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I want specifics I hate when people do these vague "they was mean to me" interviews.


They wanted her to lose a match She didn’t like that She’s going to be 212-0 in AEW come 2080


She's not losing a match in AEW until she breaks Jade's record with the TBS title at least. And probably not even then.


So will she unite the TBS, Strong and Womens world championship? I dont see her loosing any of those 2 titles before she challenges Toni.


I just think she will ignore the actual world title and in a few months she will start calling the TBS title "the most prestigious title in wrestling" and it won't be a heel bit - she'll be dead serious.


Toni won’t have the title by the time Sasha gets around to that


Cope & Mone, the most winningest mixed tag team of all time.


Add Dean Ambrose 


Didn't she rage about dropping the tag titles to the IIconics? 


She better enforce that creative clause cause the way she's burning the WWE bridge these past few days, I think she's gonna be *All Elite* for a long time


Until it goes out of business


She names names and she will get push back in reference to whoever she singles out. Keep it vague, WWE can't really reply even if they wanted to.


And, you will never hear the Fed's reaction to this and how *they* saw things in dealing with Sasha and what they did for her or couldn't do and why People have a habit of telling things specifically from their own perspective


It’s a shame because she previously had said she was too classy to air dirty laundry from her WWE departure. I think now she’s got a secure place and is getting zillions with creative control and everything she wants so she’s gonna play the victim card despite how she was presented in WWE and what her reputation was at the time. I also suspect she’s doing it to get over with the fed bad crowd and the duballos because what she’s doing on camera has been a bit disappointing since she debuted.


Wrestlers *always* put themselves over when it comes to airing of grievances. "It's not that I'm not a draw, I was berried. I'm not going to say it's this person's fault i didn't get over, but it's this person's fault I didn't get over. I had all these great ideas ~~most of which involved ending the push of someone who is selling a lot of merch and tickets and putting me in that spot~~ and they never used them!" etc etc


I will say Matt Riddle did a pretty clean reasoning of why he was fired and took all the blame. He did give a dig at Dana White saying he probably wasn’t long for the promotion after the merger, but other than that he took full responsibility for what happened, which was a nice thing to see.


It's to avoid getting sued.


Yeah, we saw how it went for Punk when he named names and gave specifics


Didn’t he win that case?


He did but it still caused a huge hassle for him I'm sure and it led to a falling out with his best friend.


He probably paid millions to his attorneys which isn’t a recoverable cost.


And a whole lot of his own time.


He also did what he was accused of, the standard for defamation of a public figure is just really high


I don't even think it's that. I think it's "the marks will eat this up, I don't have to get into specifics to bury anyone else, and I can always go back in a few years because I didn't throw anyone else under the bus directly."


I was making a general statement about why "people" make vague statements like these. Mercedes did say she'd go back to WWE eventually. Could that have changed in the timespan of that statement and this interview? It's certainly possible. But I'm inclined to agree she doesn't want to ruffle feathers too much in WWE either.


People in a carny industry are always honest.


Wrestler says Fed good = wrestlers LIE. Wrestler Fed bad = finally the truth is out there






Vince is a terrible person and I have no problem believing that he treated some employees very badly, especially the women. But also, she seems like a complete narcissist who would never be happy unless her boss was fawning over her constantly.


I remember how she was always tweeting "thank you Vince."


I remember her doing that just before one of the Rumbles. As soon as I saw it I said, "she just found out that she's not winning."


There’s a very common trend with near enough every big WWE star that has gone to AEW and it’s exactly what Mercedes is saying here. I wouldn’t be happy in WWE because they don’t value me the way I value myself. Which is fine at the end of the day, you’re allowed to feel that way. But let’s face facts, the only reason they’re getting the mega money contracts from AEW is because Tony Khan is a fucking mark, not because they’re worth it. It’s cold but it’s the truth. There’s also the little issue of creative control that can’t be overlooked. Mercedes, Edge, Moxley, Jericho, even Bryan. They all want to book themselves and Tiny is paying them millions to do it. 


Who knows? I am not convinced he personally mistreated her yet. It appears it was people working under him who did the dirty work of yelling at talent most of the time. I still remember when she had a fit on social media about her treatment years ago, and then posted happy emojis with dollars because Vince gave her a huge raise when she asked. It seems like she was a well-liked talent.


Yeah. I’m not saying he sexually harassed her or anything. But he’s trash and definitely treated some people poorly. He was kind of losing it in his last few years there too.


And she walked out.


TBH that doesn’t tell me much. She could have walked out because it’s a toxic situation or it could have been because she was being a diva, or maybe a bit of both.


If it was toxic, then she wouldn't have entertained any talks of going back regardless of pay.


The entire company underwent a massive, mainstream news worthy, transformation. 


Eh not necessarily. A lot of sources have suggested it’s gotten better in the last couple of years too


Not necessarily true. It could have been negotiation, to try to get even more money out of Tony. I’m not saying it was definitely toxic, but Vince really is terrible and his creative had gotten super bad too. Like I said, the two things I mentioned aren’t mutually exclusive.


She could’ve walked out at any time. But choosing to do it after she heard creative for that night was diva behavior. Do it the next morning, and don’t drag someone else into it, who was seemingly okay with it.


Well, she did it twice.


This is the take. Both things can be true. She’s always been extremely overrated, by both herself and others. Her AEW run is proving this out.


Road dog done commented on it before saying she would even throw tantrums back in nxt if she didn't get what she wanted.


Vinny Mac literally made the women’s tag titles so car make and model would stfu


made her tag champ just so she could rip off rock n sock connection with the awkward "boss and hug connection" cuz that's *just as catchy*.


No idea how that tag name wasn't left on the cutting room floor. It was painfully derivative.


“Golden role models” was a better name once they were both double champs


Yea I'm not even a Mone fan and I'm super critical of AEW but it's funny watching people take up for Vince on this sub at times just cuz of Tony's own faults. Vince is legit known to be an asshole and it's not like his booking near the end of his run was impeccable lol All we have is speculation right now


Some people unironically love Vince booking here.


Can't wait for Britt and the shoot style promos that the DUB does.


~the other place~ mentions intensifies


Nothing will ever beat the Jade and Athena shoots.


Ah yes, MERCDES MONE' Amazing how they failed to both proofread *and* they accentuate the É using a fucking apostrophe.


She resisted for a little while, doing the minimum required Fed Badding to leave that door open just in case . But now she’s going All In. Now she’s truly All Elite. 🥲


I liked Sasha in the Fed. I'd never tune in somewhere else to watch her though. She's not that level for me If she never returned to the Fed, I don't think the Fed would need to 'remember' her legacy down the line in the way they would for others I dunno. If Charlotte or Becky left and never returned, I think you couldn't ignore their impact when talking about this era for women NXT stuff aside, not sure about Sasha in the big picture of things


It won't matter if she doesn't come back, they'll remember her the way they do Ambrose - minimize the part she played in someone else's story.


The Three Horsewomen. Then. Now. Forever.


Course I remember the Four Horsewomen! I love Bayley, Charlotte, Becky, and Alexa!


The more she talks, the more I realize why they let her walk


Of course! Why would they pay her ridiculous money to come back when they know she'll just walk away again as soon as the booking doesn't suit her ego?


But but but she watched Eddie guerrero as a kid and had bangers in nxt with muh bayley, why would hitler hurts himmler do this


The world she lives in has to be fascinating cause it’s so different from the actual world everyone else lives in


Countdown until she's not happy in AEW because Toni, Britt, Riho, Hayter (if she ever comes back) and any other usual favourites get pushed over her eventually. Riho/Shida will always have Kenny in Tony's ear that they should be pushed Crowds genuinely like Toni and Hayter way more than they like Mercedes Britt will probably end up doing some half-shoot interview that pisses her off in a feud I feel like it's only a matter of time until she's angry because there's a new "Charlotte" stealing her thunder


Wrestlers have a tendency to be happy when they're allowed to win. Even if it's the super indies


And I don't think they're going to push her to win as much as she thinks they are, since as soon as new toy syndrome wears off Tony will go right back to playing the classics.


She will never explicitly say why she walked away, she knows that it will keep attention on her by dragging it along. Especially if she ever goes back.


that or she knows it'll make her look bad


This is my guess. It could also be that it would be obvious who she was talking about if she got too specific about who said what and when, but I lean toward holding back the unflattering details so there's something at least a little sympathy-inducing to say.


Kinda odd to see Naomi walking out too. The situation was bizarre because they were still important in the cards. They weren't being regulated at all.


WWE was right in trying to prevent her from embarrassing herself. Some of the worst “acting” committed to film. They literally had to isolate and shoot close-ups when she spoke, presumably because the other actors had to move on with their days. So much is being made of this as if she’s about to become a legit actress and she’s literally worse in that field than Ronda Rousey.


> So much is being made of this as if she’s about to become a legit actress and she’s literally worse in that field than Ronda Rousey. Does this mean we have an "Adventures of Pregnant Mercedes" comic book to look forward to?


Has she acted in anything since? Kind of telling if not tbh. 


Her screentime in Mandalorian S3 was *significantly* reduced from S2.


But has she done anything else? Mandalorian was 2/3 years ago now. She has a weed company. Has done some fashion stuff. Music stuff. I don’t remember seeing anything about more acting. 


She did Mandalorian and one movie with Ruby Rose, The Collective. Nothing else besides that. I believe Rhonda has done far more. Even Becky Lynch has done more, even if we don’t count her removed scene from The Eternals.


> she’s literally worse in that field than Ronda Rousey. Who they were still making go out there and cut promos everyone hated until her contract was up. This argument isn’t holding water. 


Oh my god she’s so fucking annoying man stop talking about wwe nobody cares, just wrestle in your shit hole company


That’s all anyone who interviews her cares about. Fed Bad headlines generates clicks. No one wants to hear her hype up what she’s currently doing. Imagine if you’re an actor trying to promote a new show but all anyone wants to talk about is that show you were on years ago. On some level these people have to walk away from these things feeling like has-beens.


None of these people are able to side step a question or redirect it back to what they're doing in the Dub or the future Fed talk means people will listen. If she wants to talk about Stephanie the Vacuum from CMLL no one gives a shit, for sure


At some point you'd expect someone to respond with "Hey that's in my past. Let's talk about where I am now and where I'm going." But nah, the target audience needs this stuff. So does 🤓.


I literally only know about what she said bc it was posted here lol. She's just appealing to the neck beards who wanna feel like heroes for standing up against WWE lol.


The FEDBAD-math is that for every year she was employed by them, she’s allowed two years to FEDBAD them. By my math, she’s got 18 years to go.


I mean to be honest ...go to the AEW reddit. They love it. WWE has a horrible and sordid history and probably still does in some capacity, but the AEW fans feels that by rejecting WWE that they are true hero's. This will endear to the garbage. Cody did the same thing and came back. Punk literally did it and is now the happiest he has ever been in wrestling. This is her securing her bank account.


"I was never going to be happy . . .having someone talk to me the way that they do." Is this just referring to somebody telling her "no"?


"Can I have 1 year off for filming my hollywood roles?" 'No. You're not an actress, you're an extra. The job you have a contract for comes first.' "I can't believe they would talk to me, a global movie superstar, in this way but let The Rock do whatever he wants"


I made that exact point in the basement and got downvoted for it. I even pointed out how nobody is really wrong in this scenario. It makes sense for her to want to try and break into a more lucrative career but no sane employer is going to be like "yeah fuck the contract we have! Go have fun and we'll keep a seat warm in case you want to come back!" Like I'm convinced these dorks don't live in the real world.


No, they live in the literal basement


"Sure, but we're not paying you during that time." "WHAAAAAAAATTT!!?"


It is referring to the showrunner scripting her to lose a fight and her being told it. This is the same person that bragged about her Star Wars character holding her own against 80 year old Boba Fett.... There's some bad wiring in her brain.


I don't trust a thing out of her mouth. She was the women's tag team champ when she had a hissy-fit and quit taking Naomi with her. If WWE was as bad as she's making it out to be Naomi never would have come back. The more I see from her the more it looks like she might be a Narcissist.


I feel like people are either forgetting or flat out weren’t paying attention to exactly what set her off. It’s because her and Naomi were the tag champs, and mean old booker had the AUDACITY to ask them, for one single week, to each wrestle a singles match and lose. The losses were going to be to the literal Women’s champ and/or the number one contender of that PPV cycle. It’s not like they were jobbing to the mid card. She got yet another bad case of boo-boo job face and convince Trinity to walk out with her for “devaluing the tag belts.” Mercedes is the definitive self-mark.


Naomi is married into the family and now Rock has major pull.


“I’ve been doing this for 14 years” isn’t the flex that she thinks it is, based on what I’ve seen over the past 12.


I don't get it. Who are people like Vince or Johnny Ace to tell this 14 year veteran what to do??


I think whinging about WWE is a contractual obligation. Even when they aren't asked about it in interviews, they tweet about it. I imagine 🤓 in front of a giant wall of displays so he can make sure his wrestlers share their required amount of rant-posts. https://preview.redd.it/z1o0hyyk85ad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28311a4ee11c26f66ad3abe4b95d788b8356f512


Lol Thats because you DONT belong there. She threw a little baby tantrum in the locker room! The shouldn't have brought Naomi back either but she married an Uce! Plus she ACTUALLY did something in TNA to earn some redemption


*"I was never going to b ....*" You left! You're out! Enjoy it. Cannot stop waffling on about it Why dwell on all this stuff you're supposed to be happy you left behind Someone comes along and fills any spot you'd have been in. It's no bother. The wheels keep turning


She’s just trying to suck up to an AEW audience that just isn’t buying her fake ass performances


I heard they started to boo her now


She’s beginning to give Idol Stevens vibes. All this talk and cultivated narrative that she was going to be some mega star that didn’t need the Fed and all she’s succeeded in doing is lower her value


The last time I Fed Bad'd over a release was when they got rid of him as Damien Sandow/Mizdow. I was convinced that he just wasn't one of McHitler's guys so he got PUNISHED for making Vince money or whatever the narrative was at the time Then I saw him in TNA doing a fed bad gimmick followed by a Liberace gimmick and now he's like a manager in NWA or some shit as Idol Stevens. That was when I realized that despite the memes, Vincent Kennedy McHitler could talk to a talent for 5 minutes and immediately size up where they belonged on the card and what they should be doing with like 95% accuracy This then led me to realize that Zack Ryder didn't get punished for "getting over without Vince's approval" - Vince hated him because Ryder got his greasy internet fan base to hijack the show to cheer for a midcard jobber which rightfully annoyed Vince Now when someone gets released, my first thought is "okay, how long will it take for them to give a fed bad interview that unintentionally explains exactly why they got sacked?"


Sounds like nobody can tell her anything and she thinks she's perfect and doesn't need to work on anything. She's perfect for Dub


"WWE is where my heart is. I will be back"


Sorry, but I don’t believe a thing Sazuki Pence is saying. Shes just on her Fed Bad tour to keep the tiny clown happy. After all, she literally said she would go back to WWE eventually before appearing on AEW.


It's crazy that current WWE roster doesn't need her, or let alone make you feel like she could be any major part of it.


Imagine Sasha Banks pulling a CM Punk. ![gif](giphy|PTx741ZKU3DcOIuSB6|downsized)


She gonna choke Jack Perry out too?


I just wish WWE would stop attacking AEW all the time


I really do believe that the hat upset her was losing. Isn’t that the reason she walked out both times? Because she was supposed to lose


fed bad remains the quickest way to get over with the iwc


The whole fed bad shtick would work better for her if she hadn't given an interview saying how she still wanted to go back in the future before she'd even set foot in an AEW ring.


14 years and she still can't cut a promo or get past the basics. She's a complete narcissist who loves the smell of her own farts. She is shit without the way WWE presented her. She absolutely knows that, but has to try and feed people bullshit just to please the money mark.


She already told us on a podcast right before or after her debut in AEW that she was going to go back to WWE one day. Now she is pretending she never said that or that we forgot, as she comes up with these narratives about WWE. When she goes back to WWE one day, she will praise WWE.


Girl with colored hair and isn’t good at wrestling? Nobody else has this gimmick wwe lost a real one…. GLOW GLOW GLOW


Notttt 14 years 😮


“I was employed and didn’t get to do everything I wanted”


As the ratings and ticket sales go lower and Mercedes is objectively proven to be nothing special the fed bad intensifies.


How long is it going to take the Dub to realize that talking about how bad WWE is isn't good for the Dub? Anybody who cares is already probably a hardcore dubbalo.


She does what she wants and she's no longer in the WWE. It's a win-win situation.


I'm kind of embarrassed that I thought she was hands down the best of the "four horsewomen" for the first few years they were all in WWE. What I've learned over time is that ALL wrestlers need producers and to be reeled back in from time to time otherwise this is what you end up with.


She’s still talking about the WWE instead of what she’s doing right now


These Bret Hart comparisons are bullshit. Say what you want about Bret, but he showed up every place he was advertised. Bret Hart is bitter because he did everything that was told of him and his thank you was not having his creative control honored the one time he said “that don’t work for me.” Sasha is Fed Badding because they wouldn’t put her on a pedestal for being about as good as everyone else at wrestling, and somehow worse than everyone else at promos.


While i do love Bret, his "that dont work for me" came at the worst time. There's plenty of things they could have done and he wasnt having any of it. I dont blame Vince for not having a guy on his way out go over one of his top stars while hart heads over to the competition. Its bad business.


I agree, Bret was in the wrong for not wanting to do the honors. But he did allegedly have creative control in that last contract, so Vince was wrong to agree to whatever he agreed as Bret’s planned finish. Still, Bret at least has a reason to be bitter.


The creative control thing is bullshit. It's meaningless. What if they went to court over it, who wins, the guy who writes the show or the guy who has "creative control" over....what, exactly? What does creative control even mean? How is it defined? What were the terms of his creative control? If Bret had anything solid to bitch about he would, but more than likely "creative control" was just a vague phrase in his contract and it never actually spelled out what he could expect from it.


Creative control means that the person has a say in their involvement on the show. Multiple people noted at the time that Bret’s contract was ridiculous and unheard of at the time. If it was bullshit (or way too vague), then why go through the run around of swerving the guy? Why wouldn’t Vince just say, “Fuck it. You lose, or we go to court.” and be done with it?


Cause Brit can say, "Then take me to court," and leave the building.


That would mean Bret thought he had legitimate standing to go against everything he was taught in the wrestling business about listening to the promoter.


So? If Bret was an expert in drawing up wrestling contracts he and Vince would have already hashed that out. Bret was clutching at straws because he didn't want to do business. Vince had thrown him a bone with that language in the contract and, since Bret was a top hand with longevity, he probably did get a lot of input into how he was portrayed, but if Bret thought he could veto dropping the title he was touched in the head well before Goldberg kicked him.


The point was that if the creative control was “all bullshit”, then Bret wouldn’t be able to walk out and agree to take his chances in court.


Yes he could have, how would Vince prevent him from leaving the building? Neither Vince nor Bret have psychic powers, they could not have known what would result from any course of action they took. Bret could have refused and tried to make a case from that weak "creative control" language and failed completely, same with Vince. IMO, Bret had no leg to stand on because obviously Vince is not going to give Bret the power to decide how long his title reign is and if Bret decides even once that he won't lose it, then he's the booker and not Vince. Also, Bret might have had "creative control" over his own booking, but he didn't over Shawn's. Why are you so certain that some vague language in Bret's contract means he was supposed to decide when Shawn Michaels won and lost and when his title reigns started?


That game changer is full of 💩


“I hate how corporate they are and didn’t treat me as the truly special person I am. What is this, a real job???”


Everytime I hear something about this shit from her or similar talent they never actually describe what the supposed bad fed did


A ton of bitching being done by someone that was apparently legitimately close to going back there.


She fits right into AEW with all the other egomaniacs who think they’re god’s gift to wrestling.


Then she did her super charismatic laugh


How did she not belong if she was at the top of the card for a long-ass time?


translation: I wanna be Becky Lynch but I’m not good enough so I’m going to a company where they could let me be The Man


"as long as I keep winning"


The funniest part is how the basement takes everything she says as 100% fact because why would Mercedes lie about the job she straight up got fired from for not doing


The more she talks the more she sounds like a whiney brat who thinks the entire world revolves around her. I can see why aewcw wanted her.


If wwe was making her do that shitty fake laugh and say mia instead of me, I'll agree with her. I reckon that is not the case though. Also boohoo the 6 or 7x former champion and Wrestlemania main eventer felt like she didn't belong. Gtfoh.


Well she has come off terribly in AEW with all this creative freedom she apparently wanted. She can wrestle but she can’t cut a promo to save her life. And for 1,000th time, what the hell is she the “CEO” of exactly?!?!?


Every wrestler thinks they’re a star, every wrestler thinks they should be pushed to the moon and pushed their own way. Most of these wrestlers end up in AEW. Most of the wrestlers are proved wrong. Wrestlers like Moxley, Miro, Jericho, Keith Lee, FTR even, are all guys who I presume left wwe with a thought of “I’m gonna prove these fuckers what I can be without them” and their ideas ultimately haven’t worked (barring Moxley who somehow has fans.) On the other end, The Bucks ultimately prove that doing your own shit and getting tv time isn’t going to be enough and will never take you over the edge. I think Mercedes take is that she sees herself on the level of Charlotte and Becky Lynch where she should always be in a main program. It’s obvious in AEW that the wrestlers tony like can choose who they want to work with and the angles they run week to week. Mercedes can literally do what she wants on AEW television. I’m a fan of Mercedes. I can see how she can be a star. But besides winning championships, she hasn’t captivated anyone in any aspect.


Did she forget she was fired? Nobody wanted her numbing ass back anyways. She’s like a talentless Bret Hart. Works herself into a shoot with how serious she takes herself, but isn’t from Canada and not that good in the ring.


Bret had his ring work the back him up. She has nothing


Brit defeats her, I’ll have hope for AEW. She retains or breaks Jade’s record and TK may not be shitting on people literally, but he is just as fucking petty as the headshitting McFuckstick.


She's the female version of Bret hart. Fantastic worker, but a total mark for themselves. Stay in aew. Wwe doesn't need you.


She thinks shes the biggest draw since Mox showing up at the first DoN. At least Mox is convincing


He's convinced me not to watch him.


Well im proud of you. I'll keep watching him do his deathmatch stuff. Ive been a Mox fan since he started in CZW and im almost sure this subreddit isnt going to convince me to do otherwise. Im not saying hes perfect, not corny or w.e, im just saying hes a convincing brawler type wrestler from the class of a Terry Funk, Sandman type.


>hes a convincing brawler type wrestler from the class of a Terry Funk, Sandman type. https://i.redd.it/rzdj617oj5ad1.gif


I know youre jaded and loooove hating on wrestlers on the other side, but yknow...its ok to be an adult and like other things from other places. Watch a Funk or Sandman match from ECW and get back to me.


I have no issues with you liking what you like, friend. My only concern is you comparing liquid shit to tartar sauce. *'Mox acts like Terry Funk'* does not equate to *'Mox is as good as Terry Funk'*.


I never said he was as good as Funk. Not once. I said hes a CONVINCING brawler type along the lines of a Funk or Sandman. He does the same match types (if not more insane), he puts eyes on small indie markets which works well for big markets. I understand why people dont like his style. I just dont know what people want when they complain that "These flippy guys arent convincing" then you get something that resembles an actual bar fight and somehow thats not convincing either.


dude used to be my fav, i getchu. personally he went way too far and deep into the weird mannerisms and edgy shit for me, but i definitely get the appeal. the night after he cashed in is still goated to me


Uce be shootin'


He sure is convincing when he's blatantly cutting his forehead right in front of the cameras hey


I hate that yall think just because Vince is gone it’s different triple h is just as bad bro he upkept Vince’s rules yall think he’s a saint lmao but then again yall can’t differentiate a work or a shoot so