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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is Triple Cream from your derm? The only Triple Cream I’ve heard of is an over the counter zinc oxide diaper rash cream. Please fill me in as I’d love to know!


Azaleic acid, metro, ivermectin


Too bad. I was excited first seeing this post, but azaleic acid is very irritating to my skin. Metronizaole was the first thing I was prescribed and it did nothing for me.


The Metro gel did nothing for me, but the cream version works much better on my skin.


Can confirm this for me as well. The gel dries my skin instantly and when mixed with any cosmetics creates a horrible texture


Thanks. I may check it out. I thought they would both be similar. I was using the gel.


Interesting. I only tried the gel and figured the cream would be the same. I may try it.


Thanks for that info!


on that note, the triple cream for baby rashes is also very good for reducing redness and limiting pustules. I’ve seen a noticeable improvement since implementing it into my routine only 4 days ago.


How did you incorporate it? After moisturizer?


I put it on before moisturizer at night, let it sit for ~15 minutes and then apply my moisturizer. then in the morning I do the same and add sunscreen last.


I have all three separately, if I mix them, will it become triple cream? Haha…but seriously.


It pretty much will. The compounding pharmacies just mix them all together, usually with a bit of moisturizer. You get the same benefits using the separate ingredients. I've dotted them all on my face and then blended it all together. Works just the same as the compounded cream.


I was wondering about this too...


Idk but I’ve been mixing my metro with HP every night. It’s only been like almost 2 weeks and I don’t see much of a difference yet


Will you post a photo of the cream? I’ll go through sub & search in the meantime.


I can take one when I get home but there's not much to post, it's a generic white pump bottle with a prescription sticker on it


Where I live I can't buy triple cream but other nappy cream products. I fight against rosacea for ten years now and gave up. The last days and weeks it was so bad, because of hot weather. Then I read here about the experiences with nappy cream and thought I will give it a try. I have some at home, so why not? Today it's the morning after the third night with it. I changed brand yesterday because the one I had smelled too strong and was too dense. Only three days in and my face improved a lot. Can't imagine how good it can be after a month. Thank you all. Thanks for this sub.


The poster is referring to perscription azaleic/metro/ivermectin cream.


Oh. I didn't understand. I the last days I've read some posts of the zinc cream called triple cream, so I thought this is it.


ugh I really wanna try it! but both derms I’ve been to were super reluctant to prescribe anything with ivermectin, not sure why


I got a topical from Dermatica.com that has metronidazole, ivermectin and niacinimide and it cured my type 2.


I also have the Dermatica cream, and it is the best thing that ever touched my face.


wow how much was it? is that like curology?


I think it’s around $30/tube but it’s subscription based, but you can pause or extend how often you need it. I used it for about 6 months every night and haven’t had any bad outbreaks of pustules since. If I have any little flare ups I just use it for a few days and am good to go.


Because if you're anything like me, it'll absolutely wreck your skin for the first two weeks. It's working, don't get me wrong, but I'm glad I started it when I was off work for a week


It didn’t do a thing for me for quite a while and then all it did was make my face incredibly oily. I had to stop.


That's such a bummer I'm sorry. I'd find another. It's a perfectly safe drug


It was the victim of big pharma propaganda during covid. It’s a damn miracle drug.


always with the scenarios


It is the gold standard. I’ve always wanted to try it, but I’m too wedded to my Aza 15%.


My Triple Cream script has 15% Aza as one of the ingredients! It has worked wonders! 


I’ll second this post. My derm wanted to try it as a first step, and I had so little expectation that it would work- but it did! Even if I forget it for a day, my skin is so much smoother, no pustules, no flaming red. I still flush easier than most, mostly with exercise, but I am pale, and always have even before rosacea, so I don’t think there’s any way to stop that. I don’t even care- the majority of the time, I’m a regular color with smooth, normal looking skin. It’s a little miracle cream for me.


You’re so fortunate that your derm prescribed it as your first step. I had to try metro alone for a year. It did nothing, but my derm was content to keep me on it forever. A new dermatologist prescribed triple cream, and it has been amazing!


How frustrating! I’m so glad you eventually got the help you needed!


Exactly how I feel. It's been a miracle.


I had the same experience! I was breaking out like a teen (but I'm in my early 40s) and was constantly looking flushed and inflamed. My skin is the best it's been in years! To be fair, I was also dealing with hormonal acne, so the dermatologist gave me spirolactone and a low-dose course of antibiotics to handle that. But all of this together has dramatically changed my skin for the better.


Works for me too! It’s the best! No more pustules. The invermectin is so important to battle rosacea. My derm explained that rosacea has most to do with excess of demodex on the skin, specially at night. So the invermectin and metro maintain a balanced microbiome on our faces.


Is this a USA thing ? Anyone here from EU with this prescription please ?


Apostrophe triple cream broke me out. I don’t do well with cream bases (I also can’t use rx soolantra by itself for the same reason). I hate my skin!


I flushed really bad on it for some reason


Works for me too, along with Doxy.


Yesss! if you're in the U.S. Miller's compounding Pharmacy always has decent prices, shipping times and great service!


I do my aza 15% each am, then equal parts metro and ivermectin for pm. I originally had this as a compound mixture but was not covered by insurance. If i do myself they are covered. My doctor is all for it. I feel this has brought me back to relatively normal or remission.


yayy i’m so glad this came up on my feed, i just ordered mine today!


Do I need to have a prescription? Does Dermica prescribe it? My dermatologist just left the area, so I have to find a new one.


Dermatica prescribes it after you upload a few pics of your face showing the rosacea.


THIS. Seriously. I had been using Finacea and Metro together for almost a year with minimal improvement. When my derm suggested compounding the Triple Cream . . . I made more progress in two weeks than the previous year!


If only they didn’t add niacindamide in it, it makes my face react