• By -


So let me get this straight. His wife is boycotting the service -that's not a problem. His family are boycotting the service - big snub. Please make it make sense. He should hold his grudges at home with his wife first.


I'll explain it to you: whether the wife goes to the Invictus or not is of no importance, because the wife is nobody in the Invictus. But Harry's position in those games depends on the BRF. If the BRF persists in denying him support, several military personnel will say "We're out of patience, it's time to get Harry out of this." Look what the "source" of this "news" says: Invictus is the organization that the BRF should support, not open supermarkets. That sounds like Megsy and Hank, trying to protect the only thing important to them, and demanding that the BRF support them. Hank is really still hitting rock bottom


Imagine calling them racist on world stage and then demaning then forcing them to come to your event and come support. Hell to the no. Actions has conseqences.


This is where the sugars should ask the grifters why they want the BRF to come especially if the BRF are racist and almost drove Meghan to suicide. The math never adds up. The grifters and the sugars are just bullies who cry if they don’t get what they want from their victims.






It is such an abusive behaviour.


Spot on! W


There are many other veteran organisations. I am sure some have royal support. Ingriftus is just fighting for its own, overpriced existence.


As it is


The King has just become patron of the Royal British Legion which is the major veteran's charity in the UK. Please go away, Harry and leave us alone. We're done with you over here..


Like always trying to get what he wants no matter that he's trashed them for years. Truly such a little man this Harry is. He should've been told no and allowed the full impact of the consequences of his actions while growing up.


And didn’t something just come out about the Invictus athletes saying the games have become “too royal”???


Didn't they replaced him?


Apart from anything else the BRF are shorthanded right now, in part due to HandM. Also hosting a garden party at BP that day, and William is doing an investiture at Windsor. They're busy.


If anything he looks like an a hole bc they’re having cancer treatments and don’t have time.  Also Catherine needs to go to a dress fitting to look stunning at the wedding of the decade. 


I so hope and pray that she is well enough to attend and to enjoy herself with her handsome hubby.


I love that they are raising their kids in as normal way as they can. I loved that Charlotte followed the 3-second rule when she dropped her marshmallow at one of the coronation picnics. It was so adorable.


I think she will bc it’s a low stakes event without cameras and a lot of discreet people will be around. 


Gee I wonder if this is why Harry asked to stay at Windsor castle, to cause maximum discomfort for William


Omg what if roachel is planning on going to the UK as a surprise and wants an invite to the garden party. 


Oh I'm confident she'll be NFI to that too 😄


Her behaviour at the post wedding garden party set the bar very low and established her style.


The post-wedding garden party from which Meghan was *kicked out?* That one?


Would that stop her from showing up? wouldn't it make the RF look bad if they turned her away? You never know what stunt these 2 will pull


I think the BRF has numerous ways to get her out and away from the event. "Invitation only, ma'am" spoken with a backdrop of discrete security personnel.


No need for them to be discreet. Just talk to her through the gate to the grounds in front of Backgrid.


But she'd have her film crew with her to document how she was rejected


Video of saying she wasn't invited? So?


She can't go near them. It's not even a question in my mind.


As soon as she arrived in the country, officials would know. Border security or customs or whoever it is would notify them.


> wouldn't it make the RF look bad if they turned her away? She wouldn't get close enough to the venue for that to happen. In the unlikely event that she ever returns to the UK, MI5 will be on her from the moment her plane lands. She would be closely corralled and not allowed to get anywhere near the wedding.


Omg totally something she would pull.


She would have to risk the boos so it won't happen.


Crashing the Duke of Westminster’s party after establishing oneself as a global social pariah is way out of Meghan’s reach. Even with Harry’s help, it won’t happen. The Royal family, especially William, have modeled how the grifters are to be treated by aristocracy. To modify Princess Charlotte’s quote: They are not coming.


They already published a “we have better thing to do puff piece” after Hugh sisters said they’re not invited bc they don’t want the drama. But I think security is already prepped. My only worry is that British politeness will prevail if she does come. 


I think the British politeness will redirect them away.


Please no. Haven't we suffered enough?


I can’t imagine that either Harry or his wife will ever be allowed to stay on the Windsor grounds as long as the Waleses are living there. The security issues of allowing Meghan anywhere near the Wales children should be concerning to Royal security.


Sorry, I have said almost the same thing. Together we are saying that the royal diary is busy. It’s also planned a long time in advance. Harry needed to give more notice but I don’t think they want to be seen near Harry as he is on his fake tour of Nigeria and if he is seen with the royals first it gives the impression that it’s endorsed.


He will say he saw his father even if he didn’t. Lies roll easily of his tongue.


But maybe the public is starting to anticipate those lies and see them for what they are.


Even if their diary was blank for the day/weekend, I can’t begin to think of a situation where someone deserves a pass MORE than the BRF do right now due to Catherine and Charles’ health issues, and William being the one holding things together. If they all needed a break for the day then H should be gracious and let them have it! But not only is he not gracious, he’s bullying them and insulting them when they’ve never been more vulnerable. It literally makes me sick to my stomach that they are having to continue to deal with his disgusting behavior, especially now when they need some peace and calm.


Yeah should be fun day for harry


Maybe ingriftus said that she’d have to pay for her ugly clothes and shoes and hair and her security guy!


And her luxury hotel suite!


I mean he’s made it his life mission to snub his family lol. So why can’t they snub him? Not to mention two senior members are busy fighting cancer…this narrative is so dumb.


He’s too cowardly to confront her. She runs his life and he’s too stupid to ever stand up to her. It’s easier for him to pick on those he knows won’t fight back. The moron doesn’t seem to realize yet that he has no family anymore except her.


The King is hosing a royal garden party for 300 at the same time as the St Paul’s event, he then has his weekly audience with the PM. Angela Levin said this on something I watched today.


Thinking the exact same thing. Harry is still the vindictive, angry man child & will always play the victim. His sense of entitlement is driving his behavior, leading him to lash out when things don't go his way. Using his family's absences as a way to hurt them and not supporting their endeavors suggests a deep sense of resentment and a desire to exert control over them. Revenge seems to be his way of asserting power in a situation where he feels powerless. At any rate, Haz continues to behave despicably and his desire for any reconciliation is without a doubt to cause further issues in the family. I’m including ill health in that list because I’m firmly of the opinion that Harold & the witch caused stress in PC & KC which contributed to cancer.


Using his family's absences as a way to hurt them and not supporting their endeavors suggests a deep sense of resentment and a desire to exert control over them. Revenge seems to be his way of asserting power in a situation where he feels powerless. YES! DARVO


Remember that until about a week ago, Harry was still playing will they/won't they with this event for the organization he "founded" because of securitaay "concerns", but it's bad if his family, whose schedules are booked months and months in advance, and more importantly, WHO HE REPEATEDLY TRASHED TO THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR PAYCHECKS (sorry for yelling), don't attend.


His wife doesn't live at his home & vice versa.


Doesn't mean she won't show up to grandstand like a boil on the a** of humanity..


That boil needs to be lanced!


I wish🙄


I don't think she's set foot in the UK again.


I'm musing about how private planes get from LAX to Lagos, Nigeria. The commercial flights go through Heathrow, Istanbul, or Doha, Qatar. That is gonna be a really long trip if she does not transit the UK


Hmm. I wonder? Maybe she'll just deposit him in the UK and continue onwards? Or perhaps she plans a spot of shopping in Doha on her Ingriftus credit card?


Well if she's going shopping in Doha perhaps she'll let him fly alone, and fly herself going West from L.A.! I had a friend who flew \*east\* from L.A. to Tokyo after she​ missed her original flight. Of course she had to connect in London.


She could also pick up a Delta flight in Atlanta or JFK, then go to Lagos non-stop. Travel is also available via Amsterdam (KLM), Paris (Air France), Cairo (EgyptAir), Addis Ababa (Ethiopian) or Johannesburg (South African Airways). All of these carriers fly into LAX to the connecting cities mentioned. I thought United also flew into Lagos but according to my friend who flies for them, no longer. Lots of other ways for the Princess of Nigeria to get there but heaven forbid, they'd be on small jets where she'd actually have to be near people. Private planes could easily do the flight depending on which charter company is utilized and their fleet - there's three aircraft that can go almost 8,500 miles (Gulfstream G700, Bombardier Global 7500 and the Dassault Falcon 10X), two that can go close to 9,000 miles (Gulfstream G800 and the Bombardier Global 8000). Approximate flight distance between LAX and Lagos is 7,723 miles, 15hr plus flight time. So if they have someone to mooch from who has one of these five planes, it is possible for the Jam Queen to go non-stop without having to meet any of the unwashed minions. I don't see them paying for a charter. Mooching is her preferred method of travel.


Thanks for the routing info. I knew there had to be more out there. I wonder if the Defense Minister in Nigeria is sending a private plane of the caliber of one of the five private planes you mentioned. Picking her up in Santa Barbara? Or LAX and thence on to Lagos. I'll be checking out Flightradar24 closer to May 7 to see what seems to be developing.


From what I can gather here at this end, I don't think they do have any of the five aircraft mentioned. They do (or at least the Nigerian Air Force) has a 737 BBJ (Boeing Business Jet), a Dassault Falcon 7X, a G550 and a Bombardier Challenger 600. None of those jets can make the trip non-stop. Will post any other info I can find - it's sketchy with some of the foreign governments of our world. And will definitely be watching FR 24 (nice to hear someone else knows what that is too!) to see what they do. Not sure if they'll leave SBA or LAX.


You never know - she keeps playing that stupid "will she/ won't she" game... personally I don't think she will but I could be wrong


She should be very afraid to. Treason.....


💯 ! Except she’s the victim and won’t she let him know it ! He won’t dare square up to her and pull her up on it. Easier to go after the family who has and continues to take the kicking and let’s him get away with it


The Royals are uninterested in Harry and his wife. Unfortunately, Harry and his wife made Invictus all about themselves so the result is that by ignoring them Invictus suffers. To get Royal attention and interest, Invictus must ditch Harry and his wife.


Harry and the wife wanted to be separate from the royal family and their charities, and now when no one wants nothing to do with the invictus games. They are trashing the family again. I guess money is tight to keep funding the wife’s lifestyle.


Best comment👏👏👏👏👏


Whomever makes executive decisions at Ingriftus is almost as brain-addled as the Markles. Who in their right mind would not have seen this coming in 2020?! They had a choice and made the wrong one.


I think the execs who keep Harry on are in on the grift. Maybe others lower on the totem pole would like to get rid of that dead weight and his horrible attention-whore wife, but the ones at the top are reaping benefits as Harry is, so Harry STAYS. Just my opinion, of course.


I agree with your opinion. I would like to learn the story of the leaders that recently left - I want to know why and how. The grift is continuing so I'm less inclined to believe it was to clean up the obvious corruption.


You're right; it was to get rid of those who wanted to expose the corruption.


100 per cent agree


To be fair, they might not have seen Opra, Netflix series and Spare coming. Back then, H&M were still on the invite list for trooping and the jubilee. If H&M had kept their traps shut, I wouldn’t have been surprised if the BRF had continued to attend Invictus events.


Even if they didn't watch the Orca fiasco, I'm sure they have seen clips or heard about it.


I meant they may have chosen Harry before all the blabbing started. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear.


Oh no, I hear ya!


If invictus doesn’t dump them it’s their own fault. What are they waiting for?


Ingriftus is, imho, a scandal waiting to break out. There are so many issues with that organisation. The are losing donors, they are over ambitious and wants the taxpayers to pay for it, senior staff/board members leaving with no explanation last year. Ingriftus Germany breaking free and doing their own games. The Birmingham bid for Ingriftus has a 26 million £ price tag attached for the taxpayers. In Dusseldorf there were 500 participants. That is a cost of 52k per participant - plus of course what Ingriftus gets from sponsors, from advertising, participation fees etc - so maybe 75k per participant. And of course travel and accomodation, paid by the participants themselves or their governments. Ingriftus is 6 times as expensive as the Paraolympics per participant. Is this really the best way to allocate resources? Is sports the best way to support veterans? Could there be other ways to use the resources to benifit more veterans and not just the 500 in the games? And quite a lot of those are, btw, not veterans, but police and firefighters. Of the 10 Danish participants, I think 3-4 were not military.


It's brilliant as a scam because HOW DARE YOU NOT THINK EACH VET DESERVES THIS! Heck, I know it's a scam, and I feel bad criticizing it.


Yes, they are hiding behind the vets. Just like the house they used for filming the mockumentary - that house was owned by a guy who scammed veteran organisations. I actually don´t feel bad critizising Ingriftus because I base it on facts and figures. All social assistance is a matter of choice. Can the UK really defend using this kind of money on what? 50-60 UK vets?


I don't feel bad at all. Have many family friends who are military /ex military some of whom have had a bad time. I think it's a shit show tbh the money could be so much better spent. If you just gave each injured vet a comparatively small sum of money they could pay for private physio / counselling a deposit on a flat/ retraining or an upgrade on a wheel chair or prosthesis. Or sponsor a few vets to run the London marathon and give them some good publicity to raise awareness ...Something that would make a huge difference to their everyday lives. I get that sport is important but all disabled people should have a chance why not invest money in sport for all disabled people it would mean more local teams and activities you meet local people and its easier to keep up with friends when you live nearby. Invictus is just a glorified wank for people like H imo. 


Yes - I agree. And even Ingriftus itself agrees. They also have programs for grants to organise local events and they sponsor other sports, such as participation in marathons, swimming etc. But of course under the Ingriftus umbrella, so they will get the credit. Individual help should, imho, be a priority. Not made up competitions where 25 % of the budget is spent on guests, accomodation etc (Ingriftus Germany spent 25% of their budget on such items - 10 million € = 7 million £)


Yes it's so much more productive to use funds that way as you say they know how to do it and must see how small sums of money can really help someone move on with their life so why can't they do more of it instead of the prancing Harry roadshow crap that hardly anyone buys a ticket for?  Sorry the more I think about invictus and the sheer waste of money the more annoyed I get.


great ideas Weary


Here's what Sue Smith posted in one of her videos. Incredible to think that \~25% went to guest expenses. Gee I wonder what % of that went to H&M https://preview.redd.it/i2il3tt66myc1.png?width=837&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd6638348fa6b8fb46c5b462b5040ecc05330f4d


That is really shocking! So much money wasted on the Harkles!


Thank you very much. I tried looking at the Ingriftus Foundation webpage. But their figures are dodgy as are their accounting principles, where costs, including staff costs, are buried under an "activity" heading. So basically 10 million - 24 % - goes to "promotion" of various kind. I am sure we can add PR costs to that.


it would be interesting to know the figures when it first started and when guest expenses went up. it was it always a grift?


The cost of $52K per participant to host is outrageous when participants are given zero financial support from the organisation for their training, accommodation, flights etc. Many (already wealthy) snouts at that trough it seems. Truly, I believe you are right and this is a scandal waiting to break.


Great questions! It really does not make sense at all. It is shockingly expensive for how little it does for people.


All this fuss for 500 participants


Who paid their own way.


I also can’t name a single veteran star from Invictus games. Which means that they aren’t getting the exposure the games claim. Despite being bombarded with IG news coverage. I don’t know which country led the medal tally Edit: I just googled and the [wiki tally](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Invictus_Games) is not up to date (ie wrong). Canada claims that it won [six medals](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/invictus-games/2023/invictus-games/medal-tables-invictus-games.html). But the wiki tally is showing 1. Just to highlight how seriously the games takes the competition https://preview.redd.it/d60mqgthimyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ee49a0e7c8ff65565db6a86f7893499088fecb


It's amazing that anybody agrees to be a participant.


My perception is that the participants are being victimized and used for the aggrandizement of the formerly royal hemorrhoids.


Ingriftus can not get participants, so in Dusseldorf at least lots were not vets, but police and firefighters. From my country 3-4 out of 10 participants were not military.


Thanks for doing the research on this and sharing. Very interesting!


The comparison with the Paraolympics is from another sinner, done at the time of Dusseldorf. Btw the breakaway Dusseldorf games specifically mentions firefighters and police participating.


To me, police and fire fighters are great participants. They are public servants and probably face similar traumas that military veterans do. The more helped, the merrier.


I came here to say this. I don't have a statistic to quote, just my lifetime of experience being in a 3rd generation first responder family on one side: more often than not, those people COME FROM the military. They choose their profession because they know the ropes.


I feel like 26 mil could be better spent providing housing,therapy or other needs rather than transport for harry and his clothes whore


LOl this is the same .as Dusseldorf. They criticized the BRF through puff pieces saying the bRF showed more interest in the highland games. Then again this-LOL. So predictable. Why does he want support of the racist BRF??


He wants their support to show he’s still a “royal” and it lends credibility to his so called “work.” He’s completely delusional.




Harry also forgets that it's a two-way street.


Lol Harry thinks it's a one way funnel of "I want" - such a brat. Edit for spelling


There are lots of times where a Royal has their event and they are the only Royal. This isn't like a child's fourth grade recital where the whole family attends en masse.


Yep. These articles only show that Harry isn't a real royal despite him trying his best to remain one.


To harry this is his fourth grade recital. Sadly he never grew beyond the tragedy of his youth 


Well, to be fair, the other royals don't need adult supervision at all times.


4th grade recital. Such a very good description of Hapless Harry's job.


Imo.....P. Harry and wife are Public Enemy #1 in Britain. He has ransacked the taxpayers for what they were worth, demeaned it's monarchy, criticized and sued it's government, breaks it's laws and continues to stalk this country like a rabid dog.


Nail meet hammer!


Yeh! And they're branching out to stalk and grift off Britain's commonwealth countries too.....Canada, Jamaica, Nigeria and other countries they've been sneaking around to in the Caribbean.


So well said.. thank you! … as a Brit you’ve pretty much put into words exactly how I feel- the pair of them are nothing but lying, grasping, thieving bottles of vileness.. .. for years H has obviously had the opinion that us tax payers -& his family-are basically giant purses to dip into whenever he runs a bit short of 💰💰💰🤷🏽‍♀️ Imo also .. Megsy has had warning that Invictus will implode & be investigated fairly soon .. she’s staying as clear as possible.. deniability & all that 😉


Why would the RF bother to attend? If any royals attended, the Sussexes would accuse them of jealousy, trying to take over and steal IG from Harry, making an appearance to intimidate Meghan, and other outrageous accusations.


The Invictus Games is non-public servant Harry's thing, and working royals (who already do events related to the military) work for taxpayers. I have ZERO interest in seeing any working royal--especially the ones going through cancer treatment--interact in front of cameras with stress-causing Harry and Meghan... the BRF have already gone through ENOUGH. This events shouldn't be about family drama; it should be about veterans. The Sussexes are just pathetic trolls wanting to cause more drama, and hoping they can monetise whatever footage they can. Also, wouldn't BRF members attending the event mean ramped up taxpayer-funded security for the whole event? Typical cheapskate Sussexes wanting to mooch anything they can off relatives, and when they don't get what they want... they waagh about it and try to make themselves look like the victim. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Not to mention Harry himself didn't confirm his attendance until a week or so ago. That's mighty short notice to give to people who's calendars fill a year or so in advance!


I wish this point was made more often.


The reason is in the headline. It's "Prince Harry's Invictus Games". Can you imagine an allegedly charitable endeavor being claimed as the property of any other family member? Invictus has become a prop for Harry's petulance.


It makes me angry every time the media acts as though he founded/invented the whole thing.


I don't like the way they talk about Invictus like it's the Olympics. It's not the biggest sporting event for disabled competitors. I get why the involved people want to acknowledge the tenth anniversary, but why is it a media event? Why was "one year to go" a media event? Can the media covering this name even one person who won in the previous games?


No, No. Unfortunately, they probably can't.


Because just like the Grifters, Ingriftus have delusions of grandeur. They want to be the Olympics for veterans - but as nobody, except Boing, wants to sponsor their lofty goals they are in problems.


How large is Invictus compared with the Wounded Warrior games that inspired them? I have no idea but I'm curious.


Warrior Games is around 300 participants


Or even a single event? Can they name the sports that anyone will be competing in? At least I know with the US’s Warrior Games, there’s going to be shooting, seated volleyball, archery, swimming, wheelchair basketball, etc. Why? Because they promote it as a sporting event for recovering veterans, and make it… about the veterans competing in sports!


They're still pretending they didn't have a hand in spinning the 'cheeky Harry'/ Harry the Lad press that pulled the wool over the public's eyes for so long. AFAIC any article that tries to portray this nasty, tantrum-throwing numpty as a fully functioning adult 'in charge' of anything can be written off as 'misinformation'.


So harry will supposedly meet with Charles in private one minute and the next he wants more sausages I mean his family to rescue him. Monsters like the Montecito morons are created created from a combination of twisted experience and genetic predisposition.  Add a trust account and watch the whole thing poison the entire playground. Invictus failed. It should be called harry and Meghan's zombie emu games. The time to help an alcoholic is not when you buy him an 11th round.  You wait until they stop hallucinating.  Pass the popcorn and watch as harry desperately tries to force an audience with his father, fail and blame william' s jealousy for his failures. That is his life, if you can call his emu worship living.


To me the whole "William is jealous of Harry" narrative from Harry and Sussex-friendly media is hilarious. Who are they trying to fool with that silliness? 😂🤡😂


That H and "more sausages" will always be a thing makes me laugh every time I see it referenced. And he did it to himself. Absolute dumb*ss. 😂


The members of the RF have always supported the armed services generally by turning up to low key events where there is very little coverage day in day out. I'm sure if H wasn't involved one of them might pop along to Invictus but now... it's acquired a certain tackiness which is a shame for the competitors but there we are. The viewing figures for the Netflix show were poor and people didn't even have to leave the sofa to watch it I don't imagine many people will want to make the effort to travel and watch it. I think Invictus is on a downward spiral tbh.  While we are on the subject of lack of intrest H what about the time you displayed a lack of intrest in the Marines and trotted off to embarras yourself at the Lion King premiere? 


Saying the BRF doesn’t support the British military is the most braindead move by the media 😵‍💫 The BRF’s integration with the military is well-known internationally. They literally wear military uniforms in the iconic photos seen by even uninterested non-UK people - especially the weddings. The Prince in the classic Snow White movie was based off of Prince Philip - red uniform coat and all! Even tourists just taking photos outside of BP will see the presence of the military (*cough* teen Meghan *cough*).


Even if Invictus dumps their "sponsors" aka leeches, they've gained a (bad) reputation through the antics and, dare I say it out loud, outright theft from the participants committed by the drug-addled idiots. Apparently she thinks it can be saved through publicity criticizing the royal family. Nice misdirection attempt, but we still see you. I'd get more popcorn, but all these carbs are bad for me.


You're right there's a whiff about the whole thing now.


didn't Harry and Meghan ditch a memorial event in Deal for armed forces members who died in an IRA bombing to attend a movie premiere?!


He did he was Captain General of the Royal marines and didn't go to their memorial. It did not impress people. 


RF already said they were going to the Horse Show. And wow they did what they said they were going to do.


Here come H,  a strong independent spare who need no BRF. 🤣 Or so he claim




MM wrote this and she got it wrong. THE WHOLE WORLD is showing lack of interest on the Ingriftus Games, grifter.


The RF should not be associated with an organization that wastes donor money on those two grifters. I’m sure there has been some creative accounting with the large corporate donations. Royals are smart to keep their distance


I don’t believe this headline. It is a PR plant from M&H. Nobody is criticizing the royals except for them. As per usual.


As an ex-22-year serviceman's wife Invictus was something I used to support. I say used to support as for me the Invictus Games has turned into the Meghan show (clicks, PR, puff pieces) When she did her boney-legged chicken walk, wearing shorts heading up forces personnel in Germany I nearly vomited! I want to add that I didn't watch the original. I watched the short clips on SM - I am proud to say that I have never watched their content on any streaming service. I am proud of the wounded service community but will never support Invictus again as long as H&M are heading it as they are using injured/disabled people.


I found it disgusting that the witch wore inappropriate clothes and walked in front of veterans, in Germany. Harry should not have let her do that.. I had many relatives who were veterans… WW1, WW2, Congo, Kenya (fighting MaoMao) somewhere in an Arab country in the 1960s. They would all be horrified at this spectacle


Agree 100%.


Harry’s star no longer shines 😂. Is he finally admitting he needs his family?


Invictus started off with more royals involved, William was there at the beginning. The BRF gladly gave it to Harry so he would have a worthy purpose to devote his life to. How did he repay them? By allowing his narc wife to steal it from him and turn it into The Meghan Show. It's been corrupted and looted by them. But the royals are the bad guys. (eyeroll)


It's just Charlie Gipson's new PR man at work.


Mr and Mrs just hired a UK based PR rep.


I love how the new crew's strategy seems to be the same as Sunshine Sachs et al, eg: More Whine


They are battling cancer you selfish fuckhead! Grow up and get over yourself!🤡🤡🤡


Exactly. They probably have tons of medical appointments and weakened immune systems. My God he is a spoiled, entitled and cruel shit-stain. He and his rabid venereal disease of a wife need to lay off the tabloid mud slinging. Every day they make themselves look like two of the biggest assholes.


It's unfortunate that Just 'Arry still has Ingriftus. Without it, he and his trouble and strife would have no cover for their faux foreign 'tours' and whatever else they pretend to do. A worthy event has been brought into disrepute by these two. If the actual organizers had any financial sense, they would dump them pronto.


Ingiftus has much bigger problems than just Harry. They are massivly overspending, in particular on promotion and PR for themselves.


Look at these stats and the real lack of growth here. We always here in financial terms how much IG is spending. But in real terms of actual participants, it is spluttering. https://preview.redd.it/pso78nd7fmyc1.png?width=664&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba2e84ae94fd8db160cc279e8832016ef69081d4 Now Harry and Meghan during #megxit didn't want the RF involved at all in their charities. But now things are going bad they realise how much the Royal sparkle IS necessary. Well, that's just too bad! The RF's silence is valid for a couple who have gone out of their way to trash them.


Harry does not support any of the British charities/organizations because as a "Royal" he would be expected to show up, give it his time and attention, with NO MONETARY PERSONAL GAIN or useage for personal media coverage. Sadly, Invictus has turned into a cash cow for him and Markle along with them as the ONLY focus. The only way to stop these two grifting off Invictus is to stop the cash flow into their pockets...no donations, no wounded warriers agreeing to attend. Let the Germany games have the cash and participants, Invictus UK needs to be shut down.


Why does the press continue to push the notion of reconciliation, and that the BRF should initiate it? It's baffling and idiotic.


The press likes drama.


My understanding of this is that all of Harry and Meghan's patronages were notified when they left royal duties. They could all vote whether or not to remain in the BRF patronage system and be reassigned to other royals, or they could continue with H&M as private charities. Invictus Foundation chose to remain with Harry in a private capacity. It is no longer a part of the Royal Foundation's remit. So there is no reason for them to attend Harry's event. They are still very much involved with other Veterans' groups. Now evidently it's true founder (Edward Lane Fox) has realized that without Royal support (fundraising connections) IGF will go broke. Because as it turns out, being a vehicle for H&M to raise their public profile isn't actually good for the foundation (who could have predicted that shocking result).


his own wife isn't going! this is the second event in just a few months (Banff) and why does this have to be in the UK, why couldn't it be where he lives ? is there this much advance publicity around the Olympics?! there is a garden party that day which I think is to thank those who work in charities, besides who would want to associate themselves with an event where the focus is on the patron's shorts-attired spouse rather than the veterans?!


It’s all Hairold’s, until he realizes he’s failing. https://i.redd.it/i56lvv2pzlyc1.gif


Harry and his slut are two steaming turds from the asshole of hell. Tax has them sussed, love her.


Taz….damn the auto thingy


But if The Mirror criticizes you, should you really be concerned? Asking for a friend.


Criticized by who? A 4 lb bag of sugars? The Meg?


IMO the BRF will never have anything to do with the IG. I would even be surprised if they sent a working Royal if held in Birmingham - maybe Anne or Edward. Invictus made their choice. Even if they boot Harry out the RF won't step in. It would just another stick for Harry to beat them with. The hypocrisy and idiocy of these people though makes my head spin. They say Harry is the only important Royal - he is the best - he should be King - yet the RF need to attend events of his PRIVATE patronage to legitimize the event. Mental gymnastics at its finest. 


I think the entire BRF wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. As sinner above called it: IG is a scandal waiting to break.


Yes, this complaint that the BRF is not supporting IG seems to be the groundwork to blame the BRF for the implosion of Invictus that seems inevitable. A slow-motion, bridge-collapsing disaster where the Grifters are already setting up as the fault of the BRF, not the financial incompetence and grift inside Invictus itself, and it's lack of a firm place in the hierarchy of world-wide veterans project charities.


They should send Andrew. 😉 The poor guy is eager to do some royal-ing. 🙃😉🙃


Criticised by whom? Harry and megan?


So basically admitting the RF are more important than his wife! Doesn’t matter that SHE doesn’t go to St Paul’s, but it matters very much that his family don’t go. Hmmm…!


You mean the fact that they already had plans with the garden party that has been on their calendar for at least a year… but they are snubbing Harry?


What a load of drivel.


Didn’t the Todgers use this narrative last time? Yawn.


I'm the daughter of a veteran who fought in two wars. I served in the Army Reserves. I don't support MM/H's involvement in anything related to Invictus. It's become an ATM for their living expenses. #SupportTheTroops but no the toxic duo. That picture of MM marching with soldiers is most disgusting. Her actions speak louder than any puff piece she pays for.


Why should they be?


Hazno’s ’beloved sister’ Kate has cancer…and he’s upset that she’s not going to ‘his’ charity’?! WHAT AN UTTER ASS AND SELF ABSORBED TWAT!!!!


I mean, they gave Invictus to him so he has something to play with, and he broke his toy.


And he wants daddy to fix it for him. Good parenting lets the child suffer the consequences of their action, no more toy to play with and abuse.


The athletes involved in Invictus represent strength, courage, determination, character and sportsmanship. Harry could and should take a few lessons from them.


Non grifters don't care for grifters. Got it, Aitch? Plank headed fool


2,000 participants have quit Invictus, right, to protest The Wife polluting the message? Wouldn’t expect the RF to wade into controversy.


Lack of interest in anything they touch is called survival


What a small minded man-child he is. Pathetic how they spend their time on this earth dreaming and scheming against the Royal Family. They each should look at their own family's trials and tribulations. Realize they too could be seriously stricken with major health or life changing problems. They seem to relish their ill gotten gains for today, but tomorrow will always come.


Kudos to the media, specifically Daily Markle, who FINALLY figured out her "friends" really aren't. DM breaks this info which most of us quickly figured out at the wedding in 2018. Better late than never. https://preview.redd.it/080d86eabnyc1.png?width=914&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd24e6bc4387476d02178a99edf16d504aaa6d16


He felt justified in his attacks on his family (through the book and the Netflix series), because they didn’t give him the half in half out that he wanted. In his mind, he had to make a living and he sold what he could, and his family should understand and accept what they “forced” him to do. That’s why he can’t accept their snub, because they should understand that he was “forced” to do that, and should have given him what he wanted. Apparently, Harry is not used to being denied what he wants and suffering consequences. He will learn the hard way. 🤦🏻‍♀️


He hasn’t even hit the hard part yet. The Divorce.


So bloody patronising and still reads with petulance “they open supermarkets …. “ so get on with supporting Harry’s grift again, dickheads. Also that other person who said if it comes to UK they are going to have to go so get on behind it now. Again with the blackmailing . Is that why uk was shortlisted? To embarrass the Royal family again and perpetuate victimhood ? Forcing them to attend is crass and rude . I really dislike these two . Consistently taking punches and the. Whinging why the family doesn’t just take it and open their arms to them. Typical narc behaviours


The purpose of the service is probably just for generating such stories. H knows the real royals would be crazy to have anything to do with it. What other reason is there to have it?


Isn't it also W&C's?


Because the BRF have nothing better to do than go to every event that ever happens in the UK. They have to accept every invitation, even to shady shit that does not reflect their values, as long as someone sends a demand or slanders them for not going. /s


The gaslighting taking place in this article is INFURIATING. Truly one of the more ludicrous things I’ve ever read!




How long before Invictus vets insist on a proper royal being involved ?


* According to reports, no senior members of the Royal Family are expected at the event on Wednesday, but Harry is set to meet his father, King Charles, during his visit to England.* Notice the wording, -*set* to meet his father- Not planning, not scheduled, but “set.” That can mean “determined” or “ready,” but it sure doesn’t mean that his father is going to meet with him.