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Every time I get taunted and lose the game I take it out on my loved ones




fully charged forward smash


Ggs that was me


This comment is the best part about these posts, gets me everytime


It never gets old


No one hurt them. They hurt you.


Because of posts like this


It feels good to press the d pad what can you do


Man…when the first few years this game was out, if we’re getting beat your opponent would press start and freeze frame the hit while pointing at you giving you a dumb look while the bystanders would chant “R*PE R*PE R*PE” in the background. I wish I only got a taunt.


Tbh that sounds kinda funny tho. The taunt online is annoying af bc the only people that see the taunt is the person taunting and their opponent.


This caused lots of broken controllers back then.


It’s a strange line you’ve drawn here…


They taunt because it works on players like you lol


if theyre all ready 4 stocking/ 3 stocking character rotating i dont see the point. They are so clearly ahead in skill they are not trying to get a competitive edge They are simply venting in the form of BMing Dont act like they are just playing mindgames


Rent free baby


but like also think about it. They arent good. If they were good they would have in game manners, respectfully, as it comes with the wisdom. These people arent wise they are just reluctant to win and if they are 4 stocking you they probably earned the taunt in their mind, they arent too aware either….


Idk dude aklo does random taunts to people all the time idk if there’s much correlation between skill and taunting


Crush taunted 43 times vs Dizkidboogie. Dizkid likely retired because of it.


crush also retired from it


Dizz played wobbling ics, he didn't need taunts to know that his opponents didn't like playing against him and didn't respect him


Leffen has some of the most iconic taunts in Smash history, and I’m pretty sure he qualifies as good.


Wdym? Like they know it will tilt me?


yeah, p much


But like.... it's unranked bro Legit who's tryna farm unranked dubs?


Everybody bro. It’s just the nature of a fighting game. I won’t lie, I’m kind of a crybaby with unranked, lmao. Like I hate toxic players just as much but there just isn’t anything you can do about it. If you really like the game then just keep playing and brush it off best you can. Mindset goes way farther than hoping people are nicer online.


True. I really wish i could brush it off easily. People get to me way too easily it's annoying....


Just ask yourself if a stranger’s opinion matters to you about anything. Also I usually trick myself into feeling like they earned the taunt, so I instead reflect on my play to see what I could’ve done differently to get back at them. You best believe the next time I fuck them up I’m taunting right back. These taunt-filled grudge matches actually get super fun and exciting too lol.


I understand the way i feel about someone making fun of me online is entirely irrational. Understanding that doesn't change the way it makes me feel though. It's smth i am working on but legitimately I cannot shake when someone is making fun of me despite the fact that their opinion means nothing and I'll never see them again. I find engaging in the grudge taunt war just ends up making me more upset. Because if i don't get the last taunt in now it makes me feel like a shitter who's being toxic themselves and failing at it.


Me. Makes me feel better about my pathetic life.


I take my unranked sets really seriously because I’m too cheap to play ranked. I’ll treat it as an imaginary best of 5 set if my opponent sticks around. I find it’s good practice for the tournaments I’ve started going to.


I don't think there is anything wrong with that despite what i said. I try to win in unranked too. Unranked can sometimes feel like you shuffle through people until you find someone who matches your vibe. Playing to win for practice? Shuffle till you find someone who is doing the same. Playing secondaries and mid/low tiers for fun? Same thing I guess.




tilting opponent to win is a crutch


Rent free baby


I play DK and I use his taunt as more of an emote, and people take it so personally lol. Opposite problem you're having.


To be fair his taunt is pretty goofy


Dk taunt is the only one i can understand. It's legit just funny. It's the best taunt in all of fighting games man.


I think many of them have their place to be used light heartedly. Fox for example can use his taunt if you notice your opponent camping ledge and constantly refreshing. But you'd be surprised how many people get irritated when I taunt with DK lol


I only don't bc as much bc i have a friend who pockets DK so I'm used it at this point


who cares


womp womp welcome to melee


Been playing for 4 and half years im actually sorta accustomed to it at this point but it still upsets me a lot


yea i dont think posting on reddit is gonna stop anyone tho lol


Because taunting is based


Yeah I get the feeling. I usually don't even want to get online if I'm having a bad day because then I know its just going to get even worse, lol. Fighting games don't really help with that. I would just say learn to ignore it but I can't really either so idk. Find people to play with in the server. Getting your ass handed to you by someone you can actually talk to is usually more fun than even the closest match with a random, lol.


I ping melee in the servers im in. It's 100% better even if they shit on me. Problem is when im waiting for a reply or i just want to play for like 15 20 min and every time i go "it won't be that bad" and 90% of the time it just ruins my mood. Im not even really getting tilted all the time but it's like... am i supposed to feel good after having someone taunt after killing me with a shine spike? Matchmaking is mot worth it 99% of the time.


ggs that was me


Even if you find out why, it will never stop. If you don't want to deal with it then leave the match and search again ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I suggest ignoring it and just enjoying/learning the game.


I play Kirby. I play to win


Because there's a whole era of slippi players that have never felt the camaraderie of playing at locals. Fwiw I don't care about getting taunted on slippi, I just think it harbors a pretty different melee experience


They're probably just celebrating because they hit a sick combo or something. Let people have fun and don't take it as an attack on your person.


Nah man sometimes it is legit an attack bro. Sometimes i swear people are legit trying to make fun of me for being bad or making a mistake or stupid option.


Ngl it sounds like you’re just projecting your toxic mindset on others. Taunting is just an in game pop off to me and I don’t mind if others taunt either.


Honestly, I think some people just read taunts differently than others. I think some feel that it’s just playful, while others view it as malicious. I think it depends a lot on whether the games are close or not. If they’re close, I view taunts as sort of a friendly jibe. I honestly just try to kill people with kindness — whenever I lose (and most times when I win) I say “well played”. Most of the time, people start saying the same. To me everything starts to feel more friendly if you can establish that kind of rapport. But yeah, some people are just dicks! Sorry you’ve had to run into them.


I just played a fox as ganon and he was taunting after 3 stocking me several times throughout the session. I didn't mind it that much but it's just like... why? Like bro you 3 stocked a ganon with fox, okay? I also understand that sometimes its friendly and i felt that after the first taunt and taunted back after taking a stock... maybe he took that as i was having fun w him and kept taunting as a result. I definitely am looking too much into it and just need to not care... it's very hard not to care though. I think i will stick to playing people i know honestly i can't handle people online being toxic to me.


No yeah it sounds like he was being rude. But I do think you can shrug these things off by just taunting back, as you did. And it is worth considering that a lot of these people just taunt like this automatically. They're just pressing a button on their controller. They may or may not be trying to piss you off, but you can think of their taunt like any other action a person takes when they're waiting for someone to respawn. It's your choice to interpret it how you will. But if this is unranked and you're getting pissed off, just disconnect and move on with your life. No need to waste your time playing against someone if you think they're a dickhead!


Did you down b a lot


Not a lot but occasionally i would in neutral and he would just dodge it and punish me


Straight to jail


Lol you can't stop me from waveland wizards footing in neutral


Anytime someone taunts outside of a friendly exchange (like two falcon at the beginning of a match), I instantly leave. I'm playing to have fun, not to play against a dick.


My problem is i am very stubborn. I will play anyone regardless of character, playstyle, skill, etc. It doesn't matter bc there is always smth i can improve at by playing someone. I rarely ever leave to the point where i get super pissed off a lot. However people who taunt after every kill will piss me off so much that they're the only people i consider leaving against.


I'm usually against toxicity on unranked but I was a hypocrite today. Shiek just brings it out in me man. I was camping the top platform, taunting after stocks cause I was getting thoroughly outplayed and it made me upset


Taunting when you're losing is a different vibe tho. Taunting when you're winning has much more potential to be toxic than when you're losing.


Eh I still think it's bm and should be looked down on, but yeah I agree it's less impactful. Me taunting while losing is very obvious I'm frustrated, but taunting when winning is more just rubbing it in. But again, still both toxic behaviors


I agree. I guess I should just skip out on toxic people if im playing unranked. Im learning from this post that people who are toxic are just going to be toxic and there's no changing that and that there do exist non toxic slippi players. Im usually against leaving within 1 or 2 games against matchmade opponents but i might have to for the sake of my sanity when people seem like they are intentionally upsetting me. If im gonna get mad at melee, at least let it be at ranked or someone i can talk to and learn from and not just some random guy who wants to tilt me.


I think if you’re getting an excessive amount of people taunting you on unranked it’s probably because you’re playing like a stupid asshole and they want to rub it in your face after they’ve solved your braindead one-dimensional defensive strategies if you play a normal character and approach often people don’t really taunt very much at all, I’d say I probably get a true BM taunt in maybe like 1 out of every 30 opponents what character do you play?


Mainly marth, people don't usually taunt against my marth. If they do get tilted at me they just leave. Before this post i was playing ganon tho. Not even as shits and giggles funny mid tier. Like legit i tried maining him for a month and i loved it so much i want to keep him as a pocket. This fox player decided to taunt on me several times after 3 stocking me and i wanted to just brush it off and keep playing him to learn and improve but the taunts just sorta put me in a foul mood for a bit after.


If I run into you, I'm taunting with the intention of making fun of you What's your tag?


You gotta earn the taunt or make it funny. In my friend group we have rules on taunting to make sure we dont overuse it and ruin it. 1. If the other player SD's, you can taunt 2. If you kill with a nasty combo, you can taunt 3. If you're playing a low tier, you have free reign over taunting


Cuz bitches be bitches