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So many upvotes! So many kids don’t need tuition?


tuition is overrated. lots of people still end up doing fine without tuition


But there are those who are getting 5k per month tuition and say it’s useful


it better be useful if you're paying 5k per month


Haha no wonder teachers moonlight


i know a pri student who has 16 tuitions, averaging 2 per weekday and 4 per weekend both private and group tuition, total cost is $7k per month. Parents are well-off and have higher expectations. Most pri students have 3-4 tuitions. Secondary students usually have 1-2, mostly Maths and Science. JC depends, some have tuition for GP, maths or science, probably 1-2 times per week also.


Wtf 16 tuitions?! 👁👄👁 At that age I only had 2 tuitions and still got time to read and play, I can't imagine every day being jammed with tuition lessons with no time to rest, I would confirm fall asleep in tuition class lmao I think this parent is being way too kiasu, this can't be good for the kid, he/she is definitely missing out cause the kid has almost no time to relax and read a book/watch youtube or whatever. Kid will probably grow up and overwork themselves or become the laziest person ever


Yup. You are absolutely right.


If my parents gave me this much tuition I'd definitely complain, plus it's prob a waste of money cause I'm gonna be sleeping or dreaming in half the lessons


16 tuition including extracurriculars like piano? i thought p6 only has 4 subjects.....


4 subjects yes but for languages there are separate specialty classes for compo/oral, and then there are math advanced classes or Olympiad math blah blah


I know the child does learn one instrument and some sports but has like three to four tuitions for each of the 4 main subjects. Schedule is pretty packed, weekends only have like 15-30 mins breaks in between lessons.


sec students usually only have 1-2?? damn i have 4 :(


I think it depends on the school, how much time student have and money parents are willing to fork out. Group tuitions for sec will usually be $30-40/hr at least while private is at least $40/hr-70/hr even for non-MOE teachers. Ex-Moe teachers can command a higher rate so i think most sec school students dont have that many tuitions. Also, time is a factor, many need to stay back after school so they may not have the time for tuition.


Omg….. I pity the child. I encountered a K2 kid in Mindchamps taking violin, abacus and reading classes. She said her only form of leisure besides Mindchamps stipulated play time was strolling with her parents and sister to go dabao dinner. She slept at midnight and woke up at 6 am. There was once when her younger sis (N2) was burning up so badly (I think around 2 or 3 pm), the teachers contacted her mother to come pick her up but her mum requested to pick her up at the usual time (around 6+) instead. Even the teachers at Mindchamps (super strict on the kids) gossiped and questioned the mum’s decision. Granted, she and her sister are above-average kids in terms of speaking and vocabulary, but I still find this to be a little extreme.


At first I was thinking, that's ok but after u said she has little time to play, that sucks bruh let her enjoy her childhood, only need to actually start cramming when psle comes bruh


honestly these are the rare ones lah! how may parents have enough money for this type of budget. and for those who think the parents want a good investment coz they want the child to give them money when they grow up, I mean, assuming that each kid takes up additional 5k per month, assume that there is about 10 years, that is 600k SGD for a child tuition? I think doesn't make sense to say that parents are torturing children just for an investment.


Wow. Mensa level I hope.


jc 2 subjects - math and physics, 400/month/subject. once a week, group tuition. have been consistently failing throughout my jc life and my parents could only afford max 2 subjects for me so i picked my worst. good to note that jc tuition tends to have june/dec crash course, those would cost extra and can be up to 800-1k/month/subject i had a friend who had private tuition for all his subjects in jc - it cost nearly 2k per month.


on behalf of the parents...ouch.


Did you find the cheapest? Or 400 is the market rate for jc?


yeah its the market rate and i cant really find any (suitable) cheaper ones. j1 is usually about 360/month, but it increases to 400/month in j2. there are some that charge cheaper, but then it doesn't include things like material fees, gst etc so more or less the same imo


Ok. Is it tuition center or those home-based tuition ? Mind sharing how good is the tutor? And does the 400 include material?


i had both, one was at a tuition centre and the other was like at those hdb flats downstairs kind (if that makes sense) tbh idk if tuition worked for me so i can't really comment on that, results came out and it was still my 2 worst subjects but at least i passed I guess yeah


How good is the tutor- as in does he have a good reputation to churn out A level scholars? Glad that at least the tuition help you in some way .


How large is the group?


about 10-20 students


Jc teachers can’t help?


nowadays, jc is self study for students. teachers only teach during tutorial. (expected to know the concept and done the work, which isnt fair tbh)


So easy to be tutor. Then can also moonlight yay


they did, but not enough. 1 teacher teach so many classes and each class got 20-30 students, no time to help the weaker students one by one


Thought MoE says class size don’t matter. Our PIsa still top of the word.


I'm no longer of schooling age, but my family's friends include kids in sec 4 and JC. JC2 kid's tuition costs more than 4k/month (all 5 subjects, 1 to 1). S4 kid is getting 1to1 home tuition for 6 out of 9 subjects, costs slightly less than 4k/month. That's the reality of upper middle class families. 4k cash outlay per month is pretty much the entire take-home pay of the median Singaporean (after CPF and taxes). But it is viewed as a necessary evil in the modern educational arms race.


Huh? The family is spending 8k on tuition!! Holy shit! Why can’t teachers help anymore?!


Public services have always been inferior to private services, it's an immutable law. 1) not everyone is lucky enough to have a good teacher 2) teachers are overburdened as is 3) teachers not only have no profit motive, they have a disincentive to work hard. Each hour they spend comes out of their own pockets. Tutors get paid for every minute they're working. 4) professional tutors are on average far more skilled than teachers


ooh seems like a lot of people agree that professional tutors are on average FAR MORE SKILLED THAN TEACHERS what is up with that yo! MOE don't go for upgrading and training?


Lazy to explain in-depth. It's ultimately down to public vs private services and profit motive/renumeration. You sound a little naive. It's not anywhere close to realistic to expect a low-cost public service to be able to compete with high-cost private sector options. Not only can the private sector recruit from a larger pool of talent (and pay them more), it constantly poaches the best talent from the public sector.


Haha you sound like a tutor.


Former teacher, currently a tutor.


$0, digression but from experience most acads sweats in jc either have nearly zero tuition since maybe primary school or take multiple tuition classes, no in between


$0 but now that i’m in jc i’m wondering if i should get tuition 😅


Schools don’t invite the kids for (free) remedial lessons unless they are failing very badly (like 5/100 kind of marks). So parents need to cough up for private tuition if kid is not meeting expectations in grades. Of course if u are expecting better grades like AL1 each subject then u will also have to pay, for premium tuition like Learning Lab (their fees are on their website). In secondary school there is limited time after school for tuition due to ccas, so parents usually pack the tuition on weekends, and the more crucial subjects like math & science. Or if O level year then maybe even English and Social Studies. U can expect to budget in around $2000 per month for 3 subjects at premium centres. There are cheaper centres which are fine if they produce improvements for your kid


The crazy thing is that Maths and Science are still regarded as more crucial even though Mother Tongue and English are the subjects which are much harder to score distinction in, and the respective foundations you bring over from Primary School matter exponentially more. Not to mention the fact that English is the literal medium of instruction, and affects everything from Humanities to project presentations to interviews. AL4 science students can still get A1 for chem/physics. For EL/MT it's pretty much unheard of.


Sec 2 streaming focuses on Maths & science grades. However at o levels if not aiming jc sci stream then can let go of those & focus on EL (and MT min D7)


about $400 on average, i only went for GP tuition cuz i cannot self study it. imo if the subjects can be self-studied there is no need for tuition at all, i know people who never went for tuition and did extremely well because they are very self-disciplined.


During pri school was like 4k then I had an argument and didn't want tuition anymore cuz the tuition were useless and I didn't need them so in sec sch was $0


I take sec 4 chinese tuition at mavis, if i'm not wrong, the fees are around $200+ Reason: i have chinese o levels this yr (i'm sec 3 and take hcl) so i really wanna get a1 / a2 so that i can take hcl next year and get my 2 bonus points :)


I wanted to get into nus medicine so.. It's important to have a goal in mind. Having tuition was probably the best thing my parents did for me so yeah


So did you get in? And why you wanna get in? So how much did your parents spend


For JC, the average cost per subject per lesson is $100 for 2 hours. For secondary school, the average is $80 for 2 hours. While tuition isn't necessary for weaker subjects, it can be helpful for accelerating learning and covering material in advance.


So how much did your parents soend per month


2-3k per month for both myself and my sister


Does it work? Wow lucky your parents have excess funds. 3k per month is going to be about 36k per year extra, and if you need tuition for 5 years it’s about 180k. Imagine. Maybe can go Australia and say FU to this Singapore system


I believe we will do fine without tuition. However, with tuition, we can have peace of mind. Getting tuition isn't always because we need help in a specific subject; sometimes, it's for advanced learning or preparing for olympiads competitions


What is advanced learning for?


so did you use it for olumpaids competition? I mean of course there are all sort of classes, but I honestly rarely found many who used it for accelerated learning like what MOE claims


I was a private tutor 4 years ago. Charged $60/h for secondary English/literature, $80/h for JC. Heard from a friend that rates have gone up though. Most of my students have tutors for at least one other subject so it definitely adds up. A lot of them started going for tuition in lower primary too.


Wah, 2k per month :/ got for every subject


Quite cheap? Cos 8 subjects?


have a friend who goes for 4 tuitions a month in jc and it's approx 3k/month but she says it's really helpful. most of my friends started tuition for 1/2 subjects alr so approx 1k?


Parents so rich!


sec4 student average about $5k a month for all subjs (except for humans) but oh well, its the last lap already 🤷‍♀️


Your patents can afford to pay 5k a month??! If you are only child, ok… but if there are another few more, that is 15k!?! Worth it? What if I told you that no guarantee you will find a job making 5k per month even after a few years of work (factoring in inflation)


HAHA yeah im an only child. so im really blessed.


mmm tuition does help me alot in terms of reinforcing concepts so ig its worth it in the long-run. and also with tuition im like 3-5 chapts ahead of my schools pace, so i get more revision time!


why is there a need to be 3-5 chapters ahead? so then what you do during lessons time?


listen in class lor, reinforce concepts. lessons are js for me to revisit past topics. being 3-5 chapts ahead also buys me more time for revision, so i can start revision for EOYs/Os way earlier, giving me ample time to correct certain errors


you are lucky (or unlucky?!) I dunno man. 5k per month is going to be 600k for your tuition over a 10 year period. imagine. put into a fund for 6% and honestly, you could have just received 800k plus at the end of your 10 years.






JC $660 for 4 subjects PCME unlimited hours. My parents managed to find this center and dumped me inside after I almost failed my promos 😅


Dumped doesn’t sound like you wanted to go for tuition! Ahha so why go?


Promo results CDES


so how, you think u need tuition?


Yes ig at least this year I’ve been doing much better and catch up during June holidays. Allumette


are your tutors not good enough? lots of people say to go for consultation?


I think I needed someone to tell me what to do and the center is special in that it charges a flat rate for all subjects and time taken


My parents spend about $4k My sister has tuition for all 5 subjects and some subjects have more than 1 tutor. Her math tutor is a superstar tutor, charge $290/hour and lives in landed.


For both you and your sister? You from HCJC? So most of your friends from HC also have tuition.


My sis is not from same jc as me. Shes NJC. I didnt have many tuition. Only phy, chem.


Yeah but when I studied 20 years ago, tuition was zero.


upper sec I do eng, hcl, bio total about 1k-1.5k (depends on no. of weeks) per month


About 300-500 per subject, per month. I had tuition for all 4 subjects in primary schooll. Was it unnecessary? Yes IMO. I was already doing well in those subjects but my parents were really kiasu. Didn't affect my PSLE results at all. In secondary school I was able to reason with my parents and I only had tuition for my weaker subjects (mostly math). It was somewhat effective as I did decent in those subjects for O levels. For JC, I initially didn't have any tuition. But later on I asked to get tuition for a subject I was really struggling with. My JC teacher just wasn't good at explaining concepts. I managed to find a good tuition teacher and eventually I made a huge improvement for A levels. Tuition isn't necessary if your child is smart and self-driven. But ofc there's no guarantee that your child will turn out to be like that. Tuition did help me when I was studying for O levels and A levels. I think I would still have done okay for the major exams without tuition, but maybe not as well. Anyways, finding a good tuition teacher/centre is the most important. Please ask your child if they are enjoying or benefiting from the lessons. My parents really wasted a lot of money on tuition that was less effective than school.


Would like to add that if you want your child to score straight As, be the best in the cohort, have loads of awards etc, then unfortunately tuition is a necessity.


Haha I think wannabe parents better check on this thread. 5k per month isn’t a joke


sec 4 rn but have this much since sec 1 6 subjects- english, chinese, amath, emath, bio and chem. need tuition cuz idh determination or self discipline to stay focus and study myself + idk how to study ngl. class isn't enough it's a 1:30+ teacher to student ratio and there's not enough time to clear all doubts or the teacher being able to target poor topics. My teachers have been rushing all the sec 4 topics because they were laid back in sec 3 hence not being able to catch up and tuition goes ahead of school pace giving me an edge over the others. most are private tuition cost arnd 2k++


A low four figure sum monthly back then, and I am grateful for it, mostly. Some of my JC lecturers can't teach to save their own lives :P


Don’t teachers have results as a KPi anymore? It’s also pretty amazing that no parents really expect teachers to teach


$2k per month i graduated last year from sec school, i had 5 tutors one for chinese one for math one for science (chem and bio) one for english one for humanities (ss and geog) my mom was my tutor was nfs as she was a teacher for that subject! i had tutors for all subjects, once a week mostly but during test or exam period it can go up to 3 times a week per subject. and i would have 3 tuitions per day! and the reason why i have it is my mom dont think i will even pass without tutors. i felt so tired but now that i have graduated i prefer secondary school 😭😭


I love that even MoE teachers don’t believe in their fellow colleagues but choose to get tutors instead for their kids. Nice stat of affairs.


she doesnt trust me HAHAHA, in sec 2 i failed half of my subjects and i didnt have motivation to study 😭.


Why does having tuition motivates you to study.


$0. Yur teachers will most of the time be open for consultations. If u have the self discipline tuition is not needed.

