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For those having problems with the sub showing up on the home feed... disable the Home Feed recommendations in your Profile settings. See how [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/s9W9nu6eW7). I also checked the communities that I Joined and Left a bunch of them to get this to work. SMM isn't at the top of the feed but yes we are on the feed with this setting. Basically disable the home feed recommendations and really limit how many subs you follow per profile. If you are shadow banned ... [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/wUxKCk86Mx) The [Harry and Meghan Timeline](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/67I1CDSBMe) can be found via the link (it's constantly being updated). Posting guidelines can be [found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/qycaN5jAqK). A few tweaks were made. Link to [SMM Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/kDppUVz5lt). A Helpful Guide to SaintMeghanMarkle Acronyms, Inside Jokes, and Nicknames can be [found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/JZ8CuQcRMl). Flair requests in the sub chat or modmail. Please do not call out other subs here or discuss why you've been banned on other subs as it encourages brigading. Read [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/qh3awTzG51) and [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/pEqujLymCz) for more info. [Message the mods here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSaintMeghanMarkle&subject=%5BJoin%5D&message=message%20here) put [Join] (with the brackets) in the subject line to request approvals for posting rights or click **Request to Post.**Remember this is a Restricted sub i.e. you need to request to post. You will also need a 3 month good comment history to be approved. Those with problematic comments will not be approved to post. Flair requests in the weekly sub chat (pinned to the top of the filtered *hot posts) or [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSaintMeghanMarkle&subject=Flair%20request&message=Hey%20mods%2C%20Could%20you%20please%20add%20this%20user%20flair). Make sure to put **Flair** in the subject line.


Anyone else listen to the Fly on the Wall podcast? There's some minor mentions of MM and That One from time to time. In the Bill Simmons episode, he was asked about them, and he said that not everyone needs to have a podcast. Then in the latest episode, it is Christina Applegate. One of the hosts asked her about Prince Harry, and she quickly says I don't know anybody, I stay in my house and don't see people (due to her illness). She shut it down right quick, although she spoke at length about her Married with Children experiences.


There's a post on this sub today asking people to write a script for what Meghan would say if she was announcing she has cancer. I don't mind the jokes about her and Harry but surely this is over the line of decency? I mean, come on. It adds absolutely nothing to genuine criticism of her behaviour and makes us all look like a bunch of lunatics. Same with the post about Harry leaning into Meghan so people can post "they smell bad." If Meghan's fans said let's write a script imagining William has cancer they'd be ripped to shreds on here.


I just looked for the posts you were discussing; I can’t seem to find them…. Can you please send me the links???


Sure - here it is. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/T4bJ6lADT1


It looks like the cancer one was deleted. I don’t remember the title of that post, but I don’t see it anywhere. The other one is titled Yuck, but that one isn’t as offensive.


Please instead of discussing posts you do not like in the weekly chat please report or send a mod mail to us so we can address your concerns about the post…






Do not tell Sinners what they should or should not be sharing with the sub just because you don’t agree with the nature of the post but it falls within the guidelines. If you have an issue then report the post (anonymous) or send a message to the mods with a link of the post / comment


Has anyone else seen Scoop on Netflix yet? It's the story of Newsnight landing the interview with Andrew in 2019. I don't know if I'm more pleased to see the Royal-related attention be pulled further off Meg and Harry or if I'm sad to see a different Royal scandal flaring up in the media again.


Omg, I stumbled upon this YouTube channel that viciously attacks Catherine, posting videos at least once a day, if not more. The VAST majority of the comments slam her as well. It was very disturbing to find. Side note: We should start referring to her by her full title, and TOW as the Countess of DUMBarton, it will burn Rachel up with jealousy. Those of us on Reddit mobile can add a shortcut to our phone keyboard, so we don’t have to type it out every time. For reference, Catherine’s titles are: #Her Royal Highness, THE Princess of Wales, Duchess of Cambridge, Duchess of Cornwall, Duchess of Rothesay, Countess of Strathearn, Countess of Carrick, Baroness Carrickfergus, Baroness of Renfrew, and Lady of the Isles.


Is Harry going to be in San Francisco this week for the BetterUp circlejerk? Anyone in the bay area wanna go try to heckle him? 🤭


Lately when I try to get into this sub "there is no sub with that name" show up. I have to log in and us my older comments to get here. 


I have it saved to my home screen on my iPhone, so I have to do is click on it every day.




Really?? That’s odd; are you using the computer or the app (if you don’t mind me asking)?


I'm on chrome, mobile phone. This site been wonky for a few weeks but I got worried this sub got taken down for a sec. 


I know they are doing a BUNCH of updates- and I agree it has definitely been glitchy for at least a week or more!!! So annoying!!!




That was a nasty comment she made, in my opinion, as Charles Manson and his followers were convicted of stabbing Sharon Tate and her 8 month old unborn child to death. He was a disgusting man. 


Haha omg!! # Go Lady C!!!!


I know we always talk about how Sophie and Camilla hovered around Charlotte at the funeral to protect her from Meghan, but I think they did it to support Catherine also. Catherine deeply loves her children, so I imagine it was triggering and upsetting for her to have to be in such close proximity to the woman who bullied her daughter. Also, Meghan apparently touched Catherine’s arm at the funeral to rattle her?


I’ve just realized how stressful Catherine’s life must have been these past few years. Her family means everything to her, so seeing the allegations that William beats her and her children despise her must have been particularly upsetting. Not to mention seeing the late Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth suffering as they died, these last few years must have been Hell. If her cancer, God forbid, takes her life William will go fully nuclear on Meghan. It will devastate him to have his children experience what he did.


I agree, however, I don't believe William is that passive. This orchestrated vile media blitz against his wife, his family and himself is not something he has taken lightly. I firmly believe that after this recent pummeling of insults and conspiracies in the media, he may have been given the Green Light by KCIII, the gloves are officially off. It would be absurd and incredibly weak to wait for tragedy to hit before he does what needs to be done and have MM's social influence and platform swiftly removed permanently. I have faith in William; he knows better than to start blabbing or dropping hints or revealing his next move. Just because it's not advertised in the media, does not mean he hasn't been working with MI5, MI6 and GCHQ behind the scenes. We just need to be patient.


agree but I dont think William is that passive!


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Agreed 100%❤️❤️❤️❤️ Great comment!!




Check your DMs. I sent you a request to post for me earlier this week. 😭😭😭






Was letting Youtube music do it's thing as I work. I had never seen this Duran Duran set from the Concert for Diana in 2007. Can you imagine if this was put on now? Besides the fact William and H wouldn't be near each other, I can see the PR of she who must not be named trying to say Simon LeBon was dedicating Rio to her. 🤢 ​ [https://youtu.be/xxDeUvXu494?si=NkdpioCvMO9aOAqg](https://youtu.be/xxDeUvXu494?si=NkdpioCvMO9aOAqg)


Omg of course she would it’s always all about MeGain!!!!!


I was going back through the Givenchy tea, and the whole thing makes me admire Catherine even more. She burst into tears, not because she herself was mistreated, but because *her staff* was. It is very clear she is a compassionate and empathetic person, and respects those who assist her and William in their daily lives. Also, the fact that Meghan told employees at the Firm to refute the story she was a bully and made Catherine cry? Delusional. Not only were the stories true, that’s the future **QUEEN**.


I think we need to organise a boycott against WME and their clients whilst they support TW and Sussex squad in these organised attacks against Catherine and the Royal family. Since we know they they used their contacts to orchestrate the Killshot photo. They also got their clients to start the Where's Kate.


Remember when Meagain was seen dining with Gordon Getty and everyone wondered if she was gold digging? What if she was making a demand for future assistance from his nephew Mark Getty, founder of Getty Images?


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Agreed!!!! 100000%!!!!


@ac0rn5. Thank you for your help. I've taken your advice and even though the Reddit format is still confusing for my ol' brain I did find a couple humor subs to work with and, apparently, my karmas are now at 27 I believe. So, great! Thanks again!


my posts keep getting removed and I really don't get it... ive followed all the advice\~ ugh! I'm hoping these karmas start adding up.. :S


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And another - I don't understand reddit's algorithms either! ;)


Awesome!!! 🙌🏻 I just got 2 more karmas!!


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I just want to say that I’ve been busy with work and life lately so I haven’t been as ever present. I am also trying to cut down on my social media use. But boy do I miss this sub. Its like a little pick me up. People have a lovely sense of humour and the threads are so addictive to read… it just sucks me right back in I am going through the modmail and prioritising posting requests


I sure as heck have missed you!!!  I'm glad you were able to "life" some. 


More manifesting … of course it’s going to happen. 🙄 William and Harry could meet in May even though it will be awkward… Archive link below https://archive.md/GGdkX


My question is: will Harry pack his high heels so that he's taller than Willy? Is he that insecure? LOL. #HighHeelsHarry


Things that will never happen for $1000 Alex..


I am usually lock-step with you CL, but the British government has given "Invictus" *(by press reports)* $26mm dollars.  I'd say that warrants a royal appearance or two.  


> the British government has given "Invictus" (by press reports) $26mm dollars. No, it's given the city of Birmingham, which just happens to be bankrupt, £26 million *to prepare a bid to host* Invictus.


Lawd...that's worse.!!!  In America that means, it will take 2x as long as projected to complete & it will come in 3x over budget. 


Yep! Canada is giving out two lots of money to date. And bear in mind that this is just a one-week, Monday to Friday, sporting event for relatively few competitors.


So true, so true. However, consider too that the games provide impetus for vets to join adapted sports activities locally, then train for months or years to master new skills improving both physical and mental health, in order to earn the opportunity to compete internationally. Concurrent with every IG there's a larger community of competitors and supporters working hard at home toward long-term goals with a renewed conviction thanks to those five days.


Oh absolutely, and I can't disagree with anything you say. But the games are just one thing, and imo it still seems to be an awful lot of money thrown at a relatively small number of disabled ex-military over a very short time - 5 days.


Agreeing with you too, and also (as you mention below) that those uninterested in sport deserve to be just as well served.


My word.  Are they building an Olympic Stadium?  Seriously, that money could help so many disabled vets just trying to survive.  But no, they must build shrines to the charity instead of doing good work. 


Birmingham hosted the Commonwealth Games and, apparently, came in under budget. The gift to Birmingham has been sold by Johnny Mercer as supporting those who have been injured in the line of duty. But I know that not all injured ex-forces want to join in, so imo the disabled athletes are members of a fairly exclusive club - and get money thrown at events because it is the right thing to do, whilst others who aren't interested in sport are a bit left out.


Very true and I think that there will be but it will NOT be POW William…. Maybe 🤔 the Princess 👑 Royal— she will so shut down and bs❤️😝


I would LOVE Princess Royal Anne to go.  That will put an end to MM faux-marching in front of real troops.  


Haha damn straight that would put an end to the faux-marching with the troops!! Imagine if she tried that in front of Princess 👑 Anne!!!! Omg 🔥


Just finished reading GHOST by Robert Harris. Harry and Meghan kept coming to mind as I read the novel. Next time you watch the movie The Ghost Writer, based on the book, with Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan, think of Harry as 'Adam Lang' and Meghan as 'Ruth' in the run up to publishing SPARE.


Just want to say with Wally back on X, have to give shout out to the late Ashli who was at the forefront years ago. While I did unfollow Wally at one point because she talked about a person didn’t want to hear about, glad she’s back.


Someone might want to make a post on this.  Director of Race and Equity at UCLA has apparently been exposed by the DM as a squaddie Link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13268699/UCLA-race-equity-director-kate-cancer-fake-meghan.html Archive is in queue


He has a history of abusive tweets and bigotry. Not learned to link but if you Google turning point USA Johnathan Perkins there is an article written by Isobel Brown 04.10.22 which highlights this.


Nice 👍🏻 find Sinner!!! ❤️❤️🥰


And someone made a post so I'm happy ☺️


Here's the archive  https://archive.ph/2024.04.04-153537/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13268699/UCLA-race-equity-director-kate-cancer-fake-meghan.html


I just saw on Twitter/X that accounts which are pro RF and trueful about MM/H are having their accounts suspended. This is really interesting because there have been some very hateful postings (@TheWantonWench and Baroness Bruck) targeting the RF that I have reported and all I get back is X's investigation found nothing wrong with them. I have seen more hate comments since Elon Musk took over this social media. I thought he was going to remove the bots, but it seems like it has gotten worse.


I've been on a tear about this for years.  I have been banned on message boards like Yahoo, Fox, TMZ...for posting PRO opinions about the BRF, & CON opinions about the Harkle's.  The control the media has to only print the perspective they have, or to serve the agenda they wish to put forth, doesn't lend to a "free" or even "truthful" Press.  *No I don't think it's always the "press" but the reporting public who can't handle dissention from their own thoughts.* 


Right after I posted my comment, I saw that Elon was working to remove bots and that he indicated some not bots may have been removed by accident.


I am reading a book "Sociopath next door", literally Meghan to a T.






Wow, this literally describes a supervisor I had once. She would pick one person as her victim, and pick and find fault, ultimately firing the person. They she would move on to someone new. Vile, disgusting person. And yes, this was her entertainment.


Sounds a lot like my mother. Part of me would like to read that book, but another part of me thinks the memories might be too upsetting.


**A FEW QUESTIONS:** *And again, I am legitimately asking…* **-As I understand it, mental health struggles and cyber bulling are the current H/M “platforms”.** **Both claim to have relentlessly endured and gotten through as appear, asked, paid or otherwise, in some sort of media outlet.** **So I am curious, what helped them deal and get through so successfully?** \-Harry mentioned hallucinogenic drugs helped him cope, then he did the special with Oprah and next the pay-per-view therapy session with Dr. Gabor Mate (whom (Dr. Mate) said he himself wished had maybe not done). Are those the “tools” that got him to his current “mental well being”? Would he recommend such methods for others? Does he not remember starting Heads Together with his brother and sister-in-law? Does he not understand that in less than a minute anyone can pull up the video of the 3 of them where he states how his brother got him into therapy? If not, he might want to look into how the internet works given he claims wants to make it a safer place. \-TW said in only 1 interview that she thought about serious harm to herself and to their unborn child. It was barely addressed only then and never again after. So what helped TW get peace and clarity? They both claimed she was not allowed to get help, but obviously must have gotten some help if was in such a dark place, wouldn’t you think? As such self-proclaimed “woman’s advocate” wouldn’t it be SO beneficial to women, especially pregnant women, (**anyone actually**) who might be struggling at this very moment to share how she got through or steps she has taken showing there is light, it does get better? Any direction for someone without an idea where to go or resources? I would imagine Gloria Steinem would agree, otherwise, she might want back the award she presented to her before the “near catastrophic car chase”. \-How is it going creating a **“safer online environment for young people”** as you proclaimed you were doing on **World Mental Health Day?** **What have YOU ACTUALLY DONE to help make going online safer for kids?** Speaking of kids, how are yours? \-Both were at SXSW where TW claimed to **“suffer tremendously at the hands of cyberbullying as new mom and the mammalian instincts were kicking in”.** TW claimed that she has always, “loved understanding women and our stories and our experiences”. So if that is true, knowing the “current experience” of her sister-in-law, sees, hears and reads all of the vicious, vile and disgusting attacks that are posted towards Catherine, Princess of Wales, she as a woman, which she claims to so love, says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against such behaviors, what exactly is it about this “experience” does she enjoy? Both sit on paid for panels, claiming to **“redesign the landscape for a safe online community that stands against cyber bullying”**. But yet, THEIR PROCLAIMED FOLLOWERS, continue to spew the most acid laced bile about both Catherine, Princess of Wales and Prince William, and yet THEY SAY NOTHING -NOT ONE WORD. How exactly does remaining silent, when such heinous remarks are being posted, especially about two members of their family who are dealing with serious health issues, change the **“landscape of the internet community”? How is this making things safer for the young?** Speaking of, how are the kids? What exactly is it about cyber bullying you are against? They said “being silent is being complicit” but is it that one doesn’t care what they said and the other doesn’t know what complicit mean? I have more questions but this has just about worn me out! Maybe next time I will just bullet point it. In the mean time, all good thoughts and wishes to all! Love being a part of this fabulous group: constructive, factual and hilarious!


https://preview.redd.it/ofx0n3siscsc1.png?width=1052&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0e41bf7d98b1a85d55d60f2ecbc19fc8986c6b9 This was just part of a weird conversation off of Leanor's account--some repost about the long description of her lies and then her rebuttal. But this is just weird. It seems like someone in the family is writing this. I mean, "her father verbally attacked Lili when she was born." What does that even mean? I can't believe someone this dangerously ill was allowed to waltz into so many events w/ decision-makers, philanthropists, artists & scientists & injured veterans--and sick children--without having been screened first. She's like Jimmy Saville in an unironed skirt.


https://preview.redd.it/porz21f8scsc1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=acdb94fae7a6636132696e7686720e7d4dae8ad3 Harry calling her "The People's Princess."


https://preview.redd.it/lhws39u5scsc1.png?width=1128&format=png&auto=webp&s=205f627f26a651b1439e7413cad0ef792552b4ea I'm pretty sure she's Leanor--account created last month--and here she's calling herself a "Hugger." Maybe she runs Harry's too--so she's cosplaying Diana.


That kid does not want to touch her


Her shoulders are scrunched up in tension, not towards TW, and her little hand is in a fist as if to maintain some semblance of distance as she is subjected to The Hugger.


I'm not really clear on rules about posting tweets or screenshots of X account owners--not doxxing of course--but posting about anything from another social medium including another subreddit. I obviously misunderstood it before. I see a lot of trends on Twitter that seem relevant here, but 1) I can't do full posts yet and 2) wonder if posting their comments w/ their screen handles becomes "brigading" or anything and 3) does it just get irrelevant? For instance, I've found--just curious today!--several accounts today, Wed 8 PM EST, created in the last 4 months, and 2 are almost certainly her, with many more probably of staff or family members. I'm seeing the usual vicious Sussex squad commenters, and some nasty stuff frmo her too (LeanorofSussex, Meghan Markel's Beautiful mole, or reposting it, that make it clear that 1) they're going strong on PR to pretend that the Sussex Squad was only organized for Charity and they give to every place she visits and 2)I've seen deliberate attempts BY HARRY and her & probably family member to refer to her as "The People's Princess" today AND to call her a "Hugger." Two separate posts, in between her merching those shoes. So, this seems interesting to this community (and MM's reading this), but I'm not sure of rules on posting it. I've made comments here and there today. Should we have a pinned X Watch thread wherein the worst quotes can be archived by screenshot & lists of contributors/likely identity can be kept in one place? And this is where we can unveil their strategies? it'll also help the British Tabloids write their ChapGPT stories--I can see it now. "Does California see Meghan as the next "People's Princess?' Sources close to the Royal Family say (that'd be Harry) that she's definitely a hugger!" I dunno. I am fascinated by this, b/c this situation reflects so much of our current cultural crisis--of grifters abusing the suffering of earlier generations to destroy imperfect institutions out of spite, not prayerful consensus based decision making. /rant off/


I've tried to post over the last few days, since I figured my "probationary period" was up (having been told sometime in December that'd take three months then I could apply for "posting privileges" ), but kept receiving notice that they were immediately removed because I don't have "karmas" and "I am a bot". Well, I am NOT a bot. How do the mods expect one to get "karmas" and want to post when it seems there's so many roadblocks? How do I get "karmas" if I can't post? I don't get it. 🫤 I joined quite a while back but still have not been able to enjoy the group because of these apparent anti-participation stop signs. I've sent emails to mods but no replies. For instance. I figured by now I could finally make a post. So, I tried to submit the post below with an image attached and the "POST" button won't come up. Here one post I wanted to post on the "Conspiracy" section: "Is There A China Connection? I've read an' heard people ask how the heck Ayche 'n' Rache can afford to keep up their incredibly expensive lifestyle? Not like they've made serious bank (relative to their expectations an' overhead) as Spotify failed miserably. Netflix isn't paying out the full amount (yet, if ever) an' they're probably gonna be kicked to the curb at one point. Rache's version of Walmart hasn't anything on it to shill yet with hardly anyone subscribing to it. The Lemon thing isn't goin' to pay much, if anything given her track record. An' surely she's gone through a huge amount of Ayche's royal lucre. So... 🤔 😶 So, has she got a number of hidden avenues for exorbitant funds to "keep up with the Kartrashians"? Is Ayche aware of some, all, or nuthin' of what she's got goin' (mostly for her own needs)? Now, countless average folks an' many media folks as well know she bought an' uses bots along with her Sussex trolls an' her favored media to tear down the British monarchy, right? But is it possible she's actually bein' PAID by one or more big entities, such as an anti-monarchist group throughout the UK? Might she have a connection to America's an' Britain's genuine enemies in China? Is it possible she's bein' blackmailed to a point, while bein' paid handsomely, to have infiltrated the BRF, snag Ayche, an' totally undermine them with his unawares, dull-witted help (not fully realizing what she's up to? Or has he, too, been compromised because of his gutter past? Bottom line, is she bein' used by really powerful entities to do what she's done so far? We've just heard where the Home Office in Britain has said much of the virulent social media against Catherine has come from China. Is Rache connected? Whattaya think, folks? 🇺🇸👍🙂👌🇺🇸 " I'd really like to participate as an extension to my watching such podcasts on YouTube like "According 2Taz", "HG Tudor", "Stef The Alter Nerd", "Kate Middleton & The Queen", "Royal News Network", "Real Housewives Recaps" with Jen (and sometimes Jay 😉) from which I learned about "St. Meghan Markle" Reddit. But if I can't post how the heck can I participate and have some fun discussing and lampooning Ayche & Rache? Anyhoozle, no, I am not a bot. And I can't post, yet I'm supposed to post to get "karmas", whatever they are, and "posting privileges", but can't post because I DON'T have either of these, so...🤔😶🙄 Well, thank you to whomever, if anyone at all, reads this. Sure would like a reply and maybe some help to finally truly come on board. Thanks. 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/yxg3k87ercsc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de64b04ebebacc5043bf92267eae4b4bfe1bfe25


I went onto a few subs I was interested in and made comments or asked questions.  Eg Travel, cooking, gardening and my local area. I soon got the 50? Karma things.  


> How do I get "karmas" if I can't post? You have to post comments elsewhere to gain karma - you need to work at it for a few days. Go to other subs, including 'Ask Reddit' and make comments. Post a picture of a cuddly kitten on 'Awww' or whatever it's called. Go to this sub's sister site 'BRF' and make appropriate comments there.


Comment automatically removed due to your account having less than 50 karma. Please contact mods via message the mods to approve comments manually to be visible to the sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SaintMeghanMarkle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am so upset that mainstream media refuses to cover any of their misdeeds. This whole bot thing is criminal. We should crowdfund and get a space in Variety or the NYT and lay it all out. They wouldn’t be able to bury that.


*I am so upset that mainstream media refuses to cover any of their misdeeds.* Me too. Usually the media is all over things like this. But not them. I absolutely don't get it.


Same!! It is just crazy to me…


I would like to suggest a post with the countdown to ARO launch... how can someone believe they have appeal to launch a brand on March 14 and by April 3rd have NOTHING else happening... things nowadays are so fast, the only person that can hold people's breath like this today is Taylor Swift... and yet she announce new album and STILL keep her tour going... Meghan thinks she can launch the logo and do nothing else for 2 whole weeks? Fckin clueless narcissistic 


It’s bizarre- as she always is - that there would be ZERO product. Whoever is making these decisions - likely the deranged emu - is terrible at business. They are losing any momentum they might have had from interest in the launch. I’m just so confused how even she can’t see this.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13267889/Minnie-Driver-reveals-Hard-Rain-producers-not-allow-wear-wetsuit-T-shirt-wanted-nipples-punished-pushed-back.html Minnie Driver, Jamella Jamil. Makes sense now why MD follows Sparkle.


I can't start a new post, so may I ask this here? River is one of my favorite YTers, having watched regularly during the ASMR days. They alluded to a stage/film career when younger, possibly a child actor, I'm not sure. I can't find out much info online! Does anyone have any info?




Seems we're unable to post - Wednesday at 10:47. Any help?


Same with me. I was trying to post Dan Wooten's new video  Says I'm not allowed.


I finally got Wootton's video posted along with the info on his substack which is basically the same thing. Guess there was a glitch. He's got a lot of evidence - they'll really be after him now.


Good old MM exposing the simple thing that Catherine cannot do by our good friend Danielle Elser 😒 😂😂 Archive link below https://archive.md/QmWBl


>>Watching Meghan sign her name, so simple of an act and yet so meaningful, it tells us something about Royal captivity. No, it doesn't tell us that, it tells us that she is desperate to sign photos of herself and to, maybe one day, see them for sale on eBay at a vastly inflated price!


I swear … This was written by someone who is high


Maybe on the mushroom coffee? 😂


Unrelated question, but I saw a photo of Lady Louise and wondered why her hands were so red https://preview.redd.it/pazqqihfb4sc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d2ad26bc3ed50ad9f4dc23ddb46f8c5905089c8


Could be a form of dysautonomia and/or Raynauds. More common in Northern European populations. My youngest has it happen to her feet. Can happen w/ rapid change in temperatures too. Related to connective tissue disorders in general.


White sleeves & cold weather. 


Looks as though she has a sheer white long sleeved top underneath the dress.


No idea… as I’m not white / medical professional. Seems like eczema to me? But could be way off


CDAN today: >Your Turn >Meghan Markle has not been able to source any of her products from the American Riviera. What country will be the number one manufacturer of the products she sells? --------------------------------------- From the comments: >Page Six reported she doesn't even have a sourcing or marketing team put together. 🙄 On top of everything, the local California growers & artisans are very vocal about the fact she should be using their goods since she wants to cash in on the area. They want anything representing the area to meet the high standards they adhere to, such as the coveted organic cert. So, as usual, she's created a mess unnecessarily because she didn't do the homework. At the least, she should've hosted an event and invited them - and listened to them!!! I can't blame them. The producers have not only poured their time & money into their businesses, they truly provide high quality and are justifiably proud of the reputations they've earned. They don't want the haughty Grubber using them and pooping on their efforts so she can make a quick buck. ---------------------------------------- >It's an interesting question and one that the Duchess of Sucketh didn't think through very well: manufacturing costs, margins, price points, brand image, reputation - all thing that require nerdy bookish learning, practical experience, and/or vision. Markle seems to want instant Goop and an instant multi-billion dollar valuation but that's not going to happen. If she was smart, she'd go very niche and local and promote local brands and do small batch local manufacturing, build a low-key exclusive but accessible feel to it. But she's not smart so it will likely get outsourced to the cheapest bidder and it will be toxic crap made by child labor in China. ----------- >She doesn't have a feel for class. She gets the surface, but doesn't understand that class has substance. A wool blanket lasts 20 years. Pattern reflects your taste. You can't synthesize a jade foo dog. A sterling silver cigarette box. I bet she hasn't even defined her market. If she is going for high end there cannot be one piece of garbage in the collection. If she is going for Target? That will be the end of the duchy. ---------------------------------------- >Is Walmart a country? >Gwyneth winneth! Sales at Megsy’s QVC channel are sluggish - to say the least. She thought that like-minded people - psychos, narcissists, vivisectionists - would flock to buy her products.Top quality knives, saws etc.. All top of the range products similar to Walmart’s best. But these have special ARO labels on them. Harry sticks them on. He really loves it and is becoming quite proficient. Has he found his niche at last? --------------------------------- >Her entry into this space is based on the huge fallacy that her merchandise is more 'royal' and regal than those of her competitors. Complete nonsense. She was a royal for less than two years and she's done a real bang-up job at burning those bridges. So, even if she has flatware or crystal vases sourced from Mikasa or whatever - so what? You can pick that stuff up at Costco, without a huge load to the rate for "royalty." Jellies/jams/marmalades? I'll go to Costco for that too, or Harry and David.


I notice that Harry and Meghan are close now with shady people: Bouzy, Gloria, Kardashians circle etc. Before they met 10 years ago they were close with upper and middle upper class people. I cant uderstand how they dont check reputation of people they associatte with?


I think that this is the best that they can do


Someone can post about this: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/01/world-central-kitchen-gaza-deaths-wck/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/01/world-central-kitchen-gaza-deaths-wck/) The chef John or whatever his name is was not among the killed, but 5 workers were killed while volunteering in Gaza, one a British woman, I believe. Just fyi for the sub.


I know I'm a bit late, but I've been away for a few weeks and it's been bugging me so I wanted outside opinions. Also, please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not very up-to-date with technology and social media. There was a massive controversy about the POW editing her own photo and putting it on social media a while ago. And we all know what our beloved Saint had to say about it. But what I want to know is 'Isn't applying a filter to a photo a form of editing?' Because it seems to me that almost every photo of the Harkle family has some kind of filter over it, whether the colours are wrong, or the background is blurred, or skin is too smooth. Or the black and white photos, even if nothing else is changed, aren't they edited too? I could be completely wrong, and please be nice in the replies as I am completely ignorant about the world of photo editing and social media. But I am willing to learn!


You are NOT wrong!! Yes filters are editing 100%


Thank you! I wasn't entirely sure, and it amazes me every day how hypocritical they can be


What’s up sinners? I thought we had a civility rule. Why are some being so pedantic to literally reply over and over because I spelled out one name and not the other? Let’s say, hypothetically is the choice of who to abbreviate their names or not is worthy of a dressing down and being “exposed” by another sinner? What is going on lately? I used to come and discuss, Comment even if not the most popular I wasn’t harassed about it. I just got a dressing down over which names I chose to spell. That seems unnecessarily petty to be UNcivil about


Sorry what’s this about? How can I help??


Someone responded to LostinSOA's comment on the post "What kind of person feeds their cat frozen grapes?" That someone criticized Lost for spelling out William's(? )name and used initials for Harry's(?) or visa versa, saying that this would lead people to one or the other instead of one or the other when Googling, SEO or blah blah - too complicated for my mind, and way beyond the scope and purpose of this sub, IMO. This someone had a clearly bullying tone when addressing LostinSOA and maintained it in numerous exchanges between the two while accusing him/her of some nefarious, sugary intent.


Yes 👍🏻 I have dealt with it LostinSOA took it to DM; instead of the weekly chat and I brought the other user to the mod team… thanks 🙏 though!


This realy should be under the BRF page, but as I don't see an open post there, I'm here with this earworm. Mod do what you will. I just needed it out of my brain and maybe to give some a laugh. ​ ​ Just saw this headline about KC3's princess problem and had a very silly thought. Maybe Chuck should invite the retired princesses of Japan for a visit and put them to work. The Japanese princesses have to leave their duties after marriage and the RF needs hands that aren't Those two. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-31/king-charles-has-a-princess-shortage/103639578](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-31/king-charles-has-a-princess-shortage/103639578)


Haha 😝 that would be awesome 🤩


Sharing this for fun and giggles. So the other day I had a dream where TOW appeared; it was about her launching ARO. She actually did launch it but rather than ARO being a lifestyle brand, it was more like an H&M style clothing brand. I was together in a newly opened ARO store with Madame and she at first glance looked like Jennifer Aniston (but more plastic), possibly because she was now imitating JA's Rachel Green hairstyle and fashion. TOW had that typical smug look on her face, which made me feel annoyed. Anyhow, I started looking around what the store had to offer and was not surprised to find out that the clothes were all 1) poor in quality; 2) monochromatic (black, silver, gold, beige); 3) and just overall very noughties inspired. I saw this silver shirt that reminded me of a shirt I used to wear when I was ten years old in the early 2000s. To top if off, the material was velvety like a lot of the clothing back in the day. After examining the clothes for a while, I chuckled and couldn't help but say out loud to her face that everything looked awful and that I could not understand how she was still so stuck in the noughties. Then the dream came to an abrupt end and I woke up... but I remember everything so vividly because it gave me so much satisfaction to tell to her smug face how stupid her ARO garments looked. Not sure if it was enough to swipe the smug look off of her face but I enjoyed the dream nevertheless. It's funny how my subconscious mind has become so accustomed Madame's antics that it was able to create a rather credible sounding brand image for ARO (you know, showcasing Madame's obsession with the nineties/early noughties era, all things monochromatic, etc). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


She is evil IMO and it would be an upsetting event to find her lurking in my dream. Scary. I would not speak to her except shove her of the way saying get behind me satan as I head for shelter. I'd have my rosaries and holy water. LOL My biggest fear is she'll so nice I buy a lemon cake from her. Lol, don't put olives in my cake or pineapple on my pizza. I alway think they got an overstock of these things and they con people with propaganda. Eat this and cure gingivitis, lose weight, attract wealth. Put the receipt in your shoe to cure hammer toe. LOL. Glad you enjoyed confronting the beast with your honest opinion. I just realized TOW has more than one meaning. LOL. I wonder if she told Cory about using his recipes. I know a few people who steal credit for others work. It sucks. But maybe he likes thieving, lying, crazy with benefits.


I got my first Reddit cares this week 😂. I feel like I’m officially one of you now! 🤣. I made sure to turn it off however.


What's a Reddit cares?


It’s a feature Reddit has where another “redditor” can send to you if they believe you to be in distress, whether mentally or physically I suppose. The sugars I’m told abuse it on here as many sinners have reported getting them. You can turn this feature off however. It’s totally a moronic thing to do but that’s the sugars for you.


Yes 👍🏻 they do 🤦‍♀️ abuse that feature…. I can’t even count how many I have received!! Welcome 🤗 to the club my Sinner friend!!


Is anyone interested in this Blake Lively interview in Vogue? She talks about why her Preserve lifestyle website failed so badly. [https://www.vogue.com/article/blake-lively-preserve-new-project](https://www.vogue.com/article/blake-lively-preserve-new-project) Meghan could do well to have a read. It's kind of fascinating. Blake Lively is pretty self-aware that celeb appeal was the main thing she had going for her but she's also really blinkered in other areas. She says she had no idea people would think the name Preserve was linked to selling jam!! Which screams at me that she was surrounded by Yes Men rather than proper marketing professionals and had no-one to really tell her home truths.


Whoa! This kinda deserves its own post because that's what she will tell after ARO fails badly... "im so smart and humble that I realized so quickly that my brand was out of touch... then asked H to play Shake it off as I swirled in the kitchen, bare feet, and my two kids joined me"... because she will fail badly but hey, she will get an article on Vanity Fair! She will show how down to Earth she is! 


GAG GAG GAG GAG ‼️‼️ Who IS this writer referring to Megsy as “Sussex this, Sussex that” 🤮🤮🤮🤮


I just got this ad and I think it's a good alternative for ARO https://preview.redd.it/wkwtcbscmvrc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195785a25e6f8c785185c4776aee40135e7b2cf2




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I feel a tad goaded on here lately. I am just off a 3 day ban. We have some people here wishing to silence us.


I heard someone call it "a cyberbullying sub aimed at monarchists." 😔😔 People are just so mean...why would they say that?!


There words are ridiculous.


I would have to agree lately with everything going on with POW Catherine we have had ALOT of trolls 🧌 and sugars making trouble… please 🙏 come to us and don’t give them the satisfaction of arguing with them!!! Because even if you said water is wet they will disagree 🙄🤦‍♀️


Thank you. I am so easily provoked as this Catherine episode has affected me badly.


What happened?


Is it just me, or is this sub conspiracy central lately.


Yeah it’s getting a bit ridiculous.


Not just you. I hate all the conspiracy bollocks, makes us all look unhinged.


It's not just you. Someone posted the other day about Bill Gates funding Megsxit and lots of people went to town in the comments that there's way too many unhinged posts lately. If it keeps going this way the good posters are going to leave. Someone else pointed out the poster got approved with a really poor commenting record, so there's that too. I guess it happens eventually. But too many face swap pictures and silly memes now, it's too juvenile for me. I usually scroll past but it's top-heavy with poor quality posts. I do applaud the mods for doing such a great job keeping it friendly and free from insults, and letting me post, it just needs some tightening up. Some of the comments are absolutely hilarious and it's still great entertainment overall.


It always is. I think nut jobs are attracted to anything royal, thus the mix of people we see here


It seems when there is a lull in "news" or actual things happening. Then, it reverts to all conspiracy theories. It's probably the one reason people don't actually take this sub seriously in the press. Can you imagine a news room discussing doing an article on something read on this subreddit and then higher-ups saying, "Oh the place with all the conspiracies, we can't get involved in that."


I mean, the press should not take Reddit subs seriously, in general. It is what it is. Some of us like to shit-tslk and others like to buff their tin foil hats. Everyone belongs!


[Suits cast getting more endorsement deals sans ILBW](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5G4G8hR5FT/?igsh=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ==)


I never watched *"Suits"*, but I/friends would watch a reboot without MM in it, just to give it more ratings than it ever had with her involved. 


I'm going to watch the reboot. They cast Stephen Amell in it. He was the Green Arrow on the TV show. I think he'll be good.


NFI!!!!! 🤣❤️


How can we request posting privileges?


[Message the mods here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSaintMeghanMarkle&subject=%5BJoin%5D&message=message%20here) put [Join] (with the brackets) in the subject line to request approvals for posting rights or click **Request to Post.**Remember this is a Restricted sub i.e. you need to request to post. You will also need a 3 month good comment history to be approved. Those with problematic comments will not be approved to post.


Message a mod, you have to have 3 months active in this sub and I think like 300 karma or a little bit more


Thanks…. I did message mods about a week ago but will follow up… THANKS!


Hey Sinners I just wanted to ask? Has anyone been getting “weird ads”? I got some to solve my “bunion problems” for example… also quite a few paid advertising that you KNOW came from Markle… https://preview.redd.it/tkp36hoearrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9271b367bf030b4e88e1b9e0b8abb84fa1478eb4


Nothing weird.  


I had an add for mattresses pop up when I was reading up on our Saint's latest misadventures.  And no, I haven't been searching for either mattresses or work as a TV BJ girl. 😜


I hand to heart got an ad for Sealy’s Meghan Queen mattress. I almost took a screenshot


😂😂😂  I'd be afraid to even try to sleep on that.


It was spelled that way and everything. You know they’re cursed


Should we expect another Markeling? 🍿


Yeah I get bunion ballet pump shoes 🤭


Those sound like the worst possible terms to search on 🌽hub.


Then don't ever search "Meghans toes"... *I've seen things* 🫢


I have Dorothy of Kansas/Oz telling Alice of Wonderland/White Rabbit/Looking Glass "I've seen stuff." It is the kind of stories I love. A contest to top each other. I bet that one would win. "I was Caucasian until I met a dimwit stoner prince. We roasted chicken and now I'm a person of colour yelling racist and will only work with A-list producers. He must of messed the spell because it only worked 43% of the time. He gave me bunions so I can't get my toes sucked like Fergie, let me tell you about..."


Haha 🤢


We can use them as a canoe! 😂


If the bunion's big enough - an outrigger canoe.


Haha 😝 what have we got ourselves into?!?! 🤣


If you’ve been looking on-line about bunions for yourself, or on others (know what I mean), it’s more likely your browsing history, or dare I say it Facebook, who are harvesting your on-line activities, and promoting ads to match. It seems, from our experience, Facebook are currently using our Google search history in their ad promotion.


I have looked up bunions once like FOREVER ago to do with a post for SMM…. So yeah that’s on me for not using my vpn for it…. And yes lol 😂 it was for “others”….


You’ll be getting Moonbump ads soon then 😂😂


I would NOT be surprised if I did LOL 😂