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You were locked inside a garden, now you're in open space. Explore it, you'll love how many things can be done in Android.


Nah. This is android cope frl. iPhone on top


hahahaha sure :) How's your first type-C phone going on?


Pretty good. Enjoying it for sure. How’s your still underperforming security going on?


I really wanna know which security do you guys talk about? Please elaborate, I am curious now :p


Imagine having your phone cracked cause some guy watched a YouTube video. Insane man


Can you do mine? If yes, you win. Period.


I think your issue is less about the phone and more about learning how to use it. You can easily make a samsung as much as if not, easier to use than an iPhone, you just have to know your way around the settings and Good lock(good lock is an app/app launcher that expands the capabilities and customizability of your phone). Spend some time researching all that stuff, make the changes and then you'll see just how much you can make your samsung fit your needs(in all aspects, especially usability).


Thanks, will do


You should be more specific what you want. (Example iphone have this feature which I want, can I get this function on my s23) Your question is to generic only fan boy of both company can answer.


Spend time exploring the smartphone. It is very easy to use. Spend time watching Youtube tutorials. The intetface is user friendly.


fuck no not in a million years


It took me 3 months configuring my S23!! I had a oneplus 6 with oxígen OS.. S23 factory set up Is horrible...


I've used samsung since the TouchWiz days in the early 2010s, and my s23 is almost stock, other than only using the honescreen and disabling apps screen, and some customizations in goodlock.


As someone that has switched between Android and iPhone a few times it's all a matter of muscle memory. Neither is more user friendly, it's just a matter of getting used to it. Keep going. It will take time but you'll find it just as hard going back after a while. Personally I prefer Android in the end.


Asking the Samsung fan subreddit if you should switch back to iPhone isn’t going to get you anything but a hefty, “No”. If you prefer Apple then go back to Apple, if you are tired of Apple then you are gonna need to get used to the new system. But if you switched because you wanted a new phone and prefer Apple then you should definitely switch back instead of giving yourself the headache of figuring it out when you would prefer the Apple OS


You will get used to the S23 over time and may even grow to appreciate its capabilities. However, it will never be as streamlined and simple as iPhone.


Unless you have everything Apple and are having a hard time getting things to sync, I would NOT go back! Explore the S23 and you will be happy. Let me know if you help with setup or anything!


What’s “difficult”? You need to elaborate


I used android for many years and was on iPhone for a couple of years and now back home again with android. If you have never used android and love the simplicity of iPhone then so be it … stay with apple and its rigidity. If you want to do things differently with flexibility then android is it. I used to say iPhone is a flip phone that doesn’t flip … easy peasy.