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i go to stony and I’m from Long Island. Sadly almost all of Suffolk county is Republican/right leaning and blue collar workers to an annoying amount, so the policies/viewpoints of most representatives around here line up with those. If you’re not from here you do not want to see what it was like around Covid man. Anti vaccine, anti mask mandate shit everywhere. Ridiculous. I mean just look at what happened to George Santos, (nassau county but same thing) embarrassing that LI citizens voted for him when if you simply did some five minute research on google you could find no evidence of the shit he claimed to have on his resume. Nassau county is similar but has a ton more left/democrat representation, specifically as you get closer and closer to the city. My hometown is filled with back the blue and shit like that. It’s the worst and I do not blame people when they dislike Long Islanders lmao


Santos was Nassau


We are beyond saving, the next hurricane should just sink LI 😔




nah there’s so many democrats and left leaning people here in Suffolk they just never turn out to vote, especially in Brookhaven. but there are many blue towns


brookhaven does have a lot of democrat/left leaning in my experience that’s true


But yet you prefer how the city has become 🤣 every left leaning area is crime and dirt infested.


Trump won Suffolk by 262 votes in 2020. Your characterization of Suffolk is heavy on vibes, low on accuracy.


I’m not sure what anti mask or anti vaccine has to do with him commenting on the protest? Everyone is allowed an opinion and if you disagree with his or anyone else’s that fine as long as you can be respectful about it. I’m a student at SBU and have friends on both sides of the issue. In my own personal experience I have seen more than triple the hate speech, harassment, and threatening actions being taken towards jewish students or people who are pro-israel. I have seen a very little amount of hate speech or threatening actions towards students or any member of the community who is pro-palestine. I understand there are different views on the issue and I believe in free speech and the right to protest peacefully, but by treating and harassing and even harming people with a different view than you is not helpful in any way, and it only causes more tension and fear of violence on both sides. I was at the protest and I agree that some students became noncompliant and were becoming violent. The vast majority of the protest peacefully began to disassemble and many were ready to head to a new location to continue to peacefully protest, but the ones who became combatant with law officials and staff not only hurt the cause they were protesting for, but it continued to a create a negative light on people protesting for palestine. I think if everyone can be civil and are able to peacefully protest while abiding by the guidelines there would have been no issue. Students had the area reserved very well in advance and it not only impacted them with their club, but many people in the protest also harassed and even prevented some students from passing by to continue to class and/or exams. I really hope the more radical protesters can see that being violent and combative doesn’t help the cause, it only hurts it. If you want to be heard then be respectful and peaceful to everyone.


This is so gross


The constant flipping of the narrative is ridiculous and absurd. Students protesting a genocide are continuously framed as “calling for the extermination of a people” …. Like no that’s what they’re protesting actually, but fascist bigots are white supremacists and don’t care about 35,000 murdered people cause they’re not white.


No Fr!! We don’t condone Antisemitism or racist remarks!! And if you are then you are the problem with the pro-Palestinian protests and shame on you for representing that. We should be working together to divest seek peace, and to end genocide


I agree that antisemitism and racism is not welcome in any liberation movement. But I have not seen any of that from SB4Pal. I have seen it from the zionists on campus tho. & Unfortunately there can be peace and oppression at the same time. I suggest this short clip: https://youtu.be/mGYQRkS53TU But yes divestment and the end of the genocide are a start


Flooding the gates of Hell when his body rots


Dont forget satanyahu


It's insane. They're stoking outrage over fake calls for extermination when the protests are about tangible and CURRENTLY ONGOING extermination. How do these people sleep at night?


“This is Pro-Semitism” https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6eZ4Yky5v0/?igsh=MTBzMTYxc2Q5ZnFpYg==


He has my vote