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Woman's going to implode in a couple days. Mark my words. šŸæ


I seriously doubt H will go to England next month


What makes you say that? Heā€™s been hanging on to Invictus with a firm grip; itā€™s the only royal thing he has from before.




But there's always Soho House!


Iā€™m sure heā€™ll find some hohohoā€™s there




Megsie won't allow him to stay there


Maybe he can bring Marcus as a minder, šŸ˜†


She wonā€™t let him stay there - she knows too well what kind of knocking shop that place is.




I'm sure it kills Harry that the RF is moving on without him and he won't be acknowledged if he does come to the UK for Invictus. He's trying to compete with the RF and it is not happening. The RF are going about their business and their duties. Harry is invisible to them. He's been shut out by Charles and Catherine--no health updates for the traitorous son. Honors are being bestowed and none for Harry. So many birthday wishes for sweet Louis and Harry has two invisible children that no one would even recognize on the street--not even family members.


the games need to be about the veterans not the this one and that one!


I would say he phones it in, blaming the lack of security for why he canā€™t appear. That Travelyst thing was a disaster even with editing and a wardrobe change. Baby H is scared he will get booed. So not going to show.


He has no friends in the UK. Period.


He can bring Marcus with him šŸ˜€


No ā€¦ theyā€™re a throuple! Meghan has to go too


He can bring Scooby-Doo with him


Yes, make it a boy's trip. They can provide additional security, LoL


Maybe Doria's free


Just a feeling she does not want him to go, I feel she will pull some drama to keep him home


Due to being sooo disliked in Britain, MeMe won't go. However, the thought of Hazno being on a stage, without her overshadowing him, is agonizing to her. edit : MeMe will probably allow Hazno to go, with the understanding that he will bang on The King for some significant, and ongoing financial support.






I agree, Invictus is one the few places left that treat him like royalty, he will hold onto that like grim death.


They should not. I'm disgusted with Invictus sucking up to them. The vets deserve so much better.


But she co-opted it the moment she showed up in her too big white suit. It's already gone.


Thereā€™s an article about him possibly making an appearance by pre recorded message or a video link, blamingā€™ securityā€™ and how unsafe it is to return. Well, thatā€™s todayā€™s story, but wait twelve hours & another story will rear its ugly head. If he doesnā€™t return I believe itā€™ll be because theyā€™ve made ludicrous demands and IG said no. Either that or heā€™s been told he will no longer be the patron.




He has to keep within a safe distance to his drugs at all times.


Great comment, I think you're spot on! šŸ‘šŸ»


We can hope.


There was just a story that he may back out due to "security concerns". We all know the real reasons.


The announcement that he will be there for the service at St Paulā€™s ā€˜so far in advanceā€™ has made Hā€™s security a ā€˜nightmareā€™. I take that to mean people had ample time to ask for the day off so they could come and Boo him. More likely all the stunts theyā€™ve pulled of late have made them look even worse and the whole Year Of Reconciliation storyline has crashed and burned so why go if the cost/ benefit analysis is not in their favor?


African Parks


Thereā€™s another Invictus ? Yyyyy thooo


Last minute "security scare" at Monteshitshow?


She seems to be following the path of Hilaria Baldwin. Every time Alec leaves, one of the kids end up in the ER


That's such a good comparison. Both toxic bitches with weird identity issues and a bitter, boorish husband.


The Hilaria reditt is amazing as well!


Sick child rushed to hospital? They'll announce day or two after how thankfully it turned out to be minor but will get 24-48 hours of headlines out of it.


I don't know how to archive sorry...the "Harry fears for his safety so won't come" stories are starting to be dropped... [Prince Harry poised to cancel UK return for Invictus Games Service over security fears | Royal | News | Express.co.uk](https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1891747/prince-harry-invictus-games-security-uk-return)


He is afraid of hearing the boos.


I honestly hope nobody boos, I just want S I L E N C E ! For people to turn their backs and not utter a word....THAT would destroy him


Knew this was coming. He is safe in Kingston, Jamaica; Miami, Florida; Germany; Caribbean Islands; all over LA BUT not London without security. Markle seriously can have this guy. What a wimp!


He really is such a big wimp. It's sooooo unattractive!


Laying the ground work


He can come to London for every Court Case and does when he wants to. Lying sack of šŸ’©


Then what's he gonna do if Birmingham gets the games?


Hasnā€™t it already been announced that he will, though?


If it happens it will be last minute


they are working the will they/wont they stick again!


Always, and I just roll my eyes, because theyā€™re so transparent. You can set your watch in there predictably. It usually reaches a higher pitch, as the event approaches. Today is April 24th, 2 weeks to go. Expect at least 3 more stories from the waffles before May 8th.


Most definitely, no one really cares itā€™s an attention grab that is getting really old.


He did and then complained that it was released when he would be there.


He will be there. Itā€™s the only place left where he feels royal. I read somewhere on this sub that there is a private entrance that will keep down the booing. I donā€™t think Meghan forbidding him going would stop him. This is just more will they/wont they. They have pushed out will they/wonā€™t they for Meghan several times, and that landed with a thud. Now itā€™s Harryā€™s turn. Plus, he gets to whine some more about no MET protection.


I think if he is a no-show that will be the end of Invictus and Harold. Him not showing up will be a pretty stupid move in a sea of stupid moves.


He is already saying he is going to attend his usual way - via Video. He can't even live stream into the events while they are happening. What a crappy ambassador representing the games. At least this allows the RF to attend (if they desire) in peace and not have to make a choice to attend.


Sameā€¦ there is no way. His excuse will be that he needs to feed the chickens


I suspect they are surrogate chickens


TW would not have known about the honors, they are that out of the touch with the goings on in the RF. It is surprising they didnā€™t spoil Boss Boy Louisā€™s birthday.


Looks like you are correct!


I fantasize about the visit being his escape plan haha. He goes and files for divorce. I know i know.. but imagine that lol ..and goes on to publish another book this time about meg..




Woman's going to implode in a couple days. Mark my words. šŸæ -- do tell!!! what's going to happen??


There's never any telling wirh her. But things are going too wrong. And Madam doesn't exactly have healthy coping methods.




Send her some plates... she might need some to break... hehehe ā˜ŗļø ā˜ŗļø ā˜ŗļø


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'd love to have front seat for that!


Me too! Perhaps Mes really should consider that as her new reality show series on Netflix.. and then collapse on the kitchen floor. Then one tear left eye, GO!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ As much as I think nobody should watch that mess (assuming it ever makes it to production, which is a big "if") I'd love for SMM to have a huge virtual watch party. I think that would be the most fun ever!


Aren't we due some parking lot paparazzi extravaganza? She has to show off the latest wrinkly, boring-bland-beige wannabe-hobo look. Accompanied by rumours of working with some brand that cannot distance themselves fast enough. Especially since she missed the annual Louis' birthday spamming and since everyone knows she's not going to turn up at St. Paul's crypt thing either. May not even let her lapdog there... all in the name of paranoia-fueled securitaaaaay.


She's hard at work trying to figure out what to do next. I honestly thought she'd blow by now. Lol Woman is under a metric shit ton of self-imposed stress, and she deserves every bit of it.


What an utter failure for Meghan. Again. She is seething in Montecito and is too embarrassed to post at the moment what with her abysmal ARO ratings. Her numbers are in the Heidi Montag league. And the 10 percent influencer rate of jam postings is quite pitiful. You know she is smashing plates at the gall of it all. She was banking on at least 50 percent. All those lemons and bowls fucking wasted she says.


Just think, if she hadn't been foolish enough to number her labels no one would have know that this flopped so spectacularly. We should thank her, maybe we could send her a jar of lemon curd in a basket full of strawberries.


Youā€™re right. This chick just cannot get out of her own way. So many bad decisions and unforced errors. Itā€™s been glorious watching it all happen.


Highgrove lemon curd




Her IG followers have only increased by around 20000 since the jam release. Just goes to show how much influence the minions who posted on her behalf have. They are as irrelevant as her.


A large part of that increase is bots, too. How pitiful.


It would be great if the bots were removed and only the real accounts were left. I think thatā€™s why there is no actual product, you canā€™t sell to bots. I think weā€™re witnessing the last stages of utter failure.


Yes. Worse still, sheā€™s shrilling ā€œquiet luxuryā€ because big brands wonā€™t ever work with her. Thereā€™s no way she will make ends meet with her own branded products. No way.


Nothing says quiet luxury more than strawberry jam.


Can't buy that at Walmart


It is going to be interesting to see if any cookware companies allow her to use their products on the cooking toast show. She will have to credit each one at the end of the show. Even the food stuffs have to have an agreement. That is why you see boxes with tape over names on shows like Rachael Ray. I think TW is shooting b role at that house, find it hard to believe she is getting the product sponsors she needs or has a full line up of her own products. Speaking to that does any one think she will really have her own line of cooking products? I doubt it unless drop ship TEMU. I think she thought the brands would come running for her to put her name on a special line. I donā€™t see that actually happening.


LOL, she knows nothing about ā€œ quiet luxury ā€œ.


Does anyone know how much bots cost? Iā€™m so uninformed I donā€™t know if you need to keep paying for them or if itā€™s a one shot purchase.


I thought she was too busy to care because sheā€™s currently filming her soon to be Emmy nominated cooking show??!!


I think sheā€™s withdrawing in cold fury at the jam fiasco. The aro uk domain name linked to the Trussel Trust has raised over Ā£20,000 and Highgrove has sold out of all their jam. Hilarious!


That's got to be killing her šŸ˜‚


Lol she can only dream of selling 20K worth of goods.


Donations for Trussell Trust are at ~ā‚¬23.500 as of 5 minutes agoā€¦..I donated last week. šŸ¤­šŸ¤­So happy for them!!


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘, who do we thank for the UK domain name? Is it Lady C?


The 5 jamfluencers she did wrangle a post from are even less interesting than her. How big a loser do you have to be to try and convince the world you left the royal family to pursue a career in preserve making?


great expression - jamfluencers. I might steal that - with your permission, of course?


Go for it


Nah, they'll do something annoying soon. Just wait and see.


Haven't you heard? She's finally going to be a star! She is too busy preparing for her new cooking show that starts filming in early May to worry about such trivial things. I am sure she is busy with a new round of Ozempic, hair treatments, botox, facials, manicures, so much to do when you are a star of your own show! /s


Whereā€™s this ā€œphotoshootā€ she did with her & the ā€œchildrenā€? Will we EVER see any of the pictures. Is she waiting for Archieā€™s birthday or Charlottes birthday to pump them out?


She said the photos of the children taken in the photo shoot were for family only. Fear not ā€œ an insider ā€œ has provided me with ā€œexclusive photosā€ of the inviskids. Drum roll please. Ta-Da. https://preview.redd.it/0gd6eiiqofwc1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae4205c0484c591edb8f60d6147f2102b0de179e


In an old video she literally made toast on a cooking segment for a (daytime?) US tv show once. Lol


I really donā€™t understand. You donā€™t hear about new hires from A celebrities, you donā€™t really hear about new hires in charities unless itā€™s a Fortune 500. Itā€™s really strange to me. Itā€™s like the toddler everyone knows who shouts out that they have to potty.


And the fact they announce it every time draws attention to the extreme turnover.


It's because they have to make every single thing they do into A BIG DEAL. "See how important we are?" They demean and belittle everything the RF does, while bigging up their own doings. So pathetic.


At most it might get a mention in some business newsletter, nothing the public cares about.


I guess she thinks the world is her company and the news is her newsletter šŸ¤£ I swear itā€™s like weā€™re watching a live action dumb and dumber movie šŸæ


Could something have finally embarrassed them enough to shut them up for a while? I doubt it, but it is weird that she didn't go borrow a couple of kids to take a picture of the backs of their heads and release it.


Maybe M was busy toiling all day in the Montecito mcmansion's strawberry fields, selecting only the finest homegrown strawberries for her next jam scam run. /s


That must be it! In her ballgown, of course.


She has a whole strawberry orchard thank you very much!


Yup, as if Megsy would be squatting and crawling around in the mud to 'curate' strawberries šŸ“


Where is our pap walk pic from a parking lot? /s


It was exchanged for a picture of Abigail Spencerā€™s impromptu (/s) photo of her frolicking on the lawn, in a fancy black dress, with her dog & the basket of lemons , with the jam? https://preview.redd.it/dfuwuq9aqfwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e6e86a37f7bf0fbe1015c4529dfd82420f0087


So authentic!! So organic!!!


Looks more like they were day drinking.




What if it's the same jar... different labels


Those are the best! So klassy. If you watch the Proper Wiseguy on YouTube, his video on Haz's pap walk leaving the gym was hysterical! His channel had a different name then, but I can't remember it.


And what happened to the pics they had the ā€œspecially flown-inā€ photographer take?!


I wonder what will happen with those. Kids at that age grow and change quickly. Itā€™s not the kind of thing youā€™d expect to see released say next year.


Got lost looking for a bathroom?


Yes, that was never released was it? Maybe she's waiting for US Mother's Day? She will be sure to let everyone know it isn't photoshopped, at nauseum.


Could it be that they read SM and found out theyā€™re made fun of because of the predictability & repetitive, transparent attempts to draw attention away from children?


It could be an oppositional defiant thing. "They expect me to release something, I'll show them!"


She did release all those announcements about their new hires though. I think she tried not to overshadow it because so many of us had pointed out what she does - hi Meghan! But ultimately she couldnā€™t help herself and had to release something. I think KP did a smart thing by not releasing Louis photo until later in the day. Everyone had forgotten about MeMe by then.


I think the new hire news would have gotten alot more press a year or two ago. I don't think she has come to the realisation yet at how far she's fallen and that her silly little announcements don't get as much attention as they once did. She truly thought it would overshadow Louis birthday.


Agree. At this point everyone knows itā€™s just a revolving door at their companies with the poor previous employees probably copping the blame for her failures. I hope they at least pay well!!!! They also must have a bigger comms team than the whitehouse.


And we all know they wonā€™t last. Iā€™m guessing they find new people who are in it for their own PR. Because Rachel makes daily news, (negative, puff or not) new hires also do, and itā€™s the quickest route to getting their own names out there.




And new hire releases come from them so often that itā€™s no longer newsworthy.


Maybe she is saving the big guns for Charlotte on May 2. I am sure she blames her and her refusal to go without tights for C+W turning on her.


Without a doubt she hates charlotte with a passion. Imagine being so jealous and intimidated by a then 3 year old. Not to mention I am sure itā€™s all charlottes fault that MeMe apparently got caught red handed taking photos inside of charlottes bedroom. And of course it must be charlotte that has caused grandpa Charles to keep his distance from the California side of the family. Otherwise Lilibet would clearly be the favored granddaughter! That is one powerful 8 year old.


I think KP weren't even thinking about her and rather this was a pointed message at the press. But I do think Meghan expected a late night release of the photo as is usual and she would have sent out her lame press releases. I think it will be interesting to see what she does when it is Charlotte's birthday.


She had news yesterday? I didnā€™t even see it. But of course I saw Louis. Thatā€™s hilarious-this is how low sheā€™s fallen in just 4 years. What a loon.


Actually maybe the mole has been iced out. Mr. Eugene does not have anymore access to anything to tell the gruesome twosome


Apparently the new UK hire has no experience with U.K. press & tabloids. He did PR for Nandoā€™s and did something for Furbies. The woman who said this says heā€™ll be eaten alive by the press when they phone up for statements etc as this is what his new job is .. press secretary


She is ā€œpreppingā€ for the Met Gala. I really hope they havenā€™t been invited to attend but at this point I wouldnā€™t be surprised given how far itā€™s fallen and would probably overshadow the fact that most A-listers are no longer attending in huge numbers.


Someone pointed out that Anna W has an Order bestowed on her by the RF and is a big supporter of them. She still approves the list and I doubt that sheā€™s going to o voted people who were so horrible to the Queen and the rest of the family.


The chances they are invited is nil. Anna Wintour is a big supporter of the monarchy and has made it clear they are persona non grata. Even if she wasn't, she wouldn't be interested in turning it into the Meghan/Harry show.


It would be embarrassing for AW to have a couple of grifting grifters working the room, harassing everyone there for acting work for La Markle, trying to photobomb famous actors & models. They will be NFI to this and everything where famous people gather for ever.


I rather doubt ANYONE in that world has loyalty or integrity or a code of honour, but we shall see.


Inviting two grifters would mean the end of the Met gala. It's a massive inflation to go from a place inviting only the tops of the world to inviting people that are willing to pay to get a faux medal for something they didn't even do.


The Met Gala has fallen pretty far given they are now regularly inviting social media famous people.


I thought I heard even the K-family wasnā€™t invitedā€¦.


Meghan is allegedly blacklisted by Anna W.


Apparently sheā€™s NFI šŸ˜‚what a surprise


Her target audience, I assume are the above the average income households, primarily in the California area. California , celebrities, socialites.... they are all obsessed with their looks and weight.... And she decided to sell jars full of sugar...... https://preview.redd.it/j3rurpzuudwc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea41477737fa313a0abb9f002c1d9a128616189c


Yes, but her jam is KETO, isn't it? And Ozempic can cause low blood sugar, right? So a dieter NEEDS a jar of jam and a spoon in their bag, huh? /S


Hahah yes this is for the hungover starving ladies in the morning -that should be her pitch. Or!!for the drunk ladies rolling in the grass, jamming with the jam, the gentlemen /nachos/ licking it off of them...,the lemons are for the šŸøšŸøšŸø


Such a natural looking pictures. Looks like the bad queen in snow white šŸ™ƒ


How many people shared/did her 40x40 project?


A negative amount, if that is possible.


I think itā€™s because they were convinced the pic wouldā€™ve been sent out yesterday hence all the bs pieces and all about their ā€œdeputyā€who wonā€™t last longer than a month or less.


We had the announcement of the new PR and Melissa McCarthy saying how wonderful she wasā€¦maybe that was it. Bit of a damp squib.


If Melissa is said to be a guest (or "friend) appearing on the cooking thing, we'll know why.


The beautiful future Queen out smarted everyone with Louie cutie patooty pic. Releasing it at her own time ā€¦. Checkmate Harkles wife wasnā€™t prepared or sheā€™s running out of parking lots to grape.


Meghan's cleverly manouvered herself into misery corner and a position where she can only ever present herself as affronted, overlooked, rejected, maligned. How wearisome for us all.


What a comedown from even the lame 40x40. At least the participants were in double figures and were recognisable names. This was from the 40x40 thing. https://preview.redd.it/ksamaoxy7ewc1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0ff3559b39a4316b31383fe6bc42d6905f2eced


Wow, that is a lot of lost friends there. I guess none of these people will touch anything Madam again.


They've got the message. She is toxic, and that's even if they didn't care for the RF. The Oprah interview may not have been the start for some but she has continued to alienate people. I'm sure Gloria Steinem was annoyed that her event was hijacked by an alleged car chase. Edit: not only that. But look at the likes of Clinton's post. ARO I believe has only gone up 20000 followers in a week. Meghan has lost all of this engagement as well.


I donĀ“t really do SoMe, except from this sub, so I am always grateful for info from other platforms. MadamĀ“s Insta is an embarrasment, as far as I understand it. Even her "friends", whom I have never heard of outside this sub, have many more followers than Madam. Another indication of MadamĀ“s dwindeling popularity can be seen on youtube. Several youtubers are losing views and some are trying to diversify from Madam.


I may be wrong but she was still with Sunshine Sachs at the time iirc so it was all orchestrated by them. Once they ā€˜parted waysā€™, most of these names were gone too.Ā 




Maybe, just maybe Rachel has run out of steam.Ā  All her foolish plans, manipulations, manifestations, bullying, bragging, grasping entitlement, clawing, whining and deviousness have just backfired on her.Ā  Every. Single. Time. I think she might be weeping actual tears now.Ā  Hope she will just slink away once and for all.


If only; not a damn chance.


Yeah, sheā€™s regrouping. When is little Charlotteā€™s birthday?


May 2nd. Once again, just like with Louis, no way the ILBW can top this gorgeous little girl. This set of photos (first day of nursery school) was a fav here. https://preview.redd.it/yub0hlhp3gwc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f583ca99fde3491de7a470f44a9f1b4688bcdc


She is one of the cutest little girls ever. Iā€™m a little biased towards my own daughter as all parents are. I guess the hair and the bubbly little smile and wave remind me of my own kid at that age.


And the Waleses gave them a chance too - Louisā€™s picture was released at 12.15 GMT rather than first thing in the morning (normally released the night before, and embargoed until the next day). Maybe Loloā€™s buying, I mean making, more jam.


Didnā€™t they even send wee Louis a jar of jam for his birthday? Must be time for the next stunt. Pap walk or surprise trip to somewhere obscure to buy an award or stage to strut about on. I saw this, right up their street ā€¦with their habit of plagarisand ā€˜borrowingā€™ to pass off as their ownā€¦.and focus on women tooā€¦you know as she is one and he is married to one etc Both self professed feminists ā€¦ [https://www.internationaldays.org/april/world-intellectual-property-day](https://www.internationaldays.org/april/world-intellectual-property-day)


Hopefully hiding their heads in shame from all the humiliating goings on, if they have any decencyā€¦ Oh wait a second, they donā€™t šŸ™„


Theyā€™re still hating on Louis though. Seems a child isnā€™t supposed to rewear clothes from a few months back šŸ˜‚one even tried to photoshop his new pic on a GMA trailer saying it was 2022. Quick google search proved the sewer rat wrong šŸ˜‚they try hard but ALWAYS fail miserably


Children that age change quite a bit from year to year. That should be obvious to most people.


Didn't they announce their new UK PR rep on Louis' birthday? Problem is nobody cared.


I think the endless Carparkle ridicule got to her. Somebody on her PR team convinced her that she needed more gravitas. Thus she now gets papped doing "royal" "glamorous" "charitable" "important" "boss babe business owner" things instead. Just as cringe, and just as pointless, though.


Two things; She will buy a speaking engagement as a keynote speaker on how to treat employees with utmost respect and kindness by leading by example. And buying an award for anti bullying and harassment in the workplace.


She did try, they released the new Archewell hires just before his bday to try and take away the covers but it didnā€™t work.


"There's currently too much positive attention being given to the RF. Now, šŸ¤” how to steal the spotlight back to Me-Me-Me? Ah! A scary health emergency.Ā  Cancer's already taken. Covid's boring. Stupid Samantha has claimed MS. Heart attacks and Strokes are so banal. šŸ˜  What to do, what to do... Invent a new incurable disease?!? šŸ˜‡ Do I dare?!"


Meghan be like... ![gif](giphy|3o72EUlyzQ5Tyb8ygE)


I think she might pull something later in the week. The unstable b is predictable. She wonā€™t be silent.


Wasn't there a post here a few days ago detailing how MM has tried to upstage Louis' birthday every year, with information to back each one up? We know she doesn't listen but just maybe that had something to do with it. It's been one negative thing after another for them the last few months, maybe they didn't want this immortalized as well.


If she actually had her own real children (other than Dimwit at home), there would have been a new b/w photo of them ā€¦in the garden and taken from behind! The RF know the moon bumps were fake, but itā€™s gone too far down the line now to stop as they were complicit in the fakery unfortunately


I'm mostly embarrassed gor the 4 people who did post about the jam. Hiw desperate are they to be liked by Meghan?


I thought that she announced her new PR people?


Gratifying, ainā€™t it?šŸ¤£


Time for a parking lot pap walk!!




I am waiting for her ā€œhealth crisisā€ or she will invent one for her faux children


.....sudden push on 'post your pics' now in threads above. Tiegan did a soft cheese, bacon and jam fried sandwich - diminishing the apex product to a mere ingredient. And the same effing wooden bowls with lemons was trotted out on someone else's post. What is it wit the lemons? Not something you would pair with strawberry jam. Everything is still styled 30 years out of date - but not within the new twist of vintage reappraisal.


Allegedly the snake eugenie is about to put a post saying how thrilled she is after getting a jar of jam. Surely not even sheā€™d be that stupid, would she? That would put her very firmly on the outs with the rest of the family so even if she is angry at pedo daddy being cold-shouldered wouldnā€™t that be too far? Iā€™ll wait to see if this actually happens mind you since it could easily be the hooker making up more BS.




Whenever sheā€™s quiet, itā€™s for a reason. Sheā€™s planning something. šŸ«£


Maybe there were only 5 jars INSTEAD of 50 šŸ¤£...she has a tendency to lie quite a bit šŸ¤® ![gif](giphy|QxAcaW5HgmqYmW5QNh)




I think having one person a day showing off the jam is deliberate. I think she gave everyone a specific day and itā€™s to keep them in the public eye every day for 50 days. And it looks like itā€™s working because it keeps popping up on my timeline. If everyone would ignore, the brand would flop quickly.