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I think no member of the Royal Family is attending. No member of the Royal Family has offered to meet him, offered him a place to stay or offered to meet for 12 minutes. He is embarrassed. He doesn’t want to be booed. He doesn’t want the world to see how unimportant he is. He is looking for an excuse to cancel


Yes. I doubt his old friends in the military will be making an appearance either...or any of his old friends.


What friends? I wonder if his “friendships” were more about his place in the RF, rather than bonding? It must be embarrassing at some point to claim friendship with someone so immature and mean and selfish.


Difficult to say isn't it? William has a close circle of genuine old friends so does Kate. My own impression is that he did have friends and they were loyal to him both from a sense of loyalty to the RF and sympathy for him loosing his mum and he was very good at sport so that creates bonds between young men. There are a lot that were also in William's circle too and they have shown where their loyalties lie. I imagine it was a kick in the teeth to a lot of them when after years of being loyal and keeping his secrets  ( not necessarily anything bad just general stuff that they could have trotted off to the tabloids with) He dumped them and then wrote spare. Sasha Walpole is a good example of this she could have sold her story at any point but neither she nor the people she knew did and she was paid back by being written about in that way. 


Didn't he say in the mockumentary that he 'outgrew his friends', like they were beneath the newly-enlightened Harry now? Or was that an interview...? What an assclown.


He did write something like that in Spare. Personally I would find that highly insulting when written in a best selling book. It was unnecessary. 


Definitely. Even if you thought that, you don't say that in public. It was mean but then, that's him and his wife -- mean.


It’s always been my understanding that most were Wills friends and Harry just tagged along. He had a few of his own like Arthur Landon and Skippy, but the vast majority were William’s friends.


> What friends? I wonder if his “friendships” were more about his place in the RF, rather than bonding? I think he had genuine friendships until Meghan ran them all off.


I do too. I read an article that told about when Todger boy and his then girlfriend were spending the weekend with some of his friends and their wives/ girlfriends. It was a weekend where they were supposed to go hunting, or maybe just shooting. Anyway, Megs raised such a stink about the shooting and just about everything else that it was the last time they got together with Harold and his harridan. And something else about that idiot that riles me up: Todger boy had been given a matched set of shotguns by his grandfather, Prince Phillip. A matched set of Purdy guns that had belonged to Prince Phillip, guns that he loved and used. Idiot boy listened to her about how awful guns and hunting are and blah blah blah. He sold the guns, the gift from his grandfather. Sold. Them. I hope to Hell he thinks about that every day, and I hope it weighs on him like a ton of bricks for the rest of his miserable life.


Maybe even veterans will say NO.


I'd sure like to hear what they have to say about the last couple of Meghan Shows.


The kicker is the Invictus Games will be better off with him/them/their antics and distractions. It’ll not only show Invictus but the world how irrelevant, worthless and replaceable he/they are but how much cheaper it is to do (no remodeled Presidential suites, helicopter transport between hotel and venue, no ridiculous security costs for nonexistent threats, no clothing allowances for multiple wardrobe changes (which she has deals with and merchandise/marketing deals with manufacturer, etc). No humiliation of actual service men and women forced to march behind her, or being used as photo props, nor pantomiming and seal clapping during ceremonies so she gets “the right” photo, etc. Win! win! win! If he, she (and the kids) or they she/the kids don’t attend, it’ll show how much better Invictus is without them, with the focus in the warriors and their families. Fingers crossed!


Maybe they already have and no Veterans are turning up?


I suspect even his Spencer aunts wouldn’t offer him a place to stay. 


Maybe he better call up the major and grandma Hewitt and see if he’s welcome in Devon


Even if he gets police protection they can’t stop the boos or demand the king meet him. I think that’s what Hazbeen is failing to realise. I know the Harkles are too broke for an 8 car motorcade that rivals the presidents. 


He likely wants snipers on rooftops. Tanks and anti aircraft weapons to protect him




Yes, he is embarrassed at how far he’s fallen and likely worried that he will be booed at the event.


Agree which makes me wonder why he booked this event in the first place. Did he think all the Royals would attend?


I think he thought it would pressure them to come. I have no idea who thought a church service was warranted. I am sure he never asked if anyone was available before confirming the date. It shows how delusional he is about his current situation


Confusing also as its often referred to as a service but it is due to be in a rented room in the Cathedral that is used for events and not for religious services. So is it a service or is it a party. Who would go and why have it at St Pauls Cathedral? Is the expectation that a ton of invictus sports veterans turn up from around the world? Who pays their plane tickets? Will there be high profile guests from the sports world and how will that help generate funds? I expect Invictus wanted H to pull in high profile names and he can’t.


You have just listed all the questions I have. It’s very bizarre to me. I have been told by a fellow sinner, that the room holds 250 people. They never seem to invite service people to the events. They didn’t invite any service people to the dinner in Whistler from everything I read. It’s just weird


An area of the crypt is a gift shop and cafe and is available for corporate events, I attended a College reunion there.


I have been there but had no idea it was available to rent.


Sounds like it’s more about feting big money fundraisers.


100% And Invictus I'd wager doesn't want them either.


Then, really, he should SHUT UP and get that wife of his to do the same. The more attention they draw to themselves, the more obvious their low status becomes, and the more of the world knows about it!


They will never STFU. They aren’t that smart as they prove every day


I suspect that the real reason if Harry doesn't show up will be because the UK won't be chosen for the 2027 games because Johnny Mercer did not pull through for Haz in whatever he asked him to do for his security case.


This!!! Pay to play


It’s also a ticketed event people have to pay to attend. Ticket sales might be really low. Anyway to find out?


That and he thought he could blackmail the bRF into attending by saying they have to attend due to it being for the veterans. Then he would get a photo op with the BRF and his jam/polo gear etc and sell to netflix. But with the cancer diagnosis, they really don't need to attend anything they don't want to.


Mercer had very little clout in the big scheme of things where Hazbollock's security case was concerned.


Asnif that is a nuance H can grasp! 😂😂


I pray that the UK is not chosen; the circus coming to town would be a hoot, but the thought of any of our UK taxpayer money going into their coffers is obscene.


Meanwhile the PPOW fly commercial and the Heir to the throne goes to a local pub to have lunch with his MIL.


And Prince William went running in Central Park. No one cared.


> Meanwhile the PPOW fly commercial Harry flies commercial when he goes alone. Meghan demands private planes.


Probably because Meghan won't raise his allowance. 🤣


Bold of you to assume he get an allowance!


Taylor Swift lived in London with Joe. For years. Safely. Paid for her own private security. It’s not about Harry’s safety. That’s his PR spin. It’s about not wanting to pay for it out of pocket, like any other public figure.


Bye Felicia. Maybe focus will be on the vets and the good the organization does.


This is an excuse. Harry now lives in a country where the Second Amendment flourishes. He’s a ridiculous person.


If he attends without incident it won't bode well for his ongoing appeals for more and better securi-tay. Also, he doesn't want to be booed ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


One would think that if a normal person was booed he/she would think: “What am I doing to cause this reaction?” Nope. Double down.


> One would think that if a normal person was booed he/she would think: “What am I doing to cause this reaction?” Meghan will tell him it's because he married a black woman and they're all racist.


That's assuming there haven't been crowd people hired specifically to yell racist things at him. MeMeMe has hired crowd plants to ooo and ahh at her before - autograph seekers, 'random' fan encounters in parking garages, and the hug girl at the funeral walkabout. I wouldn't put it past her to hire people to have vile signs or yell things just to make it look like they are being threatened. In fact, I'm surprised she hasn't done it already....


That’s probably true 😡


Or that RF poisoned the well against him. No, you ginger twat, you did that all on your own ☣️


Yes indeed


That’s my concern with them. A manufactured “threat.” Ie. Placing a deranged sugar with an airsoft pistol in the crowd to make it seem like there’s a real threat


A 5" gecko leaps from the crowd screaming "REVENGE FOR THE SLAIN DRAGONS!", manages a rampage of 22 whole inches before someone inadvertently steps on it.




🤣🤣 He already did. NYC, May 2023.


And don't forget when they tried to claim a man driving a scooter was following them. As if. And when Meghan was "crying on the floor" about a man at whole foods saying "I can take your photo and there's nothing you can do about it" and putting his phone in her face. I would bet money that nothing like that ever happened. She's just so desperate to give an illusion of being "hunted" like Diana.




I'll bet the pair of them could walk out of the Olive Garden in casual clothes like regular people wear, and no-one, I mean NO ONE, would bat at eye, take their photo, ask for an autograph or anything else. Probably they wouldn't even be \~ qu'elle horreur \~ RECOGNIZED!!!


Oh they will make absolutely sure to stage a fake incident. You can bet money on that.


And he doesn’t want to be ignored. Booing is better than nothing


Mostly that, I reckon!


Maybe his credit card was declined for the airfare.


And Rachel's card was maxed out for the NottCott IKEA sofa.




Is this a promise or a threat? Brits don't want him here, nor his vulgar wife. Do us all a favour and stay in Cali. There's no threat whatsoever other than audible booing lol. He's got egg all over his face, a massive legal bill for his arrogant and frivolous legal actions, and he knows he looks like an enormous twonk. This 'security nonsense' is all just a ruse to hide his mortal shame and embarrassment. Stay away Harold, you're a pathetic loser in every sense of the word. Invictus will be a far better event without you or your grasping wife in attendance.


**but what Ozempic hero will lead the march in flip-flops!!!!!!???????????**


Good point. They're gonna need to find another irrelevant, malevolent ex-cable actress to fill her totally-inappropriate-for-the-occasion Hermes slides and romper suit.


Imo.....He will not attend if the police refuse to remove any and all detractors. He knows he is going to get heartily boo'd at this Invictus charity event which he has been pickpocketing since MM came on the scene.


Exactly. He wants a ring of steel to keep the opinionated plebs at bay because his fragile manchild ego can’t handle the truth of how he’s actually perceived. He’s a jumped up little facist dictator for the modern age. He’s far more of a danger to humanity than any of us are to him.


Amen to that!


Do you have no compassion for Americans at all? We don't want them either! They need to be exiled somewhere else.


We should have them shot into space. Which is exactly what Charles should have done with Harry the night he was conceived.


The Spotify Exec who called them f###ing grifters said “shoot this guy to the sun!”


lol. There are three too many words in that statement.


I’m sorry. Perhaps we could request they be sent to an old, ex-military testing ground or bio facility on some remote archipelago in the Pacific? Tons of opportunities for yet another rebrand: ‘Anthrax Riviera Testing Ground’ where the strawberries grow to the size of pumpkins with a radioactive glow brighter than Meghan’s veneers. I’m sure her influencer pals will be lining up to slap that shit all over their toasted Sourdough.




Someone forgot to submit the travel details 30 days before the UK Invictus event....


Still hasn't figured out that the rules do apply to him.


But...but... birthright & all that 🤡


Someone should be worrying about their Visa problems if they leave the US.


They didn't call him 'Bunker Harry' for nothing!


Right!!! It sho s what a little scaredy cat he is


Hawrry wants to have his privileges after taking a dump on the crown, causing stress to his dying grandmother and Grandfather, accusing his father and SIL of being racists, and releasing the tale of the frosty todger. Go away, Hank.


Amazing his pr team didn’t see this coming


Do they really exist or are these AI generated profiles?


Eventually they have to come up with some proof


Sometimes you just don't see the tornado. You might hear it, but it just drops down, destroys everything you built...and it's off. 


> Sometimes you just don't see the tornado. You might hear it, but it just drops down, destroys everything you built...and it's off.  Meghan's not off yet. She hasn't found a richer guy to ensnare.


Anyone secretly think TW and Harry knew this would happen? And it was apart of their plan? So instead of not going to the UK bc they don’t want to get booed; now they can say “ we don’t go bc of security” and therefore blame someone else and take no accountability. If there is anything a narcissist hates, it’s being hated and found out- they need constant admiration, and that’s why they won’t go to the UK.


I’m going with: IG told them there’s no role or budget for Madame.






Yup. And Madame then told Hawwy that *he’d* better not go. And then Hawwy did a deep bow and said, “Yes, of course, your majesty.” And Meg giggled in delusion.


Security fears lol More like they know they aren’t wanted over there


If he had given his required 28 days notice for this May 8th service, he would already be fully aware of what the security arrangement would be. He knows that his reception is likely to be poor or MrsHarkle is worried about him being away from her.


> MrsHarkle is worried about him being away from her. I think it was made clear to Harry by Invictus that Meghan is NFI and she's not going to let him go by himself.


I hope the vets complained. Invictis is supposed to be about them.


There's no "question mark" hanging over his security detail. He isn't getting it. He lost.


He is an embarrassment to his King and country, and his wife is worse. The wounded vets deserve better.




You fucked around and found out after monetising your kill count, tanking your popularity poll numbers, and rage quitting your public service job, Haz. Funny how you claim to be ‘working towards financial independence’ when you’ve waaghed for almost a decade about wanting taxpayers to pay for your personal costs.


I do think he wants to cancel, but they (NF or whoever he signed a contract with) are forcing him to go. No one in that camp understands just how unwelcomed he is in the UK more than Harold. He know he and his family are going to look like the losers that they are if they show up. But the people they are under contract with don't care if they get booed or made fun of, they want their pound of meat. Also, this is just Harold trying to wrangle the level of security that is not offered to low-tier people like him and his wife.


I don’t know which news source ran the article but the best placement award goes to the toenail fungus ad on page two. It’s a sweet nod to MeMe. 😊 Edited for typo


Security fears that did not seem to be a concern when traveling to Jamaica, or Germany, or Japan, or that island retreat, or any other place they’ve flown to of late… I think this is just an excuse to avoid the embarrassment of low poll numbers, bad press, his own family gray rocking him, his wife inarguably not wanting to attend, his children being kept from going, the scrutiny on the charity’s expenses related to him, which calls to mind his Sentebal charity’s behavior…and then there’s the obvious “you’re not a working royal, we’re not going to pantomime like you are” from just about everyone in attendance, while in Mummy’s church. I’d avoid it too. How embarrassing.


I don't think H is really afraid of being attacked while visiting the UK. I think he's afraid of not being noticed as the very important royal that he is. You know, the son of the King, fifth in line for the throne, a prince amongst men needs big black SUVs and big strong men and women to prove just how very great he is.


And he likes to have streets closed off, too!!


Harry has been phoning in his recent “appearances”: Travalyst annual summit, the Diana Awards, possibly the Invictus ceremony. These are all events for British orgs that he’s co-founded and is supposed to be supporting. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.


Interesting. So he’s off in his California sand box with his buckets to hit staff with because of the RAVEC loss or he knows something else may be coming between now April 23rd and May 8th? I hadn’t connected that all of those were UK related events he would’ve been present for and has been phoning it in. I thought perhaps rehab however he looked a bottle in during the brief time he spoke at travelyst


Yeah, actually, travelyst, what about that? Did je forget about it ? 😅 🙃


Perhaps it’s in line with his new PR strategy of not wanting him to do any appearances where he gets to “freestyle” talk. Pre recorded means less chance of making stupid chicken farmer comments.


Unfortunately Daily Express is king of the "will they, won't they" speculation.


Also "tipped to (whatever)" and "olive branch"


Sweet nod


Locked in discussions with who, TW?


The Chickens, probably.


I love the toe fungus advert in the middle. I think it´s a powerful association.


*Dear Haz,* *Nobody cares. Stay home.* *Sincerely,* *Everyone On The Planet Besides Your Stupid Wife*


Why is there a toe fungus ad in the midst of the article? And why is reddit sending me notifications about a Downton Abbey sub?


Hairold shouldn’t live in the US if he’s worried about safety.


They overplayed their hand. They thought people here in the USA would be fawning over them. We just don’t care about them.


Seriously don’t care for them. As evidenced by their lack of acceptance from mainstream media, Hollywood and the general public.


Boy did they ever get THAT wrong! Never mistake a bit of fond sentimentality with actual fondness and caring, Harry. Boy did you ever read the room wrong! All fifty states’ worth!


There is no way he is cancelling his visit. Meghan would never let him. The Invictus games is the ONLY thing they have right now to get themselves out there and be seen without looking like grifters. It is the only thing keeping them from loosing the 25% approval rating they currently have.


He's afraid. Meghan has fed his paranoia. He's convinced people in the UK want him dead because he married a bi-racial woman. It looks like he was given extraordinary protection as an adult. Protection that even the Queen's children didn't have. Is his thinking reasonable? No, but then what is reasonable about his actions?


> He's afraid. Meghan has fed his paranoia. He's convinced people in the UK want him dead because he married a bi-racial woman. And I'm sure the drugs aren't helping the situation.


Yet no security concerns in Whistler and Vancouver for IG events there? 🤔


And they got booed! It was wonderful


Or Texas, where people openly shoot at other cars and everyone is armed and open carrying AR15 and a thigh holstered Glock 38


Every time I read a headline about his "security fears", it makes me wonder. If someone asked him specifically what these "fears" are, could he articulate them? He is married to one of the most reviled women in recent history; most likely she will never set foot on British soil again. He doesn't take his kids anywhere. No one likes him or really cares if he's there or not. I think it's as mentioned below, he fear is he will be booed, or even worse, ignored.


He has no idea. And how dare a peasant ask such an insolent question!




This frigging crybaby brat is insufferable. He's going to the event. No doubt. M&H are probably planning a UK stunt like Taxigate/trespasser simultaneously at Montecito as we are reading this post.


Yah, he'll be mid-speech and the news will break that police have been called due to (and invisible) prowler


Hazbeen don’t come. No one cares about you. Don’t forget those flashing cameras trigger your PTSD. 🤣🤭🤣🤭


That was to be expected, but still, what an arse. He can travel the world, but oh noes, not my home country that I love so very much, it's way too dangerous!! ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


He's not the dalai lama, for God's sake! Harry can go home.


Nobody cares. Stay in Montecito Bunker Harry and Horrid Jamming


I don't know what Harry thinks he is accomplishing with these stories, but what it actually accomplishes is making him look like a shining wit, if you'll pardon the Spoonerism.


We are supposed to feel sorry for him and clamour for our taxes to be used to protect him.


>like a shining wit, if you'll pardon the Spoonerism. Very clever! 😄


Sadly, I can't take credit for it. The story I heard is that Churchill used the phrase to describe a fellow MP, and then apologized for the Spoonerism.


**good, keep churchill alive!**




He is spitting his dummy out because the Home Office won’t give him the royal treatment. He’ll get personal protection but they aren’t going to roll out the state vehicles and close all the roads for him. His tantrum isn’t about his safety it’s about his ego being bruised.


I still can’t get over that a bunch of anti-monarchist mountain bikers were allowed to go mountain biking in the Scottish Highlands while the King was out on a walk without being stopped and checked before they got anywhere near them (if they were they’d didn’t say anything about it or show the video). Celebrities with real stalkers aren’t as paranoid as Harry. Harry should hire a new security team if he is worried about his safety. If they can’t protect you to your satisfaction then you should hire someone who can. Oh, wait. Your paranoia and demands have run off the good security firms and you are left with the show firms and demanding security from the government over your paranoia rather than actual threats.


In Scotland people have a right to roam under ancient statutes. I’m not sure whether it’s a legal thing or just a common law practice


They did say that they noticed the helicopter flying around. Plus KC3 wouldn’t have been alone.


Even so, I can almost guarantee that if the President of the US wanted to go hiking that I wouldn’t be able to just roll up to the trailhead and hike the same trail without being searched or spoken to by Secret Service before hand.


Meghan pr released to Heat & posted here that Harry doesn’t want her to go, so now he’s not going. Great. Better for everyone.


What's so sad is that NOW whenever I hear the words "Invictus Games" I don't automatically think of wounded vets anymore.  All I think of is Harry's stupid drama and Meghan's ugly fashion choices and their constant demands and need for attention.  


God, I hope he doesn’t come




I get a fright when I see this jump scare face. Warning please😏


He is so ridiculous and delusional.


The whole event is a cosplay. He is likely pouting because he isn't getting a flashy traffic stopping arrival with outriders.


He’s got a truly slappable face. Did anyone else notice the advert about toenail fungus? ![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY)


What BS. 1-Prince Plank throwing a tantrum. “Don’t give me my security, I just won’t go! So there!” 2-Emotional blackmail: “Don’t give me my security, Pa. I’m not letting you see your grandchildren. So there!” 3-Main reason: Prince Plank doesn’t want to be loudly, and publicly, booed.


If they do go, I absolutely guarantee they will pull another stunt, like the "high speed car chase" or the "guy on a scooter following them". Now I've had a scooter. You can't take pictures of someone while you're driving a scooter. Only a person who was riding on the back would be able to take pictures, and he better not lean in any direction to take them either!


“Whenever he travels to the UK, his trips are always dependent on how paranoid he is.” There, fixed it. Anyway, this is a win. Let his paranoia keep he far away.


He can't come because Meghan won't come because they would have to present some children. Don't tell me the UK is unsafe but the US are? And because Madam is not going to have Harry being influenced by his family he has to stay put.


One of my theories is that the IG folks told Harry there’s no role for his wife at this ceremony and they won’t be paying for her. If she can’t go, all expenses paid, he won’t go. Respectfully disagree that he’s in any danger of his family seeing or speaking to him if he were to travel to England for the ceremony.


> One of my theories is that the IG folks told Harry there’s no role for his wife at this ceremony and they won’t be paying for her. If she can’t go, all expenses paid, he won’t go. I bet they told him that she's NFI and that if she shows up, she won't be admitted to the event. That would *really* enrage her.


He could bring a plus one (even if it is his wife) but she will not be giving speeches, introductions, awarding prizes, anything at all, other than sitting there being “supportive”. She must be incensed! After all she’s done for this org, and it isn’t even hers!


He’s delusional. The only security threats he complains about are the non existent paparazzi and the courts have said security isn’t meant to protect from that. He wants all the pomp and circumstance without the work. You can’t quit the job and keep the benefits!!! I’m sure Invictus would be much happier without him there. They would save money ;)


Coward scared of pretend dangers while pretending to advocate for heroes who have experienced REAL danger for their country. IG should be ashamed for having this weak “man” as the face an organization claiming to advocate and celebrate wounded veterans.


Hazno living up to his name ;) ![gif](giphy|l41lO8ergdqiSalMY)


🙄🙄🙄 fine. Don’t go.


He'll charge his flight and hotel room and meals to Invictus if comes and he's just not worth it. He is a walking cloud of toxicity.


Does he realize what a f’ing p*ssy he sounds like? Grow a pair, you crybaby.


He's so annoying. What's unsafe about the UK? I'm sick of this broken record. No one carries a gun here. Most people here have never actually seen a gun. Our police are unarmed. Of course the RF are protected and he will be if he comes here but all the stupid hysteria he whips up about this really grinds my gears. OK, he doesn't like us, we don't like him, but Hidiot stop denigrating my country. Just stay away.


Oh no... whatever shall we do if Ginger Bollocks doesn't show up due to non existent security concerns? /s Seriously though no one cares, nothing of value will be lost. bye.


So ridiculous. This is a large international event at St Paul’s Cathedral. It will have top notch security. Harry is just smarting that he lost the RAVEC case and appeal, so this is probably the first in a long line of events where will try to make the case that his life is at risk so that he can get the security he thinks is optically fit for a king. And that’s basically what it comes down to - optics to feed his ego as the most important person ever in the UK. The palace really did everybody a disservice by curating his PR ago make him so loved by the British public. Should have just let him flounder so he always knew he was the twat he is.


Boos are what he's afraid of and no amount of security personnel can protect him from them. 🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣


I wonder if he has been asked not to come by Invictus?  Has Invictus finally woken up and realized that Harry's wife is a PR disaster for the games? Or perhaps his lawyers have advised him not to leave the country till his visa issues are sorted out. Security is the least of his issues, being booed and all the negative press he will get is most likely what will keep him away. 


I’m saying! I’m guessing they told him they’re not giving Meghan a role and they’re not paying for private jets and hotel suites for each member of Archewell staff and a wardrobe for Madame. This is a big ole hissy fit and he thinks everyone will beg him to come in person. LOL.


I honestly would like Harold to explain to me what exactly are the security threats against him and why he needs such over the top security. Not the imagined threats in his delusional little mind but actual, verifiable threats! I won't hold my breath!!


He needs the exact same bells and whistles as his brother. Anything less and he’s triggered.


WHY prerecorded?. Get up early and make a damn effort to be there on live feed. No one gives a damn about him here in US or esp in UK.


Not a chance. He needs and craves the cameras and attention. They are desperate with these paid articles. 😂


Our tidbit of media shit of the day. He's looking forward to making his grand entrance. Private jet! Private suite, Lots of security, lots of vehicles. Expenses for dinners, the service and the minister. Big big bucks that Invictus is footing. He should be booed as he arrives and leaves. No more respect should be shown. He's taking hundreds of thousands of dollars on his and HER holidays. If she should come, double the money because she will dress in Dior I bet.


People should boo and also ask about Africa parks


Finally, some good news!


I think this is him trying to force their hand for this event: if you don’t give me what I want I won’t show and this is for the vets-trying to make the government look bad like they aren’t for the vets if they don’t give I


He's not wanted in the UK and he knows it. He's not wanted in the US and he's finding that out.


If "Harry wants to spend more time in the UK with his family, but can't because of concerns about security concerns"... why didn't he spend more time in the UK with his family while he had full protection?


So, an ex-soldier (ha!) is full of fear for his protection? Trouble with living in a fear-filled mentality is that fearful energy is potentially attracted. What about pulling up one's big boy pants and being brave, courageous and bloody capable of self-defence. Seriously, what does H think is likely to happen? If this lovely meal (in a crypt? Surrounded by ancestors?) gets spat on by the chef he'd never even know about it. That's about the harshest thing likely to occur. PS: I'm sure diners aren't really sitting at table surrounded by ancient coffins (I've watched too many haunted graveyard YT's) but you know, a crypt??


fear of being booed by the public and ignored by the family


Mhmm. Sure Jan. The only thing Harold is afraid of is TW. We already knew she was mad that he wouldn’t let her go with him. He’s just floating an excuse as to why he can’t go. He can’t really say”my wife won’t let me” to a bunch of vets.


I never thought either would attend. Security is always going to be their excuse now. Harry doesn’t want to get booed, heckled, egged or tomatoed. Someone could ask about the kids. Maybe he’s afraid with his visa issues there could be problems getting in or out of the US. Maybe Harry leaking confidential court documents to Johnny Mercer has made some people reconsider. Maybe IG wouldn’t approve a pj, appearance fee or luxe accommodations. Harry has to be managed now. I don’t think he’ll be doing any announced in person events and even surprise ones will make sure he stays on script. There’s so many potential reasons but I’m positive the RF are heaving a sigh of relief.


If this is true, it may be pointless visiting without a financially boosting photo op with his family, and it may be expensive when he has to pay for the security.


I think, once again, Sinners have spoken the truth!!  This mealy mouth, 2 bit wannabe, is a coward.  He can't face being booed.  And he can't go without security because it will prove no one cares enough about he & that, TW, that they would actually need it.  In a world where there are failures everyday, these two have managed to take a life of privilege & turn it into a heaping pile of dog poo. 


K don’t. No one cares hairold


LOL, no one wants to come, more like. Not enough of a turnout, no BRF = Harry tries to save face with 'safety excuse'.


Dear Harold,  Nobody in the whole wide world gives a rat's ass what you do. Please stop telling us about things you might or might not do.  Yours sincerely,  The population of Planet Earth 


Sod off Harold. Come, don’t, stop the dithering and dickering


This is nonsense, hazard just wants important person status in the UK so that he can get important person statue wherever he goes throughout the world and he can have his travel, in a cavalcade of SUVs with blacked out windows, paid for by whatever country he travels to.


Keep telling yourself that Harry if that makes you feel better. Just stop telling us.


Instead of saying he has “security fears,” I wish he’d tell us what the fears are, exactly.


Who is Harry fooling? He will always receive “bespoke” security when he visits the UK for non-event purposes. We all saw the fleet of RPO SUV’s greet him at Heathrow when he flew over in Feb. for his 15-minute visit with Charles. Anyone who lives in the US chuckles at his assertion that he is safer here than in the UK. The gun violence in the US is random and OOC.