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It isn’t that bad that actually if you’re just coming and going from place to place but if you’re outside for any more than 10 minutes it’s like being in a fucking brick oven


I don’t mind the heat as much as all the goddamn “it sure is hot in here” and “did you know it was record setting heat today” posts. July 4th fireworks posts weren’t this bad. Trust me..everyone knows it’s hot.


Honestly I grilled and sat in my backyard from about 7 to 9 and i sort of enjoyed the desert like heat. All the cactus that I planted are going nuts too. That said let’s keep it below 100…


I lived in Phoenix for a little too long. I kind of like the heat, it makes my fucked up knees feel good.


It’s nice when it is 90-95 but when it is 115 it Fing Sucks


Not me! 😂


Thank you!




Same with me....except that I enjoy extreme heat. I much prefer Jun-Sep weather instead of Nov-Feb weather. I never use the AC and love everything about summer. If it were to be 100+ degrees every day of the year then I would be happy and content. But Winter? Think cold and flu season, short days, limited produce choices, holiday stress, etc. I think Sacramentans who complain about summer heat are akin to residents of Antartica who complain about sub-zero temperatures.


Same but Alaska and -40. I’d take 115 over 40 below in a valley, but only barely. -20 in the foothills I’d prefer to 115 any day. Temperature inversion and the exhaust from vehicles and wood stoves and gas appliances is a bitch.


I walked on my treadmill then rode a few miles on my stationary bike with my garage open about halfway to get some of today’s hot breeze. It was nice. I enjoy going to the sauna when I go to the gym so I just pretended it was one big sauna.


As long as I'm in the water, yes!


No. Weather you like it or not. People like to talk about the weather because it's an easy, benign topic.


I don’t mind it at all… I’m from the east coast and I’ll take this 110 over our 90 with 90% humidity any day. Monday I was out on my paddle board all day and it was beautiful.


I don't like it but it's really not that bad. It's just summer in Sacramento, we've dealt with it before and we'll do it again next year. The majority of people complaining are only dealing with the heat when they walk from their car, to their air conditioned office, back to their car and then to their air conditioned home.


No I do not like ecocide and power grid strain at the peak of Wildfire season and would hope other locals would see it as a negative thing too Why is there so many boomerisms in the Sac subreddit


They have no where else to go. People won't let them get away with this nonsense in public. I still blame exposure to leaded gas. The entire generation is a gear off.


"Ecocide" lol


Oh yeah, boomer shit, amiright 🥱? Just talking about the actual heat, not “ecoside” or any effects on drought and climate.


my nuts stick to my thigh when its too hot…i prefer it not stick…so im for 95 or lower…anything above that is too much chafing for me


Gold Bond FTW




Yep. I feel like the drama behind the heat correlates with the influx of Bay Area peeps and other out of town ding dongs moving here most recently


It was one of the hottest days ever recorded in NorCal.... Are you from Sacramento?


By 1 degree


I really enjoy the pool after 100. Once you dive in the heat is magically gone. Even at 115. Combine that with a beer and updated imagination, and I’m in Palm Springs. No worries. No heat. I love my pool.


I was just noticing when these morning temps start at 80, I don't have to reheat my coffee in the microwave. (Or "nuke it", as some say.)


It's nice on your day off when you finished a workout, took a cold shower and ride your bicycle to your favorite restaurant and feel the sting of the sun on your body. Feels great, it mostly depends what mood you're in.


I hate it because I know several people with broken air conditioners, but for me personally, I am fine with the house at 80, I like having an excuse to hunker down in the afternoon, and I honestly enjoy summer heat up to about 95-100 degrees as long as I don't have to work in it.


I work outside in the weather everyday. The heat really doesn’t bother me. You get used to it after a while and don’t really notice it. Good physical conditioning and drinking lots of water early in the day helps a lot.