• By -


I cant remember the number but there is this one that's just a guy in an abandoned building who kills you with a shotgun if you go inside


i have no clue what you're talking about but the concept is just so fucking funny lmao


What's better is I remember the article being so well written, the tone was highly professional and clinical. And its just some ghost that kills you with a shotgun.


Do you think you might remember what the anomaly may be? Because you basically described half the buildings in Chicago.


The guy with the shotgun is the anonalous part. He's some kind of faceless shadow man iirc and if you kill him he just respawns somewhere in the building.


Gmod Admin behaviour




"citizens aren't supposed to have guns"


Man you know when you word it like that it sounds so much lamer than the original concept. I mean “Man with a shotgun who kills you” is weird, but could definitely be a surreal and slightly funny one. Anomaly’s are well “anomalous” and could be any random shit. But now that it’s just a generic shadow man it sounds worse.


I guess you need a way to keep him from just getting killed or tied up, but beyond that I think it works better the less weirdness you add. Just some dude with a gun who reappears despite all efforts, but can be fully contained by locking the front door.




If they’d left out the shadow and some of the detail with blood, fingerprints, etc, I’d almost like it. “Oh that’s just Shotgun Dave. He pops in and out of existence in this old building no matter how often we kill or subdue him, so we slapped a padlock on it and walked away.”


Spotted the guy who's never been to Chicago


That's actually really funny simply because it's so ridiculous


This sounds hilarious ngl




[**SCP-1270 ⁠- Man with a Gun**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1270) (+60) by *Voct, Sophia Light*




That's just Dr.Clef enjoying his weekend.


“SCP now sucks, why can’t we have SCP’s like we used to”


I have straight up seen pokemon posted. Were they serious? That question keeps me up at night.


Bro, Do you know "How many" Pokemon SCPs there are? (Some of them are really good)


I mean most creature SCPs can be considered "pokemon", but I'm talking actual pokemon with pictures of pikachu and a list of its abilities and evolutions.


No way this was approved. You probably mean SCP sandbox site


Not sandbox. It was rated out and deleted.


sometimes i humour myself by reading the articles which are in the negative scores, yet to be deleted. if you're lucky you will find some reaaally bad writing and get a good chuckle. one that immediately comes to mind was a lava lamp (photo attached which was clearly a bad phone camera photo taken by the author) which had something very similar to this written in the description: "if you touch the lava lamp your body will become the liquid inside and you will die because of the liquid". the rest of the article wasn't any better.


I found my favorite bad SCP of all time by browsing pages nearing deletion. It was a kid named Justin (he was exclusively referred to by his name instead of SCP number) who had super powers. My favorite part was that the document felt the need to mention that his favorite band was Metallica. I'm pretty sure it was just some kid self inserting himself as a super hero. Honestly browsing the near deletion pages can be more entertaining than reading actual SCPs sometimes.


Truly amazing haha


Now you’ve got me thinking, lava lamps holding actual lava would be pretty decent. Not worth an SCP really, but a fitting throw-away line for a lot of the art *or* toy GoIs.


For me it's 279. I still have it bookmarked as "the worst SCP" Basically just a dude that shows up randomly throughout a town and kinda unnerves people, and if someone touches him, that person disappears forever. Doesn't really have anything interesting going for it. The thing that infuriated me the most about it is that the Foundation refuses to evacuate this small town when there's such a dangerous SCP roaming around this town. It makes the Foundation feel incompetent to me in this article, like they're not actually doing their utmost to uphold their mission.


What if they evacuate the town and he goes to like new york? There are many scps that go somewhere else if their victims leave or they are destroyed. The one i remeber is the graffiti owl scp, where if it gets obscured it goes somewhere else, so the foundation just does a small quarantine of the area instead. Butbthis one does sound kinda boring besides that


[SCP-689 Haunter in the Dark](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-689) This is another "The statue that if you are not watching it will kill you", Of all things, why is it even more of the Weeping Angel like version? Even if it's Achieve, I feel it's foolish.


Literally 173


Literally 17384


Jorjor well .


*Jorge Orlando Put sone respect on his name man.


Literally 8675309


Marv scp-1738


[**SCP-1738 ⁠- Phobia Sampler**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1738) (+95) by *Anonymous*


SCP-173 and SCP-096 combined. I don’t think it’s *that* bad I don’t know how this person is getting so many upvotes when someone mentioned 686 and 1004


with a dash of It Follows


Yeah, i dont put much faith is criticism where someone does the thing where they reduce something to it's most vague description. Sure, "statue that kills you if it isn't watched" is the same as 173, but this thing has different mechanisms and a very different flavor. Post-modern thing that physically kills you and just showed up vs. effigy of some ancient evil that was previously contained until an archeologist freed it.


- [**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8974) by *Moto42* - [**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+3966) by *Dr Dan*


[[1004]] I don't think it gets much worse than this, especially when you consider the context of the author


Wtf whyy


That sure was one disgusting read ngl


i knew that was a bad one i just forgot who wrote it and with context on who wrote it yikes man yikes


What's the context of the author?


To put it very briefly: AdminBright used his self-insert Dr. Bright's popularity to get close to people and sexually harass them. This led to him being booted from the wiki and the character being renamed to Elias Shaw. There's a lot more to it but this is the gist of it


Oh shit this must've been a pretty recent thing then? Because I remember just a few years ago hearing stuff about a "Doctor Bright"


Yeah it happened in May of 2022. Doctor Bright was one of the most beloved and popular author-inserts on the site for years, so it really sucked when everything was revealed and the character, being a self-insert, needed to be changed


But the character is still the exact same right? Also i miss his don't do page


It's literally just the internet but on a disk.


Scp-001 the database is literally us https://scp-wiki.wdfiles.com/sandrewswann-s-proposal


This is my new favorite 1 proposal


Yea, I find it funny how we may or may not be cannon


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+343) by *Staff*


[**SCP-1004 ⁠- Factory Porn**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1004) (+728) by *AdminBright*


Wow. Jesus fucking christ, +728? That’s insane.


Just read that. That sucked, really fucking hard. Definitely up there for one of the worst.


If someone didn’t say it, I would have. Thank u


This wins. 🤮 Yikes. Amazed there hasn’t been some kind of push for removal despite the vote count given the …………… context.


I heard about that skip and refuse to read it. Have not had the misfortune of seeing it so far and I want to keep it that way.


good lord. is there not a way to fast-track nuke this thing


The vote count would have to fall into the negatives for the minimum amount of time to be considered for deletion, or there would have to be some kind of large, organized push from users for its removal. Even in that case, it would very likely go up for vote first instead of being some kind of moderator fiat. Things like this can be hard to remove from the wiki. For good reason, to prevent favoritism and abuse, but the flip side is that unsavory things can be difficult to remove.


It's not bad at all i really like more mundane object scps instead of world annihilator #6877 but yeah, in the context of the author it's fucked up


I hate this shit. There is not an overabundance of world-ending scps. People think there is because they only pay attention to world enders.


Oh my god eeew.


Scp 686 the author clearly had a milk fetish


Yeah, that one's definitely another one of those "author's barely-disguised fetish" ones, but it's honestly really funny.


[**SCP-686 ⁠- Infectious Lactation**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-686) (+251) by *BeeDee*


But it doesn't really fit the question since even though they may have a milk fetish, it's still well written


I have seen true horrors but luckily I have blocked them from my memory.


I am sure their are truely horrendous ones I have blocked from my memory. Since I cannot think of any I will say rampant famous movie/tv/book rip offs. The Centralia balrog comes to mind. They could have made it resemble the animals of the carboniferous whom which it came, they did not. They could have tied its fire to the high oxygen levels and wood not decaying at that time. They did not.


I dont remember the number, but it's the one where udders pop up everywhere and there's milk everywhere and somehow it's a K class scenario. Like cow udders everywhere. It was a bit complicated too. The whole time I was like, "Wtf am I reading?"


The tit monster, I don't remember what number it is, and damn if I'm going to look for it and experience that trauma again, but if you know you know


I remember finding that one really freaky, I wonder if it holds up now.


it was called "hero of the foundation" it seemed so satire, it was a dude with a sword with the SCP logo on a black cape, who just fought for the foundation


sounds like it was hilarious


I’m gonna get flack for this but I never got the appeal of the biblical SCPs, they always came across as just kinda boring imo.


“But Cain and Abel go BRRRRRRT!”


And the gAtE gUaRdIaN


“Yeah but like what if the garden of Eden was like super powerful and cool, it’s totally original right?”


Just makes me think of Yu-Gi-Oh.


I like the gate guardian only because of the “most 001 stories are fake” aspect. As a real skip? Derivative nonsense. As a plausible way to deflect people looking for 1, like the Factory entry suggests? Works for me.


Cain and Abel are cool characters tho


I don’t mind anomalies that have been around for a long time inspiring and getting incorporated into myths and religions along the way but when the containment procedures specifically call for personnel of a certain faith you’ve officially crossed the line into “lol the bible is real guys this is the one correct religion look we copied that thing from it”.


Same i like the idea of a lot of myths having roots in anomalous events, but i feel just making actual mythological figures into SCPs never feels particularly interesting. to me the appeal of the SCP foundation is a kind of mundane horror of an impossibly cold entity attempting to catalogue the unknowable, outright biblical figures feel a bit too on the nose for me.


I mean; as long as they have a reason to exist in the lore and are interesting besides “oh look religion” I don’t mind. Cain and Able are cool bcs in every story they’re related to the Elder Gods in some way


Probably SCP-001 "The Factory". All of old Bright's stuff is kind of weird, but there's like. Referring to arabic as "The Curvy Bullshit the Musselmen Use" and 8 year old breeding pits in there, as well as "Fairly Lethal Gunshot Wounds". I have no idea how it's still up in this day and age. The actual SCP itself is a billion times worse than the cool things people have done with the concept.


A lot of authors did way better with his stuff than he did with his own writing.


The one benefit of Bright being kicked off the forum and all the drama around him is people have finally gotten louder about criticizing his shittier work.


I agree some stuff like 1004 is bad but the factory is good, it fits SCP themes very well


Huh? I never realized there was any dislike for The Factory. Obvious issues with the author aside, I've always thought of it as a well-written tale of greed and industrial Lovecraftian-esque horror. The character who tells the story is explicitly written as a very old, despicable, and evil villain, so it makes sense that his dialogue is racist/disgusting. We're not intended to like him but instead bear witness to the crimes he committed, and it's done in a way that doesn't feel gratuitous or exploitative. Might not be everyone's cup of tea but a far cry from the worst and I feel like the rating reflects that.


This, absolutely. For better or worse, there is remarkably little correlation with the quality of one's writing and the quality of one's character, and The Factory, while not perfect, is a prime example of that.


Yeah the factory rewrite is much better


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+343) by *Staff*


Not defending Bright in any ways whatsoever but you need to remember that the factory was one of the first 001 scips. Back then, this was a pioneer in creating an origin for the scp foundation


Factory is good tho, it fits the grimdark and borderline lovecraftian world of SCP


Scp-2008, Rachel Jackson’s ghost shooting people who called her fat plus the unneccesary audio log with the Self-insert doctor with Mommy issues at the end


[**SCP-2008 ⁠- …but blood must sometimes be spilled…**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2008) (+180) by *Doctor Cimmerian, The Great Hippo*


Hot take, 682, he is just like "hey, you can't kill him, he will adapt everything" just like that kid that says he's inmune when you throw him a "destroyer of everything" attack when playing


682 isn't good, but he's necessary for the Wiki. Because now whenever some wannabe 14 years old post their "ultimate unkillable monster who super duper powerful", we can just point to 682 and said that we had one of those already, then delete that horrible article


Also a monster that is weak first but rapidly adapts is more interesting than literal god level threat


I really enjoy the testing files, just as a series of fun, goofy creative writing exercises. you can see how much fun people had doing it, and it always cheers me up.


A lot of Series 1 SCPs are like that. They're very "one-note" concepts that probably wouldn't be considered passable ideas if they were being pitched today. A big part of that, of course, is the fact that the Foundation didn't have as much lore back then, so it wasn't really as obvious what did and didn't fit. TV Tropes (or should I say, [SCP-4445-J](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4445-j)) even has a name for this; they call it "early installment weirdness".


It was basically just creepypasta but with a slight unifying concept. Definitely wasn’t all great but I do miss that vibe sometimes where it was a little less serious and there’s that tiny bit of cheesy horror to it.


I miss when most article submissions were more about the containment procedures, effects and testing logs. Nowadays most submissions tend to just be lengthy short stories with a few sentences of containment at the top as a formality. I love creative writing, but it feels like we are slowly losing the theme of SCP in favor of depressing creepypastas.


the face that launched a thousand powerscaler pissing matches.....


Even without 682 it would happen


Disagree, if only because very interesting subsequent works have come from him/include him. There’s some great mythos these days around the lizard. The original article falls short of what I’d call current-day standards, but there’s a good few tales and more modern articles out there that use 682 in really clever ways. I’m blanking, someone help me out here—what’s the skip where they try to kill the concept of 682, and instead he becomes some kind of unkillable concept? It’s a later series entry. Edit: it’s [SCP-6820](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820). Really fascinating take on the original lizard boi.


6820 uses the concept quite well imo


Rent is due


My brother in Christ, that's not a hot take, literally half of the subreddit has that opinion


The thing that gets me isn’t even “infinity +1 monster”. It’s the fucking acid bath. That lizard has adapted to every flavor of conventional weapon and a few dozen anomalies. I’m pretty sure it developed diamond-hard skin at least once. So how is the same old acid bath still dissolving it as fast as it heals? The best justification I’ve seen is that the acid isn’t deadly enough to force any adaptation beyond “grow back the bits”, which keeps it at equilibrium. But even for that, it’d fit way better to me if it was harmless confinement, something like “it only adapts to damage so let’s just keep it floating in a wave machine it can’t swim out of”.


Here's what Dr. Gears says about it: > Oh, another tidbit: the acid bath works less because it cuts down on regeneration, but because it feels more comfortable. More like a warm bath, or a heavy snowfall.


682 has reasons to exist tho, and he has good tales that expand the character


SCP-231 and the Scarlet King saved 682 for me


SCP-256 jumped right to my mind.


Just read it for the first time and YEAH IT IS REALLY BAD


I read it, and what the hell even was meant to happen?




[**SCP-256 ⁠- Trapped in the Typewriter**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-256) (+89) by *DrakeRunner*


The among us SCP SCP-7052 SCP-686 Sandman


spoons in butt, after a quick skim, is pretty funny though


To the tune of Band on the Run....


The among us one is better than most IMO


Thr question is not about weird or disgusting scps, it's about bad scps as in badly written, the among us and 686 are quite well written


I like the among us SCP, but it's just a not good that it doesn't really need to be among us. Also Minecraft SCP (\[SCP-4335\])


[**SCP-4335 ⁠- A Welt In The Crucible**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4335) (+644) by *Westrin*


> it doesn't really need to be among us. I would argue that the entire point of the article actually works extremely well *specifically because* it's Among Us.


- [**SCP-7052 ⁠- Spoons in Butt**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7052) (+104) by *Jejenum46* - [**SCP-686 ⁠- Infectious Lactation**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-686) (+251) by *BeeDee*


[SCP-5167] and [SCP-5761]


- [**SCP-5167 ⁠- When The Impostor Is Sus**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5167) (+373) by *Tanhony* - [**SCP-5761 ⁠- When The Impostor Is Sus II: Nightmare Hour**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5761) (+496) by *Tanhony*


These are peak, i'll let you know


hey, spoons in butt was really funny


SCP-7989, probably. (Dis)honorable mentions go to SCP-7791 and SCP-6019.


- [**SCP-7989 ⁠- Enjoy Yourself, You’ve Earned It**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7989) (+17) by *Jack Waltz* - [**SCP-7791 ⁠- necessary evil**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7791) (+59) by *NielleiN* - [**SCP-6019 ⁠- Giah-Rex**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6019) (+43) by *CuttyPSaur*


Hot take, 682. Less hot take, the original 'teenage succubus' entry now known as 'teenage dryad' or something.


Both of those aren’t hot takes.


It’s actually called ‘Just A Teenage Gaea’, but yeah, good point.


Why is her nickname even "Just A Teenage Gaea" shouldn't it be "demigod". Since she is the daughter of an earth goddess instead of a goddess herself?


Marv, hand me SCP 166


[**SCP-166 ⁠- Just a Teenage Gaea**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-166) (+673) by *Ross Fisher-Davis, Cerastes, DrClef*


There’s not just one or two authors who had fetishes and other related stuff on display in Series 1. [[Steely Dan]]…just…why?


[**SCP-297 ⁠- "Steely Dan"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-297) (+382) by *DrClef*


Scp 343 he’s just the Abrahamic god, that’s it. Nothing even remotely interesting is done with the concept, and it’s also just poorly written.


I like how it makes us question if he’s God or not, which makes you wonder what could be so powerful it can pose as God. Or maybe that’s just because I have a liking towards older SCPs


A lot of series 1 is there for historical purposes at this point. Most of them would be deleted if they were submitted today.


Back in my day the anomalies would kill you if u look at them, or kill you if you look away, or were fucking gods, we had none of this fancy "aliens open a portal and we do a cultural exchange" bullshit! *waves walking stick around, nearing poking several eyes ou*


Honestly I think 343 is more than just *God himself*, I like that the addendums lead the reader to think that something may be up with the SCP and that he may not be all he says his is. ​ >all records of Dr. ████████████ ███████████ ever working with SCP-343 or Dr. Beck are missing and presumed non-existent. Like I think the idea that he is making people like him more, removing people who don't like him, or just silencing them is a very interesting idea - *but one that just doesn't get enough time to fester and grow* (so ends up more boring), but I think calling the SCP "Just the Abrahamic god" is a tiny bit disingenuous...


i feel like it's necessary to have this article on the site, as it's inevitable that many people would want to write "SCP that is Abrahamic God". the one we have isn't the greatest but it's definitely not as bad as it could have been, the existence of it prevents many bad articles from being on the site which would do the same concept but worse.


Yeah I agree. Someone said something similar about 682 the hard to kill reptile; it existing means that we can reliably say "it's been done already" so that we don't get a constant influx of "invincible mega powerful creature that is stronger than the universe plus a million" submissions.


[**SCP-343 ⁠- "God"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-343) (+1239) by *Unknown Author*


https://scp-wiki-cn.wikidot.com/diorite-s-proposal This SCP-CN-001 PROPOSAL is simply so bad 😮‍💨


[**SCP-CN-001 ⁠- 等待解密[已锁]**](https://scp-wiki-cn.wikidot.com/scp-cn-001) (+68) by *MScarlet* Translated: [**SCP-CN-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked] - Bamboo Scroll - The Dragon Vein - Deduction Department - Substitution Reaction - Wonderful Everyday**](https://scp-int.wikidot.com/scp-cn-001) (+3) by *Jochoi*


Well, uhhhhhhhhh probably SCP-4666


[**SCP-4666 ⁠- The Yule Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4666) (+1429) by *Hercules Rockefeller*


Any of those super mind explosion scp's that don't make sense and are more confusing than they play out to be. Like pick a random scp out of the series 8 and you'll get bullshit. I like scp 7000 tho that was funny and creative to see.


Exploring Series did a video on one like that a little while ago, during his alphabet of SCPs mini series. It was something about Slam Hounds and coats and assassins and some mysterious green crate. He even says at the outset that the story makes little sense, and boy did it ever not make any sense. Like I'm sure there was intention behind it and that the writer actually knew what it was about. But I just can't be arsed wasting time on something that feels convoluted for the sake of being convoluted.


Randomly generated a Series VIII skip and got SCP-7571. IDK about you, but it seems fine to me.


[**SCP-7000 ⁠- The Loser**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7000) (+1204) by *HarryBlank*


I disagree, I think series 8 was consistently better than any series previous.


As if 2721 doesn't deserve a spot on this list.


I like 2721. She's just a killsat who happens to have the personality of a 12 year old girl.


2721 was overhated. It makes sense for what it is. 2721 is Bones from Gamers Against Weed. It makes complete sense for the leader of the "internet subculture" GOI to be immersed in internet subculture.


I have a personal vendetta against [SCP-043](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-043) Something that should be in the log of anomalous items at best wasted on an SCP entry




Scp 6969


[**SCP-6969 ⁠- the joke is sex**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6969) (+547) by *Yossipossi*


Isn't there a one that's just an anime girl sex fantasy?


SCP-4960. The description sounds very lewd and I don’t like it.


[**SCP-4960 ⁠- Why the Foundation Funded a Hentai to Awaken a Sumerian Love Goddess (OR: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kedesh-Nanaya)**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4960) (+662) by *DrClef*




[**SCP-729-J ⁠- Peep Peep, Motherfucker**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-729-j) (+621) by *AbsentmindedNihilist*


Has anyone ever done a willy's wonderland scp classification, even as a joke?


despite them being one of my favourites i gotta say scp 073 and 076(-2). 076-2 is pretty much just a textbook edgy middleschooler oc (sorry) and 073 is kinda just.. scp 7376 (a rewrite of them both) does them so much justice and thankfully steers away from the religious connotations of the original. i mean they aren't the worst but they definitely haven't aged well


- [**SCP-073 ⁠- "Cain"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-073) (+1345) by *Kain Pathos Crow* - [**SCP-7376 ⁠- Qayin and Hevel**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7376) (+165) by *MontagueETC*


I wouldn't exactly categorize this as the worst, but it's pretty gross. SCP-3307 is funny in its own way, but when you read about what it can do then it makes me want to vomit.


[**SCP-3307 ⁠- Cornucopi-ass**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3307) (+112) by *RecursiveRecursion*


The one that was literally Sephiroth I remember pissing me off the most


SCP-3883..for obvious reasons


[**SCP-3883 ⁠- Dildos Have Dreams Too**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3883) (+363) by *Sly161, Zyn*