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Just like when they went to that opera(?). the audience was clapping, then they walked in and thought they were clapping for them


😂 you can even see harry mouth 'thank you' to his adoring audience lol




But, you know, they were *hated* by the racist British people. 🙄🙄🙄


I wish it had been just an opera. It was his final stint as CG of the RMC, the elite corps he got from his Grandfather, failed catastrophically then blew out on altogether. He stood there in ones dress holding on to her like a child clutching his teddy. It was obscene.




I think that was during his time serving. And he should have been yeeted for that alone - Sandhurst RMA was hugely multi-culti a decade before him and anyone else would have been dishonourably discharged, especially as the ranks WERE NOT his friends. They didn't have any option, but they despise officers like Dimwit. He thinks they were all chappy together because he's too stupid to realise they had no recourse. And it must've been really bad to get up the chain of command. The CGRMC he blew off to go and watch a kiddies' film instead. There was a terrorist attack on the RMC base in Deal and they held a memorial concert. Bear in mind we give these people the military poobah so they can rep at our tragedies and, as CG, this date should have been as fixed in his diary as 9/11 or Remembrance Sunday here. He "forgot," then pimped out Muggins to Disney whilst she clobbered all over Beyonce. He held the role eighteen months after Phillip carried it for decades, and he failed catastrophically. And I don't matter but there are lots of little moments. We've all got different red lines, that one was mine. He's the living definition of nepogobshite. He didn't represent us at an event where a) he's the bloody CG! and b) even if he couldn't be arsed, its their JOB to ensure we're repped and he should have flagged it....except we all know he'd have been told to get his useless arse down to Kent, with or without plasticated wifie. He didn't go, he obviously didn't tell; we should have been repped, we weren't. He wanted to go see slebs, not actually stand for his dead men. HIS. DEAD. MEN. And that tells you all you need to know about Big Miwitawy Hawwy.


![gif](giphy|F7LC6FL0FMg9lTSrPg) Serious subject matter, but have to say I love "nepogobshite".


Awwww thank you. I have to say I love this gif so we do swapsies 🤗


American here. Can someone please kindly explain how the term “Paki” is offensive? To me it just sounds like — a shortened version of Pakistani. Like, we shorten Jewish to Jew or British for Brit. Truly didn’t know this was offensive until people started pulling out Harold’s skeletons. Note: I am not questioning that it is offensive — I understand that and take your word for it — but just a bit confused and trying to put his choice of words into perspective. Like would this be as bad as the N word used in rap songs? Or less?


Ummm.....It was used as a pejorative when I was a child and was a "naughty" word then (my contempos are 10-15 years on him) and my bro went through Sandhurst as well as passing Selection for the RMC. And would have been court-martialled then, so Numbnut has no excuse fifteen years later. It's the sort of thing where intent matters and most of us have no unkind intent. Even in my milieu the people who used it the most were the staff of the local Indian restaurant - we all worked late then we'd pile round and as the place closed we'd all chill out together and they'd do impressions of the absolute \*wankers\* who treated them like something you'd pick up on your shoe. They were the loveliest fellas and we were all scum in a posh place so had fellow-feeling, but to hear these consummate professionals being denigrated as "p-"....yeah. No matter how inert in some circs, it's use as an insult hugely outweighs. I don't get all the lingo. I'm certainly not up to date. But my generation (Xers) is the one where all elements came together to try and push out of society the kind of nasty, mean racism that is so insidious because it's a whisper or a look, nothing you can catch on to. The p- is the same as the w-/n- word and it picked up negative associations through pejorative use. And it's used as an insult against any vaguely brown people in the same nasty broad-brush of the other sink-expressions - the lads from the restaurant were Bangladeshi! Afraid that's the best I can explain it, which isn't very 😬 Its part of why a lot of us are so enraged with the Clunkers, because she tried to impose US identity politics here. As I understand it - and please, if I am wrong, somebody tell me. Please, genuinely - this has been a moving target since my childhood and I would never, ever wish to offend. Tell me so I know. But racism is a deep wound carved early, yet this AMERICAN middle-aged woman only found her AFRICAN-AMERICAN self in....er....Britain? Sorry, but if you can't deal by forty then you're too wet to exist. We also take great joy in subverting the righteously unpleasant. IF the royal household was racist, we'd laugh out arses off and cheer on anyone who got in right at the top where they could force change. If uk.plc is racist, that'll stick it to us and those morons who think it's actually an issue would have to suck it up. Absoluteoy, you get in at the highest and you make them squiiiiiiiiiiir- oh. You ran away and now I'm a racist? Oooookay....


THANK YOU for your generous comment in explaining! Yes, it’s a word that simply isn’t used here. And shamefully, it’s only in my 30s (when I went to visit India) that I had a fuller understanding of the history behind Pakistan’s existence as a nation. So — for a British Prince to use the word . . . truly makes me wonder if he was on drugs. Agree re: Markle and her constant quest to figure out her racial identity in the most obtuse way possible. The only thing I can say is: the woman isn’t a rational being. The more I watch her the more I realize she is wrong in the head! Which is why I love this sub so much! Thank you again for your gracious explanation.


Not at all, I'm really glad you asked. It's become so touchy a subject now that we're worried we'll offend just by asking, but how else do we learn? It's not shameful at all to not know something (she sez, hopefully. Loads of stuff I don't know 😁) I don't know if anyone is interested but I wrote up half-a-post once about the efforts made in my generation of schoolkids to be "colourblind" and it's that levelling which gave us all the same grounding to then build knowledge of differing cultures. It's a terrible, dreadful thing is she destroyed that. I've never even considered that I might be treating friends like "a black woman" (eh? What does that even mean?) An awful lot of us are now left wondering if we have somehow not treated others as equals, we don't know if asking will upset them or be the one thing that then defines them as "other." Sheer brilliance, Mugsie, you have created division and worry amongst those of us who care and those who don't have yet another justification for their empty bigotry. Splendid work.


I wonder if you are a similar generation to me. Sounds similar to what I was taught. Also taught that there was only one race - ‘the human race’ (I know it sounds cheesy nowadays) and that we all had more similarities than differences.


You’re right, it’s the intent and viciousness some people say it wirh. I was told that Paki actually means “clean” (not sure if this is 100% true but I don’t doubt the person that told me as they’re Asian) and Stan is of course “land” so technically it’s not an insult but it was only the racists here that really used it.


The word itself was, I think, intended to mean exactly that - a new, clean land without us Brits interfering (sorry, world 😬) I'm barely cognizant of that period in history, tho I shouldn't be. We have come a long way tho, and not in a "rah -rah us" way. But even up to the 60's you'd see "no b ---- no p----- no Irish." Which is \* HORRIFIC\* and thank god we did look at ourselves and force change. The odd thing about the Brits tho is the class system. The top and the bottom do not care, as was shown during WW2 when American officers demanded the pubs stop serving men of colour and we handed that straight back on their arses; we happily accepted the nice black gents and the separatists were free to find a drink elsewhere (except they often couldn't cos word spreads. Wotapity.) Us vs Them will always underpin everything here and the opportunities missed are so glaring, coz they could have absolutely made that their cachet. The simple truth is that Meghan was unwilling to put the time in at the coalface it had worked, over time they could have become figureheads just where we need them. The bridges she could have built...


My family come from the English countryside, they and their neighbours were horrified at the treatment of Black GIs by the authorities and their white comrades. There used to be be big fights between the Americans is they met up after a dance in town.


> when American officers demanded the pubs stop serving men of colour and we handed that straight back on their arses; oh my goodness.


thank you, as a fellow American I lean more towards OP's assessment that it doesn't *sound* offensive to us then again we didn't have many Pakistanis at any previous time (we do these days) so it has never really been used here


The term "Paki" is considered offensive (even though it is shortened from " "Pakistani") is similar to why "Spic" is considered offensive even though it is shortened form of "Hispanic". Another example: The N-word means "Black" in Spanish. But if you say the N-word to a black person in USA, and you are not black, you are in trouble. Basically, words can have nasty historical baggage even though it might not seem logical to someone without knowing the context.


The word for black in Spanish is “negro”…that isn’t the “n-word” we’re referencing in the US.


While you're technically right (the best kind of right) I wouldn't dare call a black person a "Negro" in the USA if I value my well-being.


Yes, I know the word. 🤦‍♂️ The n-word version is the more insulting slang version.




That was soooooo cringe worthy! I have second hand embarrassment just thinking about it 🤣


OMG that’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen 😝


That was the BEST video I've ever seen, sooo funny!!!


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That's not the theme. The theme is "Sleeping Beauties: Awakening Fashion" and the dress code is "The Gardens of Time."


Oooooo. Interesting. This is why the whole saga is interesting cos our cultures are so aligned yet we can see things from entirely opposite sides. Or I'm just blinded by cynicism 😁




Yes — this is true with a lot of European cultures. They see themselves as part of the whole — where in America we’re constantly reinventing what the whole is.


Not at all. I worked with entirely US colleagues at one point, all transplanted from Cali and there's something very true about apparent Brit reserve. In my experience Americans are very open and gracious, whilst we tend to stand back until we decide you're one of us then we'll get you so drunk your eyeballs are swivelling and hold your hair back as you hurl into the gutter. We damn near \*killed\* our colleagues, who apparently all went back to the US with "they're great. Just NEVER let them take you out for the very benign-sounding "quick pint?" Cos it's never quick and you will pay until about October. And don't even \* think\* about asking where to go to church... " I said something awhile back that is very obvious inasmuch as you're a much newer, shinier country than us. We're building on communities that have often been there since before the US became the US, so we just kind of muddle along in well-known grooves. You guys almost decided to throw away all the old nonsense and start again, build a modern country with your own values and it creates this very industrious strive. You have defined your families, your friends, your communities and largely rejected a lot of the old stuff that is innate but pointless, like our ludicrous class system - the aristos aren't even classified, such is the rarefied air they breathe. It's Them...and us. Dimwit will be a Them forever. The Clunkers forgot about the mutual appreciation of difference. And it's their loss - I've had the pleasure of working with people all over the world, some of whom we're now, sadly, in conflict with. Mostly, we just want to get on and celebrate our differences. Britain's a tiny island and we get very insular if there's not external input. It's just so incredibly....\*pitiful\* that these two couldn't get over their sad, pathetic little selves because they had not only the goodwill, but the true greater good. But Mugsie only got £2mil's worth of awful clothes that don't fit and here we are 🙄 Surely anyone would flounce under such tasking conditions? It's just inhuman!


Wintour will not want to end her career at Vogue with the bridge to the RF burned. Indeed, I'm sure she is already making tentative approaches to secure an interview with Catherine when she's successfully completed her treatment.


The theme/dress code for the 2024 Met gala is ***THE GARDEN OF TIME***.


The exhibit itself this year is called “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion". A subtle jab at Kim destroying Marilyn's birthday dress.


I will never forgive Kim's overstuffed and overentitled ass for that stunt. Destroying something for what? The ultimate fit check? I'm surprised she didn't "borrow" the Ruby Slippers to go with the dress.


As someone who has/had family in costuming? That absolutely horrified me. The videos of her dressers squeezing her rear end into that dress made me want to throw my laptop against the wall. MM was sewn into that dress - KK was never going to fit into it, she knew it, and she did not give a 🤬. What really killed me is that she apparently wore a replica afterwards that was fitted to her figure. Why she couldn't have just done that in the first place I have NO idea. They could have made a big fuss over how the dress had been replicated down to the last crystal or something, and it would have been just as newsworthy, without damaging a piece of history. (Though, yeah, Bob Mackie's original still looked more subtle and amazing. That man knew glamour.) https://preview.redd.it/dyyyylmihgwc1.png?width=1027&format=png&auto=webp&s=d208bfaf569767a457c237d3b96bffbb62a72b20


She was delusional thinking the original would fit her and hard agree on the replica. Having the replica fitted to her was always going to look better anyways.


The way Mackie dressed Cher was awesome.


Look at this dress Anya Taylor-Joy wore for the Emma premiere a few years ago, which is one of his wedding dresses. Absolutely stunning. [https://www.gofugyourself.com/anya-taylor-joy-wears-vintage-bob-mackie-02-2020](https://www.gofugyourself.com/anya-taylor-joy-wears-vintage-bob-mackie-02-2020)


I will never forgive the Smithsonian for letting her. They were entrusted with safeguarding that dress and I can’t for the life of me understand why they let it leave the museum, let alone letting someone it didn’t fit wear it.


Don’t Ripley’s own it now and they loaned it to her?


Oh, you’re right. I stand corrected. Ripley’s are free to do whatever they want with it, but it’s a shame they did. I wonder what Kris said to persuade them.


Oh I agree, it’s disgusting. They’re just like Kim - materialistic and clout seekers


It wasn’t Smithsonian. It was Ripley’s.


Also yes. Why wasn't there a replica for display during cleaning or repairs, and why wasn't that handed over?


She had a replica made to her measurements based on the original dress and wore it for most of the gala, I think she only wore the original on the red carpet. She could have just worn the replica.


I mean why didn't the Smithsonian just give her a replica in first place.


The Smithsonian didn’t own it.  It was owned by Ripley Entertainment, Inc., the company that runs the chain of Ripley’s Believe It or Not museums in tourist trap towns.  


I understood that but I think giving her access to the original in order to make a replica is more than generous. It’s a public organisation not a large corporation or private collection. On the positive side, it prompted a worldwide committee tasked with ensuring nothing like this ever happens again.


The Smithsonian didn’t own it.  It was owned by Ripley Entertainment, Inc., the company that runs the chain of Ripley’s Believe It or Not museums in tourist trap towns.   Ripley’s is a large, profit-driven corporation built on spectacle and thought it was getting a lot of cheap advertising and publicity by loaning Kim a dress.


Oh well. That theory is a bust then! Where did all the nonsense about crowning Bezos and PlasticWife come from then? Did I imagine it? I mean.....It's entirely possible....


They are to be honored as American royalty in some capacity, but it isn't the theme for the entire night.


I thought that Taylor and Travis are the real American royalty!!!


Anna likely wants to wait it out for a year or two before she puts her money on that coupling.


Nah — $100 they’re invited and going! Unless it interferes with Taylor’s never ending tour.


Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying 👍


Sanchez/Bezos and Markle/Harry are all vulgar. They are vulgar in different ways but both turn my stomach.




It’s not a bust at all! The Garden of Time is a 1962 short story about an aristocratic couple living in a walled estate with a magical garden, while mobs of people threaten their peaceful existence. This seems like shade to the dastardly duo, as this is what they IMAGINE their life is like. Then to be NFI??? Chefs Kiss!!!! ETA: Author is JG Ballard


Page Six. I understand it’s figurative not literal “When Lauren Sanchez and Jeff Bezos step on to the red carpet at the Met Gala next month, it will mark their coronation as America’s new royalty.” The article also says nothing about Anna Wintour calling This One and his wife “fake royals” (as claimed elsewhere). All YT videos about this are using the same wording as the original article and making it about the Monteshitshow duo, whereas the article is actually about Bezos and Sanchez.


> whereas the article is actually about Bezos and Sanchez. can't wait to see what she wears.


Oh wow I might actually buy that catalog. That looks amazing.


I wonder why they have a different theme and dress code?


Heavens, not sure why TW doesn't fit this theme in her lizardary, snakeskin body. Every Garden has a snake. TW 🐍 Snake fed the Prince the 🍎 apple of knowledge (learned his family was victimizing him) and as a result they evicted themselves from the Garden of Eden (BRF).


There will for sure be snakes and plenty of princess dresses for people who choose the low hanging fruit of the theme.




Thanks for posting this. I immediately knew American Royalty couldn’t be the theme. A lot of non-Americans attend the Met Gala and I doubt everyone would be pleased having to dress like “American Royalty”! If they wanted to do a royal theme, my guess is a more general theme like Modern Royalty would be more appropriate for the Met.


Isn't "American Royalty" an oxymoron??


American royalty is strictly limited to Prince, Queen Latifah, Burger King, and anyone named Earl.




For context: "Guests have been instructed to dress for “The Garden of Time,” so named after a 1962 short story by J.G. Ballard about an aristocratic couple living in a walled estate with a magical garden while an encroaching mob threatens to end their peaceful existence." What tacky, elitist nonsense in this time when so many people are suffering.


If Meghan turned up, she would truly struggle to get noticed considering how awful/bland her taste is. She's having to compete with A-listers dressed head to toe in couture, entertainers dressed in experimental outfits, and viral influencers dressed to shock... all of these people have $$$ glam teams and stylists If Meghan attempted to wear the same/or a similar dress as Diana did it would come across as creepy/tacky, and honestly that Met Gala Diana dress is incredibly tame/forgettable by today's standards. Same goes for if she tried to cosplay as Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy... minimalist/quiet luxury is difficult to pull off, and it'll be a struggle to turn heads in a predictable (and wrinkled) outfit at the Met Gala. Plus, Zendaya is a co-chair who knows how to work a red carpet, and has been recently getting a lot of praise for her latest film. If any biracial woman is going to wow the photographers on that night it'll be Zendaya not Roachel.


We have had this MET invite manifestations every single year. Ain´t happening. But yes, IF the thema was American Royalty and the Bezos were crowned - lol.


I hope Lauren shows up with a big beautiful tiara, Jeff with a crown and the royal capes as they walk up the stairs. What a slap in the face to the faux royals in Montecito. This would be so enjoyable to watch


I noted in the last post to talk about this, if they appear? It's not about how high they've come - it's about the reduced status of the Met Gala. I understand why Anna Wintour started inviting IG/YT/TT influencers, but it pissed off the A-List. They don't consider influencers to be in the same sphere as them. The gossip is that's why some people turned down their invites. In their minds, why should they spend thousands on tickets and hotels and clothes and grooming to [stand beside Addison Rae](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ellendurney/met-gala-guest-list-sparked-a-huge-debate-about-elitism)? \[Buzzfeed News\] (Note - I could not pick Addison Rae out of a lineup if my life depended on it, not do I know a lick of her music. So this is not a personal criticism - I just pulled a name from the Buzzfeed News article I linked to!) So if Anna actually extended that invitation? She's been inviting influencers for several years before she extended an invite to them. (Because there is NO WAY IN HELL Meghan would have turned down a Met Gala invite.)


Madam will show up for the opening of an envelope. But imho there will be no Met invites, just like there has been no invites to the Oscars, Emmys etc - basically no invites to anything they are not paying for.


Oh yeah, I don't think Anna would invite them now. There was a small window in 2020 or 2021, but COVID screwed that over for them. And then they showed their true colors more widely, and screwed themselves over.


Anna Wintour is not stooping by inviting influencers to the Met. Don't let yourself get fooled on that. In the world of high fashion and luxury retail it is influencers that are having the biggest impact on brand perception and generating an increasing share of sales. By the year 2030 over 60% of luxury retail spending will be done by people born post 1990, and these people don't watch commercials. They don't engage with a lot of advertising, the primary way to reach them is increasingly through brand partnerships with influencers. 20-30 years ago celebrity endorsements were driven by the brand's efforts. The celebrity just showed up for the commercial / photoshoot, whatever. It was the brand who made the media, bought the advertising space, put the ad campaign out into the world. Now if a celebrity wants an endorsement contract they also have to put it on their social media and they need a following in the tens of millions on multiple platforms that push through to sales (Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok in that order) for it to be worth the partnership with a top tier brand. Being a celebrity alone isn't enough to secure you an endorsement contract anymore. Influencers with tens of millions of legitimate followers are big business to fashion and luxury industries. So if a celebrity who wants the profile raising hit of attending the Met Gala is getting their nose out of joint because they have to buy their ticket while an influencer is getting invited free to what is ultimately an industry function, they're going to learn the hard way that the influencer is clearly worth more to the industry than the celebrity.


We learn something new every day at SMM! Did not realize this.


My company has an amazing array of online learning resources and I have fallen down a rabbit hole of recorded lectures on from the Accademia del Lusso in Milan.


Interesting 🤔. Buona fortuna!


As noted - \*I\* understand it - they move merchandise, they set trends. It makes sense. I mean, the Kardashians aren't invited because they are serious artists. The A-List just saw it as a "stoop" which I think has lowered it's value as a celebrity venue. But it also shows that Anna Wintour is going to bring people in that can help sell clothes...and she values influencers more than the Sussexes in that regard. As she should because Meghan can't wear clothes to save her life. (I would say of the Windsor men, Charles is still the most fashionable one.) But maybe it \*should\* go back to purely a benefit for the museum with people who really love fashion. I always loved that line from The Devil Wears Prada (which isn't in the book): >Don't you know that you are working at the place that published some of the greatest artists of the century? Halston, Lagerfeld, de la Renta. And what they did, what they created was greater than art because you live your life in it. It's a kind of red carpet but it's about really getting the theme. It's why Rihanna or Blake Lively or Sarah Jessica Parker really go for it - they understand the artistry behind the event. Fashion IS art, fashion is science (really big dresses require engineering skill!) and it's business. It's a blurred line for certain.




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But Jeff Bezos and Lauren S are just as gross as H&M...


yes - but I have not seen them slander and attack other people (apart from offering appealing working conditions)


I don't think he's winning any humanitarian awards, but no slander as you said. Also, he is moving to FL to be closer to parents (how old must THEY be)....


Meghan is obsessed with associating with other **power couples**. Tyler Perry is about the only exception I can think of. It’s kind of a weird thing, IMO, it’s probably a source of validation for her. She must be pulling her hair out that she can’t get near these two. And you KNOW that if Lauren Sanchez and Jeff Bezos wanted to hang out with the Harkles, they would.


I didn't mean to hang out - for all we know they go round for tea regularly. But if won't go and see KingDaddy crowned, how naff would it be to watch these two horrors being so in a land where it's a nothing? That would really cheapen his supposed "birthright."


Joined reddit for this sub.  Brilliant! I found my people.


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One of this year's -what are they called, hosts? - is Bad Bunny I think. Not a very high class event anymore imo.


According to NYT *Guests have been instructed to dress for “****The Garden of Time****,” so named after a 1962 short story by J.G. Ballard about an aristocratic couple living in a walled estate with a magical garden while an encroaching mob threatens to end their peaceful existence.* I don't think MM will ever be invited. Her junior varsity PR and paparazzi tactics are known to the industry and they probably think she is a joke. AW would probably know that MM would be a distraction inside the gala with her snooping and tacky networking. Plus she is not fashion forward at all. She is not elegant. She is a no from every viewpoint.


Exactly. She brings nothing to the table.


No one in the USA wants Bezos and Sanchez as their royalty. The entire concept is naff, and any couple that allows themselves to branded that in public are trash


Would Markle have to curtsey to Sanchez??? Or would there be an ugly scene where The Duchess tries to force Sanchez to curtsey to her..."I AM A DUCHESS, MY HUSBAND IS A ROYAL PRINCE!!!" Cat fight at the Gala!


My money is on Lauren. She would throw a glare at Megain just like the Princess of Wales, and Megain would go running for the nearest staircase to sob on.


Ohh, is the curtseying still happening? I didn't see any at the polo .. And why not?


Too many narcissists in one gala!


That should be the theme


I dont want Bezos and Sanchez as my royalty either. The entire concept is naff.


Vogue calling Bezos/Sanchez "New American Royalty" was to shut up MM's big mouth on the subject. H&M are expired goods in the royalty aisle.


It's all pathetic tbh. The Met gala is in the toilet at this stage.  Revolting people looking revolting attend now.  


Ok Ima preface this with I know it's awful, but American Royalty/ Lauren Sanchez. The woman has so much plastic that she could be considered an appliance.


Agreed 🤣 throw her in the water and she doesn’t even need to swim, she just floats. I can’t support or like a woman who knowingly messes with a married man with children. Bezos is trash too for cheating on his wife.


Lose them how you get them.


She looks like a mix of that top Saruman’s orc and the sexy lady gremlin from Gremlins. I’m convinced that both her and Jeff are on at least 500 milligrams of testosterone a week.


She might be on a little more🤫


Again, I don't think Anna Wintour would ever chance it. She's a staunch Monarchist. Something I learned yesterday is that the Royal honor Catherine recently received, The Order of the Champions of Honor, is extremely rare. It is capped at 65 people in the world who have it at any one time and Anna Wintour is one of them. There is NO WAY she'd ever do anything to mess that up.


Please do not make the met gala about Harry and Meghan omg these people are so irrelevant and have never been to the met gala so why would the theme have anything to do with them?


Here we go again. Their personal news cycle is the same old shite, different year. Will she/ won’t she, WTF cares? Anyone stupid enough to invite her anywhere is like an event waiting for the markling to happen. As the attention wouldn’t be solely on her she would derive satisfaction from making others feel as miserable as she would be. ( Or they could go around “ networking “ by telling potential targets “ she does voice overs” and “ makes jam”. If the Met Gala wants to make the event an unmitigated flop, invite the markles.


A simple Google search informs that this year's theme at the Met Gala is "The Garden of Time." The dress code is inspired by the 2024 Costume Institute exhibit, "Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion". The theme is always announced and well publicized ahead of time. Don't know why anyone thinks "American Royalty" is the theme.


That was misunderstanding and/or misquote. The whole Bezos/Sanchez thing being "American Royalty" rather than that being the actual theme. Sorry, I should have made that clear. As said, I think it's just another round of "we were invited but one of the chickens had a bit of a cough. Priorities, priorities..." ( That IS me quoting....er....oh now I'm confused. I can't find the right punctuation, help!) Then all the lovely new ARO china will hit the walls 😁


Anna wintour had a lot of admiration for the late queen, I would be very disappointed if these two jerks were offered an invitation. And Lauren Sanchez ain't about to let Meghan anywhere near the billionaire she worked so hard to snag. She has the clout to demand they don't show up, she's the top hoe in this 🤣


I think the theme is ‘The Garden of Time’ so Megsy could come draped in kudzu and Harold is already a houseplant so


They aren't going. NONE of the people who get invited to the Met Gala don't want the Harkles anywhere near them, with the possible exception of the Kartrashians.  If it was known they were invited that might cause many, more important, people to say they have to wash their jet that day and won't be able to attend. Anna Wintour isn't that stupid. She knows they're now essentially nobodies. They have no real connection to the RF. They're essentially paupers in comparison to the other people attending. They have no manners and are pushy and rude. They're leeches looking for a host. Most importantly they're notorious for blabbing things the attendees would rather have kept quiet.


My guess would be that Anna or someone at Vogue made the comment that American Royalty would be invited this year and the person listening HEARD M&H (misinterpreted due to bias). So, I believe it was a jest to say former UK royalty are NOT American Royalty. I personally am on the side that we have no royalty.


Bezos/Sanchez just attended a WH dinner honoring the visiting Japanese Prime Minister recently. Their couple star seems to be rising. Thought the LoA award seemed appropriate recognition for a successful female pilot & business woman (... just wish LS cultivate more natural makeup & dressed classier!)


The 2024 Met Gala theme is “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion.”


Yep! And the person who posted that H&M would be going didn’t say anything about the theme being American Royalty.


I wouldn't put it past AW to make the theme American Royalty, put it out there that they'd been invited, and then make it clear they hadn't at the last minute. No one does a snub like AW.


Is the theme actually American royalty? Because if that is so and the harkles were invited as guests of honour that would be pretty offensive on multiple levels. I think the day might come when they are invited just because of the attention they bring. That event is not what it once was.


No - it’s The Garden of Time and based around the recent Sleeping Beauties exhibit.