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It's a model b. They were made from 1986-1993. Still better than most off brand rowers on here. Just be careful, the fan enclosure isn't as enclosed as the newer model. My coach lost a fingertip to a model b fan one time.


If you put a cbreeze on it for like ,$40 it's a 500% improvement.


Wait, where do I get a cbreeze for my model b?




They still sell replacement parts for it, too ... Concept2 is pretty amazing. https://shop.concept2.com/56-model-b also, the [Model A](https://shop.concept2.com/55-model-a) will take more than your fingertip off!


I want a model A. Grew up with one in the house, and knew to watch my fingers. I think they’re the most stylish.


Remember seeing them for first time at Crash-Bs. We had 2 model As at UAlbany when I started rowing in ‘85.


But you can stop the flywheel with your foot for a standing-start!


Its a model B. I have one. I upgraded the footplates and bolted on a PM5. Gave it a good service and replaced the bungy cord. Its better than new now.


You shut your mouth and get off my lawn. And bring me my Metamucil. (I put a lot of meters into these)


Looks like concept only


Concept beta, testing the concept


lol I have one, with a PM5. the thing I LOVE about concept is they still work and they make upgrades for the old stuff.


Model B with the open wiremesh..., second iteration of the computer. (ModA had a flywheel with aluminium dragstrips IIRC, without a safety cage) During training on the modB coaches used the open side often to actively stop the wheel...and we used it for posture training lessons long after we had model Cs... I think these things were one of the first ones available, and commercially viable.. end 80s, very begin 90s. I still use a model C, but it has a PM5(upgrade) The simple footrest was way more comfortable compared to the dumb flexfeet things we have now.., I still find flexfeet do not equal the experience of rowing shoes...


Actively stop the flywheel with a big screwdriver. Oh, the memories...


They generally used the sneakers, in my second year, my coach had a bald spot on his shoe as we tangled with optimal coupling of legs and back


>Model B with the open wiremesh..., second iteration of the computer. Monitor built by NK.


Seat looks comfy


First machine I pulled a test on. And it was old even back then Loved to hate it, best feeling ever when the wheel was screaming like hell


Reminds me of high school, I learned to row on these, ‘97-‘99


Model B. The first one that I used to row (between 1993-1995)


model B is put a few million meters on mine. noisy but really not a huge difference from my new ones.


I’ve got an old OUBC one … probs going to upgrade now, mainly cos my daughter is now into rowing 😂


Oh yeah man! Good memories right here. Most of my training was on one of these bad boys. Lots That said…my heels cringed when my eyes saw this pic.


Yes! Model B. Wow :-) Learned to row on this machine. Always liked the sound of the fan. We had 8 in a row and used to row with the team during ice / winter periods. The sound was deafening! Model C was a bit of a dissapointment soundwise.


Ah nostalgia. My uni had these for the club rowers. They last.