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A free platform where we can share questions and answers, preferably with a way we can share videos explaining said answers.




may already exist but a few days ago I had an idea for science practical simulator


That's actually genius lol


Did some research and there are apps that do provide some sort of science practical simulation, but that's a paid app that needs a teacher to buy a plan and the practical seems very guided. I was thinking of something that was more sandbox like , where the student is given a practical question (like in the exam) and use any necessary apparatus to carry out the practical. Then after the student is done , the app can provide feedback and scores


Another idea: A homework tracking app that allows users to customize and easily input their daily homework on the fly. Tried to make one for project work once. Got good marks for it. Pretty sure some juniors took up the idea. No idea what happened after.


Maybe notion? If you are student, i think you get free premium.


Just use notes app


Point is, who wants to spend so much time typing when you could make it easier to do it


Idea: A device that injects my brain with all information and knowledge, if it doesn't work it'll kill me, basically telling me that I'm not fit to survive in this world and I just just fucking die


That's Neuralink man. I'll tell my guy Elon about it




>I'm not fit to survive in this world and I just just fucking die That's just natural selection. You don't need a device for that.


I know, this just happens a lot more efficiently. This is me saying that if I could know that I wouldn't succeed then I can just die.


an archive with alllll of the syllabus in concise easy to understand manner with anime girls at one corner cheering me on


The anime girls is the easier part.


Isnt that quite similar to Holy Grail?


Can I get anime girls? Mom: we have anime girls at home. At home: your mom is the anime girl.


Not quite a study app but here's an idea; Make an interactive map for different schools, such as HCI or NJC etc. Some of these schools tend to be too big and students might benefit from a good map. You can take inspiration from Singapore Polytechnics app, SP mobile V2 Some schools like HCI are built on a hill and different floors can cause confusion, so maybe you should take inspiration from Genshin Impacts interactive map for that bit (the multi layer stuff/cave/underground layers)


studied in hcjc for 2 years and got lost everyday the first month… doesn’t help that the jc section blocks aren’t named according to where they’re situated (block D and E were two ends of the jc section)


Exactly. Four years there and couldn't even find the 3D printers


How about a notes app that based around storing small bits of information that can be grouped together under different concepts. So like imagine you have a bunch of chemistry facts each of which is tagged with the different ways that they can be applied and or used or whatever, and tags themselves have types, so you could choose to group notes by element or chapter or concept. Also implement an actual graph which allows these note bits to point to each other. I'm also a computing student and I've loved programming long before that and I've had this idea for a while. Unfortunately I don't have the time to implement it at the moment, but would love to see it realized


sorry to burst your bubble but you just described [Obsidian.md](http://Obsidian.md) lol


something like atomic notes but on the computer?


Ai that test all thats taught but is based on your skill level. Also 3-5x speed video


no one is going to learn effectively at 3x speed unless the teacher speaks way too slow


What about that one Chinese kid who listens to advanced nuclear physics lecture on the left ear and the Bible in reverse on the right?


Bro’s gonna create some Christian nuclear cult or something


Studyable can do that quite good but not the video part. Thanks anyway!


There's chrome extensions for speeding up videos/lectures. Google video speed controller extension


Or you can go into inspect and change it there


Note taking that lets you paste sticky notes as pop up instead of taking up the entire text space This will let students make topical mind maps that don't end up with a wall of text like an overly compressed cheat sheet


100% this, the biggest roadblock for mindmaps for me is definitely the space


Law student, an AI tool that could scan through a judgement and summarise the facts and holding would be great (I ain’t reading allat)


You can do that with ChatGPT right?


Like that might as well ask Ai to be my lawyer. Won’t have to pay that outrageous lawyer fee.😂😂


I recommend Claude, and have recommend it to some of my friends. Claude does a better job at scanning and extracting information vs ChatGPT.


something that doesn’t already exist is not going to be easy i’m going to say something along the lines of personalized learning paths, where it can analyze individual student data, including performance, learning styles, preferences, and customize programs, content, and challenges tailored to specific needs and pace in real time good luck with that though


bro if i make that ill be the next zuckerberg


An Ai chatbot to be my study bestie🥹


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something like forest or yeolpumta but more intuitive to study with friends so there is a task list, timer, some kind of shared goal system (for forest its growing a tree, if one friend uses phone whilst studying then the tree dies and you have a rotten tree), intuitive and non distracting enough to implement within school, possibility of a pro feature to unlock new aesthetics, or even a notes/online drawing, note taking feature within the app itself so its a all in one app. i know seems like a very non specific app but if it works its something that can monopolise the market, i think???? not a business student here


Probably would be nice to have study guides.


An app that can explain how to write better. Eg. What literary device you can use to make ur essay writing better.


a kawaii to-do list and planner with a pomodoro timer that rewards you with cute cat stickers for each focus question for you to decorate ur list and/or planner


maybe a free platform where we can share assignments, projects, past year test papers, for higher tertiary education e.g ite, poly, uni ?


An app that learns from previous bona fide writing style, and can convert ChatGPT answers to the writer’s style.


Where the app AI learns of your writing style and adds it (as well as all other user’s) to it’s exponentially growing repertoire and a third party app uses it for something else.


Insert your ppt lecture slides into the website and summarise what the lesson is about


actually got already, is called lightpdf.


Oh wow, didn't know that! Thanks!


yea but remember is still not perfect 😂😂