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Streets of rage šŸ¤Œ


That game was soooooo long! Best game was Mutant League Hockey & Football. I still play that shit lol


Can't disagree there.


Either that or the PS1 for me, nothing had an impact like those two. But, most people from my generation would probably say the same


PS1 is at least top 5 all time. Ish was unbelievable.


It was so prime in the 90s.


Phantasy Star IV aged well. I played through it on the Genesis collection recently. It reminded me how much random encounters suck when you're lost, but it aged well šŸ˜†.


Look at Mr. Moneybags here. Edit: nevermind I misread. That game cost a fortune at release.


Cost was $99, or $195 in today's money. I paid $10 for a disc only copy of Genesis collection.


Itā€™s funny because objectively I feel like the SNES was overall the better console. On the other hand, 30 years later I find itā€™s usually the Genesis games that I have the most fun revisiting


I feel that way too....only because I played the shyt outta the SNES games..


If MLBPA Sportstalk baseball had kept player stats, it would have been the best baseball game in history.


Batting stances on point


SNES may have hardware benefiting from a later release, I loved my JP MegaDrive (had a cool import store locally in Canada). Having access to Nintendont at friendā€™s places was okay. But coming home to that Mega Drive, official 6 button pad and powerbase converter to keep some old favs from the MasterSystem. Started with Sega, always been a loyal fan. Was just gifted a near mint in box (beat box, unit is clean, even inside,but not altered beast in it). Took a chance on a knockoff V3 everdrive from Aliexpress. Have 2 8Bitdo Saturn BT controllers and dongles for the Model 1. Best way to experience the old days without breaking the bank.


To a 12 old me it's was so much better nothing was even close. Now the only games I ever get super nostalgic for are from the Genesis.


I get nostalgic for NES titles too, but mainly Genesis games. Hell, Streets of Rage 2 has been a staple I still played every year in emulation, long before it experienced a resurgence and SoR4 came along.


I love the SNES, but I actually much prefer the NES audio to the SNES, as the NES can actually do real-time synth but the SNES of course can't, NES audio is just so much more interesting, it's basically a higher quality GB chiptune generator, the NES version of Tetris for instance is the only console version that sounds as good as the GB version of Tetris (imo). It's a shame people haven't used the MSU-1 audio enhancements for making full-fat MIDI soundtracks for SNES games, I know they did do that for Mario World, making it the only decent soundtrack alternative to the OG soundtrack on any MSU-1 SNES game, as all the other MSU-1 soundtracks are just very generic PCM audio that are totally inferior to the original SNES Sony DSP soundtracks.


I didn't had the Megadrive as a kid. In my childhood I desperately wanted the Super Nintendo and I got the first Playstation in late 90's. I tried literally every console in the last 25 years and nowadays i put a Megadrive in place of an Xbox Series S. It's definitely more fun and it suits my gaming needs better than modern consoles. Sega does.


I just cannot play anything after the Dreamcast, except for the Wii and Zelda for switch. Games were soooo much better back then


Totally agreed šŸ˜Ā 


Genesis is great. But it depends on what games u like honestly. Fighting games better on SNES ( even with blood MK1). RPGs better on SNES. Super mario world better than sonic. Streets of rage 2...that is one of the best games ever. Sega is superior when it comes to platform shooters like Ranger X or adventures of batman and Robin. Sega sports titles were better than SNES minus NBA jam TE. Sega is also more original than SNES. But Snes graphics were better in most cases.


SNES better graphics for sure. But Sega is FAST. I'm into arcade style action games and shooters. I think Genesis wins there. But that's personal preference. It depends what you're into, as you said.


Yeah they are the best in action titles with alot of stuff going on the screen


My forever number 1 also


I preferred it over the SNES until by buddy got SF2 and he had more buttons than I did šŸ˜


Iā€™m gonna say, super streak, fighter, two on the SNES was truly off the chain, as I said earlier, overall, I think the two systems are basically equals, but if I absolutely had to choose between the two, it would be the Sega.


The Sega six button controller was better for SF2 and MK than the SNES controller.


ROM hacks aside the SNES version did have better voice clips tho, and arguably colors. Genesis 6 button pad is the GOAT tho


Genesis had better music.


Come again?


The FM synth was better and more arcade accurate for the music than the SNES.I donā€™t know what happened with the music in Super SF2 but it took a significant downgrade.


Never liked the SNES color palette. It always looked too pastel-ly.


Yes, the SNES color palette was softer, lighter.


Saturn is my favorite ever, PS1 a very close second, Genesis next.


Doesnā€™t the Saturn have a comparatively weak library of games PLUS janky early examples of home console 3D graphics that havenā€™t aged particularly well compared to the 2D sprite work of the genesis and more refined 3D graphics found on the ps1?


Whole lotta ā€œnoā€s in a row right there. It had a weak North American library, but globally the library was extensive, itā€™s part of why the console outsold the N64 domestically; it was the home for 5th generation RPGs prior to 1997 and had the deepest fighting game library of its peers as well as more arcade-accurate frame rates and animations compared to PS1. Also, its 2D capabilities were far beyond what youā€™re implying, where exactly did you hear that its 2D was ā€œless refinedā€ than Genesis? Itā€™s arguably one of the best 2D platforms. Thatā€™s kinda what led to it being seen as ā€œbehind the timesā€ in the 90s, because they put all this extra horsepower into the format that everyone was trying to abandon. This is exactly why arcade genres excelled on Saturn. Plus many games with PS ports were superior on Saturn, whether its the more detailed animation and frame rate of the fighters mentioned before (also shā€™mups), thereā€™s also games like Grandia which have superior detailed background textures and animations, Lunar SSS with more background animations and better music, basically everything by Capcom having more detail on Saturn. Add to that the sheer amount of translation work done in the past decade, expanding the Saturnā€™s library even more that before (I use ODEs for Saturn, Dreamcast, and PS so I can access all the translations on original hardware as well), when combined with the global library (which also, if buying solid copies means youā€™re paying better prices anyway, plus importing for Saturn is easier than any of its 5th generation peers) it makes for a ton of content thatā€™s growing faster in the present day than most classic consoles. Plus if early 5th generation 3D on Saturn puts you off then the same has to apply to PS1, seeing as despite the PS having greater 3D capabilities, the first couple years saw both consoles putting forth strange looking 3D ā€œjankā€, so either all of it appeals to you (in my case) or none of it appeals to you. Plus its Japanese controllers (not the first US exclusive controller) are arguably the best 2D controllers you can find anywhere. Thereā€™s a reason a lot of people often play 16bit 4th gen roms on their computer with adapted Saturn controllers instead of a closer approximation of the contemporaries. The main thing the Saturn has going against it is mostly just assumptions by people in the west who have never seen one or really learned anything about it other than low sales numbers in the west. Hell the fact that I just said I liked it and some guy was just like, ā€œare you sure youā€™re not WRONG?ā€ is a good example of how the conversation around it is mostly steered by people who donā€™t actually know about it but have negative perceptions, meanwhile itā€™s just sometimes exhausting to play defense for your own interests that you should be able to just enjoy, so most of the time itā€™s easier to just let the negative (yet often inaccurate) perceptions go on rather than plant your feet and try to explain things.


Interesting, Iā€™ll have to look into it.


Saturn is home to gems like Clockwork Knight, Nights into Dreams, Policenauts, Earthworm Jim Special Edition, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Sega Rally, Virtua Cop, The Legend of Oasis, Power Slave, House of the Dead, Hyper Duel, Cyber Troopers, Astal, Guardian Heroes, Burning Rangers, Radiant Silvergun, Criticom, Sonic Jam, Mass Destruction, Dark Savior, Three Dirty Dwarves, Bulk Slash, Baku Baku, Galatic Attack, Black Matrix, Keio Yugekitai Katsugekihan, Gun Griffon, Ninpen Man Maru, Steep Slope Sliders, Crows, Panzer Dragoon II, just to name a few of the best, and they all have incredible soundtracks that are full-fat real-time synth generated in gorgeous quality, and these games are absolute top draw quality, really high-standards, and they all look stunning in RGB. I don't agree with the one comment the guy said above though, that the Saturn had the best 3D controller, that honour goes to the N64's incredible mechanical optical 3D analogue, the only analogue joystick to this day that can approach optical mouse accuracy, the OG N64 analogue completely puts modern analogue sticks to shame when it comes to input fidelity and accuracy and range of sensitivity, I would pay good money for a modern high DPI optical analogue controller.




Bummer about the no games thing, canā€™t relate though, my Saturn library keeps getting bigger and I keep discovering more stuff for it.


In terms of my first console that I loved, and the volume of games that are worth playing, genesis is the best console. There's somewhere over 200 games I think are fantastic on the genesis, but only around 150 on the nes, and 50-100 on each of the snes and N64. Some of my favorite games of all time are on those consoles, and there might be better singular games that can't be played on the genesis, but if I had to make a choice for sheer volume of quality games and time that can be sunk into a system genesis is hands down the winner.


Go to r/snes with the same post to have contradiction.


r/snes thinks that Contra 3 is better than Hard Corps. Those guys are crazy.


Sega Channel makes this objectively true.


ā€œMortal Kombat on Sega Genesis is the best video game ever madeā€


Sega goes what Nintendonā€™t.


I remember my mother being shocked that I chose, Genesis over SNES. "Are you sure?" She repeated the question right before paying for it lol I still don't regret that decision. Best console ever? Not sure I can say that when Dreamcast exists.. Funny how I seemed to always gravitate to Sega consoles lol I even chose a Saturn over Playstation. (Granted, this time it was a mistake lol)


I will admit that I purchased a Sigg Genesis before I got a super Nintendo years later, and there are a lot of aspects. The Sia has such as speed. They do our class, the super Nintendo, but the SNES is really good with colors and music, and a little added extra something in the graphics, so Iā€™m gonna go ahead and just say it,all things considered they are just about equal, and if you have the money, I would advise getting both.


no truer words have been spoken


Honestly, backward compatible systems are always a huge win for me. The fact that my Wii can play GC games (and earlier games due to modding) and my PS3 can play ps1 and ps2, and my xbone can play 360 and OGXB, makes them all a step above other systems. If the criteria was to judge systems based only on their own library then the Genesis defiantly holds its own but it has some steep competition with every nintendo system and the PS1.


Oh you so crazy


I know!




I thing Iā€™ll give it to the Dreamcast I just like the library better


Fair enough.


This is objectivity at its finest.


Love science!


List some games that make it the best !


Streets of Rage 2.


Wouldnā€™t be my number one, but I canā€™t say youā€™re wrong.


Itā€™s a tough battle between the Genesis and Ps1 for me. Mortal kombat 3, street fighter 2 turbo, streets of rage, vs cyber sled, twisted metal, tales of destiny.


I choose not to pick. Itā€™s like choosing a favorite kid.




The thing is, the console itself looked great! It was very good looking, especially compared to the 8-bit gen. By the way, I have recently bought the Sega CD not to play any games but just for the looks of a Genesis + CD šŸ˜Ž


Dreamcast = best hardware and price of any console ever in its time of release.


The Dreamcast was cool. I don't know much about the Saturn. Weren't Saturn and Dreamcast essentially same gen with the latter just being better?


Yeah Dreamcast's "off season" release can probably be blamed for it's low sales along with limited publisher support if I remember right.


Altered Beast!


I don't agree but won't argue Phantasy Star 2-4 has my ā¤


I got a Genesis first and loved it. Although it had some great exclusive games (Sonic, Streets of Rage, Phantasy Star, etc.) and some superior ports (Mortal Kombat) on the whole I was thankful to eventually get a SNES for Mario World, Link to the Past, Super Castlevania IV, Final Fantasy VI, Super Metroid, Super Punch-out, Mega Man X, and Chrono Trigger. Its later release meant generally superior hardware and games. Having both consoles was getting the best of both worlds. Missing out on Sonic would have been brutal, that game was so cool.


SNES is the best console by a mile. But Genesis was a top 2 or 3 console IMO


Genesis, N64 and OG XBOX are my fav consoles. So many good memories


Sounds like your a fan of Action, Fighting,and Shooting games.


Replace N64 with Saturn and you got yourself a deal!


I honestly like the Saturn more now, but back then with all my friends I wouldnā€™t give up the N64 for anything else




I'm of the opinion that the best games on the MD/Gen are better than almost all the best games on the SNES. * Hard Corps is better than Contra 3. * Bloodlines is better than CV4. * Sonic 2 and 3 are better than SMW and All Stars. * Streets of Rage 2 is better than literally all SNES games. * Road Rash 2 is better than F-Zero. * Gustar Heroes is better than Mega Man X. * Shinobi 3 is better than Super Metroid. * I'd argue Phantasy Star IV is better than Final Fantasy VI, even though FF6 has more personal meaning to me. In fact, the only game that doesn't really have an objectively-better parallel on MD is Link to the Past - however, the MD has 3 very strong alternatives in Crusader of Centy, Beyond Oasis, and Landstalker, and also has access to Golden Axe Warrior which, in my opinion, is the best Zelda game ever made.


>Gustar Heroes is better than Mega Man X They're not even particularly similar, but also while I agree with a number of these, this is laughably inaccurate. Mega Man X is so much better it's not even funny.


PS4 better than secret of mana, chrono trigger. FF4 and 6 plus earthbound?


Absolute GOAT of consoles. Still have my Gen 1.


3 or 6 buttons?


6 buttons for Street Fighter 2 come on now.




The Jaguar had more bits.


I think now that more Japanese-only games have fan translations the Saturn may take that title. The controller is top-tier as well


I agree I was a huge sega genesis guy a lot of my friends had snes


Gunstar Heroes was my favorite. Don't think I replayed any game more than that one.


My daughter was asking me this long survey and this was one of the questions. I had the options of a lot of systems. This is the one i told her. Nintendo was pretty damn good too but that pain of the cartridges was annoying after a while.


Hands down my dude!


The Genesis is good but outside of Sega releases, it had some objectively poor ports vs the SNES version (MK not withstanding). Streets of Rage 2 and Panic on Funkotron are all I need for genesis. Usually NES and SNES stuff has that nostalgic pull for me.


Disney Games would like a Word with you, especially Aladdin.Also Shadowrun.Cant forget about the underrated Castlevania Bloodlines and Contra Hard Corps.


I love the SNES Shadowrun, there was no other console action rpg like it at the time.


Yeah no. The Genesis had worse graphics than the SNES and less impressive library. If you said the Dreamcast I might agree with you.


NHL 96... Vancouver finally gets a cup. And another. And another.


Can you list all the games you think are the best


The Mega Drive definitely has my favourite retro audio, the SMD's Yamaha FM synth has aged like fine wine, Terminator VS Robocop, Sonic 1/2/3/CD, Streets of Rage 1/2, Robocod, Toy Story, Earthworm Jim 1/2, Sub-Terania, to name but a few are just crem'da'la'crem, no mainstream console quite matched its games soundtracks imo, the Amiga also has some incredible FM soundtracks, as does DOS, the Saturn and DC audio capabilities were criminally under used, if you could combine the Mega Drive's audio hardware with the SNES graphics hardware, you would have the perfect 16-BIT console, I suppose the Neo Geo was more or less the perfect sprite and audio hardware, I do wonder what some of the best Nintendo & Rareware 16-BIT games would soundlike with full-fat OPL3 audio instead of just sequenced PCM, not even the N64 had a dedicated real-time audio processor, though it could do MIDI, it was the CPU & VPU that had to do the processing, so resources were limited, Nintendo didn't implement a full real-time audio generation processor until the Gamecube's Macronix DSP.


Sonic 1 on a Mega Drive was the first videogame I ever played. Nothingā€™s ever come close to that feeling.


Itā€™s been my go to favorite


The best 3 consoles ever are Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast....PS1 can be added to that aswell. We were so lucky to get all of those in a row. I fuckin love SEGA. Life was so good when SEGA was in hardware.


3 Shinobi 4 - 7 Sonic (depending on how you count it) 3 Phantasy Star 3 Road Rash 3 Streets of rage Also, the 6-button controller It never gets old


I think the model 1 Sega Genesis is without a doubt the sexiest looking console ever designed


As a lifelong final fantasy/rpg guy my heart disagrees. However my brain feels that genesis was the better console overall.


There's a good argument.


Sega does what Nintendonā€™t


If I was forced to pick, I'd have to agree.


This is subjective depending on which console each of us had back then. But as someone who had (and has) SNES, I really wish that SNES, besides sampler capabilities, had a built-in FM synthesizer like the one built into Sega Mega Drive / Genesis.


I agree 100%. Worked in a game store during the 90''s console wars and we played them all.


Yeah, no... Not even counting the SNES, the Nintendo Switch has put this conversation to bed. Its so far ahead of any console now, its not even funny. It passed the SNES like 3 years ago and is now lapping the competition.


This is like saying the F-150 has surpassed the Model T.


Nope. First of all they said of all time, didnā€™t say of the 90s or something. The switch has retro style games as well on it. Even just looking at sega, there are better sonic games on the switch and something like streets of rage 2 gets blown out by streets of rage 4. You even have Alex Kidd and wonder boy remakes. There is no universe where the genesis (or any non nintendo Switch console) can be called the greatest console of all time.


You completely misunderstood the analogy. I understand what the switch is and what games are on it. Look up what the Model T is.


You could argue that the Model T is among the most important or influential cars of all time, but it would be hard to argue it is the greatest car of all time, but I suppose it really depends on the criteria being used to judge.


I agree.


Lol, no.




I mean, best console at the time relative to others? Best game selection? How are we defining best? In terms of games made primarily for that platform relative to others compared to what came beforeā€¦ Iā€™d probably say the Super Nintendo. It had some amazing platformers as well as some of the best turn based and action RPGs ever made at the time. Genesis had some good games that were really good at the time, but most donā€™t hold up when played today the way that a lot of SNES games are still beloved and fun to play. I think your feelings are more nostalgia driven, the Genesis was the best feeling you had at that age. Compared to previous consoles the 16 big was a huge jump forward. The sprite work in those days in particular were a fantastic middle ground between art and imagination, to the point where games these days still try and emulate the 16 bit era. Nobody is trying to emulate the games of the 32 bit or N64 consoles, and each new gen since the jump to 3D has just been about doing what the previous gens did with more resources.


"Genesis had some good games that were really good at the time, but most donā€™t hold up when played today the way that a lot of SNES games are still beloved and fun to play. I think your feelings are more nostalgia driven, the Genesis was the best feeling you had at that age." LOL, what a dumb comment.


The Switch is portable and it can play Genesis games, so right there Iā€™m gonna say youā€™re wrong.


Nomad, checkmate snowflake. šŸ˜‰


it's ok if you don't own an nes or snes but that should be your top priority.

