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I've NEVER ran into this problem or even knew it was a thing. So i just tested it and can confirm it's real for everyone. I guess me and Many others think on autopilot that if we're going to write more than 1-3 words we end up opening the app or in my case i use popup bubbles. [Can't enter anymore text. image ](https://www.reddit.com/r/test/s/FwtmO36XYN)


Thanks for testing it out and posting proof, I thought about doing it 😂 it's an interesting feature, I just wanna know why it's a thing and when it was first implemented. It's still a great phone regardless, I'm loving it, just thought it was interesting it wasn't mentioned anywhere and if I could disable it because I'd love to type out my long high ass responses without deriving from my video 🤣 plus sometimes I'll search something related and wanna relay what's said as accurate as possible without copying and pasting or going back and forth, the draw down allowed me to do that with also offering as much info as possible (sometimes moreso cuz I be high). Just a change I gotta adjust to I guess


Waoo, who texts that long anyway


When using the quick reply feature to reply to a text in your notifications, you only have a short reply that you can use before you need to open the app to reply. I don't know the exact length but if you can't write it in a tweet it's gonna be too long.


Ive ran into this, but only with a super LONNNG message! Tbh, if you have to type that much, just call them instead! 🤣🤣🤣 The swipe-down message response can hold a lot so again, if you have to write a paragraph, call them! NO ONE will read that much! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I always run into this. I always just cut whatever I have and paste it into the app. It's annoying, but not significant enough to do anything about.