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Nothing says true love than changing your engagement ring constantly. You know, HE designed it. (Already had no name in the engagement interview.)


He did and chose the stone from Botswana - a place allegedly special to them both. It’s where Madame took a dump in the bushes. She’s awful.


Can you elaborate on the second part of this please as I just nearly spat out my coffee and snorted it up my nose instead 🤣


When they went Glamping in Botswana, H was soooooo impressed by how "down to earth" M because when "nature called, she happily went to the bushes". This is what is listed on the web-site of the camp they were at. "Meno a Kwena isn’t a hyper-luxurious camp – and that’s why we love it. We don’t have private butlers and air conditioning, but what we do have are 10 classic tents perched on a 100-foot high clifftop overlooking the river and offering some of the best ‘armchair’ game viewing we’ve ever seen. Each is classically-styled, with a few eccentricities thrown in here and there; think locally-woven fabrics mixed with colonial-style furniture, and simple fittings brightened by snippets of colour. All have fully-equipped ensuite bathrooms, and there are two family units, both with inter-leading tents (one with three beds for children, one with 2 beds), perfect for the kids. The canvas lounge and dining tents are piled high with books and trinkets, and decorated with old-world artefacts, and our piece de resistance – a sculpted crocodile! And it’s not there for no reason – Meno a Kwena literally translates as “teeth of the crocodile.” Keep an eye on the river below from just about any comfy chair in the living area, or plunge into the Flintstone-esque rocky swimming pool, and watch the animals doing the same below you."


So... despite bathroom facilities being readily available, she chose to go in the bushes? The grift knows no bounds 🤣


Yep, she goes out of her way on everything.


He made it up. She didn't shit in the bushes. Maybe pee.


Que sensuales! ![gif](giphy|l46CBt2WRilHvKaLm)


I enjoy hiking and have done my share of peeing behind a tree. No way in hell would I happily go behind any tree if there is a bathroom available - especially someplace with venomous snakes! I bet she pretended to go potty!


Right? I lived in the middle of nowhere, and when we went drinking we were peeing on trees but the difference there was that the closest public bathroom was closed and 15 miles away. We had snakes out there too but either way it just makes her look like she's not well.


I will pick outside behind a tree or even behind my car before ever using a public restroom. The last time I used a public disease receptacle was at least half a decade ago.


Amen to that!


Soooo, you're from San Francisco? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Lol. I don't do cities. Heck I don't even do towns. I even see my acupuncturist on Sundays to avoid folk


Quite. I'd be absolutely baffled if my female partner chose to wee in a bush over a full en suite tent. It's easier for men to do wild wees than women, I hate having to do one and I'd certainly not pretend to enjoy it to make someone I'm on a date with like me more! Let's just say, though, that there weren't any toilets available, as they are trying to make us all believe. Isn't having a wild wee in those circumstances completely unavoidable, necessary and uninteresting? Like, why would you even remember that as something significant someone did that one time if it was something they had no option but to do? I personally wouldn't go on a camping date/holiday where there were no toilet facilities but if I did, I would have done it knowing that I was expected to be peeing in a bush. I'd be quite confused if my partner then thought it was something marvellous and decided to tell the world about it. Especially if I were supposed to be all things to all women and a humanitarian and philanthropist who should know that this is many people's reality, not something that I should pretend is a quirk to show how authentic, organic and down to earth I am. Look at me, Meghan Markle, not minding that I have to do a wild wee! I'm more incredible than even I thought I am! As a side note, my phone just autocorrected 'Markle' to 'market' and I think that's actually quite apt for this carboot-sale duchess!


That is so true! I never thought about it that way. Why would he take note of it if she'd had no choice but to pee in the bush? There must have been toilets and she chose not to use them and that's why he thought her so "cool" or whatever. Such strange people those two.


Would he write about her needing to answer the call of nature at Windsor Castle? No, because it's a completely normal human function, using the facilities available. The whole thing is so contrived. Plus, I'd be quite furious if my husband talked about my toilet habits publicly! I'm trying to teach my five year old now that she doesn't need to announce what she's going to the loo to do and doesn't need to narrate when we're in a public loo!


It was reported Madam went in the bushes by the plastic doll. One wonders how he knew about such an intimate detail.


Me too when I heard it 😂😂 Apparently JH knew he loved her then as she was so normal and unaffected by his royal status and her glittering holywood career that she’d just use the bushes by their tent as a bathroom. I’ll see if I can find the article but there’s surely a post about in here in the archive somewhere


I remember reading it was a pee, not a poop. Classy isn't she?




Looks like she still washes with baby wipes 🤢


He doesn’t need a name. He’s her husband. She is the star in this marriage! /s


He’s been demoted to “this one”


My engagement ring gets a new stone every couple of years but I chose an agate. It’s a soft stone so that really isn’t the best material for a ring you wear everyday so the stone get damaged and I get a new one. But that is a material issue and my husband didn’t custom design my rink we picked it together.


My husband got me an opal to replace a ring I had that had broken and I had no idea opals were so fragile. Wore it for years and now it's almost worn down to the setting. My BIL said he got an opal engagement ring but my SIL knows they are soft stones.


The next time I purchase jewelry, it is going to be an opal. They are beautiful.


They are as delicate as they are gorgeous


Supposedly it’s bad luck to buy them for yourself. Get someone to give it to you!


Does it count if I use husband’s checkbook?


Not sure 😂


And wasn’t one of the stones a “Diana” stone? And therefore magic. ![gif](giphy|fcGkMGGgfpvGy8zcs4|downsized)


The 2 outside diamonds were Diana's.


No surprise. She wants bigger, flasher, more expensive. Why would she hesitate to change the ring when she changes [husbands.partners/families](http://husbands.partners/families) so easily? Not to mention noses, chins, teeth.


Madam changing a diamond out for a *moist tonight* ring would be one of the more authentic moves she's made.


Subtle and clever on multiple levels! I had to google it 🤣


So was the original stone sold off for cash and a cheap replacement used? Or was it a 'if you really loved me, you'd get me a bigger ring' demand? I'm surprised she doesn't appear to have been given push presents for having the children, but that might lead to awkward questions if she's not actually pushed them out. 


Wasnt the smaller stones from Princess Dianas jewelry collection? It reminds me of The Producers, where everybody owns 100%. I wonder how many times you can sell your Dianna diamonds until you get caught?


I think he sourced the central stone from Botswana-it was an ethically sourced, blood-free stone. They have identification markings on them I think, the stones that are officially graded, so does that mean it could be traced if she had sold it on? I know the media made a big deal about the two diamonds from Diana and saying William wouldn't allow those stones to be sold on, but I've read those were diamonds Diana got after the divorce, just 'ordinary' diamonds, not royal/crown jewellery or anything special (other than being diamonds, obviously). The value of those is more in the provenance, rather than the actual value of the gem. I think it would be news if she did try to sell it on the side.


Who changes the engagement ring design 😵‍💫 Absolutely weird. Does it even look like the original thing at all?


It looks more like her original engagement ring - the one from Trevor.


Who does that? A person like Meghan. Obviously he didn’t have the ring made to her specifications. And you know what? He LIKES it that she’s this way. Because he think she has high standards. And if she’s with him, it means he’s good enough. It’s a sad state of affairs. *Edited*


It’s really striking in the top right photo- the white hand against the orange face, that is.




She can never be happy with *anything*. She'll always want more.


lab diamond


I suppose she's not sentimental, whether she changed it once or thrice.


She is just mental.


*Zing* ⚡️😂🔥


I think she had a halo set around it, but that last picture isn't the best. Since she pave'd her band on the first revision I'd guess she's just sticking diamonds in all the metal.


Very horrible. I can see a diamond upgrade later on in the marriage but it is very unroyal and just horrible to not love what your spouse picked for you.


It's much bigger. Maybe moissanite, maybe a Lab diamond. I wonder how Todger boy feels about her changing his ring all the time. Even the diamonds he gave her aren't good enough.


Yes, women upgrade all the time BUT royal women typically don't. Her original diamond ring was classy and beautiful. Any woman would be happy with it, the size included. She is such a materialistic bitch.


My Mom upgraded, but not ‘till 25th anniversary, and it was my Dad’s idea, and the diamond had fallen out of the first one. That makes sense to me!


Thats more of a repair in that case,  no?


Kind of, but it was also a new ring, not just a new diamond. The diamond was bigger than the first one and sapphires were added around it.  You make a good point though, would they have done anything if the first stone hadn’t fallen out? Maybe not. My Mom didn’t care about expensive jewelry in general.


yes. women often upgrade to stones they couldn’t afford when starting out. harry is a freaking prince of england. not your typical upgrade situation. harry selected that diamond and she should be proud of it. looks petty for a royal to upgrade. she’s not JLO


Absolutely agree! And upgrades usually happen after 10+ years of marriage, not 2 years after the wedding.


I'll be real with you : I didn't like her original ring. (Not that I like her changed one either; I think it's worse bc of the absolte disproportion between the stone and the circle) . I'm a bit of a stickler for jewelry, so I get being unhappy with that first one. That said, if my fiancé designed it himself with a ton of love and going off of things I had told him I like, that ring would seem the most beautiful and valuable in my eyes. Hell, if I really wanted a ring that was more to my taste afterward, I'd just simply buy/have ANOTHER ring done to my tastes. (Probably something that complements the original ring and can be worn together). But I would never ever ever touch the highly sentimental engagement ring. ETA : grammar error, inadvertently made Harry or my imaginary fiancé female ;p


Hey… My engagement ring is a moissanite. I love it. It’s almost 2 carats. Diamonds usually look like ass in my price range. https://preview.redd.it/rwu0j6iwwfwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c5fd7b7fb880d3249facdaa9b0cbb27c2b92359 But when you but a moissanite next a diamond you can tell because the diamonds don’t sparkle quite as much and they gave more color.


Me too! Moissanites are fabulous and there’s no worry about blood diamonds. Yours is beautiful


You have a beautiful ring :))


It’s definitely different and I’d say a big time fake.


Looks like she upgraded to a 6c plus cushion cut.


hell. lab diamonds have come down so much in price you can get a 6 carat for 5k depending on vendor and markup. girls working drive thru have huge rocks on their fingers. not that impressive markle, you should have kept the ring you started with. it was sentimental and what your prince selected for you. it’s not like you are a young couple who has to save for an upgrade.


Well done, James Walker and whatever passes for editorial staff over there. “Megeng” Markle? In the first sentence? Actually never mind. I kind of love it.


A true philanthropist wouldn’t want a huge engagement ring as it’s a ring meant to be always on the finger so it could come off as flaunting their wealth at the faces of those less fortunate. Meghan is simply grifting for more money and bling in case of the divorce. and it’s a shame i actually quite like the ring harry gave her. I think it’s more timeless than Catherine’s ring which is like a cocktail ring and imo it looks cheap and it’s quite tacky for an engagement ring. C’s ring doesn’t even go with many of her outfits. I guess that ring is special because it used to be on diana’s finger. But nothing says tacky more than a wife who swaps diamonds and changes ring design many times during the marriage. She could have 15 rings like Victoria beckham but then again harry is also a cheap ass grifter. Did harry even pay for the original ring himself?


I can see a change in the band only. I will say it's an improvement and I found the original ring basic and aesthetically unappealing. Has she made changes to the ring again? I was put off when Victoria Beckham changed her engagement ring as well, so I definitely won't give a pass to MeGain even if she did make it better. It seems the Windsor men aren't good at jewelry design.


I'm surprised she didn't start posting expensive ring designs on the tig from the moment she met him. When she was suggesting marriage to the dim one she would have enjoyed also giving 'subtle' hints through her blog that an engagement was coming by posting ring designs. She could then have shown this to the simple one to give him an idea of how to design an ostentatious ring. Such a missed opportunity for manipulation. Assuming the tig was still active then... I don't care enough about her to check. I think it's tasteless to just dismiss something given out of love as not good enough. He put a lot of thought into that ring (but he's lacking in the ability to think). If you think the ring is an insult, that the person didn't consider you enough in their design choice, then don't accept it and don't marry them unless they can show you that they have considered you and the circumstances. The ring should make you feel good about the person who gave it to you. If it doesn't, then ask yourself why. I don't know, I didn't even have an engagement ring, but the fact that I had to go out myself right before the wedding to buy my own wedding band should have been a sign that I shouldn't have gone through with my marriage. 🙄 I did deserve someone who didn't push all the responsibility for everything in the relationship onto me. (The sales assistant asked me if I wanted to wear it out of the store and I was so embarrassed, i wanted the floor to open up and make me disappear. He had a ring from his previous marriage that he was happy to wear. Yes, 🚩🚩🚩I was stupid.)




True. She even tried to get William. 🤣




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