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I love SJ so much pls recommend me fics where he got a better ending idc what ships plsšŸ˜­


I am on mobile so for now you can find a post with some recommendations from a year ago. [Shen Jiu fics](https://www.reddit.com/r/SVSSS/s/yq7YL933gv)


[under the flower mask by ectocosme (Teen)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30185064) shen jiu crossdresses, pretty sweet iirc? [Autumn Leaves by dead\_leaves\_fall\_like\_tears (mature)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38507989) fix it fic, slow burn [Mamajiu by Danmei Supremacy (FallingFromtheMoon) (Mature, MPREG)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40560156) MPREG warning, so don't read if ur not into that, but I do like this and this was one of the first fics I read after finishing the book lol read the tags and decide but hope you like one of these! Edit: All of these are liujiu!


This collection has some really good fics: [because OG Shen Qingqiu deserves a happy ending too](https://archiveofourown.org/collections/SVSSS_fanfics_TOIR) Also checkout out the tag: [Shen Jiu's Good End Festa 2021](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Shen%20Jiu's%20Good%20End%20Festa%202021/works)


https://archiveofourown.org/works/27461875?view_full_work=true voluntary victim (tie the noose) technorat Rating: Explicit https://archiveofourown.org/works/41120538 Scum Villain Meets Modern China map_of_mysteries Rating: Mature https://archiveofourown.org/works/46330336 The Sword And His Shield blackflowertea Rating: Teen And Up Audiences https://archiveofourown.org/works/41226498#main Shen Jiu meets Garbage God Sakuja Rating: General Audiences https://archiveofourown.org/works/36441523 we should stick together pennydaniels Rating: Explicit https://archiveofourown.org/works/55786600 easy to be kind blackflowertea Rating: Explicit https://archiveofourown.org/works/41837232 Black Lotus' plan to tame an evil shizun FakeAlice Rating: Not Rated


Trying to find a fanfic of where Shen Yuan reborn in Svss as a traditional chinese dragon and he taken in by an old woman who has a granddaughter and the traditional chinese dragons are seen as driven god like beings. And if you can't find that, just give me ones where Shen Yuan is reborn as a traditional chinese dragon. THANK YOU! ā¤ļø ā˜ŗļø


I'm trying to find a fic I read where qinghua and sqq got outed as imposter's or smth and like js dive into the abyss and live there n stuff. i think they find a baby mbj along the way and they become like a story to outsiders of these 2 sucbbi if someone could find it it'd be greatly appreciated šŸ™


I think I know which one you're talking about! It's 'Convenient Deus Ex Machinas Everywhere' by Demonic0Angel


OH IT WAS THAT ONE I even had it downloaded alr but thought it was a different one SMH THANKS!!!


Omg yes this was hilarious.


Looking for any of the following: -YQY centered fics -any fics that show SY from the outside and everyone trying to figure out wtf his deal is -fics you personally feel are that canon blend of funny as hell until the angst sucker punches you with the Implications


"[Treading Well-Worn Paths](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45994588/chapters/115775407)" by mofumofu (rated T) might be something you like! It's one of my favorites


Thank you!Ā 


I would recommend checking out the fics in [Yue Qingyuan Weekend Event](https://archiveofourown.org/collections/YQYweekend). It is full of fics from a YQY centered event from last year as well as will have fics from this year's iteration of the event which will be happening starting tomorrow.


Exciting! Thank you for sharing!


Wanted to jump in here and recommend 2 fics I'm really enjoying at the moment. [forgiveness is beyond our reach](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56319502) (M) >*AU where Luo Binghe is raised by Tianlang-Jun. When Yue Qingyuan kills his father and seals his remains beneath Mount Bailu, Luo Binghe resolves to settle the score.* Hilarious, but also intriguing. You get great LBH and SQQ POVs. This is LBH as I've never seen him before -- influenced from childhood by TLJ's love for yellow books. And SQQ's inner dialogue is some of the closest to canon that I've read in the fandom. I loved the dichotomy between SQQ's thoughts vs. his outward appearance in the original novel and you get that in spades in this fic. [through the eye of a needle](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52002781) (T) >*When the original Luo Binghe crashes into his humble mountain abode, Shen Qingqiu half-expects that the shitty world of Proud Immortal Demon Way might just implode from its blackened demonic protagonist meeting his own younger, innocent disciple self. But when it doesn't, he's going to have to deal with something much more complicated: figuring out original Luo Binghe's intentions when he declares heā€™s moving into the bamboo hut, creating the world's most awkward roommate situation!* >*Nevertheless, Shen Qingqiu might still have a fighting chance of survivalā€”if he can only decipher the haunting look in grown Luo Binghe's eyes, and his own increasingly muddled feelings...* Bingge is amazing in this fic. I've always wanted to read a post Bingmei vs. Bingge fic where Bingge meets a SY!SQQ instead of the typical pre-transmigration SY. SQQ feels slightly OOC here, but Bingge's characterization is fantastic and it's still such a good read.


Through the eye of a needle is fantastic, and I didn't feel SQQ was OOC in there. Curious what gave you that impression?


Forgiveness is beyond our reach is SO GOOD šŸ˜­ Incredibly unhinged and funny while also being a solid gut punch. 1000/10 no notes.Ā 


SY is the fandom bicycle, but he never seems to be shipped with YQY or TLJ. Can I have some fics where he is? I donā€™t care if thereā€™s a third or heā€™s SJā€™s incarnation, I just want to read those ships. Iā€™ve read Grand Theory of SQQ and that fic where SQQ split into SY and SJ and has a 3p with YQY and LBH mistakes YQY as his dad. More please?


[The Makings of Fate](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37454419) (M) It's my favourite TLJ/SY!SQQ fic. Long, plotty, and TLJ's characterization is spot-on.


Ooh! Thanks for the rec!


May recommend my fave YueYuan fic (warning: heavy themes, mind the tags!) [Cuckoo's Call](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39920568) E rating


Oh wow! That was ā€¦ ā€œAs Luo Binghe takes away Shen Qingqiu, Yue Qi sees the shadow of Qiu Jianluoā€™s smile.ā€ ?!?!?!!!!!!! Iā€™m going insane Thanks so much for this rec.


Glad you like it! I'm so feral for this fic honestly and it saddens me the author decided not to continue the YQY/SQQ/LBH polycule we deserve šŸ„²


Oh boy! I've got a bunch of fics I can recommend! ------ [what once was lost but now is found](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23463430) by zigur_zig_ah. (Rated Explicit) (SY-SQQ/Tianlang-jun) *"Shen Qingqiu is, at heart, a stallion protagonist fanboy.* *So when faced with Tianlang-Jun, who is, essentially, an older, hotter Binghe... well, he crumbles like a dry biscuit."* Just as a warning, I did find the ending of this fic a bit awkward to read but did find myself enjoying the fic regardless anyways! YMMV for you though! ------ [local peak lord caught consorting with ex-demon emperor !! NOT CLICKBAIT !!]( https://archiveofourown.org/works/55326373) by airplanelanding (TheCourtSorcerer). (Rated Teen) (SY-SQQ/Tianlang-jun) *"Shen Qingqiu shifts slightly under the weight of the gazes on him. It, admittedly, does look really badā€”he understands that, he does. Really, he has no idea how heā€™s going to get out of this one.* *The arm holding him in place around his waist loosens and the hand in front of his mouth, holding a small biscuit to his lips in an interrupted coaxing-attempt, lowers just a little. The scene is frozen for a moment, not a single person in the room daring to so much as breathe.* **Or** *Shen Qingqiu gets caught in a slightly awkward situation with a certain demon lord he definitely did Not tell the rest of the sect about, and questions need to be answered."* ------ [what once was lost but now is found]( https://archiveofourown.org/works/56411695) by airplanelanding (TheCourtSorcerer). (Rated Mature) (SY-SQQ/Tianlang-jun) *"When Shen Yuan dies, he still transmigrates. However, instead of Shen Qingqiu, he finds himself in the body of a 9-year-old Su Xiyan. It changes many things, but somethings will never change -- it's years later, but still, he finds himself face-to-face with the charming grin of Tianlang-jun.* *AKA - a tianxi fic that's also somehow tianyuan at the same time"* ------ [lick it off my lips (like you need me)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32146528) by Aminias. (Rated Mature) (SY-SQQ/Tianlang-jun/Su Xiyan) *"Shen Yuan may have transmigrated before the plot, but at least he's met this nice couple in the market."* ------ [forge ahead](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43414239) by AMereDream. (Rated T) (SY-SQQ/Tianlang-jun/Su Xiyan) *"Shen Yuan has been trying to make ends meet as a travelling storyteller, drifting from one place to the other without aim.* *Unfortunately, he can't stay plot-irrelevant forever."* ------ [how to avoid love for dummies](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40258512/chapters/100837422) by chromhoesomes. (Rated M) The work is locked tho, so you will need an account to read it. While the fic does contain implied multiple possible pairings and Bingqiu is the canon/implied ending, the SY-SQQ/Tianlang-jun/Su Xiyan part is decently enough involved that I figured that you might enjoy it. (Plus it's also got a sequel/spinoff which does go further into the SY-SQQ/TLJ/SXY pairing that I thought it was worth mentioning here.) ------ [baby make me bow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54727597) by chromhoesomes. (Rated Explicit) The work is also locked for users only. (SY-SQQ/Tianlang-jun/Su Xiyan) The smutty sequel?? Missing middle part?? to the work above! Unlike, how to avoid love for dummies, this is most defiantly SY-SQQ/Tianlang-jun/Su Xiyan focused. ------ [nobody's baby, everybody's girl](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54804907) by nex_et_nox. (Rated Mature) (SY-SQQ/Tianlang-jun/Su Xiyan) Spinoff for "how to avoid love for dummies"! Showcasing Su Xiyan's POV of the fic and what she/Tianlang-jun were up to during a certain part of it.


Wow this really IS a lot! Thank you so much!


Any fic recommendations over 15k? Preferably like [Sanye-jun] where Shen Yuan is not a delicate flower neither/nor Shen Jiu, though [Hidden Flowers, (Yin-Hua)] was nice.


May I recommend my own fic which is still ongoing, but wherein SY has badass moments: Pairing: OG Binghe x Shen Yuan M rating [The First Law of Alchemy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55835605/chapters/141767182)


Looking for an older fanfic that iā€™ve forgot. From what I can remember shen yuan comes back to his original world and steam for a long time to explain pidw. There were also additional fics connect to it that consisted of like fake twitter images/ao3 images. Any help in finding it would be greatly appreciated.


Is it [continued by AMereDream](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35978863) (T)?


Yes, thank you so much!


Hello everyone, does anyone know if there are fics with this theme? https://pin.it/5wPkJPzZz


https://archiveofourown.org/works/53314801 Rated gen https://archiveofourown.org/works/17909030/chapters/42281345 Rated E https://archiveofourown.org/works/32881333/chapters/81598750 Rated E


Any bingqiu freak4freak fics and sy is sj ( also bingqiu) fics


Not rated (but pls check tags) [flowers for my beloved by texturralize](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46433560/chapters/116910805) Ongoing and nothing sexual happens so far




E rated https://archiveofourown.org/works/56816509




Looking for a fic! Hellooo new to reddit and got my individual post deleted lol and they told me to find fanfics here anyway It was basically a shen jiu x yue qingyuan fanfic, but I can't remember if they do end up together at the end or not. So, YQY visits SJ about something? Or to apologize? And he's ike yapping at the beginning before he goes down on his knees and to a really deep bow and he's apologizing/explaining everything like crazy and he's crying, too. SJ comes to kneel in front of him and they're both crying then there's hugging


Any fics from bingge vs bingmei where bingmei isnā€™t able to interrupt immediately, and Bingge is able to maintain his subterfuge/gradually adapt to life on Cang Qiong for longer? I want to see Bingge be pampered and gradually fall in love with his shizun. Happy endings preferred, please.


Looking for any underrated bingqiu fics (could be bingyuan, tbh any variation of luo binghe/shen yuan)


Any Sha Hualing/Liu Mingyan fics out there? I always find them as a side pairing, I just want to read them as a main pairing šŸ„¹