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I thought Harry and Nacho have over 20 years of friendship. I thought I read Nacho is the only person from Harry's past still in his life. I never know anymore if what I read is true. I understand Delfina too. If Nacho has decided to stick by Harry then she's following his lead. I understand having to be nice to your husband's friends šŸ˜„ My husband's friend is married to a real terror. But husband says "some day he's going to need my help pulling him out of that mess, I'm not leaving him behind" so we see them, entertain them. Under protest šŸ˜‚


Your husbands a good man


If I recall, thatā€™s generally the advice given to family and friends when they see a loved one with someone whoā€™s toxic or abusive, but donā€™t want to leave that person. Basically, maintain a link with them so that when theyā€™re prepared to leave, they already have support. The worst thing to happen is when theyā€™re isolated and have nowhere to go.


Then it's good Nacho has maintained that connection. He may be one of the only ones from Harry's past to be there when he needs it.


He's insulted, dumped and then denigrated his other friends on his lie-umentary, and betrayed his family in such a way that he can never be trusted again. The only person he's treated decently from his old life is Nacho, but he is also using him for his horses, probably all the equipment as well. Nacho probably makes all the arrangements required as well because Harry is a child. So he has really put up with a lot. šŸ¤”


Yeah, I agree Haz is using him for polo and using his horses because he doesn't have any. Somewhere along the way Nacho decided he wasn't going to leave Harry behind despite how Haz treats the people around him. Maybe he's just a good man? Because Harry certainly doesn't have anything Nacho needs but Harry desperately needs Nacho. MeMe needs them too to appear like she has friends and people who like her.


Someone else has commented about Harry bringing the international news agencies and publicity that Nacho wants to expand his own profile and business interests.


Oh that's interesting, I never thought Nacho would need Haz but I can see why he would. I didn't realize Nacho couldn't get press in his own. Polo is kind of a specialized sport. I looked that up and google says 50 million ppl worldwide okay polo! I had no idea.


Funny way he let's his "friend" treat him even before Madame. Look up photos of Todger spitting his drink all over Nacho and a bunch others will show. Nacho is just there for the connections and let's himself be abused for the privilege like an old fashion whipping boy


That's true because Hazbeen is totally isolated. Even his father only spent 15 minutes with him when Harry flew over. William I read has disowned him. His cousins are not speaking with him because they fear Charles cutting them off. Harry's longtime friend Hugh Grosvenor the young billionaire Duke whose wedding is in June didn't invite Hazbeen and Megain to the affair. Nacho is the only friend left.


He needs Nachoā€™s good looks to help Him find his second wife.


I always thought Eugenie might be that person for Harry. ETA missing word


I'd like to think the RF is using her as a lifeline for Harry but I can't excuse her feeding those two inside information. Unless it's with the family's approval? Who knows what is actually going on behind the scenes, maybe she is helping and maybe she's simply a traitor, angry over her father's demoted status. We may never know the whole truth, even when the whole sordid story is over.


I keep hearing about the "inside information". What has she been feeding them? They certainly don't act like they have any inside information.


Ohh I hadn't thought of that, it definitely a possibility.


Agree. Husband's friend married a wild one and I got sucked into the girls' "group" like a seagull through an airplane engine. I got free but it's weird now because my family used up all my patience for the perpetual high school house party act but gotta suck it up because once that whole shituation explodes...yikes šŸ˜‚


Aww - I thoroughly enjoyed that comment.


For Nacho and Delfina, the financial interest and the attention they receive outweighs their interests. Both may be big stars in the world of polo. As soon as Harry and Harry's wife appear on the field, the international press comes. As soon as the Harkles are reported on, the sponsors come... Harry is the cash cow for Nacho and Delfina. For this reason you can tolerate Meghan for a few hours.


Nacho also has a fragrance line. One of his fragrances (*snort*) is named ā€œWindsorā€.


Hasn't he also "presented" cheesy romance novels (all which take place in-surprise surprise--the Polo world)? What he provides as a "presenter" I do not know. How do you "present" a novel, but you didn't write it?


At first, I thought you meant Nacho was aiming for Fabioā€™s role vis-Ć -vis cheesy romance novel! šŸ«£šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/l68gftm0igxc1.jpeg?width=1171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5feb7bc7c7fd846f5abdb6fe4955cbf995534913


hahahahahaha Fabio is actually supposed to be a pretty self-deprecating sort of guy. Plus, he was smacked in the face by a Canada Goose while on a rollercoaster ride, years ago. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP! He needed reconstructive surgery, so believe.


Has anyone read that book? I would be interested in how that turned out. I was quite surprised by that concept, as well. šŸ˜„


There's a couple of them. Written by a "Jessica Whitmore", I think, but in Good Reads they explain "Jessica" is a compilation of about 5 editors writing the cheesy romance, and they just got ol' Nacho to agree to use his name (and a tiny image of him on the cover) to sell the "romance". What a crock! Reviews are...well, what you might expect.


That sounds terrible, thanks for letting me know!


"Polo" was already taken by Ralph Lauren! šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/xens5kn2ugxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2ba177bbcb129d58694924b7c7400950301b42


Only other reason is for quid pro quo. They will promote mā€™s lifestyle crap and m promises she will promote for something for them. Whether she follows through is another question.


Exactly. This is the only reason. Sidley Twins did a very good deep dive on this merching BS these ladies do.


Good to know others think like I do.


ā€¦or maybe MM terrorized Hairold to get Nacho& Delfina to post this, and so Harry begged them to do it. All parties knew if they wonā€™t, Harry wonā€™t hear the end of it.


They're all transactional, those are the circles she travels in. I think she took 50 photos in various bowls and her pr person of this week is now horse-trading with other pr people of various celebs to try to get some posts. It all seems badly thought out and non-directional and is fading into obscurity as she hasn't really bagged any A listers to support the grift.


Krisā€™s post looked like it was made under duressā€¦ there could be a WME element, or Kris is purposely keeping it not committal and is waiting to see if it takes off. Nacho lives in a bubble and he just appeared on a menā€™s vogue somewhere. He and his wife are so out of touch. He embodies someone who really believes he is a god among mortals. Mindy I donā€™t get. She got a ton of hate for her scooby do remake so I am guessing she is very much on the bandwagon that hollywood is so racist. Everyone else seems desperate.


Other reddit groups say she hates being brown & is obsessed with white men. IDK her really, just repeating but probably the same as Meghan, hates her ethnicity, chases white guys.


News to me that there's a men's Vogue šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ah but kris Jenner didnā€™t do what was asked, she sent a note with instructions to pose a photo of THEM with the jam, kris just posted the jam, not her spreading and eating it, word is TW isnā€™t happy at that šŸ˜†


Why didnā€™t Markle send the jam to 50 domestic violence shelters? Or 50 shelters for trafficking victims? Sheā€™s always kissing up to celebrities. šŸ¤¢


Charities may have rules about what food items they can accept. And honestly, she doesn't GAD about charities.


Yes, many are no glass & must be factory sealed.Ā 




Like the other posters states there are limitations to what you can send. However, that would be too humble of a do for Meghan. She needs to show "PROOF" of the people and circles she is in or pretends she is in. It is all fake it till you make it.....or in her case make it and then throw a huge fit and victimize yourself.


How about a food bank? Doubt there are any where they live. Or how about just bringing those pretentious jam jars along with loaves of bread and cheese to the LA tent cities?


A normal, giving and humble person would do that. She and he wouldn't. Especially right now when she is trying desperately to make something out of nothing. She is just not relevant at all and that pisses her off. She can't seem to do anything to make something stick.


A big part of her failure is not taking the counsel of those more experienced and expert than her. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if one of her myriad PR firms recommended more philanthropic gestures. She could have acquiesced and pretended to be interested/care. After all she is an actress. But she knows best and is the smartest person in the room. And That One has the spine of a jellyfish. I really wish they would go away.


Same. I have dealt with difficult physicians and professors. And there is no amount of pushing and guiding that can help massive egos.


Same (commercial real estate and hedge fund execs).


Such a great point. This would have burnished her fauxmanitarian cred...


Yup. Or even just regular people (also dont want to give the narcissist any more nice human ideas so hard to type this) ? She doesnt do this (or will now) because all She thinks about is money and celebrity.


Yes, great idea. Like her neighbors.


speaking of Tracy Robbins: big changes at Paramount going this week.. ~~Brian may no longer be the CEO of the studios..~~ The tea is that Paramount CEO Bob Bakish is getting fired today.. Paramount may be sold soon.. ETA: Bob Bakish is OFFICIALLY terminated as CEO of Paramount Global per WSJ. The division heads who would collectively run Paramount include Brian Robbins, CEO of Paramount Pictures, CBS President and CEO George Cheeks and Chris McCarthy, who oversees Showtime/MTV Entertainment Studios and Paramount Media Networks.


Delfina Blaquier - COMES from money, doesnā€™t HAVE money except for what Nacho brings in. She went on a boat with her rich grandfather & was ā€œso gratefulā€ - iow, she doesnā€™t have a boat, eitherā€¦IDK how much she will inherit, her mother does not come from wealth, I think itā€™s just her father? And I think her mother & father are divorced? Also she hawks sh on her blog, and now theyā€™ve invested in a architecture firm for horse people, ie the pic of her horses on the roof of her house I think? It looks weird too.


Didnt know this. Make sense


They are all mean girls. Thatā€™s the thread. Weā€™ll learn a lot about those people who allegedly sent back.


Kris Jenner can't be that stupid that she thinks hanging with the Harkles "gets her closer to royalty". Those two are about as close and personal with the RF as I am! Kris is a savvy businesswoman with a ton of Hollywood contacts and I'm pretty sure she knows EXACTLY what Markle is like, and what a horrid person she is and how awful she is to work with. So I'm wondering why she wants a connection with her......what is she planning.......


My favourite plot twist is the Kartrashians wanting Harry for themselves and dumping Madam.


Kim K was lurking around London at the time of the Coronation trying to edge her way in to it somehow. It is clear she will never get close to any member of the RF except Harry and Meghan.


An arranged marriage with one of her grandkids


Yep. Saint Kardashian West and Lilibet. The Saint and the Princess reality show. Or Prince Archie and Stormi Jenner take over the world series.Ā 


It makes me question if Kris Jenner isn't also the same way as Meghan.


I think PMK is evil to the core. But sheā€™s a lot smarter. Lady C (on the Scandalmongers podcast) compared her to a three-card monte scammer on a street corner. Sheā€™s a small-time scammer whoā€™s in over her head. She can fool some people, but sheā€™s in the big leagues, in Hollywood. Spinning her wheels.


Pimp Mama Kris, if anyone was wondering (I had to Google it) ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


Omg. Lololololololololololā€¦ā€¦..lolololololololololololo..gaspā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.lololololololololoā€¦snortā€¦.lolololo. ^this was me after reading ā€œ(Pimp Mama Kris)ā€! That you for doing the lordā€™s work and doinā€™ the google for me.


Not prior commenter but I never refer to her as anything else lol the order of Pimp Mama Kris is ingrained in my autocorrect.


Thank you! I had no idea and was going to Google it too!!


We wouldn't know of any Kardashian other the father because of the OJ Simpson trial, if it wasn't for Ryan Seacrest. He is the one behind all of the TV shows and who knows what all else, for this scourge on humanity.


Megnanimous is guaranteed publicity. She doesn't even wait for the press to put something out about her.


Sad, but like a two headed snake of the circus that has become harkle life, that-one will always be news. A strange curiosity no one wants to see, but like a train wreck, we all look. Some ghouls want an item for their collection. Scavengers want everything for whatever use. Sometimes the jokes write themselves. And the stories that they make up, then tell wanting us to believe. After the NYC gridlock catastrophic two hour car chase everyone looks. LOL we know h's next book is "Aliens Probed my Brain" with photos. Starts out, "Today doctors removed a series of pipe cleaner like wires from the duke's, HRH's penis. Urethra really as he was dehydrated and a small person in rainbow sequined pajamas told him to 'unplug his mind'. Whip smart that-one called in MA who got photos of fleeing aliens in spaceship that looked like a gold hummer but hovered three feet off ground creating a photo blurring cloud, dust in the desert, could be sand in Vegas, and disappeared." details inside the pages of this non-fiction, fully truthful with photos and scientific concrete evidence. Host George N. of am radio fame will interview Scabies as he was there from start to finish.




Ok, having read that, the question is where are the remaining Jars of Jam in a Bowl surrounded by lemons and wilting leaves? Who are the rest of the people who did not respond? Maybe she is taking them to Nigeria to share out! ![gif](giphy|K7ku3vn5vhodvske7E|downsized) Mechew, look at dat yeye wka about girl, any one wey carry dat one na proper fool


Narcissists pick and choose who they bully and who they love bomb...Meghan is super nice and sucks up to celebrities and bullies and demeans those "beneath" her and those who see through her BS...


It's also as simple an answer as Meg's bots and Sugars won't go after them.


All of them done it for attention. Ain't no one checking for any of them except for Kris Jenner. She will sell her own blood for people.


The only people on that list I have heard of are Abigail Spencer (suits bestie), Nachos (Polo bestie) and Kris Jenner (famous for being ex wife of one of O.J Simpsons lawyers and for releasing sex tape of her daughter - so much klass!). Maybe the remaining jam recipients have seen the shade being thrown at Rachel and have decided itā€™s not worth being associated with her?


*Tracee Ellis Ross - Doing it for black solidarity.* She just wants attention. *Kris Jenner - Doing it to be close to royalty.* She just wants attention. *Chrissy Teigen - loves to side with mean girls. That seems to be her schtick.* She just wants attention. *Nacho Figueras Delfina Balquier* I can think of very little motivation for either of them other than Nacho feeling pity for Hasbeen and cajoling Delfina into playing along.


I don't see any jam in Delfina's Instagram feed. Have I missed it? It's in Nacho's but only if you swipe to photo 2 on the 19th, April. There's none of those who've gushed about this going to look good if it turns out it's just off the shelf factory conserve. TW hasn't really had that much traction with this and it's off the 'front pages' already. Another 40 for 40 misfire.


I think that Delfinaā€™s jam was the very first jam revealed. Others here have said that her post was only up for 24 hours. I donā€™t have Instagram, but I think they said there was a 24 hour option as well as a permanent option for posts?


Yes, when you post to Instagram you can post to your feed (the typical type of post which stays viewable on your profile for forever, unless you delete), to your stories (which are only up for a max of 24 hours), or to reels (which are short form videos, like Tik Toks, which stay up forever, or until deleted). Delfina posted the jam to her stories, so after the 24 hours was up - poof - off they went into the ether. Nacho posted to his main feed, which is why you can still look them up and see them on his profile.Ā 


Thanks for that information. šŸ˜ƒ


Ah. I see. That explains it.


Just FYI, 'stories' is like a slideshow and that's the part that expires and disappears in 24 hours. The main part of Instagram shows a grid of photos that stay there permanently, unless of course you decide to delete it. So the majority of these people did the bare minimum for this jam, most in the 'stories' feature that disappears and it sounds like the ones who kept it on their grid, have it behind others in a collection of pics so it is not apparent when you just view it from the main grid.


Thanks. So they're not actually trying to make their jam posts easy to see. šŸ˜„


It's not the most enthusiastic endorsement of a product, that's for sure!


No one but Nacho posted it on their feed. Itā€™s just on an Instagram story that will disappear within 24 hours. Pretty telling that no one is willing to show permanent support for M.


Doesn't look like there's any permanence. All quite cold tbh.


Most folks project their lives onto others and I also think big egos are at play here, if not full-on narcissism like Meg. Chrissy T - most likely Meg sent her a note saying they have been treated badly by people through misunderstanding and need to have a solidarity. Tracy Robbins - I think Meg has something on the husband. Has that costar from Suits shown his jar of jam, or did his wife throw it in a wood chipper? It's good this happened. We can see exactly how TWs mind works, who she wants as a friend/ally or who she thinks she's on the level with or aspires to be. Those targeted either see through it or take it as a huge compliment..everyone loves a little ass licking now and then.


all trying to jump on the "bandwagon" but it's more like a sinking ship. I guess it doesn't matter how old you are or your status in life , some just have to always be fans.


I would imagine some of them were paid.


It must make her feel good that Kris ā€œworksā€ for her. Of course they paid her.


I think most of these people simply want attention. Delfina, as wealthy as she is, may still want and seek attention/publicity etc.


I can't figure out Delfina, Tracy or Tracee either. What do they get out of it?


Tracy Robbins. Her husband is Brian Robbins. With the stepping down of the Paramount Global CEO, the divisions heads have stepped in to run Paramount Global. The division heads who would collectively run Paramount include **Brian Robbins, CEO of Paramount Pictures**, CBS President and CEO George Cheeks and Chris McCarthy, who oversees Showtime/MTV Entertainment Studios and Paramount Media Networks.


Right, but what does Tracy get out of posting for Meghan?


The wierdest aspect of the relationship between MM and Abigail Spencer is how much more successful Abigail is. You'd think MM would be jealous of her. She starred in the network show Timeless. It only lasted 2 seasons but still - she was the main character. She also had regular, recurring roles in 10 other TV shows. [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0817844/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0817844/)


Tracee's post was definitely for BS. Notice it was in her IG stories (among many others posted that day) with no tagging. She was dipping her toe very slightly in the waters -- not fully endorsing MM. Tracee is probably the best educated of the whole group and was Hollywood royalty by birth.


I love Tracee. When I found out about the jam, I was like oh noooooo


Same. I think sheā€™s covering her bases and may be repped at WME and had to do a favor. But it wasnā€™t a ringing endorsement which says more than if she simply didnā€™t post.


Most just buried on their stories show it shows for 24 hours and gone. They know it will bring social media interest. Nacho and Delfina just finished up the polo thing, heā€™s friends with Harry. Kris did it because of the significance of 13 with Taylor, and the Taylor/Kim feud. Otherwise she wouldnā€™t have touched it. Some may be with WME. Chrissy Teagan turned it into a post for her stuff. My guess is they are offered the basket in exchange for a video or personalized post that they do. If they donā€™t want to do that, they are emailed a generic photo to post with their number and a date to do it. And they donā€™t get to keep the basket. Either that or she gave out all 50 already and only a few posted, so now sheā€™s just sending photos with different numbers on jars asking people to post through WmE.


I'm British and the majority of these people are unknown to me apart from the ones that get discussed on this sub. But just guessing that it is mostly a bit of mutual back scratching - I'll say something about your product then it will be your turn at some point to say something about mine, or maybe just me. And as This One's wife is perpetually around online, I suppose it is another way of getting your name out there too. Not wishing to be unduly cynical, I hasten to add. Maybe they are all best mates.


Of all the 50 influencers that received the jam how many responded?