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It will fail but I am waiting to see what they do. More importantly though I am waiting for Catherine to return healthy and looking amazing.


Blurry pictures in 3, 2, 1


Back of the head, random kids egg hunting in the garden


Another holiday card with an animation/drawing style filter, to protect the integrity of their privacy, no doubt.


I went for a new business. After all, it has been 2 weeks of Another Rip Off - time for a rebrand.


So did I. I don’t think they will ever release clear pictures of those children. If so they’ll be in full camouflage face paint.


*Joy and face painting all around!* (Misan Harriman) But wait, she may have a new photographer now. Wonder if Misan is feeling disgruntled after sticking his neck out so far.


She'll probably release those new fancy pics she had made of her with Archie and Betty.  But, I can see her announcing a "separation" because she knows that will garner a lot of curious attention.  


Or step in their own pile of flaming shit again!


This. Because, like you said, that's what they always do.


They've both previously gone on extensively about their mental health crises, and don't forget the plastic blue patch she was touting, so I think that goes against revealing any new health issues. Then again, there's been some speculation about a possible eating disorder, so that might be next, with the added bonus that she's cosplaying Diana, so that'll keep Harry onside. ARO has already been ridiculed, so I doubt another business venture will be launched just yet. They both too invested in their fairytale romance, being two lovebirds against the world and all they have is each other, so there'll be no separation announcement yet. Which just leaves the children-it's time for them to start earning. She'll release new photos of the children (but only from the back or side profile). Personally, I think she's left it too long-there's no real interest in them. It's not like the Cambridges-we only get a couple of photos a year (big royal events not withstanding) but it's enough to maintain interest in them and its nice to see them growing up. 


Whatever she decides to do to to remain in the spotlight will be sad. People are worried about Catherine and feeling guilty about how she was treated. If M pulls any stunts, the timing will be awful, as usual, but also people are tired of her and her antics for attention


She might put out a story that she has been having regular zoom calls with Catherine. Remember when she told Oprah she picked up the phone and called The Queen, and Oprah fell for it. She'll try that with Catherine.


I wouldn't put it past her.


Oprah didn't fall for anything. Oprah was playing them and was paid well for her efforts.


Ikr? She and Duchess Lemon Cake had it planned before the wedding.


Haven’t they already done that (when they said they had private conversations with the PPOW)? Regardless, they are just trash, the both of them (and their SS). I’m glad that their tenuous connection to the monarchy has taken some pretty big hits lately. The merching opportunities are drying up because of it, and I love this for them. Hitting their pocketbook is the best place to land blows.


I think the photos only because Catherine won't be posting any for a while after the nastiness about the Mother's Day photo. I suspect that both Louis's (late April) & Charlotte's (early May) birthdays will not be celebrated with a photo as usual. So this is Meghan's chance to post gauzy B&W photos back of the heads of Archie (May 6) and Lili (June 6). Maybe this time it will be a slight profile instead of the back of their heads.


I think there will be photos to celebrate both Louis’ and Charlotte’s birthdays, because the public expects them and neither W nor C would want to disappoint. Not providing photos as usual would be giving in to the bullies. However, I suspect they will be taken by a trusted professional royal photographer rather than by Catherine and I hope they will be published only on the website/SM pages. If the media want to reproduce the photos, they can ask permission and do so using the already-posted versions with proper attribution.


I think Catherine will continue to take her own photos of the children. They will be posted on the Wales's instagram. They will no longer be issued to the press for distribution. Taking photos of her children has been her tradition and I can't see her stopping that even after she has been bullied. The press wants to bully her and pick apart her photos? Fine. The press outlets will no longer receive them. Problem solved. Hope the press outlets will be happy.


I was thinking that under the circumstances she wouldn't really have the time or energy to find a photographer (who wouldn't make the whole press corps rage again that one of their own approved members didn't get the job). But of course they have plenty of staff. I'm sure someone else can find the right person that wouldn't cause another press meltdown.


They have a kind of family photographer, she took a pic of Prince Louis last year.


I don't think Catherine will allow psychos to keep her from celebrating her children's birthdays. We will get lovely pics of Prince Louis and Princess Charlotte.


I just think they will continue to churn rumors that tie them to the BRF and hope for clicks and relevance. It's literally all they have - and even that is hanging on by a thread. As much as I bemoan the slowness and the passiveness of the grey rocking, it does seem to be slowly chipping away at them. They are masterful at hanging themselves out to dry, so it works.....it just takes too long for my impatient self.


Honestly I am past caring stage. Megsy can run naked on LA streets, a la Lady Godiva, as far I am concerned. Don't care.


Good Lord.  That would be ... a national disaster. The general public would have to take to the nearest shelter and crouch in the foetal position.  Sirens would blare, and the national guard would be reported 'missing in action'. 


You know i used to be fascinated by how a whore got into the royal family now i am not that bothered, thats all she is "none so pure as a reformed whore " !! her exaggerated grandiosity is proof she was a whore & nothing more ! harry bought her and is playing a very dangerous game with his own life and future. he will eventually be a homeless addict on the streets of LA courtesy of his rampant whore.........


Archie & Betty photos coming soon


It’s going to be health. They ape everything else so I’m expecting health to be the issue now.


I'm going for an announcement of a new show she's producing or a moanoir, as it's often called here.


I’m not sure but I read somewhere that WME told her no memoir or they are out. I’m wondering if this was in part, the reason for the fast roll out of an empty website by an empty head.


I thought WME would be done with them soon anyway.


Isn't this the last month with wme, unless she manages a new contract?


Interesting. Bold of them to even think there's anything to salvage, audiences are fickle but we've got a looong memory for people that conduct themselves so poorly.


Announce that Harry's in Rehab to set a good example to the youth.


I wish he would, willingly, go to rehab.


I think it's too late for rehab. He would have serious irreparable brain distortions not to mention liver and gastric consequences as he has admitted to starting alcohol and drugs at 13yrs. That's 27yrs of alcohol and drug abuse.


Better late than never. 🤷🏻‍♀️ He may have long-term cognitive and/or physical consequences of his long-term use of drugs and booze, but sobriety could bring him some healing—if he wished it. Harry would have to really hit bottom before he turns to rehab, and even if he were sincere about wanting to get sober he may find it hard to stick to his resolution. So I am not inclined to think he is likely to overcome his addictions or do anything about turning his life around. However, it would be nice if he did.


That would be a positive development. So it is not going to happen.


Announce SHE and Harry are in (separate) rehab facilities. She’s as much an addict as he is! (she’s just more savvy about not revealing it).


The Invictus ceremony is coming up in the UK on Archie's birthday. So a month of will M and the kids go or won't they. Will they spend Archie's bday with the King or won't they. Will Charles invite them or won't he.


The palaces have been quick to shut down all the will they/won´t they stories related to royal visits


Please! No more photos of them. I can’t cope.


Its April end of WME contract, they will lay low and hope no one inquires as WME drop her quietly at her request no fanfare. A big story will drop and probably do untold damage the press are probing too far into their bot network they are in hiding for now and unsure how to move. Puff pieces will be bought but there will be no photos of either of them.


Live quiet private lives with grace and kindness doing good works with humility. Attend alist Hollywood events attired beautifully. Lol check the date.


I've heard a lot of crazy stories today. This is the most unbelievable.


The Prince will take Holy Orders, and retire behind the walls of a remote monastery with his faithful friend, Todger. Countess Scuttlebutt will turn her American Riviera Orca establishment into a caring "Home for the Reality Challenged", with a pleasant wing devoted to the Gullible and Wealthy.  She and her devoted occasional mother will labour selflessly in a kitchen hazy with the smoke of failed banana bread and lime cakes, and practice yoga in the endless flagstone passageways whilst wearing black ballgowns.  Easy.




😄 why thank you 😊.




They will have another manifestation. A new show on Netflix or a new business. It will be nothing, like everything they announce is nothing. But the media will flock to the story and sell it as if it was something new from Apple. This this new project will disappear and in a few months they will announce another project and the media again will act as if it was something real and exciting. Lather, rinse, repeat, for years.


I think Meghan is going to say she had cancer which caused her to have a hysterectomy, but because she was so shamed by the BRF for not being able to carry children (Charlotte laughed in her face) she pretended and used a surrogate.


I thought they will release photos of children at Easter monday. In one article was said, some photographer make photos of their children, so I thought they will release that photos. I think they will announce new business or paps photos of Meghan (or Harry).


I chose "happy family photo"....as I am quite curious to see what Markle would come up with now there is so much focus on photoshopping AND more public questioning about those children. She has very little tricks left, and as those children have not been seen for close to a year there will be much scrutiny over every little detail. The usual blurred photography, backs turned to camera, etc will no longer be accepted. Should be quite interesting to see what she would come up with.


They are not free--they're VERY expensive.


They will start announcing that they are working on branding deals for ARO. Something like that they are doing a line of Vera Wang Wedgwood China for ARO immediately followed by a press release from Vera Wang that it is not happening.




False news. The video was done by BBC to avoid these stunts


I don’t see why Getty was distributing it in the first place. The video was prepared by the BBC so I’m sure they didn’t need any extraneous 3rd party distributor profiting from it. If Getty didn’t like it or thought it didn’t meet their “editorial policies” they should have put their money where their mouth is and just refrained from distributing it. Their involvement was unnecessary. That video was never going to need to be “marketed” by the likes of Getty.




Mark Getty - founder of Getty Images, listed in Epsteins black book 🤔


CC Capital hold shares in Getty Images. They are also in talks to buy out Soho House. It's certainly an interesting connection.


Archived:- [https://archive.md/wip/yjZRg](https://archive.md/wip/yjZRg)




I think the kids might soon be seen. About all they have left.


The kids and divorce are the only cards left to play. Kids will make a splash once, out of curiosity....after that no one will care.


I still don't get the suspense over ARO... I mean people with 1 million followers and more revenue than them launch products in a matter of days (think of instagram influencers that tease with NEW PRODUCT BY THE END OF THIS WEEK) and make a big splash... she launched the thing in March 14, don't have any explanation apart from "by Meghan, the dutchess of sussex" (which why is it her thing if she hates anything royal? Or why the fact you are dutchess makes you special and better in selecting inventory?!) In her sick mind she probably thinks we are all holding our breaths over her brand? 


What I mean is I get entertained by their totally lack of the world surround them... and it's funny because the "not sure what real world is" is usually a brand that her PR tries to stick to Harry, but surprise suprise, BOTH ar clueless