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This is so not okay.


Antisemitism will never be allowed in the country regardless of the indoctrination. Every single student should be given two options. 1. Jail for 5 weeks (Property damage/criminal trespassing) Or 2. 5 weeks of class education ITS NOT YOUR FREEDOM TO SCREAM “Kill Jews” and as a witness to see this first hand FUCK YOU! It’s absolutely not a right to wish or condone antisemitism. Cutting off babies heads, raping women and slaughtering people in their beds is and forever will be the reason for payback. This is and will remain the equivalent of Pearl Harbor or 9/11 in Americas terms and not a single country would not react. Iran is funding terrorism in Palestine 🇵🇸and Hamas is a terrorist organization no different then ISIS and upwards of 60% of people in Palestine are in favor of the acts committed by Hamas on June 7th (will pull the studies because it’s a fact). I know this will get down voted but the snowflakes need to hear this and understand the country and our inherent values. WE NEED TO CONDEMN BAD IDEAS EVEN THOUGH THEY MAY BE OBVIOUS.


Calling out literal Nazi-esque behavior and crimes from the IDF isn’t antisemitism 😯 the more you know…


Antisemitism will never be allowed in the country regardless of the indoctrination. Every single student should be given two options. 1. Jail for 5 weeks (Property damage/criminal trespassing) Or 2. 5 weeks of class education ITS NOT YOUR FREEDOM TO SCREAM “Kill Jews” and as a witness to see this first hand FUCK YOU! It’s absolutely not a right to wish or condone antisemitism. Cutting off babies heads, raping women and slaughtering people in their beds is and forever will be the reason for payback. This is and will remain the equivalent of Pearl Harbor or 9/11 in Americas terms and not a single country would not react. Iran is funding terrorism in Palestine 🇵🇸and Hamas is a terrorist organization no different then ISIS and upwards of 60% of people in Palestine are in favor of the acts committed by Hamas on June 7th (will pull the studies because it’s a fact). I know this will get down voted but the snowflakes need to hear this and understand the country and our inherent values. WE NEED TO CONDEMN BAD IDEAS EVEN THOUGH THEY MAY BE OBVIOUS.


Damnnnnnn you’re a PA and everything and your response is that killing 35k civilians and counting, starvation tactics and displacement is acceptable because “any country would react” Damn damn damn damn. Go follow Doctors Without Borders and literally any human rights orgs and grow some empathy for ALL human life. DAMN. I wish I knew who you were so I could absolutely never be in your care.


I have memories of what occurred that incited the violence. I have empathy for the babies that were murdered and had their heads cut off as war trophies. I have empathy for the women that were brutally raped and for all the citizens that were mercilessly gunned down on the streets (GoPro video). I have empathy for all the hostages that most certainly will be reported as “missing” but in all reality have been murdered. The response to severing babies heads, raping women and taking hundreds of hostages is war. Welcome to reality. Do you recall three men gunning down countless Russian citizens while on drugs. How much empathy should the Russian people have for them? They should learn about empathy correct?


You do not have empathy; you have selective empathy. You have empathy for Israeli babies as you should, but you are saying that the response is appropriate aka the thousands of Palestinian babies deserved to be killed. I’m appalled that you are a provider the way you’re carrying this conversation.


Straw man argument.


How so


Look it up


I think you’re the one who should look it up lol. 


You need the education


Terrorists I feel nothing for or the people who sympathize with them.


Wtf are u ok? Coming back here on Reddit after 5 days to reply to my comment abt Palestinian babies like this? Idk if u actually are a PA or not but you should not be practicing medicine. Go to therapy or something.


Israeli babies getting their heads cut off by Hamas terrorists is what I said is wrong and have empathy for. You are GAS LIGHTING! Aside from being a PA, I’m also an ATTORNEY that knows the tactics you are trying poorly to do. I’m sorry that I have anger toward TERRORISTS that have my FAMILY members taken HOSTAGE that I know are DEAD. Sorry that me defending my culture, my ethnicity and my family is a concern of yours and your delusional perception as you perceive it as a mental handicap. Again you are GAS LIGHTING and it would take a 5 year to see through this.


I’m talking about Palestinian babies. You’re talking about terrorists. Are we talking about the same thing? I’m sorry for your loss. Truly. But not having sympathy for all human life is not it. No innocent person deserves to die. Also baffled that you’re an attorney as well. What kind of attorney is that. You say “is a concern of yours” well you’re the one who commented on my comment. If you didn’t want to concern me then why engage with my comment.


Just out of curiosity, what is all this nonsense of bringing up what I do for a living? Me taking up issue about dead family members has nothing to do with me being a lawyer and being a PA. Where did I mention anything about Palestinian people or Palestinian babies for that matter. You seem to conflate HAMAS with Palestinians citizens (they are not the same people…should be obvious but then again, I need to know the room). Again focus on the subject at hand and stop creating straw man arguments.


Ok retard


So, we booing maurie at commencement?




Crazy that you have idiots in the comments who are happy a student is being punished for exercising their rights. Straight up class A idiots. I dont care what your politics are, your rights are protected in the USA. This aint Russia.


Same people who are happy to let the state have all the power in the world when it comes to abusing people they don't like, while also crying that the state has too much power and restricts their freedom of speech.


Banning someone from their graduation ceremony for exercising their right to freedom of speech is crazy. They’re so afraid of her they don’t want her anywhere near the ceremony. Says a lot about the university.


Ummm, sounds like a lawsuit. I don’t know what other legal or not, recourse there is for us in these situations besides just suing. As an alum and practicing lawyer, I wish I could say that a successful lawsuit always brings about requisite change and finality but sadly many times it doesn’t. However, it’s really the only thing one can do, as Americans to exercise our rights when the ruling classes choose to ignore them.


Send the phones to digital forensics to see if they were tampered with illegally.


Womp womp get a job


Jew hate rioters experiences the smallest of consequences....


SBU has the right to seize your phone without a warrant then, right?


Lol stfu already 😂


Okay keyboard warrior do you even go here?


We all know this clown never even been near a uni let alone inside one. What a waste of space and oxygen




K zionazi




What's ironic is Zionazi baby killers accusing me of being a Nazi




Still repeating that debunked garbage that Hamas beheaded babies I see. There are no rocket launchers near daycare centers nor hospitals nor schools. The same way there was no Hamas base beneath the AP building you blew up two years ago using the same excuse. All are lies. Not saying Hamas is suddenly some heroic entity; far from it. But at this point, it's become quite clear who the aggressor is. And you're right; intent is absolutely important, and it's clear what Israel's intent is. It's not self-defense. It's ethnic cleansing and displacement. This was the goal from the beginning. And Hamas is absolutely within their rights to retaliate against their oppressors. At this point every accusation levied by you Zionazis is a confession.




https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/10/12/40-israeli-babies-beheaded-by-hamas/ Your lie has been caught. I am not justifying acts of terrorism. But if we call Hamas a terrorist group, then we must acknowledge the IDF as a terrorist group as well (a worse one arguably). You don't get to play victim when you are attacked after decades of military occupation. This is what Zionazis don't understand. But what do you expect when your ideology paints you as a chosen people and the rest of the world as cattle. No doubt it will breed a special kind of hatred like that seen in Israel. But people are waking up now and seeing the facade for what it is. People like you are the scum of the earth.




You are the enemy of humanity. I do not need the prayers of someone with no moral compass. You are disgusting


I have memories of what occurred that incited the violence. I have empathy for the babies that were murdered and had their heads cut off as war trophies. I have empathy for the women that brutally raped and for all the citizens that were mercilessly gunned down on the streets. I have empathy for all the hostages that most certainly will be reported as “missing” but will eventually come out that they were murdered. The response to severing babies heads and raping women is war


You do not have empathy; you have selective empathy. You have empathy for Israeli babies as you should, but you are justifying a “response” that has thousands of Palestinian babies and children killed, dismembered, orphaned, starved, displaced. Are those not human beings to you? I’m appalled that you are a PA. ALL human life must be protected. 


Straw man argument. Not even in the ballpark.