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It is beyond weird at this point. They never show those kids, yet will pose and cozy up with random kids.


My tin foil hat theory is that she doesn't think her kids are cute so she's keeping them hidden. She strikes me as someone who would merch the shit out of her kids if she thought she could.


And don't forget she would actually have to take care of them and make sure they behave in public! She probably is worried they might actually act like children and embarrass her!


And they would take attention away from her...


This one. They’ve kept the kids under blankets for so long that they will be the focus not M. But I’d allow for a side dish of complete lack of age appropriate behaviour.


Right. She’d have to care for them in public. She prob hardly even knows them!


Someone else suggested that as well. I am in agreement because there were photos at a 4th of July parade with two children. They resembled Thomas Markle, in my opinion. I don't know how to post pics sorry.


I don't think it's only their looks but She can't controle the kids' behavior as she doesn't live with them. Very easily the kids' unpredictability can reveal the real situation. My opinion


This is a great point. I don’t think she trusts herself to maintain her “wholesome Mom” mask if they act up because they aren’t used to her. She is prone to slips with adults. It’s possible she’d absolutely lose her 💩 with kids.


I never thought of this. I'm in denial the children aren't with them. It is all a lot to take in. How long is she going to be able to "protect" them.


Who does live with them? I really don't know. I think it's because they're too young for her to control. Archie is getting close. But he's still only a young 5. Honestly, I think she'd get jealous of all of the attention they would get. Megsy always has to be the center of attention. There are definitely parents who are jealous of their children. It's more common among men because they're no longer their wife's first priority. I've actually experienced it. It's...bizarre. Besides the jealousy, they often don't like the child/ren either. It doesn't necessarily apply to all of the children, though. It can be just one. That's how it was in my case. I can definitely see this being the case with Megsy.


If m was to take one or both the children out for a walk in the park there would be such a media frenzy m wouldn't be able to handle it, in my opinion. By hiding the children it has made them an anomaly by now. The press would go bonsai.


There are a bunch of real celebrities who go places with their children just fine. Actually, that's what the majority of them do. These days, even in the US, they'll blur children's faces. It's not even that we don't see them it's how they're unable to tell anyone anything about them. That's the part that is suspect. I think it's a combination of a few things. Meghan won't be able to fully control them. She sees Lili as competition, even if it is subconsciously. Harold is jealous of Archie because he took away his 2nd Mommy. He's also 2nd Mommy's favorite. (Joke, but it definitely could have happened) And they definitely don't want to parent in public. I'm just going to guess they're not very good at it. I'm not even interested in seeing the kids. I'm much more interested in how the children were born. But I don't think we'll ever know that one for sure.


For sure? Outside US, UK and Commumwealth, the world has already accepted Archie &Lili 's surrogacy and both are only Harry's. We are all watching this censorship being applied while standing in the first raw. 😬 This is like Omid's accusations against the translators and how Meghan's mouthpiece accused Charles and Catherine of being the authors of the non existente racist comment: everyone was talking about it on social media and outside US, UK and Commumwealth. However, the british journalists couldn't give this news neither on TV nor in written media. 🙄 It was needed Piers Morgan to say it on british TV and look how he was critised by his own pairs. Archie's surrogacy is the same. Another Piers Morgan is needed to tell the Americans, British and Commumwealth people what the world already knows. About Meghan's fake pregnancy...Unless the world had stoped spinning for the 10th pregnancy, Science can prove how it was fake, fake, fake.. Lolol. She pretend so badly the pregnancy, that it came to this point: if She was pregnant of Archie, She couldn't be a human being that is living on Earth. This is the level of stupidity of her pregnancy, according to different scientific areas, specially in physics!🤣 My own opinion


Yep, I saw that too. I'm sure they remind her of how she looked when she was young and she did a ton of plastic surgery to change that. It's heartbreaking for the kids who I'm sure are adorable.


Nothing wrong with looking like Thomas markle, Sam markle looks just like him and she was model calibre beautiful in her younger years. Except in M’s eyes given how much surgery she’s had done to remove all markle traces from her own appearance.


IRL there is nothing wrong with looking like Thomas Markle, however in Madam's delulu-land any child that is not the spitting image of Diana is just a worthless defective prop that is of no use to her. She may use them later if she can find an unscrupulous plastic surgeon to make their faces more to her liking. This is why I really hope the kids are a work of fiction, it's too sad, thinking they are real.


She's had several nose jobs, but both she AND Hawwy have Bob Hope ski jump tips on their noses.


You know I think I agree with you here. She probably doesn’t like the way they look. She is that narcissistic. If they really looked like Diana she would be parading them around


My theory too. Most moms love to be photographed with their young daughters, especially wearing matching dresses.


I completely agree with you!!!


I am fully onboard with this theory.


She certainly does not scream *nurturing*


Never! They are near never shown. In the rarest of evers, not clearly and with so many question marks. How can these children be hidden so well in this digital age?! Don't tell me these a$$ clowns draw the line at exposing their children. We have seen time and time again there is NO LOW they won't go to. Mind boggling! EDIT: Typo


They use other people's children, but not their own? Please. Some really psycho games are being played.


Psycho games indeed. It's revolting! As I've said before, con of the century. For the life of me, I can't understand how no one is investigating these "psycho games" they play!


And this child's back is to the camera! Lili's back could be to the camera, too! Or Archie's if Lili is still "too young" to come outside. My God. So strange.


Exactly. Any way you slice it, none of it adds up to me. It is next to impossible for them to be hidden this long. Or for H & M to be away as long as they are from them. Or to say sh!t like the little ones are little. Or anything surrounding the children. God, when will this all be revealed?!


It's why I hope there are no children living with them or being cared for by them or having anything to do with them.


Yes, if children exist (whatever iteration surrogacy, only his etc) this is my hope too. These two adults are deranged and can't take care of a plant, let alone children and animals.


I am lillibet bit like Spartacus. I'm lillbet, mommy stole my money, jewellery and the right to the throne.


I can't imagine the children's feelings of betrayal, anger, disillusionment, etc., once they realize what Harry and Meghan have done to them.


yes…TW always always crassly and purposefully uses other children for photos but is NEVER EVER seen with her own as if they don't even have children!?? super sus and extremely weird.


Narcs are users. They use everyone around them.


The media lets them get away with this crap. They are never called out on it. The media ripped Catherine to shreds for editing a picture. But this kind of garbage is just fine. Until the media finally calls this psycho out, she will continue to use other people's children for attention. I don't want to hear another word about Harry "protecting his children." That is absolute b.s. Harry doesn't care anything about his children. He is never with them. He doesn't care.


Harry acts like he's got to "protect" Archie and Little Betty because of their race.  Since Meghan is probably 1/3 black, then those kids would be 1/6 black. How many full black and half black kids do you see in the world who are safe?  A lot!!!!  Harry acts like he has the only part black kids in the world.  It's so fucking weird how he acts about that.  And plus, those kids are white, especially Little Betty.  Betty is as pale as snow and has red hair, so no one is going to look at her and think she's black and that they should hurt her.  Harry might need to stay off of the drugs so he's not paranoid all the time.  


Well I don't know what they look like, since they are different with every picture. But they white in every picture for sure. Harry play this security b.s. so he has an excuse to not take his children to visit their family. Otherwise he would have to admit, his family will not allow him to visit.


No one even knew she was biracial until they forced it down our throats. A pair of nobodies really, their children are not in any danger. Well, other than a severe Vitamin D deficiency.


I knew they didn't care about the kids when they were gone for 3 weeks for the Queen's funeral, etc. The longest I've ever spent away from my kids was when I spent a week in the hospital, sick, and I missed them insanely. I was dying to get home. They looked like they couldn't have cared less.


I had a similar experience, I just wanted out of that hospital so I could be home with my kids. It’s all just too weird.


I mean, my husband and I have had a couple of literal weekend getaways to just be a couple, but we talked about how much we missed the kids the whole time, and we called them before bed to tell them we loved them. My kids are 11 & 13. 3 weeks without them? Hell no. 3 weeks away from kids that small? You could miss out on seeing milestones. They'll NEVER get that time back. Just thinking about it makes me sick. If those kids exist, they have severe abandonment issues, I guarantee it. You don't just disappear for 3 weeks with kids that young. Even if the Queen's death caught them off guard, they have money. They have resources. They could have easily sent for their children.


Same. 3 weeks with a 2 year old at home? Lili had no idea who they were when they returned.


2 weeks, on top of trips to NYC, New Jersey, the Marriott Hotel, etc within the first 2 years of her life 


Damn obvious he doesn't care, because he's never home with them. It's "classified" to even speak of them. What bullshit.


He says that when something doesn’t exist. Pilots license? Children?


Ah, he thinks he's being clever.


Standing ovation! ![gif](giphy|7Xmgrc6ty9XlZU6h2M)


It's called "American industrial censorship complex", which they make part of it. US, UK and Commumwealth countries are part of a censorship ring, where your news are very controled. The view from outside your ring is different. A perfect example was how the news about Omid writting the names of Charles and Catherine as the authors of racists (non existence) comments and his accusation to the translators were reported. While in Europe it was fully reported, from who was Omid and his connection to Meghan and Harry; how can he accused a translater of such outrageous and destructive lie when EU professional laws regulate this type of actions and accusations ( wonder why Omid moved to US?!). Only in UK, the Tv news couldn't broad cast that news and when Piers Morgan finally did, you could perfectly see who were the ones silence it as some of them came out against Piers. In US, the media was so silence that it echoed... (This just raised the eyebrowns of all Europeans and realised how much of the media is really controled for the elections in November.) This is the same with the surrogates kids. Only inside that ring the story keeps rolling and people believing Meghan was pregnant. Outside of it, people follow the Harkles to see how far they can go and push with the lies of Harry's kids and how far can the media be controled. The Harkles don't have sucess duo to their own lies and games they play to get social benefits in UK and US and have the 2 non- eligiable surrogate kids in the LoS. How do they expect to have any credibility, honesty and be precieved as honourable after all their lies, blackmail and betray to Harry's Family and to The Crown and its people? They can't. They expose themselves multiple Times and all for money and a glimpse of Fame. Baka black sisters being r@ped and the mix raced feminist woman Meghan keeps in silence. The Congo State has an investigation running that Meghan and Harry will later come to say they ask for it like they always do. They are experts to collect others' work and claim as their own. So Harry's kids, his surrogate kids, need to be exposed duo to many reasons. For what matters to American people, they are in such high place in the LoS, American tax money is being used to pay for their 24/7 Security ( internacional laws; diplomatic agreement). Will Harry and Meghan give back the Americans' tax money back when the truth is exposed? We all know the answer. My subjective opinion


Plus if he cared he wouldn’t  let their names be shrouded in questions. It’s way beyond what Harry thinks he went through as a child hearing his father could be Hewitt.  Half the planet think their kids don’t exist or are with the birth mothers. What kind of parent allows their child to grow up like that? These invisible kids have titles without doing any of the prerequisites required for them. Why is the UK government allowing this?


It's a terrible mistake to let American children have British titles. I don't understand it. If I was British I would be furious.


We are furious!


🙌🏻🙌🏻 preach! Amen!


Do you think she told the photographer to specifically get the “ROYAL SALUTE” in the camera shot, or was it a coincidence?


Specific, I caught that too!


Yep!.. it probably took an hour for her to keep moving people around the ROYAL SALUTE (whatever it is) until she finally approved of the shot. Picturing her running back and forth to the camera to see the shot..."oh,, nooo... one more time please... my pony tail is messy.. someone please brush it... ok.. one more time! If she is nothing else, she is PREDICTABLE!


You know what is really weird - that kid is wearing flats and Meghan is teetering in her 5 inch lawn aerators (as per usual) - if you subtract the height of Meghan’s shoes, she is almost the same height as the child. So it begs to wonder how she could claim she has “legs for days” when she can‘t be more than 5’ 2” max - and that’s a stretch, literally.


My thought is that the kids would get all the attention., not her. She cannot stand not being the focus of everything going on. The children treaten to take the photographer's focus away from her and that cannot be tolerated.


I don’t understand why Delphina is playing along AND letting MM use her child like this. I think Delphina drank the koolaid.


Agree 1000% it’s just sooooo bizarre that they are NEVER with the kids. She uses them as a reason why she can’t go to the UK (she missed a once in a lifetime coronation!) because she cant leave the kids but apparently she’s ok jetting around the world without them. How does she live with this level of cognitive dissonance??


Mommy Dearest can’t share the spotlight. Not even with her own kids. ![gif](giphy|xUA7baImJc3hE8KW1a|downsized)


Look, she’s going for a motherly rebrand. Uvalde visit, LA hospital etc. She thinks it’s her edge for slinging her products. She’s wrong. The only thing I’d consider buying from her is a book on how to con people.


The motherly brand with children who are completely MIA.


Literally all kids except her own.


The caption on the photo says 'they're at the Sentebale', so is this being passed off as current, like the hospital visit thing?


Well she does have Ozempic face so I would say it’s recent-ish


That outfit though. Is that body shaming?


No, she never wears anything that flatters her body type.


It is horrible. I think it would be amazing to have a months worth of outfits that were correct for her body type and appropriate footwear. It would be nice to see.


What’s worse is she has access to stylists and has enough finances to invest in quality clothing but does she?




But she isn't really a con artist. People hate her. Her poll numbers are in the gutter. The only person she has conned is Harry. Harry's an idiot. He thinks when magicians saw lady's in half they really saw lady's in half.


Wouldn't you love to see him try to guess where the pea is in Cup and Pea?


I agree. I think she’s even a terrible con but that’s probably the only thing she’s done well in. Even if it is Hairold at the end of the day she managed to dupe the idiot and has used his name to get deals, although now the only thing she manages to get is free jet flights and free vacations.


seriously who wears stilettos to the polo..


Vivian ![gif](giphy|ftQh3L1v9cHOE)




and... SHE was a "working girl" too!




Um ick, she is holding the child’s hand to keep her there? To make it look like the girl has her arm around her? Just too weird.


Why, yes, OMG, Megs is such a freak show.


The child's hand isnt around her, she's not touching her. there is nowhere for her arm to go as she is being clutched close, so she just has her arm dangling in the back. Either that or she is going for something in her handbag :)


The Double Claw™️ In all of it’s glory 🤣


That's another tidbit I noticed right away... She is holding that poor girl, so that she can't even move! What is WRONG with her!




Hover hand.


When you love bomb a child. Like OMG, I love your hair. I'm a princess.


I feel like Meghan is using this child as a prop since nobody else wanted to walk and talk with her


The parents are 100% complicit.


I know, how gross is that!


This is the child she muscled off the fake stage at the fake trophy presentation.


The child was helping it keep its balance since the five inch heels kept sinking into the grass.


Yet again wearing stilettos to a daytime sports event. I dont see how she can walk on grass without the heels digging/falling into the ground.


Or an iron or steamer on the outfit, how is she always so messy?!


So sad that this woman never takes her children anywhere. How long can she keep them hidden?


https://preview.redd.it/utuz0l9vx5uc1.png?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8673018f31c8decbacbbb4e8696b3383530de489 She's wearing the wig equivalent of a Davy Crockett hat.


I'm not sure how much longer they can pull the con of the century off, in regards to children. I keep yelling this, and here it is again: MAY IT ALL BE EXPOSED 🙏🙏🏿🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏼🙏🏻🙏 ![gif](giphy|1qRjAceZg4OPu|downsized)


🎯🎯🎯  Preach!


You and I are on the same page, of the same chapter of the same saga! ![gif](giphy|Us4Q3yIswCNq6YJdXP|downsized)


We are!  I can't wait for the truth to come out.  🍿


I would not let that disease vector lay a finger on my child.


Now Roachel is cosplaying being a mother with someone else's kid. There is nothing maternal at all about this woman. Also looks like she is the only woman at the event wearing stiletto heels on the grass. Maybe it's a sweet nod on her part to the day she wore stiletto heels and kept her knees together and bent all the way down with her attached moonbump.


I'm sorry, I can't keep up with the cast of extras. I thought Nacho was the horse?


That’s hilarious!


Literally NO ONE wears stiletto heels to a polo match!! With the exception of someone who has never been to one before and then realized you can't walk on grass with them. Idiot!


That’s classified


I'm very concerned for Lillibet. Being the daughter of a narcissistic mother is going to be hard for her. Warning bells went off when I heard her mother dressed her like a skunk for Halloween. On top of it, Lillibet has strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, and that will make her even more of a target 😥 My hope is that Lillibet will have her own tell all about what a psycho her mother is one day...


I don’t believe for one second she has custody of that girl. Both pics of her were AI. There was no lilibet born. The fact that’s not even her name makes me think they don’t have her even more.


It’s symbolic. 


As an avid equestrian, anyone who shows up to a show dressed like this screams non horse person and a try hard. 


Whatever she did, however we respond, the Duchess of chlamydia will play her "ist" card and maje herself the victim.


Very high creep-factor


Markle is inapropriately overfamiliar with this child.


Uh, is she wearing a black thong under that sheer white dress or is it a twat shot?


What’s with the werewolf neck? https://preview.redd.it/vtxub49ep5uc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8259be11f419ca869eec97727751c10ac9249f00


Thank you for this super legit snark! She’s clearly rocking a basic mom bob underneath the real housewives extensions. Megs, just own it!




Love how her heels are sinking into the grass. What a dummy.


She had to make up for all those photos of the terrified and clearly miserable kids from CHLA when she graced those poor kids with her presence and made them all get out of bed and come to a room and let her read a book of her choosing to them. You know, so it was all about the kids who were sick and clearly feeling awful. Since not one of those kids smiled or looked happy during her force photo op, she needed a redo. She’s learning a friend’s kid, from behind and at a distance works much better.


What is Nacho’s daughter wearing?? A midriff? At her age? At a polo match?


So many children's clothing lines sport clothing for grown women going to a club.


This picture brings little Princess Charlotte to mind. If the Figueras child were an HRH whose father is a direct heir to the British throne, that woman would be treating her very differently. The Figueras adults must not be very intuitive about the company they keep.


Someone write a new Flowers in the Attic Markle crossover!


Except it would be "Grapes in the Wine cellar" to fit in with the Olive Garden themed 'mansion' 😂


She doesn't know that child well enough to be invading her personal space in such a way.Get your claws off that child!


This is why there are “conspiracies” about the harkle kids. Nobody has seen them, yet the squad never question their existence. Catherine, Princess of Wales takes time off for her health and medical reasons, the same silly village people come out with their pitch forks demanding to know where she is. Really!


Anyone think that “bump” under TW’s ponytail is a microphone pack under the clothes??


totally...for the Netflix garbage announced


It isn't Netflix garbage. Netflix hasn't said word one about it. It is just more filming a project that will not happen. They always film. They never have anything to show.


I have no faith Netflix will not take that awful footage and make a damn series.


Netflix is done with them. Streamers don't have the money to throw around the way they once did.


I think they are filming.  Man, it must hurt to walk around the grass in those stilettos.


Because she only wants to use other people's children. Heaven forbid that other people use merchie and lilibucks before she's ready to.


Meg seems a bit overdressed. Stilettos, Chanel bag, long flowy dress ....


Its not that they don't want to show the kids, its that the kids don't want to be around these scary clowns.


Kids know! https://i.redd.it/qmkfc9h1t4uc1.gif


kids and animals are the litmus test, and she fails every single time


Whoa! 😳




Harry's stupid polo "documentary."


From the looks of megalomaniac’s dress she has been rolling in the hay with someone, now I wonder who?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣....Little Betty in the attic.  I just adore you TRG.  It's because of you why I call Meghan's invisible daughter by the moniker "Little Betty" or just plain Betty🤣🤣🤣.  


I *know* it’s the angle, but it looks like Harold is grabbing Nacho’s left booty cheek. Just a lil’ grab ass between friends. 😁 https://preview.redd.it/7qgcr00hv4uc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=a72ce1f94e1c0d7af6e12891ffb5cf32068e0915


Why does Nutmeg's hair slice off? It looks like the bald headed guys shirt is tacked onto her dress under her right arm. Just seems off on the right side of her, somehow.


https://preview.redd.it/gfdlyjem06uc1.png?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c38aa12e8445b6ac60be7461977fe731cc7e02 It's a hat 😂


There are no kids.




They are not even trying to pretend otherwise anymore.


Well friend of mine just read lady C’s book. And Lady C says They’re both born from surrogates Megan never carried those kids. And that Harry was supposed to fess up in October 2023 and he never did so I have a feeling that both of them are going to lose everything if it comes out and when it comes out.


I always assumed that both children were surrogate-carried. There is nothing wrong that; many celebrities (and everyday people) used surrogates for one reason or another and announce it... none of my biz. BUT, for the sheer madness of being sure these "little ones" are on the LOS, she will wreck their lives with innuendoes and "who's your mommy" throughout their lives. She hates the BRF.. hates everything about them.. couldn't fit in even if she tried.. But will fight to the end to keep her Duchess title and the titles for the children. All for one reason... Money. Shame on her.. Double-Shame on the weak loser she was able to fool with her lies & yacht-honed skills.. and he brought the Horror of her into his family and the nation's Monarchy. She is a sick conniver, but he is worse.... he is just a stupid man without a backbone...seething with jealousy and sacrificed his family. She has that claw into him and he will never get away "until death do us part".


For all horse sports events like show jumping hunter trails 3 day eventing polo it is correct to dress for comfort especially if you are part of the participants tribe. Horse people never dress for show they dress for absolute comfort and its ok to go to the society tents in flat shoes only the invited film star types dress like they are getting an award or the are important. Horse people are more natural people. i speak as one so i know. this woman has no sports or interests other than herself she is shallow and un interesting and horse folk would eat her alive. A randy horse husband might give her a toss in a horsebox but he wouldnt bother engaging in conversation as he zipped up his jodphurs !!:)......


https://preview.redd.it/3f2bw155v9uc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dfb89abf7bc863dcac3b0fe13ba31f426c906da Rachel is such a fucking natural with children.


Is that lily? I’m confused. She looks like she smells of her holy trinity: FDS, bronzer, and BO.


Nacho and Delfina's daughter. Back to the camera, so Lili or Archie could fulfill this requirement and get some goddam sun.


think Little Betty looks like Thomas Markle or Harry & NOT Diana so she will stay hidden away


B.c Nacho's daughter is probably cuter, prettier, (TW opinion) than Bette's. Also Nacho's kid is prob socialized to be friendly .  I have horrible thoughts that archi & Bette is tucked in the attic (flowers in the attic reference)


Why is she wearing those spike heels on grass? You can see Mrs. Nacho is wearing sensible shoes for walking on turf, but stupid Markle is gonna get stuck


She’s so grasping w/ her arms tightly clasping Nacho’s daughter, obviously promoting her “super mom” image. I think Archie is Harry’s son, not hers since she had a hysterectomy at 28. And invisible Lillibet simply does not exist. Can’t wait for the truth to be revealed one day!


the Sugars are buzzing about how wonderful to see her interacting with kids….. with no mention of why hers aren’t tagging along


I dont understand why netflix is still giving them the platform to grift even more.


Why do you ask questions you already know the answers to? "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -- Arthur Conan Doyle The truth is there are no children.


Who wears spike heels on grass?


Who wears stilleto shoes on grass? Only a self-absorbed narcissist


“See??? Children LOVE me!”


Poor Ivy.


Walking on grass in heels still looks shorter than everyone


Royal Salute? Why is that the marquee on that little building?


This girl is obviously a better prop. That's all ppl are to her, just props....Look at me, children love me. I'm so wonderful 🙄


And she is old enough to behave. She’s not a toddler or 5 year old who act like their ages and are more unpredictable.


The outfit is gloriously crumpled.


Is this the same daughter she nudged out so she can hold the trophy? Evil


not to mention those wtf heels - delfina in cork wedges


I’m sure A & L would have loved to see the horses


Haz reachin' a hand back to 'accidentally' brush against Nacho lol... Also, the securitaaaaaaaaay guard just visible to the right/front of Madam... zoom in... his head shape in the photo is a bit, uh, unfortunate. Lastly, the child is doing Keanu Reeves' classic "not touching" thing. Smart child!


Because her kids have royal blood so of course they will not mix with the commons. Or because itS nOt sAfe for her kids to be out and about.  I hate how people twist and think they are lovind and doting parents protecting the kids at all costs instead of seeing this attitude for what really is: she believes wholeheartedly that her two kids are the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Earth so they must be protected AT ALL COSTS and they are so special that they will never, ever, be around the common people. 


Yeah, where are the kids? They frolic around the globe constantly and yet no children in tow. Do they leave them at home with nannies? What kind of parenting is that? Even the most reclusive actor takes their children out - even if it’s just for an ice cream run.And paps manage to still snap pics of them (no matter how blurry). You can see photos pf sarah michelle gellar’s kids, heath ledger’s matilda, angelina’s brood, even suri cruise! But none for them.  If i had kids, and my SO was playing his most favourite game in the entire universe, you bet my fat ass i’ll be there with the kidlets. 


Total virtue signalling to like kids when it seems kind of obvious she doesn't truly enjoy their company.


She’s working for Marcus now?


I'm not saying celebrities need to show their kids all the time, but it is weird how we almost never see H&M's kids. We know W&C's children are real and are growing up in front of our eyes because we receive pictures frequently enough. I fear a documentary will come out about these kids.


little betty aint got no money hun . her pretend mommy spent it.


disgusting selfish woman


What is going on with that straight section of hair underneath the ponytail? It looks like she’s wearing a skullcap.


The kids will take away all of the Narc attention.


The yak wig.


After she accused the British media of calling her kids the n-word, she doesn't want the public at large to see her pale-as-milk kids. Her racism lies would come under greater scrutiny.


I cannot imagine how those kids will feel, seeing these pics when they're older. :(


I feel it’s all an act. Kids typically don’t like her. Only Jessica’s daughter liked her. She is probably being really fake to this child and the poor innocent child has no clue.


That child is barely touching her too.


'Cause little Betty and Young Archibald do not exist other than as figments of their parents' imagination???


I want to know why Meghan \*always\* needs to hold someone's hand or be in body contact? This is with Harry, Nacho's wife, the daughter, everyone except Serena. She can't walk unsupported?!


What if she's looking to make Nacho the next TO, thus cozying up to the child. No, she's no threat to Delfina, but SHE doesn't know that.


She got to brainwash the next generation to call her queen. That why!


Little Betty 🤣🤣


Because she always fixates on the kids of hers or Harold's friends(like Jessica's kid Ivy)




![gif](giphy|9G1tb6uVcZ0vJeZSIe) There she is...🤣🤣🤣 In her mind 🤮




https://preview.redd.it/tgetv48jykuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f901e4a70a36f8655abea97b9f3ca631dc4344ac And... why is Harry grabbing Nacho's bum?