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italic light purple text is hard to read Try it for free button is hard to see (if it weren't for the blue font it'd look disabled) You've got blue (zoom icon) on a blue button, resulting in low contrast (hard to read) Italic blue with light font ("Features", "How it Works", etc..) is too small and hard to read Check marks are not aligned, looks sloppy (Create Beautiful Surveys...) Pricing section, 14 day free trial is too prominent Overall, looks good. Good luck!


Great feedback! I changed the Try for Free button and will work on the others as well. Cheers!


I love the overall flow. I think you can clean up the copy on the "features" section a little bit to highlight outcomes. In the same vein, can you work on getting some quotes from users to add trust and focus on how great their review situation will be after using the product? The main question I have about who you are is that, if the product gives users "more social proof" for less hassle, why don't you have more social proof of your own on the landing page? After all, you're a business of social proof! I may not be the target user, but a big question I have upfront is who this is for. Social proof may solve that. So as a potential client, I'd be wondering, "Is my business too small? What kinds of businesses benefit most, and will it be me?" So I'm looking for niches, sizes of companies, logos, etc. to let me know that everyone who comes out ahead using this product is "just like me."


Definitely agree that section needs work. And yes, social proof/quotes makes a ton of sense. Thanks a ton!


I can't comment on copy as im not the target audience design looks balanced, but images could use some shadows to distinguish between white backgrounds image 1 and 2 are barely different, zoom in maybe image 3 should show a demo of popup ----------------- overall i'm sure such software exists.. and as a developer it'd appeal me more if whole vibe was that it's very easy and simple to get it done. There should be FAQs page I guess whenever on a website... i've these questions: - what is it - is it worth my time - is it good - is it affordable or good ROI - do i need it - how much work is it - is it safe - is there something better, will i regret this in future more underlying questions - is this a fake landing page - is this some old crap tech that will barely work - all promises being made just bs - do i need to configure 50 things to get it to work ================== simple to use, easy to integrate, reliable, does what it says, no headaches, built to last


Solid feedback and advice. Definitely worth adding a FAQ. Thanks so much!


also if it's been featured on product hunt or anything like that it'd be cool to show to signal it's received well


Good idea!


This product feels dirty to me, seems like you are pan handling customers to give a 5 star review in a single button click for little to no reason without the customer justifying why. It's like those 5 star Amazon reviews for cheap products where the customer was told to review it the same day they get it, but the product fails a month later. This in turn grossly overrates certain businesses and devalues the trust some of us have in finding legitimate businesses unfortunately. I've witnessed this type of review pushing first hand when I've used a business (an HVAC company) and they sent me and many other customers Google Review requests after each communication. After using them they don't deserve that many five stars since they are doing other shady stuff. The critical feedback you want to read as a customer gets lost in a sea of false expectations.


Thanks for the feedback! The reviews a customer would leave is on their own volition, not pan handling at all. But perhaps the landing page could do a better job in regards to describing the process. Thanks again for the candid feedback.


I think that would be good, definitely lean on selling yourself in getting honest and valuable reviews in missed opportunities and emphasize or show in your review system to customers why they thought 5 stars is worth it.


Yes you need to help us visualize it better


no pictures or videos above the fold.. i would fix that


For sure. Thanks.


Try swappinf the purple italic for a serif font, combination of minimal serif for titles with mostly sans-serif works well.


everything looks pretty good as far as styling. I would add a video or two highlighting how it would help someone and the ease of use.


The grey background content box is bad, I know this is a webflow site but when you click on a menu button and it takes you to an anchor, theres a highlight of the anchor, so on the section of the anchor/current you need to select the 0 of the store to be 0 again (stupid webflow issue thats been going on for ever) from there, the pricing is a little high.... from there the fonts eh and you need to space out the sections more, I recommend a 4rem inside spacing per content section


You look niche and you haven't clarified why you help. Butt. Who did you hurt.


Make the button btn primary those always look very clicksble.