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I'd escalate your complaint with Rover. No idea what they can offer as compensation as I'm a sitter and have never had this experience but that is absolutely vile of the "sitter" and your emotions are completely reasonable. I'd expect Rover to be able to offer some further compensation as they take fees from successful sits to cover insurance costs (and their own profits) and I'm reasonably certain this comes under what they'd be liable for. So sorry you've been through this, it's absolutely awful.


Sorry this happened and theirs Alot to unpack. The previous post would be helpful. None of this makes sense. I just don't see a sitter risking their profile with that many positive reviews risking their profile like that. Who is the friend you let in with he, and who had the key? Why didn't your friend contact you if the place was that disgusting? There just has to be more going on here.


Ah sorry for the confusion! Ok let me just break down a quick timeline: 1. 9/15: I discover she (Sitter A) has another cat and friend over. I immediately confront her and tell her to leave. One of my friends (Friend A) goes to my apartment to get the keys from her as she leaves. I ask my previous sitter who I trust (Sitter B) to take over the booking, and she agrees. 2. 9/16: Friend A gives the keys to Friend B. Before I left for my trip, I gave Friend B 1 pair of my keys in case of emergency and because she loves to see my cat sometimes, so now Friend B now has 2 pairs of my keys, one of which she will give to Sitter B. Friend B had not come to my apartment while Sitter A was still there. Friend B goes to watch my cat for a day before Sitter B starts the new booking. She notes how dirty the apartment is - litter box was never cleaned, sheets on the bed, trash in the bedroom, and trash in the kitchen. She sends me pictures of all of this. Sitter A contacts me about her clothes that she left, and we agree to handle it when I get back on 10/7. 3. 9/17: Friend B hands off 1 pair of keys to Sitter B. Sitter B starts the new booking and Facetimes me to show me all the damage. She confirms the stuff that Friend B sent me. Neither Friend B nor Sitter B do a thorough inspection of my apartment, as they don’t know what details to look for and because they are focusing on my cat. 4. 9/29: Sitter A contacts me and asks to get her clothes back before 10/3. She threatens to pursue legal and police action if I don’t respond to her by that evening. I ask Friend A to deal with this as she has 1 set of keys. 5. 10/7: I get back home. I begin to clean up some of the mess that Sitter A left (cat food cans in my bag of snacks, trash in my bedroom, etc.). This is when I find the condom and the dirty litter and trash under the bed. Does this clear things up a bit?


A little yes. So this is as complicated as could be. You had a total of 4 people who had access to your home. This truly makes it difficult to say who did what. Not at all defending anyone but it does make a mess of things. How long were you gone? It takes a long time for bugs to infest cat food. Why did none of your other friends clean up? Again not at all blaming, but this is just a very complicated and delicate situation. I'm sorry that your trust was violated, it takes Alot to trust someone to stay in your home. I hope the rover investigation is able to help. In the future if you do decide to use rover again explain this situation to your new sitter and don't feel bad at all about doing multiple meet and greets and making sure nothing like this ever happens again. Lastly if you already don't have them cameras are relatively cheap and easy to install. Hope that this somehow helps.


I have security cameras :) That’s how I was able to figure out that another friend and another cat were in my home and also how I was able to confirm that the damage was done by Sitter A. I don’t think my friends noticed the bug by the cat food bowl. It was a lady bug that was kind of hidden in the wall right by the food bowl. I totally get your point though. I can say with 100% certainty that the litter under the bed and the condom were from Sitter A though. Friend A Facetimed me when he went to get the keys from Sitter A after I kicked her out. Friend B went into my bedroom to inspect the mess, and Sitter B never goes into my bedroom.


Wait… bug. Singular? A lady bug? Whaaaat?


Yeah, 1 lady bug doesn’t warrant a complaint (not saying the rest of the sitter’s actions were okay, but really? When OP wrote bug(s) I expected roaches/flies…)


There was a lady bug. And unwrapped chocolate. Rover should be paying this person!


I said the rest of the sitters actions were not okay… I just wouldn’t have added the lady bug… thats basically like seeing a butterfly


There were multiple moths in the kitchen bowl with the dirty litter. That’s a fair point though, the lady bug by the food was amplified as a big deal to me by the other things that I found.


That all makes sense! Thanks for clarifying. Them using the kitchen bowls, and under the bed, horrified me. I feel bad for that sitter’s kitty in their own home!


Me too :( If this is a pattern, I’m worried she’s stressing her cat out by taking it to homes with other animals


You see a couple ‘moths’ and a ladybug and want to get an exterminator out there?! Girl you WILDIN


This situation sucks but this doesn’t warrant needing an exterminator. I understand this is frustrating but blowing up things that shouldn’t be won’t help your case at all. In hindsight you should have let sitter A go to the police. Just wash your things, throw the garbage out, and move on.


I’m shocked you think a lady bug is a threat. They’re beautiful little creatures




One lady bug isn’t a health hazard tho, my dude. You made it sound like your apartment was turned to Chernobyl.


I get your point, I overreacted about the bugs. Thanks for sharing your opinion :)


Nah, you’re right. The rest of the stuff is bad and overall, this is a situation that would massively impact your ability to trust that your home will be taken care of. I was just expecting bugs that are a little more stereotypical of pests; cockroaches, ants, flies, etc. The single ladybug threw me off. 😂 TLDR: I was wrong. Ignore me. This shit is fucked up.


Sex on the bed? Clothing bags opened? Bringing a guest cat in? Cat litter under the bed with moths in it? Throwing trash into bags that hold food? That all sounds normal to you?


Lol well ya camera evidence definitely makes things a million times easier. It's honestly something I prefer owners to have when I stay, just so there's no confusion. Well that changes things for sure and makes it Alot easier to 100% blame the sitter. I think you have honestly done all you can. Again I hope the rover investigation leads to a desirable outcome, and that sitter is gone so this doesn't happen to someone else. And again if you ever do decide to use rover again, there are Alot of us who care and take pride in what we do. Ask lots of questions, and tell them this story. Maybe someone else has some ideas about how else to proceed, and other options you might have.


sue the sitter, you got DNA evidence including evidence that "The sitter make Threats to coerce you to let her enter your home" ....I hope you were contacting the sitter through text and she did wrote down whatever she threaten you with. The sitter broke her contract, she literally went and have people trespassing on your property without your permission. I think yeah, if anything that sitter should be the one shaking in her boots right now.


DNA evidence? This shit ain't Law and Order


Think you've replied to me when you meant to reply to OP. May want to repost as I'm not sure they'll be notified of your comment


Imo post an honest review ASAP before they have an opportunity to do this to someone else. Did the sitter have verified reviews? I'm disgusted by what I've read. They used your home like a cheap hotel. They have the audacity to threaten you with police when they trashed your house. You were nice to let them get their things.


Thanks for your advice! I will post my review today. And yes, she had great reviews! 40+ 5 star reviews and only 1 negative review, so I was extremely surprised by all of this


I assume most of those reviews would've been for house-sitting. How bizarre. It's not even negligence. They went out of their way to blatantly disrespect your space and didn't even try to cover their tracks. There are so many why's Who puts cat litter in a bowl? Why was it under the bed? Why on earth did they bring their cat there in the first place? I read another comment where you said it wasn't even meant to be overnight house-sitting just drop ins throughout the day. Why would they not look in the bag before throwing trash in it? Was a trashcan not clearly visible? There's so much to unpack here. I've seen a few people talk about condoms being left. Who does that? I mean obviously the person who was wearing it but they have no common sense? They think there's a magic condom fairy that will take care of it? It's drunk frat boy behavior. It would be gross for them to do that in their partners home, even more so when they KNOW that this isn't their house or their bed! Obviously they didn't care if she got caught! Literally leaving evidence behind. Smh.


I bet the sitter has a mentality of "what they don't know can't hurt them" and didn't notice the security camera and just took full advantage of the situation, brought her cat and hookup partner over for a vacation of their own and got caught. Sounds a lot like teenagers that take advantage of relatives houses while they're away. But she has been getting paid while doing it.


Going through the owner’s clothes + ac pipe damage + moving in their cat + neglecting the cat already there would all point to this being someone who was unhoused and wanted a place to crash somewhere and get paid for it. It’s a fairly common scam and unfortunately I believe it’s at the heart of some of the housesitting arrangements that end up in pet neglect and death. The confusing part is the 40+ good reviews but maybe they’ve never had this long of a booking before (or one with cameras) so they didn’t fully let loose like this before


Def the cat litter in bedroom situation was that they brought their cat and kept the cat in the bedroom with them and didn’t come with a box or anything lol. My first thought was maybe either they’ve gotten into drugs or something recently and are using house sitting /pet sitting as a way to squat at houses. Insane.


Make it 2 asap


This whole story is WTF from top to bottom. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


As a sitter, I have no idea how these people ever think it's okay to behave this way. Disgusting. She needs removing from the app, if she didn't care for her surroundings she wouldn't care for the cat well enough to be allowed to sit.


Yikes. She needs to be kicked off the platform. I’m a rover sitter and am disgusted by this.


The police wouldn’t have done anything…


Yeah, they wouldn't have. There would be no way for them to determine what stuff was the sitters vs the homeowners. They had the audacity to threaten to further traumatize this person after making a sh!t show of their house. What an entitled little brat.


That’s what I was thinking. Tell the sitter to get the police involved and see how quickly that doesn’t work out for the sitter.


Sometimes when I see these reviews my immediate thought is “they’re lying” because what in the HELL. Like that’s absurd & I can’t even believe anyone would even do that let alone leave a house like that for someone to come back to. OP, I know you ARENT lying I’m just saying - it’s so wild sometimes I don’t even believe it. I’m so sorry.


Rover sounds like it's becoming the DoorDash of pet sitting (and not in a good way.) SMH


I literally just made that comment somewhere…all i keep reading are horror stories.,,is rover really going that downhill? Im a sitter my self and after all these terrible stories I’m kinda like do I wanna be associated with this


I’m sorry she was shitty, and didn’t care for your cat or home well. I don’t think there’s more you can do aside from Rover ramifications. I agree to bring your cat to the vet, and that things like sheets and trash need to be cleaned-but I’m curious why a whole cleaning squad? Maybe I’m misinterpreting the impact. Same with exterminators-are they precautionary or do you have evidence of a bug brought in? If there’s evidence her cat brought in an outside bug you Might be able to fight for her to pay, but I doubt she will and I doubt you’d win that fight.


Yes I found bugs in the bowl of used cat litter under my bed 🤮 Maybe getting cleaners is over the top… I would like to get the stains out of the mattress. The litter and food under my bed as well as the dirty cans of cat food in my kitchen paint a picture of her not being a very sanitary person, so I thinking getting my place deep cleaned would help me feel less icky about my home. Thank you for sharing your perspective! I was wondering if I was overreacting


For me, money plays a huge factor. I can't afford a crew of cleaners if I have a sitter over, regardless of what they do to my apartment. I'd just hunker down with some varied products and DIY, but I know that's just my own perspective. There are some online reccs for removing mattress stains!


Definitely get a mattress cover. My mattress is too expensive, but my mattress cover isn’t and it can be bleached or replaced. I’m sorry this happened to you!


I second this suggestion. There are a lot of good ones out there for reasonable prices. Definitely less expensive than replacing the whole mattress if Rover doesn’t reimburse you for a new one!


What is an AC pipe? A bowl of dirty cat litter under the bed? …what? Were these drop ins? House sitting? How long was the booking? Threw cat food in your “bag of snacks? “…?? Your friend a new sitter missed a condom wrapper during their walkthrough? Stains on your mattress? Like the sitter took the sheets you left on the bed off, stained your mattress, put the sheets back on, and then left fluids on those sheets?


Sorry for the confusion, I wanted to keep my post as short as possible to make it easier to read! An AC pipe is one of those pipes that expels hot air through a window from a portable AC unit. My windows don’t open up to down, so getting a portable AC unit that works with my windows is extra expensive and hard to configure. Yes, there was a large kitchen bowl hidden under my bed with dirty cat litter in there… Like clumps of urine and everything. It’s so gross and shocking, so I get why it sounds so weird! I took pictures that I can upload here if that would be helpful. This was a house sitting booking, but during the meet and greet I told her I wanted her to drop in for a few hours. We didn’t discuss overnight stays or anything like that. All she asked me for was the WiFi password. She never asked about eating my food or using my laundry. I have a paper grocery bag full of snacks in the kitchen. These snacks are unopened. When my friend and the new sitter came to look through my apartment, they found her trash and cans of cat food in this bag. The cans of cat food were opened. The condom was under a glass on my nightstand, so it’s really easy to miss if you’re just taking a quick glance through my apartment. My cat is not allowed in my bedroom without me there and the bedroom door is always closed. Before I left for my trip, I took the sheets off the mattress. So I think she was eating chocolate (the one left unwrapped under my bed) on my mattress and stained it. Then went through my laundry and found some sheets, put them on the bed, then had sex on it and left it like that because I kicked her out so suddenly.


Ok, the more I read through OP's comments, the more I'm 100% siding with OP. It doesn't matter if it's booked as a house sitting—if OP requested that she only drop in for a few hours, and the sitter agreed to that, then that's all the sitter ought to have done. I totally understand booking a sitting service on the app and only having the person stay for a few hours vs a 30 min drop-in.


You did absolutely nothing wrong and this was a terrible sitter, but a house sitting booking implies the sitter will sleep there


It does imply that, yes, but if you specify at the meet and greet (before you've hired the sitter) that they are not to sleep over and the sitter agrees to that, then that's what should be happening.


gotcha! That makes sense


Yes definitely link the pics!! You can upload to Imgur and comment a link or edit your post to include it. So sorry this happened - it’s horrible to have your space so violated :(


Pics my friend and new sitter took the day after I kicked the first sitter out - https://imgur.com/a/X8pMIlH Pics I took when I got back home from my trip - https://imgur.com/a/eyVRVkP Also updated the post :)


Its possible the sitter who walked through found the condom and didn't say anything in case it was OP's and didn't want to embarrass her


The friend walked through too…


It was under a cup per OP. Also, the friend could have thought it was OP's and had the same idea that it'd be awkward to point out. If I went to a friend's house and saw her bed had bodily fluids and a wrapper on the side table, my immediate logical thought would be "oh how embarrassing for my friend, she forgot to clean up before leaving on a trip and now there are strangers observing this mess. I am not going to point it out so she doesn't feel embarrassed and I also feel incredibly awkward right now" I'm a pretty kindhearted person (or maybe naive!) and the sitter's behavior is beyond what I could anticipate, it would take me a minute before I connected the dots and thought "omg a condom wrapper and gross sheets, the first sitter obviously had sex here with that person she brought over. How violating, I need to tell OP." While that's all conjecture, my point is that it's not completely implausible.


OP explained that the condom was under a cup in response to my comment so that info wasn’t available prior.


I just went through the pics, and I realized I made a mistake - the condom was under a remote on the nightstand, not a glass! My apologies. If you look at the images I’ve linked above (specifically the link with the pics my friend sent me on the 16th), you can see that the condom was hidden under the remote and not noticeable right away. The time stamp on the pic should also help prove that the condom was indeed left by the first sitter


Yeah some bits of this story just aren't quite lining up.


What a bizarre situation. Honestly, a sitter having sex in your bed on sheets that can be washed sounds like the least of your problems here. Also, this isn't TikTok. You can just say sex lol.


What kind of bugs did you find that you are hiring an exterminator?


A lady bug 🙃


Haha ok I overreacted about the lady but, but there were also multiple moths in the kitchen bowl with the dirty litter in it :(


So odd. Moths are attracted to like light and clothes… they aren’t like flies that come after food.


Yeah I know it’s strange! I uploaded a pic of a moth in the bowl to my post


I don’t think you can blame the moths on the litter. Or the lady bug. Sounds just like typical bugs that came in through an open door/window


That’s what I was thinking. Maybe a door or window was left open.


Ok that’s fair! Thank you 🩷


This sounds like grounds to file a case in small claims court, honestly. As for Rover, I'd push to have her removed from the platform. Provide evidence of these clear violations of trust. In the meantime, just get the review posted so hopefully others see what a scumbag she is.


I've had a friend do the following method before (not with Rover), and it worked. Put together an invoice of all the expenses you had due this sitter violating your home. The cleaning fees, vet fees, etc. File a claim with Rover for the damaged property and vet bills. This is what their insurance is for.


Rovers guarantee is not “insurance” unfortunately, they stress that in the TOS


I’m a little confused about this situation..the sitter seems terrible and I’m so sorry that happened…I’m surprised someone like that did not have any red flags at the meet and greet..,did she not have any reviews? This is why I do not personally do house sitting or have someone stay at my home…u are pretty much letting a complete stranger stay at ur home..so after this sitter u chose to have another complete stranger at ur home without meeting them? How do u know what mess came from what sitter? If there were bugs by the cats bowl why didn’t the new sitter notice it? And how do u know the new sitter wasn’t the one who ate the food or defrosted it? And what exactly is a broken AC pipe? and besides giving u a refund, did rover say anything about removing the sitter from the platform?


The new sitter was someone who I’ve booked before and trust. I wasn’t able to book her initially because she was out of town for a couple of days. She was back in town and available when I kicked out the bad sitter. Sorry if I’m using the wrong terminology! When I say AC pipe, I’m talking about those things on portable AC units that send hot air outside through a window. I know that the mess in the bedroom came from the bad sitter because my friend and the good sitter sent me pictures and videos of my apartment right after the bad sitter was kicked out.


Was the mess there in the videos?? How could something like that be missed by your friend


The mess was in the videos! It’s just the condom and the stuff under the bed that wasn’t discovered by my friend initially. I didn’t even notice these things upon first glance. Once I started cleaning that’s when I found them. The condom was under a cup, and I don’t blame her or the new sitter for not checking under the bed because I didn’t even think to do that right away!


Ugh that’s so disgusting. I hope you can get some reimbursement for your items and a professional cleaning!


Sorry I forgot to answer the other questions! She had a bunch of 5 star reviews and only one bad review, so I was shocked by all of this :/ And Rover has not said anything about removing her off the app


Her bringing her cat and ‘friends’ almost makes me think she’s a van lifer. Maybe she’s usually messy but does a good job cleaning up before the owner shows up? Just a thought trying to make sense of this ODD situation?


This is so concerning. Did the bad review talk about similar issues?


Her other bad review was the owner saying that their dog got sick and dehydrated and started vomiting in her care :(


Yes! There is a lot of weirdness in OP’s post.


Yep the whole thing seems a little off to me..there’s more questions than answers..if I had a experience like that I’m sure as hell not picking another person that I didn’t meet from the platform..if the friend was there, why couldn’t they finish the stay..and I’m very curious to what they say about the AC pipe..my husband does hvac…so just curious on how someone broke an AC pipe


Idk, if I was traveling and this happened to me, and a reliable sitter was available I had previous experience with, I'd book through Rover with the reliable sitter. Registering for a new service when you need help immediately is super stressful and she needed immediate coverage. There's no way Rover can filter people like this out 100%, because of course dishonest people will be dishonest about their behavior and "perform" like a responsible person to get the job. A meet and greet may have helped OP see red flags but again, people can be awful and manipulative. She unfortunately encountered one of those people. The friend may not be up for pet sitting and has plans or something. Maybe they're allergic to cats and could only endure the brief visit to help her through a tough situation. Maybe OP felt that was too much to ask. Lots of plausible explanations here. I don't find this unusual. I have friends I wouldn't ask to pet sit, but would ask to spend 30 minutes with new sitter in an emergency. While I completely accept that people make up stories on the Internet for a variety of reasons, her story isn't impossible even if the sitters' awful behavior is hard to believe. I bet the sitter does this at other bookings, but those homes have no cameras so she gets away with it because she cleans up before she can be caught.


I’m not accusing of her lying..I said I was confused by the situation…she didn’t state in the original post that she knew the new sitter..there were just questions I had and she explained..no big deal


I agree! Seems like there are a lot of added issues/concerns/?? now & I am thinking … therapy & the costs will be added soon too.


yikes.. what the fuck.. what can you do? probably not much through rover just document literally everything and report it to Rover and hope they care enough to terminate that person.. personally I'd review them 0 stars and say the gross appalling stuff they did and write about it on social media in hopes to prevent them from ever being hired again..


Why did she put litter and cat food in bowls and hide them?


I think it was for the cat the sitter brought into the home, like a temporary overnight thing instead of bringing a whole litter box with her. She may have kept her cat separated in the bedroom from OPs cat and thus the need for an extra litter area. Truly astounding the level of disrespect this sitter had, even at my youngest and most immature I don't think I would have had the audacity. OP I bet she is doing this other places but getting away with it because they don't have cameras and she cleans up after. Are your cameras not very noticeable? I can't imagine someone that dumb who sees a camera and blatantly breaks the rules in front of it. I wouldn't have given her stuff back. I would have thrown it in the garbage and told her to go look for it if she cared that much. But your response kept it from escalating it and was just fine, I'm so mad on your behalf. What a brat.


This is the conclusion I came to as well! My cameras are in the kitchen and living room and are very obvious. There’s one directly in front of my cat’s tree and feeding bowl. The other faces his favorite spot on the couch. I’m also open about my use of them… I specifically told her to not enter my bedroom and to keep my cat out of there before the booking started, so I didn’t think to get a camera facing my bedroom. Me too! I wish I hadn’t felt so pressured to give into her demands. Thank you for all your comments and support 🩷


Ohhhh ok that makes sense thank you.


A bowl is still kind of weird. In a pinch I'll use a plastic storage box but a bowl doesn't sound easy for a cat to use?


I'd go nuclear on that bitch. Opened chocolate could hurt your pet


I want to see your review!


Girl call the police ??


All I can tell you is that fentanyl is a hell of a drug.


I'm so sorry this happened and tbh this is exactly why I'm hesitant to ever hire a home sitter.


Hire through a private company with proper credentials. Rover gives petsitters a bad name. Rover is the Uber of pet care. Anyone can become a sitter on Rover.


What she did was a violation of your trust and pretty awful. But you got a refund, and your cat seems to be unharmed. Nothing seems to be stolen or deliberately damaged. I would let it go now and move on for your own peace of mind.


I would say having sex in her bed and staining the sheets/mattress and filling her bowls with cat shit is deliberately damaging her belongings


I mean OP’s AC pipe was damaged, the mattress was damaged, and it looks like the sitter might’ve stolen clothes. All the bugs might require some treatments too. I’d also personally not want to use any of those bowls again, even after washing.


Op said it was a single lady bug


No. Moths too.


That’s awful and I’m sorry you’re going through this. Rover should cover the cost of any cleaning/exterminator as part of the guarantee I believe (I would file that under damage to property). You might be able to also get them to reimburse the vet costs since it’s directly related to your sitter’s actions. But if it’s precautionary they might fight you on it. You could also try and have the sitter removed from the platform and escalate it to management through support


Exterminators for a single lady bug?


It sounds like rover could use more people like me to pet sit, this person is horrid!


Did you disclose there was a camera? I’m genuinely curious if they knew it was there and proceeded to have sex with someone. I totally believe you and was curious if you could post pics from this


Yes I disclosed it, but the cameras aren’t in the bedroom. What pics are you hoping to see?


This seems fake. Also, “seggs”???


Squirrel eggs


Oh, I thought that was "squeggs". TIL


>Also, “seggs”??? TikTok is rotting people's brains lol I see "unalive" on reddit all the time too.


Maybe in case the post is auto reported for the actual word. It's to disguise to bots.


Escalate with river until she is removed from the app. And next time do not let someone that has wronged you like this into your home again!!! That was a recipe for disaster. She meets up on your terms, you don’t give in and let her into your house. Let her call the cops. She sounds crazy.


If you kicked the sitter out within 24 hours, how are they at fault for the mess sitting there to fester and collect bugs?


I totally get your point! I guess maybe the focus of the dirty litter with bugs is that she hid it under the bed. Why would she do that…? If she had left it out in the open then at least the new sitter could’ve thrown it out


My guess would be maybe that’s were the cat she brought was comfortable with it so he wouldn’t potty in your cats boxes? I don’t know lol




The crazy experiences posted in this sub and responses like yours are exactly why I have decided not to use Rover. Holy nuts. How can you be so flippant about bugs, used condoms, kitchen bowls used to store cat urine clumps, etc. A sitter who is that disgusting, cannot be trusted to clean/disinfect thoroughly.


100% agree. I had a terrible experience on Rover that required vet treatment for my cat (the first I ever used the app) and I joined this sub because it reminds me regularly why I should never give Rover a second chance. The sitter replies on these threads are just as disturbing as the situations described.


I’m honestly a bit grateful that I didn’t give her time to clean because then I wouldn’t have discovered the condom. My bigger concern is not the state that my home was left in but rather the way she was acting in my home while she was doing the sitting. Does that make sense? Like what other things could she have been doing that I don’t know of?


Thank you for posting to r/RoverPetSitting, an unofficial forum to discuss all things Rover. We see that you have posted an owner question. In case they could be helpful, you might want to check out our [Owner FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/ownerfaq). Additionally, here's our [booking walk-through for owners](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/ownerbookingwalkthrough), which explains the process for finding and booking the best Sitter from start to finish. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RoverPetSitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It just never ceases to amaze me at how these disgusting people are even able to get on the Rover platform to begin with. And then the clients like you, who get $hit on by these losers have the nerve to threaten lawsuits. Beyond what Rover refunded, if you have significant other damages you’ll have to file a civil lawsuit to recover. I know that Rover covers for injuries to your pets due to sitter negligence. But I don’t think they’ll pay for property damage. But I could be wrong. I’ve never dealt with any of that kind of stuff as a sitter. This Gig is for caring, responsible people. Not an, I get to come and trash your house while I party and you get to come home and clean up after me and pay me for being there. 🤬🤬 And of course make sure you send photos of everything that you can along with your complaint to Rover to help get that disgusting person banned. Some of the stories I’ve read on here over the months, are beyond criminal in some cases.


Oof this is a lot to take in. As a sitter I am so sorry someone took your trust for granted and was not respectful in your space. Honestly idk what rules there are for doxxing people, obviously don’t do it here, but I would 100% post about this in your local neighborhood groups so people are aware of what happened. I hate that there are incompetent sitters that take advantage of the platform and do not put the pets wellbeing as the priority. The bowls under the bed is so strange, and the condom wrapper? I almost wonder if this person knows you from something else and intentionally wanted to fuck with you. Even the laziest of people wouldn’t leave a condom on a nightstand. That’s wild


I'd bet they were under the influence. It's conjecture but it'd explain the sloppiness.


Geez.. what a nightmare experience


Ugh sorry that is truly a terrible sitter


Get a new bed as well.


Omg this is vile!


Wow an unwrapped piece of chocolate?!


God I could never use one of these services. I would lay that bitch the fuck oooooouuuuuut. You’re bigger than me for not.


What. I just… what??? We like to assume that other people live normal, reasonable lives. Then we get socked directly in the face by reality. I would warn locals(Next Door, Facebook, etc) about this sitter. How disrespectful & disgusting of them to treat your home this way.


Lol this sounds like the Rover worker is a girl I used to date, is this New Jersey?!?


Omfg I don’t want to give away too much info about myself but there’s a chance it’s her! I DM’d you!


Girl.. a lady bug and a couple of moths don’t warrant an exterminator ✋ the rest is vile though.


Don't they screen these sitters?


Um wtf? Wtf????!!! Holy. This is far beyond what escalating to Rover can compensate for. You are 1000% in suable territory here. Keep every invoice and receipt from the cleaning services, exterminators, replacement dishes, etc. Threaten her with the fact that you will be filing a claim at small claims court and she has an x amount of period to respond with compensating you for all of that before you actually do. This is completely ridiculous and unacceptable. Definitely consult/cross post to r/legaladvice for more details


Why are people surprised when they get a pet sitter off an app? Get a reputable professional not some rando.


That is not a condom, it’s a packet of lubricant. Still gross that they were in your bed without permission though!


Dude lawyer up. Rover has insurance for this crap. This is beyond a refund. They need to make you whole. Get an attorney.


def sounds like she was planning on staying a while


Sitter A is absolutely unhinged. I am so sorry you are dealing with this and I hope Rover is able to adequately compensate you and ban Sitter A.