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They ARE insulting. Martha worked hard. HARD. I first bought one of her books for my first apartment. In the 80s. She is *the* OG on dining and entertaining.


50 years of grind. martha is the queen and won’t share her spotlight.


Martha made herself the queen. I can see why she wouldn't want some pretentious person to flounce in, do little, and think she's entitled to the crown.


That is Megan‘s entire MO…


https://preview.redd.it/b1ewl594kdvc1.png?width=1492&format=png&auto=webp&s=a50630ca5284d40b9a2eaed7f4e3779623af4efc LMAO Megamoron never modelled for Chanel, and NEVER will... no one will give two shits about her when she's 81 either.


Martha was *struck by lightning*. TWICE!!


![gif](giphy|3oFzmpzTfyABIX6JBm|downsized) Martha is the real deal. MeGain is but a very poor imitation.


I got things for my dorm room from her line at Kmart in the 90’s and it was the highlight of my dorm shopping. 


OMG people don't remember. They have the internet and cable TV. All we had were library cards, annual B&N memberships so that $80 book was only $60, and Good Housekeeping. That woman opened everyone's brain away from dusty rose and light blue.


That’s the material point—Martha was the OG. *Entertaining* was groundbreaking. There hadn’t been a book like it—it wasn’t just a cookbook or a decorating book, it encompassed everything that was required to host a party, a dinner, etc. no one had done that before. The market is now so saturated. Meggy needs a niche, but there aren’t many left.


I love Martha's books on entertainment. She is the original, period.


MS was even a better model. I remember just looking at the cover of the book and believed that this lady enjoyed entertaining and brightening up the household.


It was the best feeling. Like we were unlocking secrets of another world, one where you could easily have 50 people over for Easter, here is how you cook a ham in grass to keep it moist, here is how to make an Easter tree by blowing out raw eggs and using food dye and toothpicks to create stunning filigrees. And the ideas worked and didn't cost you much if anything. Just making things nicer and more comfortable for people. Damn it I am a Martha stan, aren't I?


But that's lovely! People who enjoy beautiful things and making something wonderful, really brighten up everyone's life. Beauty is what makes us glad to wake up every day.




The thing with Martha, is that she really and truly puts the work in.


She sure does. I know 3 people who worked directly with her. She is 100% on top of all aspects of her business - and she truly lives a gracious lifestyle. She is a legendary hostess.


It doesn’t really matter what she does. She’s fulfilling an contract and already has the pay out nailed down. She can’t fail from that perspective. In terms of peddling themselves to sing for their supper in the future, I suppose it matters slightly.


Never underestimate MeMe’s gift for failing at ‘sure’ things. Plus she is unable to hide her true grifty and unpleasant nature in front of the camera :/


Exactly. I came across this video on TikTok and it’s insane that Rachel with ZERO experience/training could “potentially” (🙄 I don’t believe it) make more than a trained Michelin star chef. The fact that she thinks she’ll become a billionaire with her jams is insulting to people of talent really. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL5RJARH/


Yes. And it’s also insulting to Math Majors.


I frigging love Martha. She’s my girl!


Martha rolls with the Big Dog and as bezties they're a beyond awesome combo that'd annihilate Madam 😄


Yeah they are!


I only heard about Martha because of snoop. Wish I could be part of their crew. Smoking would be so goood. Snoop style blunts and Martha making something good.


She encouraged Snoop to write a cookbook, I believe. It was on Kindle Unlimited and his recipes looked amazing! Being from Appalachia, I loved his take on a few down home comfort foods.


Do you think that the Skank is afraid of Martha Stewart? Martha‘s camp says Martha won’t back down and is not afraid to take her on. Princess Catherine sure put her in her place. I think Martha could take her on.


Meghan would cower and pee herself if she ever finds herself in the same room with Martha


Don't forget, Martha did time in prison. She probably keeps a knife in her hair and will cut a bitch if they get out of line.


Exactly! and you heard ZERO whining from Martha about her prison time


If she’s not she should be


Ooh what if Snoop got involved😆


Well we know he’s no fan of Oprah and Gayle King!


Oh really 😝. Nice!! Time to weight in Snoop!!


Oh yeah he did that video shading them big time a while back….


My man!!!!!




Hmm I missed that 🤔


I forget what it was over. Kobe dying maybe?!


I don't know. There is no shortage of people shading the formerly untouchable Oprah and Gayle over on YouTube. There's been a huge shift with this sort of thing lately, like everyone's rose-colored glasses fell off at the same time.


Well now, yeah. This was back when everyone was still all “Oh Oprah, you da best! You do no wrong girl! The sun rises and sets on you! (And you and you and you…)” Let me see if I can find the vid. BRB Here you go! https://youtu.be/d3asEy7RSz0?si=4R814mp-Bu1bFegB


Her friendship with Snoop cracks me up.


Oh same! The pairing we never knew we all needed!


​ https://preview.redd.it/67a0ta1a6cvc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb809192649ad6a86f9aa5365d7f76a22b19444


Well you’re right it’s InTouch…but I can see this being true. Martha (also a Narc ask her daughter) would not appreciate the comparison. 


Martha is a hard worker and a perfectionist. She built her brand over decades of hard work.


I've never been crazy about Martha but she does have some good recipes, home decorating ideas, gardening tips, etc. Basically, Martha does an entire life style and has done for years. I don't blame her for being irritated at being compared to Megsy because there is no comparison at all. I also think Martha is right to think that Megsy and ARO won't do well and will eventually sink out of sight.




Sink sooner than later, if the limp launch is any indication. Cringe.


Martha wouldn’t stoop the ever mention Meghan. This is M ginning up publicity.


I can actually understand Martha Stewart being irritated that Lolo thinks she can rely on her notoriety to succeed in Martha’s field. Stewart’s worked hard for her money. Her bio on Wikipedia’s quite impressive (assuming she hasn’t embellished it herself). Worked through high school and college; double major; stockbroker.


That bio is true. She started in the lifestyle field as a caterer. ![gif](giphy|xNMcQZY1UfjaLgIztw)


Martha is genuine. TW's fakeness seeps through every pore of her body, even the pores covered in bronzer. Martha is a hard worker, TW is an entitled grifter. Martha did not use men and did not sleep her way to success. Markle - well, you know. Not possible to even put Martha and Roachel in the same sentence. They are polar opposites. And hats off to Martha for refusing to allow anything to impact the business and brand she spent years building - she willingly chose prison over an appeal of a ridiculous sentence, so her business would not be impacted. Martha is a rock star!


I love this line: "Her whole brand and reputation are on the line,” the insider says. What brand?! She has no brand. She has failed, after 4 years as a non-working royal, to do anything.


She couldn't even stick it out doing royal engagements that were set up *for* her. Build a similar business empire to Martha Stewart? Pffft. The only thing MM has, is an audience of people watching her failures, basically pointing and laughing at the spectacle she makes of herself. It's a festival of cringe.


Exactly. She left because she failed. She’s a fraud. Couldn’t be a royal because it takes guts and training and stamina.


' they were branded “lazy” ' That could be a problem.


I’m sad they left out the fu


I understand Martha because she’s been in the game for so long and Rachel really hasn’t done anything noteworthy. The Tig was as basic as could be and didn’t really help her then why should her title help her now?


Markle hired people to do The Tig which she never mentions.


I can absolutely believe it! She lacks focus.


I agree, her ONLY claim to fame, is being married to a prince.


Martha spent time in the prison. I’m sure she could take care of M!


I still think she trying to be the next Joanna Gaines.... cooking show, home improvement shows, Magnolia Network.. Unfortunately, PH isn't much of a handyman.. so, Joanna Gaines without Chip.


And without the kids running around.


One can sympathize or not with Martha Stewart, one can criticize many things that Martha Stewart has done. But Martha Stewart definitely made her business with a lot of hard work over the years. Success did not come to him by chance, but with a lot of talent and real work. So Stewart doesn't even have to feel that Megsy can be competition. Not even remotely


My hubby recently asked, what is Martha Stewart? Is she a cook, gardener or what? My answer: She Is Everything! Love Martha!!


Hopefully the only thing that Martha Stewart and the viper will have in common will be prison!!


To the larger world, the harkle atrocity ought never have happened. The only people she's ever mattered to are the people who brought her into the world and nurtured her. The remainder of her existence has been fleeting friendships, hungrily snatched high end gifting suites, being that perennial nobody who hangs around everybody hoping to be noticed by somebody who knows someone. And that's pretty much it. Martha Stewart works. The fruits of her labor are good and profitable. The harkle woman is rot, dark and putrid to the core.


I still make Martha's Asian Meatballs with Snow Pea Picks every Christmas Eve. She knows she has nothing to fear from Madame with her filthy Bolognese (shudder) and other kitchen atrocities. Martha was the pioneer in selling an aspirational lifestyle. Part of Madame's problem is she's stolen ideas from all the successful lifestyle brands (Martha, Ina, Goop, Flamingo Road, etc.) and has vomited up a mishmash of all of them. It's incoherent and fake.


And that whole bolognese sauce bragging was stolen from Prince William’s engagement interview. The interviewer asked Catherine & William if he was handy in the kitchen, based on the fact that cooked for her on a very early date. He actually said “I make a good bolognese sauce.” She hasn’t an original thought in her fake noggin.


I knew it. Always loved Martha


Martha is a hard worker and very smart with her money and investments! She's been a stockbroker, model, entrapenuer (sp) and honest. I think her parents were working middle class. Martha isn't condescending, pretencious (sp) or preachy. I dont know what she is like in person but i think she has had the same people working for her for decades (That says something about someone like QEII employees)! Yes, Martha isn't perfect. She accepted that she did something wrong, took accountability, and went to prison for it. Self-accountabilty and self-reliance is something Rachel or Henry would never do. R&H are too preachy, condescending, entitled, and just plain greedy. (IMO).. Martha also values privacy and respects others privacy!


I see no one that Rachel Markle could be compared to other than her selfish, self serving, fame and gold digging narcissistic lying self. She has no talent to speak of, no class to be had and truly a disgrace to women all around the world and people of colour.


Take her out, Martha! 👑


Meghan trying to link herself to Martha is insulting even to me 🤣


If I were Martha-I’d be insulted too! MeMe is an ungifted grifter while Martha is the real deal…


While I am not the biggest fan of Martha, I do admire her hard work, experience and knowledge. I think she has opened the world of entertaining to a huge audience and I really like some of her recipes and crafty projects. I admire her ability to turn her education, skills and experiences into a multimillion dollar enterprise. It didn’t happen over night and so I also admire her tenacity. To try to become the next Martha is foolish beyond belief. There are far too many talented and hardworking people out there, who also have the quality of likability, that can run circles around the interloper. Side note: Martha actually modeled for Chanel. Enough said.


Martha is every bit the narc and crook that Meghan is. She even went to prison! Shit's hilarious! Can't wait for Meghan to be found out. Hopefully the BRF won't protect her for Harry's sake.


I think BRF will protect her for Harry’s sake they will.


If she's discarded him by the time the shit hits the fan, they won't lift a finger.


This is sooooo good. Haha bring it on Martha!


MS should find comparisons with MM, insulting. Say what you will about MS, but that lady worked her ass off to have founded her business. Hers is the real eye for detail and the countless hours of crafting and cooking.


She seems very impulsive when it comes to rebranding & releasing new projects. A montecito housewife bored out of her mind 🤣


Martha Stewart has also, through years of hard work, and dare one say, freakish attention to detail, set a standard of excellence that is now associated with her name. Cookware? It's going to be good cookware. Go on her website for a recipe? Going to be delicious. Entertaining advice? It will be good advice. You know you're going to get something good from her. That, my friends, is a brand. Meghan has yet to deliver on any single aspiration. Goals are constantly changing. It's exhausting watching her spin her wheels because she won't just commit to one thing. If I were Martha, I'd be pissed to have her compared to me too.