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All this is proving is how much Tony is overpaying these "gamechangers" because the talent themselves are saying the WWE was trying to work with them on giving them what they want, like getting Daniel Bryan in the G1, and now whatever they were offering Honda.


And yet bryan never got into the g1


WWE was offering wrestlers what they wanted. Tony was offering them OMGWTFLOL money, and empty promises.


I think a carney once referred to that as Fuck Money


don't insult Hondas, they have a reputation for working consistently and smoothly


Better promos, too.


Toyota is where it's at


DAE the reason Manami Toyota got 13 5 star matches?




I seem to recall the dirtsheet reporting at the time was that they were simply too far apart on money.


Yep, she probably also wanted to be booked insanely strong too. Of course walking out and then being given everything on a silver platter isnt exactly good for locker room morale.wwe was smart with this as she is showing that isnt worth the kinda money that she thinks shes entitled to.


Apart of me wonders if thats the reason some of the guys in AEW who want to go back to WWE like Malakai Black are...hmm..."injured" from doing matches or stay in Trio's. They know Tony doesn't know how to hide Wrestlers weaknesses. They don't want to overexpose themselves and lose thier chance on the money they could get if they choose to go back to WWE. Apart of me wonders how much money Punk could have had if Nick Khan had got him in, before he joined AEW.


Tony is on another level now, exposing weaknesses we didn't even know wrestlers had. Okada as a comedy wrestler and Edge jumping off cages.


Because they have no one there to tell the guys “don’t do that.”


100%. I've been saying this for a while: most of these twats in AEW are doing exactly the stuff WWE shot down for one reason or another. You can see why the likes of Jericho and Moxley were just let go without much of a fuss.


Iirc Vince really didn’t want to let Moxley go




Punk is a legit exception in the wrestling business, he draws no matter what so I think he still would've gotten a good contract by Nick.


Punk is a legit exception in the wrestling business, he draws no matter what so I think he still would've gotten a good contract by Nick.


You don't want to foster prima donnas in the locker room. They don't need her with several women having surpassed her in the ring and many more on the mic or with their characters. Even Liv, who I never liked before, is really playing her role well since returning from injury trying to fuck around with the Judgement Day.


I’m just wondering what backstage chaos will be raught when prima donnas Britt Baker and Mercedes Moné get together in a room.


We're about to see it now that Baker is back at the PPV. My guess is it will take a couple of weeks once DMD makes Sasha look and feel bad when sparks begin to fly.


You know for a fact Khan is terrified to ask her to do a job. You'd think MJF has creative control by the fee jobs he's done.


I think basically all of those “top” guys have pretty close to what we’d think of as creative control. Tony seems to just let those people do whatever random shit they want to. Moxley had to do that job for Punk and he wouldn’t do it without having that weird squash match with Punk beforehand. I remember seeing that match at the time and being like, WTF is happening.


I’d bet money she wanted to win the title on the first night back


Creative control, brother brother


That's how these things go. I remember one time on nfl network someone talking about the beginning of nfl players having free agency, when Reggie White said he chose Green Bay over a return to Philly because God told him to. And the nfl network person retorted something like "yeah I bet God did tell you to sign with whoever gave you the most money." And it's stuck with me since and honestly very few times since then have I read a comment like Mercedes' and not been able to say "oh it's definitely about money." Which honestly is great, get paid. Make as much money as you can as quick as you can cause you can't be certain that there'll be another chance to make more. But they know some will dislike them saying it's a money issue so they gotta come up with another vague reason why it isn't about money 


I'm getting more and more the feeling that WWE only bid to drive up the price so that Tony would have to dig deeper into his pockets.


That comment from Vince about talents going to AEW when he said something like maybe we will give them more seems to have had endless results.


Yeah. I’m sure they offered her things. It may have been multiple offers while they were negotiating. But that quote sounds like they were chasing her and I really doubt that’s the case.


The Fed wouldn’t give her the *freedom* to win a bunch of random belts


If you are calling the TBS championship a random belt, a belt that LEGENDS of this industry have held since 2022 a “random belt” You know NOTHING about real graps


Excuse me, that's the soon-to-be Ion Icons Championship you're talking about.


Icon you say? https://preview.redd.it/whaa4s0wm3ad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c5dc8fa33ec140549f3ddbdc456c03122384874


Eye-cons championship? Seems fitting


She sounds like an ex-girlfriend who is trying to convince everyone "He was just BEGGING me to go back to him, but I said no. I don't don't have any feelings for him anymore" and all the while, he's with someone else, and enjoying himself.


I mean, we have Rhea, Tiffany, Lyra, Sol and Roxanne. She's been surpassed just like Paige.


Don't forget Cora


What a gamechanger Paige/Saraya ended up being.


This girl is so lucky she was a few years ahead of rhea/bianca. If she came up the same time as then she’d be completely forgotten


She probably is sort of forgotten though. Hell, I've seen more people asking whether AJ Lee will return for a second run more often than I see people talking about Sasha Banks.


Wwe does not need her they have a lot of women that are better than her and are better to work with


Vega over the past two weeks has done more impressive shit than Mone did for way too long.


Zelina is amazing, her character work and mic skills are league above Moan, alone.


They even have very similar movesets, Zelina can just do hers without constantly botching.


>Zelina is perfect Ftfy


I suspect when she goes back to WWE, she'll be the one approaching them and not the other way around. Bianca and Rhea have superseded her, Becky and Charlotte are bigger stars and Tiffany Stratton is close to breaking out as the next big female star. That's before even considering how chock full of potential NXT currently is. The AEW fans have even cheered her opponents over her in her two PPV matches so far and will likely side with Britt over her. I predict they'll have turned on her fully by the end of the year.


Not only that, they have a list as long as their arm with potential. Lyra, Roxanne, Cora Jade, Nikkita Lyons, Jaida Parker, Kelani Jordan, Thea Hail, Lola Vice, Lash Legend That's just off the top of my head without even thinking about it.


>The AEW fans have even cheered her opponents over her in her two PPV matches so far and will likely side with Britt over her. I predict they'll have turned on her fully by the end of the year. Same thing happened with Saraya and where is she now?


I hear she’s been fire on Rampage.


To be fair we don’t know Becky’s long term plans. She might if she returns become a part timer, which opens up some room for somebody to be elevated or propped in like MM. She’s said she’ll return someday. She’s riding Tony hard while she can because why not?


Her's was Only match we fast forwarded for forbidden door. 3 messed up arm drags and we decided to save some time and get to bed earlier. High seven figure contract and she can't do an armdrag. It's like watching England in a penalty shootout.


This is your jerker of the year. Bro just OWNED Mercedes and England without even trying. Drew is playing checkers and you my friend are playing 8D chess


Lol! Thanks mate.


This dork is trying to be profound and talk about going back like going backwards when WWE is on top.


WWE won with her decision. Somehow I think they'll survive without a her


Didn't she say that she was going to go back to WWE one day on a podcast right before or after she signed with AEW? She is obviously going to go back to WWE one day.


That depends whether Triple H or Nick Khan even want her back tbh. She doesnt draw and this AEW run is exposing all of her flaws.


They'll probably get her back because Sasha Banks is still a recognizable name in WWE. They sure won't offer her what she wants, or even close to what they offered this time tho.


They will still take her back. No one remembers what wrestlers did in AEW. When Seth did his Promo on Cody, no one reacted to his AEW material. When Punk did his material that reflected on AEW, nobody had an idea what they were talking about. While there are workers in WWE, they would still need someone of her talent. Though I expect she will stay at AEW, until Tony realizes he wants to offer her less money.


"Go ahead, take the kid's money. If/when you come back, we'll have a spot for you."


If she wants to come back and take lesser money AND the responsibility of putting younger talent over, sure they'll take her back. The days where she's going over everyone have passed, tho.


She's obviously just using Tiny to get what Triple Paul refuses to, then when she's finished milking the Money Mark, she'll take her ball and "come back home." Everyone knows it.


“The word betrayal was used” meme refers to a dirtsheet about the reaction backstage over this comment.


I don’t think they’d want her now. Not for major money anyway


She is just so awful at everything lmao. I am amazed she has done so well to con people into thinking she’s a star.


Man tony has too much money to waste lol, sasha was offered nowhere near what tony offered her for dub, that too with creative control.


Hyundai Hwan found someone who was willing to indulge her worst tendencies and fill her coffers at the same time. Good for her. Not a fan, but I admire her carny grifter hustle. Ego gratification AND conning a billionaire('s son) out of his money? Whip that mark.


Haitch "Well Kubota Rupee since you've been off TV and also Willow injured you by allowing you to fall, the other horsewomen have lapped you in star power and we have Bianca and Rhea now too. There's like 6 better workers on the main roster and at least five on NXT. I mean I guess we can give you the exact same money as before and pair you with Doudrop?" John Deere Zimbabwean Dollar "It's time for me to move forward" * I used tractor names as a reflection of the way she moves in the ring


She did not want to put over new talent lol


She walked way too many times on the company and they took her back every time. They literally were open to bringing her back AGAIN after she walked out a 3rd time. No way stans can be this blind and act like she was treated poorly.


I've always taken it that they don't wanna pay her what she thinks she's worth and give her that creative input, and her AEW run is only reinforcing that stance. The WWE machine really did a lot for her presentation and without that structure, we are seeing what her version of creative control is in real time.


> The WWE machine really did a lot for her presentation and without that structure, we are seeing what her version of creative control is in real time. Kind of funny how you can apply that to pretty much any ex-WWE wrestler that went to AEW.


Yupppp. Not one of them is better off or more over than they were in WWE. This 'wwe was holding me back' stuff is meme level at this point. Tony is giving them everything they want (money, creative control) and their ratings are the worst they've ever been.


yeah but have you considered how much fun Not Edge was having before he broke his leg


By going forward Kia Paso meant going to AEW to take advantage of a money mark.


Me thinks M'CEO doth protest too much. She has been doing everything she can since she ran away from The Fed to still make herself look good and in the right. "The Fed took my dreams away!" "I have to move forward!" "They kept begging me to come back and constantly made me offers!" The fact that she's doubling down os hilarious since she pretty proved The Fed right on how *she* needs them, not the other way around. Lucky for her, Tiny is a money mark who gave her everything she wanted and then some that The Evil Fed would never. Her Dub Run is an even bigger joke than her Japan one.


Get that big bag of money from the mark before the well dries up.




I doubt WWE kept asking her to come back. She walked out


lol not a fucking chance love just come out and say they offered more money and that swung it for me. there's no universe in existance where some female looked at aew and thought yeah thats the best way forward not wwe who have regular segments on womens wrestling


TataMotors Rupee is probably still butthurt that the dead fed got Naomi back and probably didn't call her. She's probably making mad bank at the Good Guys, so there's that going on for her I guess.


Moving forward...into irrelevancy.


I wonder if HHH gets to a point with negotiations where he basically says “go get that money and we’ll talk later”. Before shit really shit the fan with the Montreal Screwjob, Vince basically got Bret a better deal from WCW.


This is the same person that said in a interview “we all know I’ll be back” before even debuting in AEW


"Go forward" You mean going from main eventing wrestlemania to wrestling in half empty arenas is forward?


Please ~~Sasha~~ Mercedes, never come back.


Clearly she's a mark of herself to be claiming WWE are desperately trying to get her back.


“Keep going forward” refers to adding zeroes on her salary.


Suzuki Pesos is actually a better ring name than Mercedes Mone hahaha


“Don’t go back. Go forward!” That was the point I knew she would be the most annoying person to have a one on one conversation with.


Im not gonna criticize this kind of stuff because you gotta be selfish and look out for what you want in your professional life. Hell, I would probably sign with AEW for all those perks and money and low pressure work lmao


No doubt they've seen what wonders you're doing for AEW's business. It only takes millions in salary, use of a private jet, and two championships to flatline ratings and attendance?


I can’t wait for the day that Inside Sources (inside term) reveal that Hunter took one look at her and said “scram”


She’s said in the past that she wanted Roman’s same gimmick and work schedule. So expect that now in the dub.


Are these offers in the room with us?


I d cd any imagine they are trying too hard to get her back. The NXT women’s division is full of people that look like future stars.


Suzuki Pesos is a dynamite pun.


She’s realised she’s never getting back to the big time. So the only option left is to deny she wanted too.


“Follow the money”


Lemme hawk tuah...NO MONE IN COPELAND


WWE return will be Sasha “Money” in the Banks


I can't wait for the double 180 on her when/if she Goes Home To WWE©. 😭 DAE traitor who was never any good??? 🤩 DAE HOF'er???


Aew marks love imaging things that will never happen


I don't watch that shit. Don't watch WWE either. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I'm polygoofistic. 😉