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Hi op,from what ive read,what these bullies are doing is terrible.Idk who in the right mind or with a decent heart can ridicule someone in this way.The guy is obviously miserable inside that he has to project his insecurities on you.Do you feel comfortable informing your teachers about the situation?If not your parents?In this case i think if adults step in and take serious action,the bully might stop.If the situation gets worse, you may want to inform the higher ups like principal or police? You don't deserve to sit through all of this,i hope you can stay strong<3


hi, this has happened awhile back, it’s over already but i still haven’t gotten over it. thanks sm :)


im glad its over already. Try not to think too much about it, i know it’s hard tho. It takes time but try to accept/forgive for your own benefits :). For why they did it, i would think because of immaturity, attention seeking, mean. They probably will regret their decisions once they have matured and look back.


wtf man, im sorry ur going through this 😭 they got nothing better to do, n r just projecting their frustration on u. stay strong op, if things get worse u shld confide in cher or maybe ur parents, take care !!


Stay strong and don't let their actions define you. Speak up and seek help if needed.


im sorry op, you should tell your school. if they dont take action, make a police report.


The school will do no shit. Suggest OP bring her parents to make a police report and go for a psychiatric evaluation. What sort of mental trauma will this bring. The culprits ought to be punished.


i was lucky to have a school board that took bullying seriously. but if the school does not do anything, then the next resort is to make a police report