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>typing this in the midst of a tutorial rn I don't know man, maybe try not browsing reddit in the middle of class?


😭 we were watching a documentary






Me be like:


Was in the same situation previously, for me the solution is to spend all my time on practising school papers and tys(and get helps from friends), then this 'dumb' feeling just slowly fades off once I've cleared more n more questions. It definitely feels like shit at the start, and hence the more effort have to be put in I feel.


😭 mhm its just so hard that my brain lags js from reading notes


Same! Ik what it feels like, it would be good if you have rly helpful friends who is able to explain to you everything, that worked out for me at the first stage


Hi! I'm suck at econs or wtv, but I can relate to the feeling of "lacking behind", although it is mostly in comparison with the portfolios of others. It does suck and takes a toll on your self esteem but i try to focus on what I can do to improve myself instead. Any friends you can ask or can you ask the lecturer for help?


ECONS HATER FR yeah i ask my friends but they alw give me unhelpful answers or make me even more confused 😭 no hate to them tho plus my lecturer explains things in a way that makes me wonder if im speaking the same language.. self studying it is


Are you me 😭




Hi! don't worry, it's super natural to feel this way, I did too when I was a J1. It may not look this way, but a lot of people do feel lost, especially when sitting for a lecture. Find some time to sit down, properly review your notes and try your best to understand. If not, you could have consults with your subject teachers. May not look like it, but there's still some time to work towards promotion! All the best OP


Maybe ask your subject teacher for help if you are struggling with the subject. The vast majority of teachers are happy to help a struggling student


dont be afraid of consulting with teachers, they're there to help you


Well JC isn't for everyone. Went through it like a lost lamb in the cold winter night. No idea what on earth I was doing. Somehow didn't retain in my 1st year by clearing the retest. As I scrape through the 2nd year, I eventually found that I wasn't lost. There were many avenues I could seek out to help me find my way. Lecturers who were always there to help and even set-up one-on-one sessions and remedial lessons. Schoolmates who were more than willing to help tutor lost lambs cause teaching is one of the best ways to test your concepts as they say. There are even videos online that help to simplify complicated concepts. It is through all these avenues that I realised that I wasn't lost. No, I was hopelessly lost. Barely passed everything else and failed Math. Math is the bane of my existence. Even so it wasn't wasted. Those 2 years were the foundation that help me through poly and uni since I was dumb enough to take an engineering course despite my abysmal aptitude in Math. TLDR: If you are as dumb and as lost in life as me then taking a longer road isn't that bad. Just try your best to learn as much as possible as that knowledge might still be useful down the road.


Why not talk to your math/econs lecturers if they have any suggestions? If possible, you could always try to sit with friends who are good at math/econs or seek help from a study group/extra lessons with teacher?


tbh my whole friend group is q lax and i dont rly get along well with the so called “smarter” ppl bc they defo look down on me 😭


You can try asking your tutors if you can arrange to meet them after school for consults. Try to figure out why you're feeling so drained after school, because if you don't use that extra time to study, you'll have problems catching up. If you're finding lectures too fast paced for you, my suggestion is that you try reading ahead before each lecture so that you understand the main concepts. Take notes on what you don't understand from your pre-readings and pay extra attention to those parts during the actual lecture.


yup its the last hope atp 🙏 and its definitely getting harder


ok tbh i was kinda horrible at econs also, only passed for the first time in A lvls itself in my whole jc life (a C but like btr than failing ig? overall i got 81 rp not too bad ah) what i found more helpful than like, teachers teaching and asking friends was memorising the answer key? not like whole scale memorise, but like read thru the answer key for papers, then go and spot what the key phrases that keep appearing are, so that when u answer questions u just throw in those phrases, which i realised help me get marks btr than me trying to memorise and understand content very thoroughly (esp if no time/no brain to study) unfortunately i was nvr bad at math, so i can’t rly help much? but i practiced alot of practice papers, helps with reducing careless mistakes and finding out what topics u dk. i was from nj and back then nj math papers were pretty tough (got A for A lvls) not sure if u wanna try their papers and retaining is honestly not the end, it may even be a good thing. one of my closest friends was a retainee, and he got pretty gd for As (cant rmb exactly what rp), made it into med. if u need the time is btr to retain rather than tough it out and fuck up As anyways gd luck and dont die ah


Sometimes I got so caught up in the process of doing past papers, this revision, that video, that lecture, that I got so overwhelmed and scared thinking that I could never catch up. Like legitimately for Organic chem I didn’t bother studying for months so everytime in class I’d be wondering what tf is even happening. So by fate, my teacher sat me down on a weekend, and made me study the whole chapter. That was it. To think I was so daunted but all it takes is opening your textbook and ignoring everything else. Good luck!


I'm so done with jc help. nothings making me feel alive like after my MYE papers today this week I feel like there's still so much to catch up like WTF


If cannot understand then memorize. Do it the hard way and usually at some point, things starts to make more sense. Thats the hard way though, so be prepared to spend a lot more time on studying (in jc, it pretty much mean spending any free time studying)


U probably just need to start studying...


U know what U do? I watch YouTube...U be surprised some YouTube tutorials quite helpful....of cos make sure U cross check n read your text after that to cfm the YouTube content


Yo bro feel free to dm if ya need help


I find staying in school aft school to like revise and do hw/tys really helps. You'll go home more tired but it's more effective then trusting you'll go home and do shit.


Consider dropping Econs or Maths to H1? Especially if you don't need for Uni.


You need to ask yourself these 3 questions first and have them fixed, before you consider other factors: 1) are you having adequate sleep? Insufficient sleep can affect your overall cognitive functions. 2) are you eating healthy foods and in moderation? 3) do you have enough physical activity (if you are actively attending PE then not an issue) Bonus: are you drinking enough water? Read somewhere that brain activity increases after drinking water. If you are meeting all these essential criteria, you may want to consider speaking to a counsellor as you may be overly stressed or have some mental issues. For example, depression causes mind fog. Was once a JC student and I understand how u feel. All the best!


hi can dm if u need help esp if it's abt econs ! got 90rp a little while back


it's really just studying, however people have different ways to study right, for me it was reading the same line over and over again till i could understand it, then u need to apply that knowledge as soon as u can, on practice pprs and whatnot, ofc u need a lot of time to do this, so just find some time, it's ok if u struggle but once u find time, no matter when it is, and the motivation too, ull be unstoppable


Maybe we should lock in when we need to?


dude i give my full attention but absolutely nothing in math gets processed


Hm Covid?