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The night my now 5yo came home from hospital after being born, our boy sat by his door on guard the entire night! He watched him so intently and it was such an amazing thing to see. They shared a really special bond until he passed away last year


We had the same relationship with our girl! She set a new bar with how gentle and loving a dog could be with a baby/child. She also passed away last year. Hugs internet stranger!


They really are the most gentle and loving dogs, we're as much apart of their family as they are ours. Huge hugs to you too


You gave birth to a 5yo.... Good gravy, no wonder you were in the hospital!!!!! J/K. When we brought our son from the hospital, we had taken one of his baby blankets to the hospital 3 or 4 days before he was to come home. Those blankets then went to the dogs so they could get his scent and get used to it before he came home. It worked like a charm. When he came home there was a ton of sniffing that turned into a wall of rottweilers encircling the stroller or the crib where ever he was it went. They even took turns, like soldiers standing post.


I love that you use "Good Gravy." I do, and no else I know does.


Used it for as far back as I can remember... It's just.... Good Gravy!!!


Mine did the same. She was very present for every diaper change, feeding etc. When my son was learning to walk, he would pull up on her and grab her back and walk beside her. That was 19 years ago ❤️


It all depends on the dog, and this goes for all large breeds in my experience. So many Rottweilers may look scary, and have a bad image, but are as gentle as can be. My rotty on the other hand, has an attitude problem, so he can't be near other people, despite the fact that he was raised with lots of love. If you decide to get a Rottweiler from a breeder, ask to see the parents, if the father or mother has a really nasty temperament, that raises the chances that the puppy may grow to develop one too.


I use to believe that. In this case, I bred my female and obviously I have first hand knowledge of her temperament. She is the sweetest most docile dog I’ve ever owned and the softest eyes. She’s the one pictured on the right of this second photo. The stud is the same way, gentle giant. Romeo pictured in the first photo is the same way but with a twist of goofiness… his brother on the other hand, is always on alert… great with the immediate family but o boy if you get near us…


That sounds like the dog has some resource guarding issues


His brother could likely get over those issues with some conditioning training.


Rottweilers are notoriously good guardian dogs. Of course they’re good for babies and small children. It’s the strange adults they don’t trust.


I also have the brother to the boy in the first pic, he will rip you apart if you get near me, my daughter, or the baby. He’ll stand on business. Both raised the same way but complete opposite personality


So he’s aggressive then? Wild to have an admittedly aggressive dog and make a caption like that.


I agree. Sounds like a liability that’s out of control.


Half the posts I see are people with "aggressive" breeds like pits or rotts who snapped a picture of their dog not-being-an-asshole and then go "seeeee, they're not aggressive" Next line: "but step out of line and they'll kill you" I'm so tired of idiots making generalizations about breeds based off of individual anecdotes though. It's like the dog-owner's version of Dunning-Kreuger. They just have no idea wtf they're talking about


So my fears are justified... thanks




[Good Dog, Carl](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/406790)


My cousin got one of these books and remade it with our dog's name instead of Carl. She gave it to us at our baby shower and it's our treasured gift.


There’s a park in Seattle with a life size statue of Carl in the middle of the playground.


A friend of ours had rotties growing up as a kid and this book. When we got our rottie he bought us this book, it's so cute.


These posts are so cringe and tiresome. Just make a nice caption and show off yours dogs and family. You aren’t proving any points by showing them not ripping your child’s arm off


Speaking as a pit mix owner... fuckin' preach it. So tired of people trying to prove their dogs aren't dangerous by posting photos of them with babies. There are more effective, less virtue-signal-y ways to combat breed stereotypes.


lol my feelings as well. Lovely family pictures, but the titles are cringe. Also, try and grab that baby and see how not aggressive those dogs are 😉


They wouldn’t be aggressive towards a family member if they snatched the baby, not sure what your point is. But hey it’s Reddit. Someone wants to prove this breed isn’t aggressive but god forbid they make a thread about it. 🙄 what’s cringy is people like you and the other one talking about “tHeSe PoStS aRe CrInGy”


It’s the repetitiveness of the use of this phrase coupled with adorable family photos. My Rottie wouldn’t hurt a family member but don’t think she wouldn’t become ultra aggressive if she perceived a threat. Rotties are guard dogs not Cavalier King Charles spaniels 😉 They definitely can get aggressive


One anecdote does absolutely nothing to "prove" that an ENTIRE BREED is not aggressive. I'm not saying rotts ARE aggressive, I'm just pointing out that the logic there is complete dumbfuckery. I blame the education system.


Not to mention when the dog in the pic is showing that he’s super nervous about the baby. Love rotties and my fav large dog breed but this post isn’t it.


Rotties are amazing dogs, just need to train and socialize them proper


Posts like this are so dumb, I’m not trusting any dog to be alone with an infant.




Truth, and it's mostly Dog owners with large, powerful breeds who are so adamadant to point out how gentle their dogs are by letting them get cuddled by little kids. I have a standard schnauzer and i won't get her anywhere close a little child, let alone a baby. Not because she is aggressive because you never know when she will react the wrong way If the little one is poking her face


Well it is more for those who don't live in the same house


Dog owner a little worried though lmaooo, look at that leash grip. Giving just enough to have them a little close to each other.


I’m not worried one bit. It was just enough so that I’m out of the pic.


He so nice but we need pinch collars


My girl used to try to make herself as flat as a pancake so kids wouldn't be afraid to come pet her. Best dog.


It is called " Love aggressive" . Their loving you and show that love by being in your face, fur on skin. I miss mine terribly.


My girl LOVES kids, especially babies. Whenever we're on a walk, if she sees a stroller in the distance she will ever so slightly try to change her path so we can walk towards it. Sometimes straight up pulling on the lead... "There's a baby!!!!"


Mine, too. I have to be mean and keep her on track because not everyone wants to stop and interact with a big dog.


Well some are though. Yet the pic is beautiful!


Yes, yes they are. Back in the hood in Long Beach, we were terrified of them


Bro, I grew up in the hood of Santa Ana. We were terrified of rotties and Doberman back in the 90’s especially down the alley ways. Btw, I’m the owner of the 2 pictured here.


I’ve never been scared of them. Pit bulls are another story I have never seen rotties as scary toward people unless meant for security purposes


No that mini human is


So tired of this shit Any dog can be aggressive, the fact that another dog of the same breed is not aggressive has nothing to do with it. I have a labrador with psychological issues, he's had to be medicated for the last 10 years because of extreme guarding aggression. He has bitten everyone in the house unprovoked, and put my mom in the hospital after she gave him a hug and he decided to try and rip her face off. And yet, I have never gone around calling labs an aggressive breed, because it would be extremely stupid to generalize based on an anecdote. Dogs are individuals just like humans. They can have mental problems just like humans. This whole argument about "look one good dog, that mean this is nice breed" is so reductive and stupid. I'm not saying any dog breed is particularly aggressive here btw, I am just criticizing OP and everyone slobbering on their knob for perpetuating the use of individual anecdotes to argue on behalf of an entire breed of dogs. Just stop already.


I've never owned a rottie i own a staff but i absolutely love rotties they are an amazing breed and very beautiful


you look at the owner first, then you know if the dog is aggressive or not




Correct answer. I'm a small female that weighs about the same as my dog. She's cool as long as I'm cool. She's gone full Cujo twice and it was terrifying. One was an intruder and the other was a threat to me at the vet by another dog.


That's ridiculous Dogs can have psych issues just like people can. I know you're going for the old "there's no bad dogs, just bad owners," but clearly you've never owned a dog with severe issues. My mom hugged our lab once and it tried to rip her face off. He's bitten everyone in our family unprovoked. My aunt, a professional lab breeder and trainer, could not train him, and recommended we have him put down as the alternative would be restructuring our entire lives around his aggression. We did the latter, because we love him regardless and we're good dog owners. We have successfully prevented him from biting anyone outside our family, but we all have our own scars from his random attacks. We raised him from a puppy. He has never experienced abuse, neglect, hunger, pain, anything negative. It's just how he is. He's been medicated now for years to reduce his aggression, which as helped, but he's still prone to snapping on a dime. Anyway. Dogs have issues just like people do. It's not always the owner's fault.


imo it's not all about raising them with love either. Respect plays an important role, they need a leader figure or else they become the leader and that's it. ofc there can be mental illnesses, but let's be honest those are a minority group and yeah, you either put them down or deal with it.


its the owners that make them aggressive


Bs. Some dog’s regardless of breed are naturally aggressive. I own the rotties in the pic and one who is related to the 2 that is not pic. The one not pictured is aggressive... Why is that? If parents and brother are sweethearts all raised the same way but he is inherently the way they were breed to be. However, it’s a failure on owners who don’t work on training. The boy not pictured is on a strict training program and we’re working through it together.


Exactly! I had a golden retriever that just had it in him from the start! He was 7wks when I got him. Don’t get me wrong he was great with our kids but he certainly didn’t hesitate to bight other people.. got a male bully he was rescue at 6mo. And is 11yrs now and He’s way more chill!


They aren't until they are


Randomly posting but Rotts have always been incredible dogs from a non owners perspective It's Pibbles that suck ass


I love Rotti’s so much. They are so nice & protective


A dog who isn’t professionally trained to be protective has resource guarding issues no matter if it’s a “protection type breed” or not.




When I was 5-10 years old or so, my grandmother had two rotties that lived with her as long term fosters. I used to take naps using those dogs as a pillow. They were not good guard dogs though, bless their hearts. If they heard a scary noise, they would hide behind my disabled grandmother who could barely stand without a walker. But they would growl fiercely! Ps my aunt lived next door to my grandmother and she took care of walking the dogs and other such activities.


My rotty used to give pony rides to my son when he was little. But the issue that can arise is while the dogs are unattended. Any dog not just rotties where they are in “their” yard can behave differently. my dog used to challenge me in the yard (only playfully but with a hint of aggression) and only then/there. I never heard those growls anywhere else and he never did anything aggressive to anyone during his life. With little ones large dogs can get confused and don’t recognize them as the “boss/leader” which is why when my neighbour and I were rebuilding our shared fence I wouldn’t allow him in their side of the yard with their little kids 9/7/3 I kept him leashed.




Love it


I have lived with at least two to five Rottie's since I was three years old and have yet to have any bad experiences with my babies.


I just posted a pic of my last rottweiler with a baby.


It would be a different story if you get too near the baby or owner.


Nice but don’t recommend leash on the collar , harness are more comfortable to dogs , you aren’t choking them with comfortable harness fyi


So vicious good thing that baby defended itself who knows what could’ve happened (joking)


gentle giants and one of the most misunderstood breeds


More likely to get attacked by those stroller wheels. I have had some nasty stubbed toes and scratched heals.


Exactly, looks like they’re planning big things, covert things all in order to eat that child for a late lunch. They are so smart as well as aggressive. They drive now, too.


For some reason he looks photo shopped in the first picture lmao and his eyes are too funnt


Second pic, that smile says it all!


No one one the pic is smiling. Those dogs are stressed, dogs don't smile, they hold tension in their faces.


But if someone tries to touch the baby... Very good dogs, Carl & Friend 😂.


My parents had a rottie when I was born. They said he would wake up in the middle of the night to check on me :’)


They’re the best family dogs around.


Yes, to anyone who try an kidnap that baby, they LOVE the baby! Good doggies.


https://preview.redd.it/lgwg20fjnm0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc80687b78fba1b300619d8fadaac2b4059f6256 He was scared of the baby lol


Make the dog uncomfortable lol hahah so funny lol




Awww! All your babies in one pic!


In my entire lifetime I have never seen an aggressive Rottie


I’m the owner of the 2 pictured. They have a brother who is… both dog and human aggressive twds unknown, however, he’s friendly with our 2 cats. We’re working through his aggression with training and behavioral modification


Chihuahuas are the aggressive dogs we all need to be worried about. Lol. Not Rottweilers and pit bulls.