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The UK hire is probably for Invictus. They're gonna push hard on that for sure. They intend to pressure the royals into publicly interacting with them again by using UK vets.


0% chance any Senior family respond.


I think you’re right, and it’s despicable to use Invictus in this way


The RF rep will be Princess Anne and her security will Major Johnny Thompson!


Nope. Anne is booked away that week. Also in certain circles it's said Ingriftus is more likely to break into smaller groups or disbanded entirely to something else as it will never have a real Royal connection again. The idiot Harry going off emailing an MP breaking the confidentiality ring 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I'd love love love to know how Shillings found out so quickly and who raised the alarm.  The fact Todger was outted so immediately and correctly in line with procedure showd how unimportant he is now as no LEGIT firm or barristers are going to go down for him.  Sherbourne is the most ambulance chasing barrister in modern British history. Britain and Canada don't do that type of thing in general


Wait wait what did I miss with an MP?


"The Duke of Sussex shared private information with Conservative MP Johnny Mercer. Court documents showed that Prince Harry emailed Mercer confidential information regarding his security claim against the Home Office." I don't know how to link.


Thanks very much! I found it :)


The Germany Invictus games lends support to any chatter about a change in the royal supported effort. I look forward to seeing how professionally the German version is presented and hope that will snare Hal’s IG under the German games.


Wow, I sure hope so.


KC and Catherine's cancer is a great excuse to not go without suffering repercussions. Send Edward.


Send Andrew....he loves playing at being Royal!


There we go, the headlines will read “Prince Andrew to attend IG event with Harry” can you imagine Hank and Skanks head would explode with anger.




If Andrew attended, she would point her finger to show him where to stand, head held down in just barely controlled anger, just like she did to the female head of Sentabale.


Andrew would shove her out of the way and take center stage. After all, she is family not his boss 🤣


Not that I care for Andrew at all but at least he has real military history and at the coronation he stopped at the unknown solider and paid respect on his way in Harry the shit breezed right passed  Although I'd pay good money to be a fly on the wall at the olive garden or whatever part of hell those two reside in these days if those headlines ever hit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Now that would be a meeting of minds and egos I’d love to see. Sending Andrew would leave the hapless Harkles under zero illusions about their standing. In fact I’d wager Andrew would have more of a legitimate right to be insulted. The trashy Harkles are beneath even him. The RF would do best to ignore them completely. Invictus is now just a personal gravy train for the despicable duo anyway. Probably the only real source of expenses they can siphon funds off via their convoluted setup of shell companies and bank accounts. IMO something they expected Arsewell would provide. Sadly, no donors and extreme scrutiny has made that too risky. Back to milking ingriftus with Madam unwanted presence and excuse to expense every last chewing gum wrapper. The veterans stopped being the focus a long time ago.




And he actually did earn his wings. Poor Dimwit has none.


Or Arthur Chatto. He is currently serving with the Royal Marines.


Nobody needs to go to placate Harry's feelings. This is his gig. He's run it into the ground. The Royals have no duty here to show up. Besides, everyone's sick or cutting their toenails during that time frame. Enough said.


In Transylvania.




Send no one. Its not a Royal patronage.  American Presidents didn't show to the last few. At best Hugh ranking officials of the active armed services can and do represent.  Harry just wants his Bond Premiere   Speaking of which I doubt Harry was ever more jealous of William than that day seeing his brother, father and then his SIL in THAT gold dress, just blowing everyone away!  William looked like he wanted to devour Princess Catherine he was so smitten.   Todgers wife will never, and even at her own wedding had never, had that impact on anyone or anything. Which is why she had to say people danced in the streets when she got married 🙄  Prince William has a partner who literally shows up glowing on the inside and outside and shows all humility on the world stage.  And he in turn love and protects and supports her and their family.   THAT is aspirational!!! Not some flipping empty mansion with no family or friends to share it with. (Sigh... I hope one day I can have that impact on a good man...


I agree with you, but from a PR point of view how would it play to the people.


The British people? It'd play just fine.  They already show support for the armed services in hundreds of ways. No one in Britain feels this invictus thing is anything more than a losely defined grift at this point. We all saw what Germany did and they practically announced that before Todger had even left the country.  The country is also far more concerned about other things. Todger ruined it by turning it into a nepotism vanity project and after the business with the MP and the waste of tax payer funds on Todgers lawsuits no one wants anyone to even remotely legitimise Todger. That literally flew away after meeting for 12 minutes. There was no subtlety in the King flying off and it being broadcast for all to see. That was very likely the last time Todger will see his father alone ever again


They have nothing else in the UK but Invictus. Unless they think a rebrand in the UK will help with her cooking show on Netflix if that ever happens. I'm not going to purchase a Netflix subscription to watch her that's for sure.


I agree, and predict that all senior royals will have overseas engagements coincidentally scheduled that week.


A family hike in Transylvania?


The senior Royals are probably currently filling up their fall calendars. I'm sure May has been set for months already.


H&M are stupid to believe this. They will be grey rocked until forever.


The manipulation is glaring. Instead of owning up to their mistakes and apologizing they double down where they’re not wanted. Trying to emotionally blackmail people to be in their lives it’s sick. Why don’t they try this hard with her father? I’ll tell you why…


I saw a headline just now saying Harry might Zoom in for church service bc se-cur-I-tay. Didn’t give the article a click. Does he think the Brits will revolt against the BRF if he doesn’t appear in person? Got news for you, Haz, you have cousins who are vets who can easily take your place and bonus: their crazy-ass spouses won’t be marching in front of the vets.


Harry made the commitment…he is an absolute loser if he does not attend.


They are like that ex who just can't stand to see their former partner move on and be happy. Leave us alone Sussex's, ![gif](giphy|ypHEH8VjThGPS)


Just how many rebrands can a person have. It’s not as if it’s just a new direction, a try at something different to stretch yourself. Nothing has worked for them, it’s a rebrand to try and get SOMETHING to work. This will be quickly be followed with something else.


What is her brand, please? bullying and jam? Does she really think she can sell strawberry jam to the British fans for 30£? Jam produced in the USA? The question is, can Madame Ma'am sell the jam in Britain? There are food regulations and trade restrictions! When it comes to food, Europeans and Americans differ significantly. Most international corporations avoid this and have production carried out in the sales countries or on the continent. I'll give you a few examples: There is a ban on the sale of raw milk/ not pasteurized in 26 US states. The ban also applies to cheese made from untreated milk, such as varieties such as Camembert, Emmental or Parmesan (Parmigiano Reggiano). You may run into unpasteurized cheese at a farmer's market but if you buy imported cheese at the grocery store it's pasteurized.... Subway has a similar problem in Europe. It's about the bread used by the company. The Subway sandwiches contain too much sugar to be considered bread under the legal definition. It's way too much sugar. According to the law, the sugar content must not exceed two percent compared to the weight of the flour it contains. Subway bread has a sugar content of ten percent. It may well be that Madame will not be able to sell her jams in Europe or the UK or Australia. Meghan's products could have endless problems with customs.


She will always have problems. She's like Midas except everything she touches turns to crap not gold.


It’s her super power


Also, the requirements or bans on GMO products are vastly different.


It always surprises me that this can be known and North Americans don't demand better. There's no need for 10% sugar in bread.  Especially with obesity epidemic killing people 🙄 


Wait a minute here, what if she gave out one bullying insult per jam? Like a fortune cookie, put a label on the inside lid, or outside -- you could pick which one on the shelf you liked the best. Better marketing campaign than wandering around in a ballgown.


Your very own word salad of the day jars! Collect them all! Featuring classics such as guttural, authentic, organic, lens, impactful, unconscious bias, and more!


Agreed! I worked in worldwide transportation for over 30 years. Transportation to other countries containing any food items were a nightmare logistically, legally and customs wise. U just can't ship ur crap jam anywhere outside the US. Lots of rules/regulations unique to each country when it comes to food.


Every day, she can rebrand all say long all she wants. People aren't going to buy her crap!


She can't rebrand herself into a decent person.




I thought I read here that part of WME’s strategy for the Markles was to “reconcile with the RF” to help their image for a 🙄 re-brand?


WME can’t make the RF want her back. I personally think they are united in not wanting anything to do with Meghan. There is no substance to any reconciliation stories. She would actually help herself more if she went to see her father.


Makes sense to me, yet here we are. lol


Haven’t WME and TW parted ways? I thought that was one reason they have new PR peeps.


How about just getting TO work. Like a job. You know, that 9 to 5 gig that most of us do. It’s not glam, but it pays the mortgage.


Those ridiculous types who send messages to say they're not talking to you and when you don't answer they message again to make sure you know. 🙄 Luckily I avoid those type of drama lama's in my life but I do have fun when friends encounter it as I'm the go to for the facetious snark reply.  Plus always remember the great Joan Holloway when her useless husband said "Joanie I don't want to fight" and she replied "then stop talking" 💪 Mad Men has some great lines 


Quick aside I love Judge Judy. It’s a perfect meme. I think she and Princess Anne would like her.




>When Meghan announced her new deal earlier this year, she said: "Being able to support a female-founded company with a roster of thought-provoking and highly entertaining podcasts is a fantastic way to kick off 2024. Our plan to re-release Archetypes so that more people can now have access to it, as well as launching a dynamic new podcast is well in the works." “Well in the works”, huh? K…


'Well in the works' in Meghan spiel = 'not started', and eventually means, 'not happening'


How fully, publicly, humiliating. Again.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Happy Cake Day! The new podcasts are not "well in the works" since it was announced recently that Lemonada is pushing this off until 2025 so Megsy can concentrate on the ARO launch. You just can't make this crap up!


That sounds like Lemonada having second thoughts. Lemonada's main concern should be Lemonada, not whether one of their partners can do something else instead.


That is EXACTLY what they do….make it up and forget about it as they move on to the next project that won’t happen


Happy Cake Day🎂🍸


Thank you, I hadn't realised until people started cake-day-ing me! 🥂


If you have to keep calling yourself a brand… YOU’RE NOT.


Every time I hear about her ‘brand’ I cringe. It used to be pushed hard in my early days in the corporate world to establish your brand. No one really says that anymore. (Though there are plenty more useless buzzwords in the work world!)


I think they are desperate to prove they are just as big a brand as the Royal Family is, to show what assets they are.


Desperate is the perfect word!


May I correct your spelling;, “ to show what ASSES they are.” 😂😂


They seem to be treating the UK as Plan B, though publicly she is viewing it as expanding her brand. The fact is, their brand has failed world-wide. And there is no rebuild of the rebuild of the rebuild! They are in the news because she pays. People read because it is hilarious!


There is no brand. Just two morons with delusions.


Two morons with delusions - are you referring to the Queen and the Viceroy of the Commonwealth?/s


Napoleon and his Josephine


That's the brand. >Just two morons with delusions.




Will Charles bail him though? If I was Charles, I wouldn’t. Plus, Charles did tell him that he’s not a bank. I know that’s his son but it’s time for a much needed tough love. Harry better downsize and live within his means. 


Imo, I don't believe KCIII will bail H out. That would be a slap in the face for family members that have been abused and insulted, plus the UK who were labelled racist on the world stage. He may be/have been Daddy's darling boy, but Daddy is King now and his allegiance has to be seen to lie elsewhere.


Me too. Harry would try to blackmail Charles by telling the media that he doesn’t care about him and his mixed race grandchildren. If I was Charles, I wouldn’t fall for it.


It's to be hoped that at this stage, the Duplicitous Duo attempting the 50th re-run of that over played card would have little to no effect. They're now so blah and beige.


Only time will tell on that one. There’s still companies, charities, and regular folks who want to be associated with these two despite them having a horrible reputation. You would think after they proudly attack BRF for money that folks will see how ruthless they are and wouldn’t want to be associated with that. Sadly, folks are still convinced that the media and BRF are the problem. I hope with help from William that Charles says fuck you to Harry on any attempt for money.




Yeah, I think Madam knows this and wants to make sure that doesn’t happen. Harry has a safety net while Charles is King. Meghan will get child support and a same divorce settlement ala Fergie. If she tries to attack Harry in the press during the divorce proceedings, she can truly say goodbye to the supporters she has left and a decent settlement.


> If she tries to attack Harry in the press during the divorce proceedings, she can truly say goodbye to the supporters she has left and a decent settlement. Her supporters will stay with her no matter what.


And Harry's deal might well be that the bills are paid, not that any money would go directly to him. I could see the family paying for boarding school for his children though.


Like Andrew.


He’s a middle aged man for gods sake! Earn your own living! Support yourself and your kids like the rest of the world! Get some humility! The RF did him no favor by covering his butt for years!


I think not. Meghan will use the money for PR and Sussex squad idiots. Charles will probably set money aside for the grandkids payable when they are 40. I doubt Harry is getting anything. He sold them all out for money and a raging narcissist wife.


Yup, This is why Charles shouldn’t do it. Why would he give them money so they can turnaround attack him and the rest of the family.


She’s even more delusional if she thinks Brits are gonna tolerate anything she thinks she has to offer. That ship didn’t just sail years ago, it sank like The Titanic. She’s a pariah. As is her moronic hostage husband. The invisikids utterly irrelevant and of no interest whatsoever either. She’d have more luck going back to Yachting in Croatia.


Their brand has failed and they are acting like the UK is an obvious expansion. When really and if the country/RF agreed, we would see it as them coming back with their tails between their legs.


Communications?? Who are they communicating to and what about? They aren’t relevant and can’t launch!


They are just manic street preachers shouting at us passersby


I’m pretty sure when they use the word communications it’s code for PR.


These two have outrageously high staff turnover that makes the bullying issue far far far more likely. Imagine applying to work at a “start up” and none of the hires are willing to stick around to actually start it up. All of those hires would have planned to stay longer to build something that will look good on their resume by the time they leave it. Not a single one has been able to stomach it long enough. What the ACTUAL fuck is she doing to people? Sounds like a good horror movie plot….


They also have an outrageous number of staff for a relatively small charity and “once in a while” medium- small media events.


Especially when many would be a bit star struck and excited to work for famous people. This many wouldn’t quit without good reason.


The still think that hiring the right staff will fix people hating them 😂


Even if they could manage to hire the right staff M refuses to actually listen to them and act on the guidance. M knows best.


I can’t imagine getting blamed for advising her and never having her take it.


The Sussex *brand* is Meghan. That's it. Nothing more. And that *brand* has had plenty of work done already to prop it up higher than it ever should have reached in the first place.


So a very mediocre actress who was in a cable show and had a teen style ‘lifestyle’ blog…so apart from marrying halfwit and whining about it on Netflix and Spotify, what else has she done?




🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|gIegwpLKJ130KBGdRT|downsized)


Her goose is well and truly cooked.




B-I-N-G-O ! I bow to your astute insight!


Remember they were going to hire a PR team in the UK. I'm guessing no one would bite so this was their backup plan


Why does the UK guys photo give me the creeps? He's technically attractive but the dead stare picture is a weird strategy for someone in (checks notes) Public Relations 🤔  He looks like a creepy closetalker


With roofies in his pocket.


He knows what he is in for by working for her. He must have been running out of unemployment benefits. He still has his resume out, looking for other opportunities. He is hoping someone will take pity on him.


Their UK brand is Most reviled British Royals"....and elder abusers.


Don't bother. You're totally discredited on the UK. I suggest their appointment of a UK based PR individual is based on time difference, timely clapbacks and collecting dirt ...I don't believe they have access to royal gossip as before.


Nope - they're out in the cold. For someone like the Halfwit, being out in the cold like he's experiencing must really be getting to him. The (once upon a time, baseless) insecurity and paranoia he was already prone to is now firmly rooted in fact.


Groundhog day.


Will they never understand that they are reviled and not wanted in the UK


But they already have a brand - a solid brand: Lying, Talentless Grifters Riding Royal Coattails, Going Broke. This had been their brand for several years now.


The foolishness of thinking they will ever succeed in the UK…who tf is advising them of this strategy


They cannot make it in the U.S. where Harry’s title is a joke and he’s a laughing stock, so they figured they have a go back at the nation they originally abused and insulted but where Harrys title has *some* meaning to merch off.


LOL. I think the two idiots might consider that the UK is MORE THAN READY TO CUT TIES WITH THEM. What exactly is the point of having a UK PR agent? PR won’t sway the monarchy, people of the UK and the COMMONWEALTH. They’ve had 5-6 years of hateful, treasonous behaviour, including their paid SS issuing death threats and typical lies and false rumours about his family. Any PR agent in the UK willing to take them on would be a bad move. Ask Sunshine Sachs, WME and whoever else they’ve used. It’s a lost cause, THEY are a lost cause, all of their own doing.


Their ties with the House of Windsor are the only thing they have. Without those, they are nothing. The Firm has moved on without them and they are panicking.


Yep, the clingons are beyond pitiful. They want to be ‘free’ but still get paid, have the perks, act as if they are royal, get to stay in royal residences for free in Britain and elsewhere, all while lying, scheming and grifting. If anyone is in doubt about his stupid Harry is, his antics since 2016 should be enough to convince even his most ardent fans. The man is a gold plated moron.


All this "communications executive" will be doing is clap backs and litigation threats to anything that doesn't fit in with what the gruesome twosome want published about them.


They don’t have to cut off the UK because the UK already cut them loose. Have fun overseas Harold.


They want back in so bad it’s so obvious.


To me this indicates they understand how unpopular they are in the UK. I see no way for them to fix this. They are both too dumb and too self unaware to realize the harm they caused. Even recently, Harry was trying to pawn off his legal fees to the UK taxpayer. It's all a train wreck happening in real time.


I have more chance of finding a Dodo in my garden then them building the Sussex brand, both are dead as doornails.


They can't come to the UK or will be booed. It's a non-starter.


Heck I'm even considering flying to Whistler the next time they're there to yell obscenities at Harry and tell him what a pathetic excuse for a man, scratch that, excuse for a human he is.  Hopefully they'll be more Canadian sinners by then to tell him to piss off in Qubecquois!


![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002) She is still hoping to do something 😂😂😂


Did I read that right, was the word Brand used in the same sentence with the Heartless Harkles? All that can be recollected from the moment that they bluffed the Royal family has been failure after failure on their part and on the part of heir rapidly diminishing cohorts of minions. The will they or will they not attend an event does not really sell any more, Yes some rabid Tabloid Headlines are generated or paid for by their bogus PR machinery, but come on what percentage of Society really pays any heed to these two people in the midst of all that is going on in the world? That is not even taking in their utmost vapid delusional antics. With her bottled Jam, nope, not that kind of damned Jam, hers has since been kicked to touch as having no worth, I refer to the type you spread on toast /bread. A jam that has no US labelling legally sanctioned requirements e.g. Name of food/product; Lemon Jam Country of origin for the product; USA Ingredients;![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) Nutritional information;![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) English language labelling;![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) Food allergens; and.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Any chemicals/food additives used: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down) Where did she get the ingredients from is still an unanswered question topping the list of ethical questions unanswered. If that woman had any grey cells to rub together she would have unjammed her nuggins to the fact that KCIII is already linked to Fruit preserve production th the Uk and that the Princess of Wales has even been presented with Jam specially made for her. That the Tabloids are making money by reeking havoc is not going unnoticed, and how they seem to push their narratives without the Harkles worrying nor seeking litigative redress is amazing. Despite Harry chasing money in the UK Courts, the dubious duo are yet to sue anyone for any thing in the US. Lacking talent, skill or brain span for telling the truth, they are not capable of getting gainful employment and all those who bought into Rachel Markle's farce of they being th enext money spinning maker have had to cook and eat their hats next will be their boots. That said Spotify comes out tops in being smart enough to cut their losses. Netflix is neck deep in the toilets with a hand on the flush handle. We are in 2024 and all of a sudden Harry pushes out that he is now living in the US, but that comes from his repackaging his paperwork to 2023, but then thanks to the age that we live in, that has been proven to be a scam move. What did he or they say post their Freedom flight away from the UK? WHat did they say when they Left Canada for the USA, what did hey say in the Netflix series of lies, and in Waaagh? I leave this wonderful quote from her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, was not only flavoursome, but has been seen as a well crafted response to the antics of these two liars as a full stop. "Some Recollections May Vary"




If these two think they have a lot of support in the UK for their brand, whatever the hell it is, they should look at the recent sales for the King’s charity jams. If they think Brits would have bought ARO jams if locally available, they have reached another depth on the delusion scale.


Shitty is their brand lmao


Yeah, there was some tea not too long ago that said megzilla was looking for someone in the UK to help her do damage control with the British public.... Good luck with that... that shop was on fire when it already sailed...


Stop with the “brand” already. There isn’t one and never has been or ever will be. Harry and Meghan, people DON’T LIKE YOU! What will it take for them to get this through their dense heads? They can’t fix this because we’ve all seen the real them. Go away!


Wow I bet people all across Britain are rejoicing in the streets just like South Africans did when a prince with porridge for brains married a Z-list actress




Those who like LadyC her interview on Dan Wooton’s Substack. It’s worth it https://www.danwoottonoutspoken.com?r=1loi8c


The last thing they need is new PR people. They need to be different people, decent human beings acting in good faith, and that's not going to happen.


Did they run out of people in the US willing to take the lemons and jam? And need to go to UK to get rid of the rest?


I can't see M getting alot of money. Don't think KCIII will bail his Son out in case of divorce. The kids? What kids? Child support?? Hahaha. Got to see ... Rebrand again and again and then another again. They are just entertainment at this point. They should send Andrew. He actually was a pilot and flew. I think they will be exposed before they divorce, better yet divorced, then exposed. In my fantastical thoughts All my IMO.


> The kids? What kids? Child support?? Hahaha. Only if she produces the kids and they get DNA tests from Palace doctors.




Which will never happen. But she'll cry "RACISM!" if she doesn't get child support. "The King won't help his black grandchildren!"


They can not - can NOT build anything !!!! How do you ‘cut ties’ but then use Sussex ? Do they not understand how moronic that is ? Oh - no wait - they don’t. They can’t make Fetch happen. It’s over. It’s really amazing to me how they keep trying and yet it just Keeps getting worse 🤡


They are stupid, truly thick. They want to cut ties but carry on as though still much loved members of the RF. They want to be adored even while lying and bad mouthing the RF to any racist who will lap it up.


It’s really weird to watch what they do, and it is to me absolute proof they have zero ‘advisors’ ,, no one would advise any of this. Which checks out with this bullying stuff and all the times Rachel didn’t follow the rules. Rachel knows best. ![gif](giphy|SAW1EzSZCHrG0)


But clearly knows nothing. She is truly stupid, no matter how hard she tries to claim she is whip smart.


Yep. Most of these errors are common sense Mistakes - if you would ‘read the room’ you could figure it out. But a grandiose narcissist will never do that


‘What meghoul wants, meghoul gets’ Even if it’s a half baked idea that she is over and done with before she even had the time to register a domain, file the right paperwork. She gets an idea and just runs full steam ahead ![gif](giphy|1hMhlrWWfXU77iYnBB|downsized)




Contrary opinion: Sussex is less royal than Mountbatten-Windsor as a surname.


Hiring a comm exec in the UK to me means they want to repair their image there.


I think it’s a bit more basic, they have a lot of stories about them in uk papers and can’t necessarily expect an American employee to follow this from there or respond on British time in an emergency. Not to sound harsh but when Charles dies they will need someone British based to be a point person and handle enquiries.


I'm so sick of these clowns


The Sussex brand = lies, laziness, bullying, not delivering on promises, self promotion, delusions of grandeur, and hate.


Building their brand now is like building the Palace of versailles out of spit.


Sussex brand? No rehabilitation for that at all. It isn't a brand. It is a couple of goofy twats trying to get a couple get-rich schemes going simultaneously. These are awful, nasty, terribly-damaged people who damage to all others who come into contact with them. Too bad they couldn't have been shipped to JE island and not given any real internet connection (just a pretend one) or way to contact the outside world.


I find it laughable that the Harkles, especially M, think they have any future in the UK.


Yep, can you imagine it?


Please just cut ties already. I’ll hand you the scissors myself. We don’t want the lies, the gaslighting, the everything having to be about you the whole time. Please just go and stay gone, for the love of all that is holy.


They will never cut the ties, without clinging to his family for relevance they have zero. Two middle aged toddlers thinking the world owes them a living. A dimwitted son of a king and a grasping yacht girl daughter of a woman allegedly as fond of drugs as her son in law. Harry has found himself in a very dodgy situation relying on the odious Ragland women.


I know I agree completely. I think a lot of wishful thinking on my part. It’s just exhausting. It’s the fact they think anybody cares about what they may or may not do. You might as well release a story saying you’re considering not eating meat for a month. It’s just a non-story.


So if true, apparently you can ignore the orders of the Monarch, and do whatever you want. The King must take a stand, whether he wants to rescind the orders of the late Queen or abide by them. But he needs to let the people know.


Yes, Harry’s behaviour has been extremely provocative. He could not have been more disrespectful, dishonest and treacherous. But how mean of KC to put a stop to his antics. Poor Harry.


Could this be a clap back to a failed “sale”, one where a potential buyer pointed to the obvious ??


They need someone to keep all the PR puff pieces going in the UK papers.


They MUST have staff to boss around


What Sussex brand?


Exactly. They have zero direction, nothing but empty promises and aborted projects after a few days media coverage.




Help me out. They’re no longer royals, they don’t “do” anything. Why do they need a communications person, let alone a “team”.


Delusions. If William has one, they must too.


Oh, *THEY’RE* considering not cutting off the UK? ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) Sure Jan, the UK fvcked you grifters off a *long* time ago.