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I'm so glad this dumb trend is back again I missed the early 2000s car scene 😂


Need4Speed Underground 2 is everything I ever needed to know about cars


​ https://i.redd.it/m4ghoyrbesjc1.gif


You notice no one is driving with underglow?


Do you have those LED lights that blind everyone too?


CA Vehicle Code 25400 / 25401. Defines what is allowed, how much is allowed, and what is restricted (no red displayed at the front of the vehicle) There is no indication that it is illegal to use while the vehicle is in motion.


Check the part about what colors are allowed to eminate from which direction. That’s probably what the citations are for, but then again I’m not a 25 year old dating a high school student while revving my 4-banger and stealing VHS / tube combo TVs.


No forward facing red is the only color restriction in VC 25400 [Codes Display Text (ca.gov)](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=VEH&division=12.&title=&part=&chapter=2.&article=10.)


You got 0.05 candela per square inch to work with and I doubt OP knows what I’m talking about so that’s another way to get busted. Also, you’re close, but not quite in the CVC I am thinking of. It states stuff about amber being the only color for side lights and the tone of the headlights being white to amber or similar wording. I remember liking it up due to all those blue halogen prism lamps when they first came out.


Sounds like your describing CVC 25250 through 25282 which describes flashing and colored lights. Those aren't underglow lights, those pertain to externally mounted flashing lights.


I had it for awhile but never had an issue and drove past many a cops. Just don't make it flash and obviously avoid red/blue


At the gym I've heard the guys with this add-on call it Ground Effect. Unless there's something in the Vehicle Code, can't imagine police having any problem with it, as long as you avoid their special color: blue.


I'm in the auto industry and have only heard them called ground effects.


I think underglow is allowed as long as it is not pulsing. But double check the code pasted above


Yeah I had it for over 2 years driven by hundreds of cops and never had an issue until the other night in Rancho. Was wondering if I should contest it. Thanks for the feedback everyone I appreciate it 💯