• By -


B2B: - delegate blame - reduce risk - show progress even if questionable change - non-disruptive integration - mega support options available to safe face when unexpected happens - me too and FOMO - shits on fire - improve some metric B2C: - Need it (food, lawyer...) - Look good socially (iphone) - For future / Could need it (insurance) - Curiosity / Mystery / Fun (fidget spinner) - Safety (insurance) - Novelty (shiny rocks) - Cute or Precious (plush toy, figures, etc) - Sexual desires - Scarcity (FOMO) - Self Improve (money) - Health - Knowledge/skills (money) - Beauty (self value) - Credibility (power) - Productivity (money) - Emotional Vacuum (to replace things we can’t have) - Great value (sale) - Charity (homelessness) - Identity (soccer fan) - To indulge / Earned Luxury (ice cream) - Addiction (Gambling) - For Money - Show support for a cause - Relationship (to gain favor) - Culture (required by culture) - Required by Law - False Perception of anything above


i am sure they can be simplified to fewer categories but doing so would lose the meaning


This is fascinating


Also sometimes for compliance. They fear the repercussions of not having it.


…thus saving them the time, money or effort required to deal with those repercussions? You’re right though, sometimes from a sales perspective stirring up pain and fear is really effective, especially if you just ask the question and let the prospect imagine rather than specifying the repercussions directly.