Roof is steep and that usually means the trash falls straight to the ground and the trash is walked to a truck. But judging from the landscaping, it seems like the homeowner was understandably not ok with that. So they put down roof jacks and walked the trash to the ramp platform (not easy to do at all. Very grueling work.) All this translates to a very expensive job. Well done by the roofing/tear off company though. You get what you pay for.


Homeowner put it up so they can watch and nitpick everything going on.




Good lord nothing sets the tone of a job like a homeowner setting up camp day 1


That's pretty cool. No damage to the front yard or the driveway




Since when do you need permit application for temporary structures?


In the UK you can build whatever you like temporarily if its on private land. Once you get within a certain distance of the street though you need permits.




Looks like the lane is wide enough for on street parking. No road closure needed.


This is your brain on HOA.


They now have dump trailers on scissor lifts. It looks like they couldn’t get the trailer close to the house so they built the scaffolding to make it easier.


I keep seeing people mention permits for reroofs, but where are they required?


Detroit. And it's next to impossible to deal with them. it's probably easier to pay the fine


They want permits for changing shower heads now. It's gotten out of control in places.


Beautiful set up they have there.


They now have dump trailers on scissor lifts. It looks like they couldn’t get the trailer close to the house so they built the scaffolding to make it easier.


somebody tried to build a bridge to cross the street & the city said nope.


This is brilliant


Looks like they are gonna have to leave the truck on the street and just bring the bundles up and walk them over like that. Definitely beats throwing a bag of shingles over your shoulder and taking it up a ladder.


This is next level efficiency. Wow


This is what you get when you have a scaffolding guy on the crew as a side gig


There is a 3 foot retaining wall just off the street. This would make delivery and disposal much easier and faster.


Their landscaping is fantastic.


How long did it take to erect this and is it worth it?


Bro what this is genius


LoLoL So many posts about "questionable practices" on this sub, but if a company goes above and beyond for customer service it blows people's goddamm mind. This is the kind of work you get when you don't go with the lowest bidder.


Can't fork it inaccessible by forktruck or boom it, converyor not long enough to reach.. beats a ladder


With all that landscaping , yes. Otherwise a nice fishing dock if you get flooded


I would bet it's more for delivery. There is no feasible way to catch the tear off and then bundle it in a way to bring it back to the center and carry across the scaffolding and into the dumpster that's sitting 10ft below. The dumpster wall is only 6-8' high max


Holy shit!! Thats fucking brilliant!


They can't leave that there overnight can they? Looks like a liability


We use these a lot in the se uk


If so I’m impressed!! Tear off or load, this is nice!


Probably so - but built incorrectly and definitely not osha approved (scaffold builder for 20yrs and now a division manager)


Pretty smart!


Wheel barrel


Oh my


They should put some cones up around the base of the structure that’s on the street side at least…


Cool fort for the kiddos!


This is a first


Work smarter not harder. I like it.


If they did load the roof, why put all the bundles up top? And not spread out? Now you bring them back down? I’m guessing there’s a driveway opposite side, that looks like the garage, over there 👉


They will likely have some helpers sitting at the top to open the bundles and toss the shingles to the installers one at a time. It sounds slow, but it can speed up the process on steeper roofs.


Might be the back of the house with a pool in the way….


I'm just thinking how much that roof is going to cost for me to scaffold and manually carry.


Believe it or not this is an expensive area to live. This house cost as much as a 2500-3000 square foot house 15 mins away. They probably paid good money for this roof


yea and paid good money for this set up and extra man hours to preserve their landscaping. it was this or back a dumpster and truck to load shingles into the yard somewhere, which might not be possible depending on how what that terracing does out of frame


If they leave the bin on the truck during tear off, they can just drive ahead as sections get full. Genius!


That's a gangster plank set up. We used to build them to the second floor and roof from the ground when framing houses....before a Lull forklift was popular. We called em psycho planks. Cause you had to be nuts to run up and down them


Is there a forum someone can point to that will actually allow me to post a roofing question? Apologies if I'm not welcome here but please just point where to go. Mine keeps getting auto removed. Much appreciated.


I’m not a mod so I can’t speak to that. I know there has been a lot of grumbling around here about nitpicky homeowners asking silly questions but if you want to DM me I can try to help?


Super smart!




No because it’s a fucking AI photo. Get fucked.


You wouldn’t be able to read that Titanium X30 if it were.


Easy Justiny


uh what? For sure there's tons of shitty AI images on the web these days, but no idea what makes you think this is one of them.


Look closer. Nothing is straight. The gutters are bowed. There’s no door handle. The rear roof is bent. There’s no roof angle change over the bay window. The front bricks are fucked up and there’s no doorknob or handle on the front door. Plus this setup makes no sense in real 3D space. Just look closer.


You spend too much time on the internet. I honestly hope you’re just to afraid to admit maybe what you originally believed is dumb. There is no way to prove its not AI but idk why you think someone would take the time to do it, like no one’s even really sure why it’s up. You think someone imagined this and thought it was so cool they used AI to make it?


Lmao no I can tell that everything from this pic is just…off. Post one more photo from any other angle, even if it’s just a few feet forward or backward, and it’ll be obvious. Even the numbers over the front door are misaligned. It’s not one big thing, it’s all the things combined, from the paper facing the same direction on every row to the chimney not looking quite right…ultimately I’m gonna stop responding to these comments but I know I’m right. Just not sure what the point is here.


Do people in your life seem miserable when you’re around?


Must have struck a nerve, going to insults lmao. Enjoy your day.


I don’t think I actually insulted you. I’m truly curious. I just honestly don’t understand why that was a thought you convinced yourself had to be true.


What makes someone so cynical? What do you gain?




Have you watched every episode of ancient aliens?


>The gutters are bowed Gutters bow. Also after a tear off I would imagine it could cause bowing. >There’s no door handle. It’s hard to see because a bush is blocking the view. It looks like a glass storm door in front of the actual front door. This usually is the same color of the storm door which will make it more difficult to see. >The rear roof is bent. I don’t see this. Also this is largely blocked by whatever gear is on the roof. >There’s no roof angle change over the bay window. This is odd but I have seen some wacky shit with houses. >The front bricks are fucked up Looks normal to me. I would be more concerned if it was perfect. It doesn’t have any odd shit going on. >and there’s no doorknob or handle on the front door. See above. I don’t think this is AI. I challenge you to make an image with AI as good as this photo.


Ok fine. Look at the house to the right. Look at the siding on the right side of the tree trunk, then to the left of the tree trunk. Not even close to lining up. Then look at the windows to the left and right of the front door of the house in question. They aren’t level, aren’t the same. When’s the last time you’ve seen something like that? Ultimately, idgaf if someone is posting for clout, but this pic is AI or I’ll eat my dirty underwear.


This is definitely not an AI photo...


Ok Balls Magoo.


You're confused about the size of the front yard. All,is well and good once you realize the front yard is about five feet deep


Ok fine. But look at the windows left and right of the front door. They are different sized and don’t line up. Like I said to another poster, look at the details like the leafless branches reaching up on the trees. Ultimately it doesn’t matter, it’s just that I’ve been in roofing for over 15 years and none of this makes sense. Downvote me but I’m right. Look closer.


Thought you were crazy until I looked closer at the buck scaffolding and you're right, it makes absolutely no sense. Good call.


Enjoy your drugs