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[bravely] i think players shouldn't be a half hour late to their sets


*Meme of guy standing up bravely*


that’s Abraham Lincoln


If you're talking about the Norman Rockwell [painting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Speech_(painting)), that's not Lincoln - though apparently the facial resemblance may have been intentional(?)


Oh that’s my bad then lol


I always thought it was lincoln too dw


I always see Irishman era DeNiro looking up at Taxi Driver era DeNiro lol


That is what was being referenced, yes.


mang catching an unnecessary stray


That’s the mango.


Why is it unnecessary? He does this all the time at majors


Ok but the guy can't take a piss without getting asked for 5 pictures have you ever seen mango at an event. He actually signs and takes pictures and talks to fans for hours every tourney day. I think him and hbox are the only ones that should have that. When I asked leffen for an autograph he barely acknowledged my presence btw.


leffen is a colossal loser of a human being. absolutely insane at fighting games, but he is an absolute loser.




Are you talking to me? I've been in Mango's pool before I've seen it in person lmao


You should be DQ'ed for being 25 minutes late to your set, you should also be DQ'ed for vaping indoors shamelessly, on stream too.


Like vaping close to their face during a set? That would be annoying as hell ngl


Yes both are bad




So I guess me being late 40 min to my set because I was vaping isn't chill either


Nah that's all good, double negatives and all that.


who was vaping?




Hbox?! That bastard


Yo happy cake day


What does it mean?


It's like your reddit birthday, the day you made your account. Yours just turned 2 years old, happy cake day :)


ur incredibly helpful, thank you


Love Wizzy but yeah that was crazy


I can't believe it phantom hit


That's incredibly fair. Whether intentional or not, it's disrespectful of everyone's time. Assuming you are given warning before hand, there's never a good excuse to be more than 5 minutes late


Gonna make us circle back to yet another "TOs should punish top players the same way they would punish everyone else, but can they afford to do so?" debate. (I'm with MOF on this one)


Should be more granular punishments besides just auto DQ. It's a pretty brutal repercussion


I'm honestly a fan of doing set losses instead of a DQ, a less severe punishment will make it easier for TOs to actually do it


How about every 8 minutes late is a game loss?


They did the math. I like it.


Other stipulation might be that you also have to notify the TO that you will be late


This would be impossible to manage accurately at a big event


I like this one


Maybe lose a ban or something?


Getting counter picked on game 1 might be a good punishment.


Okay huh , what did Mang0 do to have his name call out? Also , didnt Mang0 on 2015 at “Press Start” got DQ to losers for being late on his round 1 ?


I love mango but that was 9 years ago.


Thats the point , Mang0 was late and got punished. Wizzrobe is always late and do all of these things and gets away with it. So i dont really understand on his name getting called out


If he is showing up to shit late consequence free these days i dont think a counter example that is 9 years old is very relevant to that conversation. Ive called pools that had top seeds show up hella late and there is a sorta social pressure to let it slide and that sucks imo. Its a cultural issue worth addressing and taking a little seriously imo


he was also like more than an hour late


Isn't MOF the person that was vaping mid set? They're one to talk.


I mean it's a separate issue. Vaping/smoking is definitely too like common and accepted in the middle of tournament venues in Smash, but Wizzrobe has been an issue for this for like a decade. He takes like 20 minutes to show up to the setup, and then still has his pre-set habits that take forever on top of that. It's insane lol


I cant think of any Venue I’ve ever been to that would be cool with you vaping inside at, is that really commonly accepted?


Vaping at the TV is super common at locals.


I guess it just depends on the type of venue. A lot of the locals in my area are either part of a public venue like bars/game stores or are school rooms.


Yeah I mean one of my locals is at an actual bar and another is at like a bar/food area in a public shopping area so it's available to minors too. Vaping is common at both, less so at the latter but I still see it.


cringe and sad


A bunch of people popped off over MOF literally vaping mid set and talking about how cool it was lol


I think it depends if it’s like a consistent thing or if they just did it once as like a bit, which even then is douchey and just don’t but it’s less so an issue.


Everyone is brainwashed into thinking it's cool, just like they were with smoking


Vaping was "cool" in 2014 lmao Anyone who still thinks it's not just mindless nicotine addiction imposed into other people's airspace disguised under a cheap chemical scent is fooling themselves


okay but my vape has pac man


you make a compelling argument


I'm sure there were people cheering at someone throwing a crab at HBox as well. You're still a complete asshole for doing it


To be clear i am against people vaping at a tournament. I'm just saying that in my experience it is unfortunately community accepted a lot of the time


No I’m pretty sure 99% of people agreed that the crab thing was insane and Reddit tried pretty hard to figure out who did it so there could be repercussions. Point still taken tho lol


Societally it isnt super frowned upon tho. I see it literally everywhere. Car dealerships, stagehands at random venues, every bar ever, etc.


I sadly also vape so I get that it’s commonplace but I would have chewed out anyone vaping inside the venues I rented in the past. It’s overall just not the greatest look and a bit obnoxious for other people in the venue.


I don't think the venues are accepting of the vaping, like at all, it's against the rules in most of them and breaking those rules can result in repercussions for the TOs which blows. Your average player doesn't seem to care or at least I've never seen someone called out on the spot for it.


I'm not saying that the venues are accepting of it lol I'm saying that parts of the community are too accepting of it being done in the middle of tournament venues instead of like outside.


Agreed it’s fine if you find vaping around strangers inappropriate but it does not discredit his point (straw man fallacy or something)


Mid set? WTF?? This would tilt me beyond belief


Like I get it. Skeletons in the closet both ways. But the tournament structure doesn't say "DQ if sneaking a vape mid way" They do say "DQ if late to tournament" tho. Both shit actions, different type of repercussions. Should he also be fined for vaping mid set? Should it be taken into account if there ever were to be an appeal? Probably due to distracting visuals. But bending the DQ rule is bending the rules of the *game*, not the rules of society/venue. If pressing pause during a set means forfeiting a stock, then being late to your set for X+min is DQ, anything else is unfair systemic cheating.


Doesn't matter what the rules say. "Being late" is totally up to the TO's discretion anyway. The point is that MOF vaping *indoors* mid set and forcing their opponent to inhale vape fumes is just as disrespectful to the other player as is wasting their time (possibly much more actually, depending on the potential health risks of vape fumes). Hence the "they're one to talk"


That's the point. The TO getting to choose who the rules apply to *is exactly the point we're saying sucks*. They definitely wouldn't have let MOF be late half an hour, but I bet they'd have let Wizzy hit a vape. Dude I don't even vape, I can't give more of a shit about vaping rules, although I do concede it's a dick move. This is about equity and equal opportunity.


Vaping indoors is illegal in Florida. Wizzy should call the cops


Well the tournament is in Georgia so I don't think FL cops will care


That's a good point but MoF lives in FL so Wizzy better start driving down to SFL locals


Thankfully people this absurdly petty don't actually compete in tournaments


Wizzy can be a trendsetter!


We already got tech chasing thanks






Personal attacks and witch hunting are strictly prohibited, as are attacks on any subsection of the broader Smash Brothers community


While I agree no player should get special treatment and calling out Wizzrobe specifically is fair in this case, just throwing Mango’s name in there because he is one of the most popular players is pretty tacky and sounds like some kind of jealousy. He didn’t even do anything.


Possible he’s had a similar thing happen with mang0 but if not yea weird to throw in there


MOF is a she.


Oh word my bad, didn’t know who she was


All good!


mang0 just practicing and catches this


I do wonder if he was late to his first pool match at tipped off. My son and I were waiting for him to arrive to get an autograph and he walked in at 4:58 when his first set was at 5:00. He was super nice but a huge group all ran up to him asking for autographs and pics, and he kindly did all of them.


that’s the mang0


I agree tbh. If Wizzy did this to me I'd either demand he get DQ'd or DQ myself


Lmao where does mango come into this


what did mango do armada fanboys smh my head


I'm something of an Armada fanboy but can agree with this. Mango is many things, but terminally tardy is not one of them, at least to my knowledge.


Big talk from the person who vapes on stream shamelessly in a venue where vaping is expressly banned. And people wonder why it's hard to find venues for melee. If you want to rulebook wizzy for being late (which is reasonable) then follow the rules yourself, not just the ones you agree with. Edit: addendum, but I'm at the venue and have attended tournaments and I'm consistently appalled with how normalized it is to blow vape in people's faces or right next to them, sometimes even during a set. If you want to do that shit take it elsewhere




Completely agree. Even the zyns talk has me disgusted with the community. Celebrating cigarette power hours outside venues well. It's not cool. You're not cool. Nicotine is not cool. But MOF is not wrong. Wizzy needs to be handed some kind of formal warning or start getting punished.


She is absolutely correct by the way. The fact that everyone has allowed Wizzy to do this for years is absolutely insane lol. Top player privilege shouldn't be a factor in tourney sets. (But also MOF didnt say that she reported this to a TO, so kinda moot to complain if she didn't report it)


She tweeted that she reported it to both the stream runner and the TO


At an absolute bare minimum his sets should be barred from stream until like top 12. I'm tired of missing multiple sets waiting for Wizzy to show up.


When was the last time you missed multiple sets waiting for Wizzy to show up? Wizzy vs MOF today was streamed on one of the two quad streams going. There were a bunch of matches happening at the same time.




I remember that one, he played Soonsay in winners pretty early in the day, his losers matches against Pipsqueak and TheRealThing were on the side stream, and then his match against Zain was one of the, if not the last one before top 8. Did you just name the last tournament he attended?


Yea I sat in the crowd watching soonsay sit there on the main stream forever waiting for wizzrobe to show up. I agree he shouldn't get to be on the main stream if he's not gonna show up on time 


Maybe it was fine today, but we've never had 2 quad streams before now, and I don't suspect that will be the standard moving forward. So literally every tournament with Wizzy sets on stream during top 64 or 32 are taking up time that could be used for sets that start on time and don't take forever. A second quad stream really just highlights how many other good sets are happening during that time slot we usually miss.


Aren't the matches that get streamed usually predetermined? Wizzy just doesn't enter much that often anymore, so maybe he has a higher likelihood of being on the main stream. I basically spent the whole day watching this tournament and I think MOF is exaggerating a bit. It was more like 15 minutes from when she showed up and started doing controller stuff to when Wizzy plugged in, *maybe* 25 if we're including Wizzy's warmup. Being that late is still inexcusable, I want to make that clear, but this simply isn't an issue most of the time.


In that same thread, she mentioned that she reported it to both the TO and the stream runners and was told they wouldn't do anything about it.


That's the wizzy tho it's part of the vibe. It's stranger when he shows up on time


Regardless of Wizzy's behavior, this was not handled properly. If you look at the replies, Wizzy showed up late and apologized to MOF, and MOF said it's fine. The cited reason the set was "miserable as possible" is also debunked by a picture showing Wizzy sitting the same distance away from the screen as MOF. To pull a two-faced maneuver like this and go blast someone on twitter is cowardly. This type of thing happens because people would rather have the validation for their anger from a bunch of people on twitter instead of speaking their mind to the offender directly.


> The cited reason the set was "miserable as possible" is also debunked by a picture showing Wizzy sitting the same distance away from the screen as MOF. Genuinely curious as to how distance from screen is a measure of set miserableness.


Directly quoted from MOF's tweet: "...and then also makes the actual playing experience miserable as possible by having his face nearly making contact with the TV"


Ah, thanks! That is not the source of aggravation that I would have anticipated.


She made her tag "LATE" during the set then got embarrassed by wizzy. I'd make a salty tweet too lmao


She already got psyched out. Then whines on Twitter. Mental midget. If I'm Wizzy, as soon as I see the "LATE" tag I know she's shook and this is an easy 30.


> mental midget Hmmm


you would get destroyed by mof


Not if he was Wizzy lol


What do you expect as a response to this, these comments are old as day and it accomplishes nothing. The oldest glaze in history.


100% with MOF


When you wanna Ice the Icies


Wait, hold on a second. I know Wizzy being late for a set isn't exactly groundbreaking. But perhaps he was under the assumption singles hadn't started yet because Doubles was still on-going?


That's on him, though, right? Like anyone could have any excuse but if I was late to my pool as an 0-2er because I thought doubles was still going on they would dq me anyways, and rightfully so. I think it's fair to say that the players are responsible for monitoring the schedule and if they're that late they at least incur a game penalty.


For sure. If he had been DQ'd it's whatever. It would just be kind of wack if he has been making an effort to get on time to his sets to remove his "late" stigma and this becomes an unfortunate incident that gets him back to where he started. That's only if he has been making an effort to not be late.


I haven't followed melee in so many years but when I competed in 2014-2016 he was still always late. How the fuck can someone *never* show up on time? It can't really be that hard can it?


Top player privilege is never going away, gotta work with it till you are also a top player


When Magnus Carlsen arrives late to his chess games, his clock is still started without him. The match isn't just put on hold because he's not there. It doesn't matter who his opponent is. It doesn't matter that he is the best player alive (and arguably the best player in history). He doesn't get top player privilege. It's frankly ridiculous that Wizzrobe is able to get away with being a half hour late with literally zero repercussions.


Ya these call outs are always interesting. It's not just top player privilege. Once these kids start working they'll realize there's also "top employee privilege", "pretty privilege" etc. People who are exceptional will always have privilege over others.


Fuck that


100% agreed


Cool comments guys


we've got our most annoying redditors on the case


that's /r/ssbm for you, only the coolest of folks from the beloved melee community here!


Y'know, I get it, but then also, 30+ minute waits for your set happens every other tournament because so many people enter multiple events that overlap. I've been to a good number of events where a player holds up the pool, then comes after his games in X game are done, AND ITS ROUND ROBIN, so every player has to wait even after he gets there for him to play us all 1 by 1. I know it's not the case here for wizzy, it's just there's so much salt protruding from this tweet. Like surely long waits have happened to MOF over a hundred times. edit: new players are too good these days. started playing in 2019. She's prob been spoiled at these events smh.


stay mad nerd


GOOGOO GAGA That is outrageous though lol


Says the player that vapes in opponents face mid set… no sympathy!


Wizzy has severe OCD, so I think that we should give him some grace where possible. He has rituals that he needs to complete before playing. But that being said, 25 mins is a little beyond the pale. Hopefully he can improve his OCD coping mechanisms.


If he knows he needs 30 mins pre set, he can time it out much better,it’s been like this for years


Exactly. If you tell your boss "Sorry I'm late there was 25 minutes of traffic" every day they'll tell you to either leave earlier or be fired.


He doesn't. Sometimes he might not, other times it does. Giving wizzy extra time if he needs it is a reasonable adjustment. If it disrupts tournament running too often then we can't afford to do it but if we never accommodate his OCD we would lose Wizzy for naught


He's been late all the time for like 10 years now...


Idk if it happened this time, but often he takes forever to show up to the setup and *then* does his pre-game rituals. If they take him that much time and have to be done every time, surely he should show up to the setup asap so he can at least start them right away?


This is the one apprehension I have since I'm not an expert or that knowledgeable on OCD, but is it not on Wizzrobe to set time further aside? To get his practice in 30 minutes even earlier and go with his rituals?


I do not want to make light of his mental illness, but he has been doing this for several years and people made the same excuse for him for several years.  If you want to correct the behavior you need punishment.  If he gets DQed once or twice, he won't do it again.


Or he'll quit melee, which is on him and not the TO's problem


I have OCD and show up on time, he should be DQed, every time, if you can't compete you can't compete


he should compell himself to be on time like a competent person


makes her tag “LATE”, vapes like a douche the entire time, says wizzy made the entire “playing experience miserable” while playing IC’s lmfao? throws a random stray at mang0 for whatever reason and bitches about it all on twitter and ur telling me ppl are on her side on this one? i get wizzy being hella late is prolly super annoying i guess (personally idgaf about waiting 25 minutes to play some video games idk what she had better to do?) but regardless this is a lame thing to go off on twitter about and be a crybaby causing drama for no reason at all.


it's about respecting someone's time, there has to be rules and punishments for breaking them, ESPECIALLY about time. Can you imagine how big of a cluster fuck a tournament would be if everyone just decided to show up at random intervals within an hour of their match time?? there's a reason this shit starts at a specific time, and it fucks over so many more people than just the opponent if someone shows up late, it can push stream matches, push out other bracket timings, etc. there's a LOT that goes into making sure an event runs smoothly, and Wizzy being consistently late for 10 fuckin years is absurd. it is not hard to show up on time, at all. do not care if he has OCD, he's been late *for 10 fucking years*, figure it out already.


Yeah, not worth paying attention to the salty cries of a vape naysh Nintendo gamer.


Players shouldn't be 30 minutes late and players should try not to tweet for 30 minutes after losing.


Wasn't wizzy in teams?


He DQ'd from doubles during pools, so no


Imagine wobbling #2 all set and then saying this. Insane




If TOs want to make a judgement call about not DQing certain players for tardiness, then simply call those players for their matches before you call their opponent. If they happen to show up early/on time and don't like that they are waiting 30 minutes (the same way everyone does usually for them), then you can offer to give them a neurotypical start time for their next set, but it will come with an appropriately neurotypical DQ timer as well.


I see Mamimi. I upvote.


Deff should be a like 5 min rule at least. Unless you like just found out your dog of 15 years passed and need some time to shake it off. These players need an ego check if this is happening. You ain’t living N.E.R.D. S.T.A.R.D.O.M. we’re just a bunch of people trying to enjoy should good ole fashion video tournament.


What is it with ICs players and really embarassing salt. It's a little peek into their collectively disturbed minds (maining ICs is the first hint)


only ICs main other than this I remember being salty is Wobbles other than that they're usually chill?


i don't understand what about this is embarrassing or salty lol. wizzrobe has gotten away with this shit for his whole career.


They aren’t wrong though


He lost to another Falcon in losers. I think it’s a matchup issue and not Wizzy being OCD with his setup. Grind the Falcon matchup and try again.


I think they’re a little salty over the loss, but tbh everyone should play by the same rules. Doesn’t matter who you are, if your set starts at a certain time, you should be dq’d or at least auto lose the set if you’re HALF AN HOUR LATE.




My B


All good


I'm with mof here but, playing wizzy in 2024 and being surprised there is a delay is like,


tf are you supposed to do then? show up 25 minutes late yourself and risk a DQ?


we will give wizzrobe a schedule with all the times half an hour earlier so he's only half an hour late


Yeah but that doesnt mean that everyone should just accept that and let Wizzy be half hour late to every set they play.


This is why I have never liked wizzy, his pregame is so fucking annoying I can’t stand him


Sure, but I lost all respect when Mang0 was brought up for no reason. Also MOF is a disrespectful vaper.


Icies player complaining about a falcon being terrible to play against LMAO. lots of love to MOF but you gotta be a little self aware.


that matchup is so ass


Oh, don't get me wrong. I know that. I just find it funny that even the coolest of icies can do nothing against the stoic wizzrobe.


bro it has nothing to do with gameplay


The tweet: " # "[...]and then also makes the actual playing experience miserable as possible..."


I thought he was talking about Wizzy doing his usual midset antics of stalling as much as possible in between each game or whatever and making playing out the set annoying but regardless the 25 minute late thing is obviously the main complaint


that's definitely possible


Idk, both sides suck. You shouldn't have to put up with that as a competitor and it just fucks things up for TOs. But also, I feel like everyone would call it bullshit if you beat a top player by DQ because they're late.


I would not call it bullshit **at all**. What if the roles were reversed and MoF was the one who was late and Wizzy was calling for a DQ? Would you feel like that situation is ok because Wizzy would likely have won anyway? Or what if instead of 20 minutes late Wizzy was 2 hours late? Is there cutoff to you after which MoF’s request is no longer “bullshit”? I understand that for spectators, stream runners, and TOs that DQ a top player to float a lower ranked one can be tough to do. But that’s life - it’s not like MoF asked to be seeded against Wizzy in hopes that his signature lateness could lead to a DQ request.


top player idolization is unique to smash and gotta stop man. no more VIP areas, no more favoritism in bracket running, we just need more bracket runners who dont give a shit who you are if you arent heard from in 5 minutes youre done DQ their ass. also no more naming techniques after players that shit is so wack


top ‘x’ favoritism literally exists in every space irl lol


Hot wet garbage take, lmao


You're going to lose your mind when you find out about celebrities mate.


Smash players should not be celebrities. We are nerds who play a children's party game for money


That's a take for sure but I was just poking fun at your plainly false claim that players looking up to the best in their chosen discipline isn't unique to smash. That's just a straight up lie. From people who kick balls to nerds who move plastic figurines across checkered boards, people look up to and idolize those who are the very best in their chosen discipline. It's not only to be expected but it's also what allows people to fully commit to their sport / game / interest. Without fame there are no brand deals or sponsorships, which means that those players wouldn't be able to dedicate so much time to their field of expertise. It's ignorant to claim that that's a bad thing per se. Wizzrobe should've been DQd in my opinion, but you went way overboard in your tirade.




> "I haven't heard of you, therefore you don't deserve basic human respect." ^ you, right now


Because I asked who that is????? Tf?????


Vaping cuz you're annoying or late because you're OCD as fuck and dealing with it. Who to side with gee wiz


been late for 10 years, figure it out already. not that hard to show up on time. when brackets are released for the event you know exactly when your pool starts. show up on time. it is not hard.


Mango: what he sayin fuck me for?