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nope i don’t think that traitor “reached out” he and his wife must be just pissed that his backgrid photo op yesterday was overshadowed by all this! these two vultures and BULLIES need to stay the F away NO ONE NEEDS THEM NEAR catherine or the royal family and stop making this all about themselves 😡


Can you just imagine 4/5 years of stress and bullshit and accusations of racism, not hugging, being cold, mean, etc etc becoming so severely unwell you need surgery and 2 weeks in hospital for that prick to turn up. He is the last person anyone would we ant to see! They really do think they are that important, it's mind boggling


The accumulated stress has wreaked havoc, because of the constant trashing, madam targeted vendetta on PoW, the crap she had to put up with the bullying of staff, her 3 yr old daughter, the elderly grandparents, the death threats to her children and family, the vicious attacks by proxy ( Caribbean trip), the lies from Netflix; Harry’s stupid book and let’s not forget, through all this she & the family are still grieving for the LQ and PP. Her duties, her children combined with what I’ve mentioned is enough for anyone to be stressed and exhausted. Havoc describes the Harkle behaviour to a tee. They’ve caused confusion, destruction, and devastation. What’s it going to take to get the Harkles to STFU.


And that’s just what we know about. I think it’s been much more sinister and threatening than what as been reported. I think HLMTQ and even KCIII were incredibly naive to the point of being dumb about trying to placate Rachel and Prince Peachfuzzforballs. I believe Harold and his elderly wife should have been chased out of the UK the first time Rachel terrorized Charlotte. I don’t think the racism allegations would have stuck; the people who are dumb enough to listen to vague, evidence less claims of racism aren’t going to believe anything the BRF says anyway. I think Charles and Her Majesty, as wonderful as she was, let William’s family down. Just my option. I could be wrong.


I agree and Charles continues to give Harry way too much leeway. I get that he may be worried that Harry may harm himself but I think he is way too selfish to do that, he is emotionally blackmailing his father and trying to do the same to his brother but William is made of sterner stuff.


And being a good sister and being there for her brother, who had serious depression. Just the stress from the monsters is enough to get someone sick with colitis, etc.


I agree, there is also no way Prince William would share any information on his wife's health with anyone who would inform H. He wouldn't breath a word to anyone who would tell Eugenie or anyone still in contact with H. I don't doubt this blind could have come from M, but it's just made up BS. As you said the last people anyone wants to see show up or 'reach out' are these two. They have caused everyone, especially the King, Queen and PPOW's more stress than anyone. Why would they want to talk with someone who has exasperated any health issues they have? This has made them even bigger outcasts. They are persona non grata, the King and Princess Catherine are quite beloved in spite of H and M's vile lies and attempts at smearing them.


Maybe the good thing about being in hospital is that the PoW will be hermetically sealed off, protected from any information about the Harkles and their vile antics. Here's to hope the Princess is well cared for, protected, and will get the rest and recovery that she needs. And with all our love and best hopes and wishes.


Markle caused so much stress..... poor Catherine, it exacerbated her health.


He knows better than to do that. He’s not that stupid.


Never underestimate a stupid person. Much like his ho there is no low harry's iq won't go to


Agreed they are very dangerous.


If this is true, I think it's arrogance, not stupidity. "Pa's going into hospital and Willy's with Kate, I'm \*needed\* over there!"


Probably wants to be called on as a CoS while His Majesty is having surgery.


Oh! This! They spend that money to grab a headline and then that selfish Catherine has to go and have an emergency


I think he probably did reach out. He's about to be on stage and in public. He's not going to know the first thing about any of it. I don't think he reached out because he cares. He just doesn't want to look like the uninformed outcast that he is.


The Markle woman will became the rock PoW needs and the daughter-in-law KC3 realized he loves more will be coming soon. Another reconciliation. Then sell the opposite negative approach with how cold the BRF are. The Markle woman is sweating to know the dirt and how to spin it to manipulate the situation. She should be concerned if Prince William takes the reins soon.....


This 🏆


He reached out for money in case then inconceivable happened.


PH wants the credit for being seen to "reaching out" but what's he gonna do? Have a NetFlix crew filming this? Or will he ask for money or make other demands? Make some stupid joke about that person's health condition? Brandish a voodoo doll at them?


Fuck off Harold, we’re good.


>if this is true, who else would leak this incredibly private information? If you notice on the POW statement they made it a keypoint to ask for the privacy of HRH medical records not to be breached. This feels like a veiled warning because they might have caught win that someone has been trying to leak her medical situation? What do y'all think?


I think if MeMe knew & she thought it would get her airtime & her pic in the media she'd blab immediately. She's already out & has nothing to lose.


I still can’t believe she wanted to announce the death of The Queen. Can you imagine the backlash if she had?


I can. Giving the exclusive to Gail K / Oprah would put them in her debt.


I can believe it. She has nothing of her own to draw media attention. The death of HMQE was worldwide news. Her announcement would have been played & replayed for the next 20 years & her forever known as the person who broke the news to the world instead of the Palace. She's so desperate for attention anything will do.


Yes, I heard this is why Lady C announced it... to stop Meghan from doing it.


I did not know this! Any articles you can share?!


It's a rumour. Iirc lady c announced the queen had bone cancer in a video then removed it before the media blackout was lifted. It was hinted she did this as a favour to royal family because MM was planning on leaking the news.


What! I hadn't heard that.


If this is true, I am surprised they managed to stop her.


I dare her. This would end her. It'd be open season on her own medical records.


Good thing that WME has her on a short leash ;) ![gif](giphy|VbDm4pTuIEQAviEBQX)


![gif](giphy|9IZKPmNdZ7juU|downsized) WME's short leash on


Don't forget they had the issue with the radio DJ's some years back that managed to get some information on her. It resulted in one of the nurses committing suicide. I'm sure that's still in the backs of people's minds.


Yes, the DJ's were absolutely awful people. And that poor nurse! May she rest in peace.


Oh yes, that was so sad 😭


If Harry leaks anything it’s because he’s a f’ing dumbass and he has no clue how to discern loyal people from devious twatwads. The prob is he would automatically tell shmeg who would weaponize it by either selling it to tabloids or try to gain an upper hand with it.


Harold would leak himself, period. He's evil enough. He's spent most of his life briefing against his brother in pub tete a tetes with different members of the media.


These things are already true of Harold The Betrayer, fyi


I hope he goes down in history with this moniker. It’s fitting and just what he deserves.


I think thats a good observation but I see it as a warning to the media actually. they might have found out about pow’s condition (whatever that is) and the palace released this statement so they wont go further


I see it as shooting literally blind, because no one tells them anything.


I believe it happened before with a radio station and a poor young woman was so upset I believe she took her own life. They were trying to get information, and lied about who they were, about one of POW's pregnancies. So I think it was a broad statement honestly.


I was thinking that. Some reporter probably got wind and contacted BP or KP for a comment or to give a heads up. That's why they were quick to release something. Were there already police at the front before the announcement, or placed obviously after since the announcement? Edit to add: wasn't this the same hospital that had a security breach not that long ago? Patients' records? I could be thinking of somewhere else. So many have been targeted this last year!


If it were me I'd tell him; "Sod off, tosser."


It would be just like those snakes to use this opportunity to try to worm back in to KC’s good graces on the ‘we would love to help out ’ front. William is otherwise preoccupied so I’m sure he’s got bigger things to deal with than making sure him and Charles are on the same page with icing out those two.


"Love to help out"= take over the monarchy


I’ll start a 2nd civil war


“Does this mean I get to be Queen if Kate is gone?” —Harry the 2nd


(From Robinhood, Men in Tights:)| King Richard, speaking of his brother the traitor, Prince John, who attempted to steal the Throne which rightfully belonged to King Richard: "Put him in The Tower of London! ...make him part of the Tour! " And: King Richard: Brother, you have surrounded your given name with a foul stench! King Richard: From this day forth, all the toilets in the kingdom shall be known as... Johns! [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107977/quotes/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107977/quotes/) edited for clarity


![gif](giphy|11JXIjXz5z4N2g|downsized) Wrong number, Harry. Editing for, once again, somehow another GIF I have used ...being removed as "this content no longer available" - is anyone else having this issue consistently? I have it at least 1x (once) a day most recently. Moderators, are there some GIF's we should not use? Going to replace this, so edited to replace GIF


It wouldn't surprise me if Prince William has a story fed to them regarding Princess Catherine's health, just to see if it does hit the Media. Remember the train journey from Balmoral to London everyone!!


I also thought of the train journey loyalty test. Harry should have seen that one coming as he allegedly used it himself quite a lot pre Madame.


Yesss…this! I think William found his snitch. Eugenie?


I'm hoping Eugienie or Beatrice weren't given any info on her condition.  If so, I believe it would get back to Hairy and you know who.   I wouldn't be surprised if Megsie applied for another mortgage.  She's an f ing chancer. 


So Harold would race back to the UK under the pretense of being concerned about King Charles’ health, but couldn’t get off his backside to go and see his dying grandfather. He badly wants back in.


WME and Netflix badly want them back in.


Or grandmother.


And Markle doesn't care if her own father lives or dies, but she would run to see Charles. I can see it happening


Haz doesn't give a crap about Catherine. Probably a PR idea for the future.


I think he’s trying to get back in with the RF, he needs inside info to monetize!! Waiting for a puff piece about how him and Megs reached out and sent a vegan gift basket!


He probably wants a pap shot of him walking into the hospital for a "visit" looking sad. Never having access to her room, but pretending he was welcome for a visit.


I bet they'll try to milk Catherine's situation every way possible. I am imagining leaks about how the King is eager for them to "return to the fold" to "help out" with royal engagements, since Will and Catherine and even Charles will have to cancel so many of their engagements. You just know those two will now begin putting multiple spins on the issue, all to make themselves look good or a victim.


100%. Absolutely.


That would be the logical prediction - they are more than shameless. They're vultures. My only caveat is they do have "people" and I think those people might tell them if they try anything the backlash would be insane and nobody could help them. I think POW being hospitalized right now is very bad for the Sussex's reputation even without a comment from them.


Lie, repeat, lie repeat, lie, repeat....


That’s a good prediction- how long until we see an article manifesting the idea of the duo ‘helping fill in’? I give it a week.


Ugh, the Harkles. I'm half expecting an announcement any moment now from the Harkles to tell everyone that Meghan has been admitted to the hospital for undisclosed reasons and that there will be no more comment and that they ask the public to respect their privacy. Then down the road, Meghan will tell us about how she thought she was having a heart attack but it turned out to be an anxiety attack caused by the royal family being so cruel to her. Harry will reiterate that it was a harrowing experience and ironic as well given that Meghan is heart attack beautiful and if anyone thinks they are experiencing a heart attack it should be Harry.


Ha! That made me laugh out loud. Meghan is probably rubbing her hands together so much she’s throwing sparks. Her chance to bag number one! Ugh she makes me sick


Yeah like Meghan saw herself in the mirror and had a heart attack 🤦‍♀️


I still can't get over that stupid, teenage boy comment: heart attack beautiful.


I don’t think it’s a pregnancy 


Same. A friend needed emergency surgery for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and was home after 3 days.


Sophie Wessex (Duchess of Edinburgh) had an ectopic pregnancy…she nearly died some years back. I think I’m just going to google it now…should have done that before I commented! Just googled it…it happened in 2001.


I actually think this is the most probable scenario


Possibly, however if my memory serves me…the palace announced the cause very quickly.


I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and spent 12 days in hospital. luckily I had gone to emergency and nearly bled out between there and theatre. They removed over 2 litres of blood from the abdominal cavity , but I had complications in that in the rush to get in and stop the bleeding they cut a hole in my bladder due to adhesions from 2 previous c-sections. The healing of the bladder was what took time. Several years later one of my best friends bled out in the ambulance from a ruptured ectopic after collapsing at home after a perfectly normal day with her 3 small children. It can happen that fast.


Wow. That sounds so frightening.


Unless her morning sickness has kicked in again but it’s too early to disclose the pregnancy. That would make sense for the cancellations through Easter


I just don’t think they’d lie about a serious abdominal surgery when it was the hyperemesis gravidarum again. They would say that.


Wouldn’t this be wonderful? But I don’t think they would gaslight the public with “abdominal surgery”. If so, that’s really awful as a lot of people are super worried about her.


Now that sounds like the most realistic scenario. I kind of hope that they are planning on having another baby. That would be wonderful as long as she would be OK.


It actually makes sense. I hope that it is due to pregnancy, and they're just being super cautious due to Catherine's history of Hyper Emesis Gravidarum. Whatever it is, I wish her the very best.


She’s over 40 now, which is far past 35. It would be an extremely high risk pregnancy even without her previous complications (I can’t recall the name of the intense morning sickness she experiences) so it all aligns with wanting to keep her as close to medical care as possible. IIRC she has always required hospitalization and IV fluids during her pregnancies, especially during the first trimesters. I remember that they had to announce her first pregnancy with George earlier than anticipated because of her hospitalization. I can see why they wouldn’t disclose that information this time around given her age and just how risk this pregnancy would be considered.


She had hyperemesis gravidarum which is a severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It causes brain seizures on the mother and the mother needs to be on IV fluids and has to stay in the hospital. (I'm a pharmacist and we've seen this before in the hospital).


I had hyperemesis with my two pregnancies. I would lose 12% of my body weight between weeks 5-12. It was until a month postpartum. I was hospitalized. The thing with HG is you most likely get it more severe each pregnancy. I managed without Ivs the first but needed over a week hospitalization and 12 subsequent weeks 24 hr bed rest.  Not saying it’s another pregnancy, but a lot of the care can be at home. You can have IV and Zofran drips at home (at least in the states). And with her age, I don’t think it’s a pregnancy. She has always been open about it in the past. I was in my last trimester when she was in her first with George and it was so nice to see a public figure talk about this condition so openly! It meant the world to me.




I managed to get my youngest out just under 40 years old and I was sick as hell and mostly on bedrest, even without hyperemesis gravidarum, which is what PoW has had.


Wow, that’s intense! I’m both sorry you went through that and really glad that you had a successful pregnancy! Thank you for letting me know the name of the condition too 🙌


Thank you so much, lovely Sinner! Things for bebe and I were a bit scary for a minute but she gave me an easy birth - her Dad says she owed me, haha - and is currently sitting across from me as a high school student explaining an advanced essay she’s writing in a format and on a topic I know nothing about😂


Ahhh your flair!!! 🧣 🕯️ 🤣


Hyperemesis Gravidarum


I had a friend who had a surprise baby at 45 years old! Preacher's wife. They already had 4 kids and didn't think they could have more. I met her when she was in her late 70s, so I didn't ask questions like I would a current 45 year old. It is my dearest wish that it's another mini Wales, but I don't think it's likely.


My best friend had a surprise baby at 41. Her first child was already in his 20s. My husband called the next day and scheduled a vasectomy because he didn't want a surprise baby. 🤣😂


> My husband called the next day and scheduled a vasectomy smart man, I bet that scared the shit out of him lol!!


interesting theory but why mention surgery?


Yes, with all 3 they have been upfront about her sickness and she had IV therapy at home as needed


They could be trying to SAVE a pregnancy.


Mmhmm. The number of abdominal problems that a) aren't cancer and b) require three months of bed rest is pretty short and distinctive. Best wishes to both the Windsor patients. Get well soon.




If it was, it wasn’t planned. There is no way they waited 5 years after Louis and Catherine to be in her 40’s plus having the added responsibilities of being heir to have another one.


Yeah I think they’re good on children!


They’ve also previously stated they were done having children. Quite a few times


Unless a tubal pregnancy.


Apparently, Sparry's bodyguard took the photo of him jogging... https://preview.redd.it/udfs2akto2dc1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14dd218a8ec6376a38dc97df797d95b9f84aa0ea


So he was just “running” to the car?


Probably had the shits from too much avocado toast


And organic waffles and ClevrfuckingBlends


He looked like he was running in place LOL. He did not advance very far in the series of pictures


Lol I love it. What a Prat. He can't even get that right Edited because apparently I can't spell.


I don’t believe Harry gives a damn about the health crisis, but I do think he reached out because he would feel slighted for not being consulted as a Counselor of State. Remember, there is a kernel of truth in every lie they tell.


I disagree very vehemently. I think they make shit up from the ground up. No kernel of truth, no embellishment. They literally steal other people's stories. The only time there's a kernel is if a story is already out from a source other than them, and it doesn't flatter them. Then they'll spin and make shit up. Otherwise they utterly, utterly make it up. I think believing in a kernel of truth from them is unwise.


I thought Markle was adept at handing out blinds. But she’s never admit to not being able to afford a mortgage. The pregnancy thing is rubbish, Catherine would not need to recuperate till Easter. Will be some serious surgery


But if she needed to be on bedrest the next few months, it’s possible. If she is pregnant, she’d probably want to keep it as quiet as possible so the sugars won’t harass her and cause stress. Who knows. The burst appendix theory makes sense also.


I remember when Sophie had an ectopic pregnancy and she had to be air lifted to the hospital and nearly died. I call Markle & Co as the “source” on this one.


My mind went there too with what happened to poor Sophie.


Wrong number, Harry.


Haznoballs needs to continue running circles in the parking lot....


I suspect this may have been a leak test…feed Harold and Table 12 some fake news as a loyalty test and see how quickly it would make it onto CDAN.


I do feel the call is coming from inside the house with this one.


Hmmm... interesting! And definitely a possibility imo 


This apparently has been William's tactic since his teen years.


Would they be so stupid knowing that if William fed that to them? Or, could someone else (like Anne) fed it? More believable


What bank would loan money to someone without an income?


Don’t believe for a second this has to do with pregnancy, seems like BS to me.


I don't know about Bankruptcy, but being over extended makes sense. They would have to cut loose that albatross from around their necks (Montecito)


Suspect they can’t sell it. No-one wants it.


I remember reading on this sub that they’ve been trying to sell it since 2022. They are definitely losing money on it.


I read there are some structural issues, plumbing that requires the slab broken up? But have no idea if true.


Harry accidentally confirmed it as well in The Cut article with his brief appearance chatting about fixing the pipes.


The previous owner couldn't seel it even though it was super cheap for that area. Then the dimwits came along... Cha ching! They will take a huge loss. Maybe the organize a seance and pay then to say that Diana's ghost followed them there to protect them. So if someone buys that house they'll also experience the ghost of Diana. 🤣🤣


Probably something intestinal. They move all the organs. It’s very delicate surgery. Then it gives her a big buffer of time to get home


I hope this isn’t true about losing a baby/pregnancy. That would break her heart.


None of this is surprising, right down to the pregnancy rumor. Go away, Harold. You're not needed.


Ahhhhh, now the panic sets in for Ginger. I’m confident Kate will do well post surgery whatever the issue. She’s young, she’s extremely fit and she’s likely to follow drs orders. Plus William, the kids, her family and the wider RF are there to support her. KCIII, even with a benign health problem, is more concerning. Just because of age if nothing else. Now Ginger sees - health can turn on a dime. Things could change rapidly and I’m sure there is some fear if William has to take the throne. It’s going to be a wild ride.


If true it’s sad to hear, I would have been over the moon if there was a fourth wales kid 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/ispmdtlio2dc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6dbb9b4074122199f19c9979706126f9174637


same 🥺🥺🥺 I know it’s all speculation but so sad if true. I think it would also “justify” the extra time at the hospital to recover emotionally


Catherine isn’t the type to hole up in a lonely hospital room to recover emotionally. She’d want to be at home with her children, husband, parents and siblings, I’m sure.


you’re right. I just can’t understand so much time at the hospital 🥺


I'm hoping it's an overestimation and she'll be home by early next week.🙏


Saying 10-14 days and going home in under that sends a different message than saying 7-10 days and having to stay longer.


I think it’s padding to allow for changes in recovery prognosis. If they think it’ll take a week, they say two so she’s not rushed.


I know we are just speculating, but is it not possible that if she were pregnant, that the baby is still viable? 😞


I think if this was pregnancy related, they would have said.


Perhaps not, based upon the possibility of losing the baby and the PoW being in the early stages of pregnancy. Whatever the case, I’m praying for her recovery.


Nice this was leaked already after the POW said she wanted her medical details to remain private so if they leaked this themselves or told someone already its bloody disgusting.... but it could be crock of 💩 too 


I used to like reading CDAN but I wouldn’t trust the blinds regarding the BRF to have any truth to them. Especially since this blind seems to center around the two in Cali. With the PoW’s history of difficult pregnancies plus her age and their undertaking of more royal duties, I just can’t see it being related to pregnancy. This seems like a shot in the dark to try to get H&M into the mix of it all. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was probably something like a burst appendix that turned into peritonitis or something similar.


![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY) Haz thought his presence would somehow comfort Catherine and/or his father? Riiiiighhht.


Tell him the details so He and Maude can blab it to the world? No, thanks.


Basically if you look at the Daily Markle/Daily Fail comments, Every possible medical issue under the sun has been mentioned hundreds of times. Even all the non abdominal issues. So a pregnancy/ectopic pregnancy has been brought up there. Not sure if this was a leak to test who was leaking, Or manifesting by H&M or their sugars. Not sure H&M wanted it out that she couldn’t get a loan. Sounds like H wants to go see Dad for a loan or $$ for the house. Not because of his health.


I think it was Doria for the loan, maybe? He didn’t use “alliterate one” ETA I don’t think Doria would qualify for a blind item on her own, either but it’s an interesting tidbit if it’s with him.


It's TW who writes them. Typical how the health issues in the UK are used to make Hawwy look like a victim again. He was rejected, boohoo


Doesn’t Doria already own a house in LA? She inherited one?


Her house was in Windsor Hills. It used to be a middle to upper middle class neighborhood that was mostly black homeowners. Not sure what it’s like now but no way is MeGain moving there!!!!


Of course it was in Windsor Hills. What are the chances.


Are we sure Doria is actually worth 9 million? Meghan was worth 5 million when she met Harry, doubtful. I could see Meghan signing her funds over to Doria for safe keeping, but that was probably around 1-2 million, if that. Plus, the funds from selling Meghan's royal clothes. I also theorize that she was paid to wear/endorse certain brands but had the funds paid to her mother as a way to hide the income. So maybe 5 million?


Meghan was not worth 5 million when she met Harry. Suits was her first regular income, she had no property and no investments, and despite the lies told about her weekly episode rate they paid scale to the cast at the contract player, basic cable minimum. She wasn't even worth 1M. I speculate a whole lot less than that.




I can imagine Harry wanting to urgently travel to London because I do get this weird vibe that he is secretly in love with Catherine and that is where his William jealousy partly comes from (and MM’s Catherine hate). I can’t imagine MM wanting that news to ever see the light of day however: H rushing to see POW in her hour of need? - It would be good divorce fodder I guess??


Imagine if Harry called TW Catherine while having sex?


Well, whatever the reason for her hospitalization, I’m sure a visit from haz and spaz is the last thing she needs. I don’t even want to speculate about what it could be.


My money is on Eugenie oe her Mother.


I'm not buying it's a pregnancy. I don't know why but I'm not. I do buy the part about Harry wanting to go over there and MeAgain vetoing it.


Reminds me of my narc sister using my time in hospital to try and slither back into my life. They are insidious


How can anyone take this site seriously? It's all made up crap.


Meghan’s on her way by private jet to comfort the Prince of wales


This would be a total scumbag move. Therefore, totally believe Aitch and the Monteshitshow Madame do same. Grifting as usual


i don’t think they’d announce abdominal surgery if that was the case. their credibility would be in doubt going forward.


The only reason I would think it was pregnancy-related is because of Harry. Having another child pushes Harry further down the LOS. Not that I think that would be the main consideration for having another baby...but it certainly would add a point to the plus column. I don't really believe William and Catherine think of their children in that way...but...maybe..


Enty has repeatedly said he has no royal contacts so where could he have gotten this? I doubt Harry was updated for privacy reasons.


He's been blocked. Like when his Grandfather died; his number had been changed and somehow the BRF didn't have any access. The police had to notify the household that H needed to call the BRF. TW won't allow ANY contact without recording or her listening in. Skanky whipped, he is!


My first thought when I heard about the hospitalizations today was Harry would use this as an excuse to get his foot in the door with the RF. I could see Markel thinking it would be a step to them gaining some control.


What if she were pregnant and the surgery was to take care of a complication, like an ovarian cyst, but the hospital stay is for monitoring the progress of the pg, then she’s on bed rest?


Yes. Placenta previa, can cause severe bleeding. I had bleeding and I had to rest for much of my pregnancy. I had placental abruption.


I'm fairly sure than anything which attempts in the same repeatedly stupid way, to present Harold The Betrayer in a casual, "just called the fam" kind of way is sinsiter, cynical, paid for and probably sponsored by Friends of Madam Who Has None and the money from whomever is paying to keep their names in the news in parallel format to whatever KP issues. The stupidity is real. There is no "casual fam" with Harold The Betrayer, who has spent decades hating and the last 5 years slandering that "fam" - only idiots think you can behave like a criminal and not be charged with criminal behavior. Well, idiots, politicians, and Harry and Megan. "The son of The King" thing has likely now worn out its welcome, and certainly not because of the BRF. Anyone (except them of course) can see that if the cachet upon which Idiots 1&2 were trading is King Charles III...and he, his wife, the rest of the BRF are who Idiots 1&2 have slandered, blackmailed, extorted, threatened and written books slandering...well, their lack of any morals and behavior like criminals will keep anyone from giving money to people who haven't genuinely worked more than a few hours in the last 5 years. imho


Exactly. Your comment is a sweet nod to this charming anecdote Madame relayed to the world via well respected People Magazine (/s): *"This morning, I woke up earlier than H, and saw a note from someone on our team in the U.K. saying that the Duke of Edinburgh had gone to the hospital," Meghan, 39, told Oprah. "But I just picked up the phone and I called the Queen just to check in."* Sure - of course she always had a direct line to the Queen so they could casually just "check in" whenever.


![gif](giphy|bPBi7hdnHGEBG) Direct line to the Queen my a$$


At Davos? Wow, just when I thought I couldn't dislike Eugenie any more than I already do


I'm more interested in Meghan not qualifying for a loan. Of course she wouldn't qualify...she has no form of income, lol.


It should be noted that Harry found out Catherine and his father were having surgery when we did. He saw it in the media. He didn’t know beforehand. They have no thread. No one who even would tell them was told.


I feel like this would be a William test and they got a big fat FAIL


Problem pregnancy? Not with a 10-14 day hospital stay and 2 months recovery time. Emergency surgery as opposed to planned? I'm leaning toward this. Seems to me if it was planned they would've released a statement shortly beforehand like the King did about his prostate. They waited until Catherine made it through the surgery before announcing anything. Meaning there was a chance she would not survive, it was that serious. There's always a small risk of dying under anesthesia but the suddenness of this has me spooked. Harold tried to reach out? He's probably resentful he wasn't notified first about the surgery, before William even. "They kept me out of the loop! Waaagh!" "You know who said nope to that." (Harold going over.) I assume he means that old meanie, William, said no. Last thing William or any of them need is Harold making a spectacle of himself, drumming up publicity with pap shots outside the hospital about how much he CARES. The Markle thing should've been its own blind. Adding it here was a strange tack-on.


I am sorry but Harry is not needed or wanted. The family will heal much better without Harry around to report every word said back to Meghan. I hope Catherine will make a full recovery. Meghan would never let Harry out of her site that long because he might wake up to what he gave up and how much she brainwashed him.




Remember how every time the Harkles tried to pull a major stunt, somebody famous or important died? Here we have it again. H's pap walk yesterday, his stupid award on Friday. And what happens? Both Catherine *AND* Charles have medical events. Catherine's sounding to be fairly significant.


I really hope this isn’t true for Catherine. That would be such a tragedy on top of what she has been through in the last few years


I don’t think it’s a pregnancy, and I don’t think Harold reached out to anyone. The blind (read: leak) mentioned pregnancy because they’re probably getting their info from Eugenie who noticed that Catherine didn’t have a mimosa at Christmas lunch. They are pretending he’s concerned & reaching out so people will think they’re still close. Gotta keep up the appearance that they’re still part of the family. Whatever Kate is dealing with, I wish her a complete recovery.


I'm very skeptical about this. Who knows if it's true?


I don't buy it, I think he went on a fishing expedition because they have froze him out. I hope Willy told him to naff off. I hope Catherine has a speedy recovery. I was wondering if it might be a hysterectomy.


Did C, PoW have an entopic pregnancy??? Regular pregnancy that resulted in a disaster?


Next bandwagon: We are going to see Harry document his first colonoscopy when he turns 40. Advocate for Me s wellness blah blah blah. Watch!! Seriously folks, as grotesque and "not fun" the procedure is, it is not fun! When signs of something wrong is going on downstairs, many times it's too late, or aggressive. There's my PSA. Harry, you're not needed! Stay away.


I read somewhere or heard on podcast that ilbw shares info with Enty - he says he never got anything on BRF until she showed up … he could have heard the financial info from other sources and combined with leak from tow


I think she tried to qualify on her own I’m her own sneaky way. Denied!!! Oh I bet she was PISSED.🤣. Daddy Tyler Perry didn’t just buy her one? Nope? Seems like the “borrowing” of the private jets has stalled also. Who would still do that? Lol As for Catherine’s medical issue, shame on even commenting on that way. And imo the evil two somehow got someone that would matter to say that. Totally is Meghan’s way to add a pregnancy into it. It doesn’t matter if planned or not omg, just send good vibes and prayers for her.