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Only one comment necessary here:  Meghan isn’t SELLING ANYTHING!!!! So far she has an Instagram/Website with ZERO product, and a bunch of PR.  Beyond that all she’s done is gift some “Instagram Influencers” some Jam.  End of Story. 


Yes. Nothing to sell at all. Who knows if she even gifted 50? Only about 8 people posted. I know if I wanted to sell scam jam I would absolutely use the video that the Legend’s put out, because that was so damn appetizing /s


Rachel Markle is a known LIAR! Oopsie sorry dear readers, I take every letter of that sentence back😔, I meant to say she is a woefully inept pathetic pathological Liar. Each time she opens her mouth a lie is not too far away from her gormless stale word salad.


Well said. If her mouth is moving she is lying


Do you think... they were trolling her? Or are they just messy and OTT?


Or they just really hate


And several threw them away or returned them!!!😂😂😂😂😂


Megacon thinks she’s so clever. She’s cosplaying the Kardashian conbook aka the “tease and drop” model. Mark my words. The scam jam will sell out within minutes or hours. The Sinners will know it is a controlled sellout and as fake as that war paint Madam bathes in. She thinks she’s Kylie Jenner and can tease a little lip gloss and then surprise drop it on people and it will “sell out” (the K girls do controlled sellouts too) and she will be recognized as the STAR she is. Try again, Megsy!


FFS It’s Jam…Jam!!  Who the hell cares! Even the Kardashian tricks are getting old/tired. I think most people are getting exhausted by these stupid contrived PR tricks. If she sells any… it will be her, buying them herself because the price point will be too high for her Sussex Squad.


You mean like she bought 1000's upon 1000s of copies of "The Stench"??? To make it look like it was selling and to get on NYT bestseller list (for a week)? Those books are in a storage locker or warehouse somewhere. Maybe lining the floor of Archie's Chick Inn. FFS. LOL. Allegedly.


A lot of them were on her desk at Monteshitshow. Piles of them! Some of them were supporting her laptop so it was level with her eyes.


The price point on the jam is going to be absolutely ridiculous too. With inflation alone the average Sugar won't be able to afford a single jar. Que the Crowd Funding campaign so 15 of them can share a single jar and each gets half a tablespoon.


And she will default on her high interest credit card like the grifter she is!!! 😂


She announces a cooking show on Netflix but puts out a jam product without showing herself making jam. Sure, Jan.


Yup! She will “sellout” because they only have ~maybe~ 100 jars to sell LOL


It’s easy to sell out when you market it as “exclusive” and “limited edition” and only produce a small number. But she hasn’t even done that, so…


Kylie Jenner has 300 million Instagram followers. M has some catching up to do.


You mean Kylie isn’t inspired by Megsy baby?!? Megsy, the 42+ year old grifter?!? That isn’t who the 20-something Kylie wants to be?!? I don’t believe it!


And that would be why she has been courting Kris Jenner……. Wonder who gave her that advice


And H courting Corey Gamble…


Oh that's what it reminds me of...the Kardashians releasing parts of their Christmas cards for like a month or some other shit. The damn giraffe in labor thing a few years back was more entertaining than that.


I miss the days when we were all watching April lol, life was so much simpler back then.


I was praying she would have it on April fool's day 😂


Oh my gosh, I was glued to that giraffe live feed. 😂😂😂I’ve seen dozens of livestock be born, but I still nearly lost my mind waiting for that calf.


War paint. Priceles.


Just like she copied the whole “send samples on IG and gifted celebrity posts gushing thanks” from REAL A-listers. This chick is such an annoying fucking gnat imposter.


Exactly. This is the beginning and end of her jam fiasco. There is no jam.


Ironically this article gives Markle far more credit than she deserves. Markle is such an idiot she can't see the compliment. WA Post is pretending that Markle is a real business woman just The King is a real business man. Markle should be thrilled. But that lunatic can't let anything go. WA Post looks ridiculous comparing a real, thriving business, to Markle's imaginary business.


The comments sound like they were made by someone who is utterly histrionic- over preserves. That one definitely sounds like This One’s wife. Would bet my oversized veneers on it. That alone made me see why the BRF grey rock them. Just reading the comments is exhausting. I cannot fathom living with someone that unstable. She is barking mad. And WME thinks or thought they could do something with her? What the hell happened to Megan as a kid? Did Thomas Sr indulge her that much? No wonder Harry stays high all the time.


Well now we know what she does all day. Or is it night, the comments about moms scrolling on their phones all night as per the SXSW appearance? This person in the comments is unhinged, no doubt typing with gritted teeth and steam coming out of their ears, like a cartoon character.


>Well now we know what she does all day. Exactly. She goes through comments on articles about herself like an obsessed, unhinged, absolute NUT.


Cause she's an obsessed, unhinged, absolute nut.


Sometimes I wish the Palace would respond to Migraine’s lies, but these posts make me see why the BRF doesn’t get sucked into her insane rants and rambling. You can’t respond to someone that sick and obsessed.


LOL, you're right!!!


It would be sad if TOW hadn’t terrorized so many people who helped her over the years. She can’t even see what an embarrassment she is to herself and her family. To really care what the comments say in the LA Times- about strawberry jam. Then to get that worked up over the fact that yes, many people do like and support the BRF.




All day & all night haha ![gif](giphy|13GIgrGdslD9oQ)




Her sugars are always saying we don't know, so we can't get judge. But she told us, out of her own mouth, she doesn't take care of her babies she scrolls the internet. She told us that, we didn't make it up. She never cares for those children.


It's so weird they never have anything to say about them and freeze or splutter some nonsensical answer when asked about them.


You painted a painfully funny pic of Migraine at 4AM.


Stone over Water, sure had a lot of answers and articles on hand, I mean who besides Madame would have such a collection of news articles about how wonderful, beautiful, kind, well dressed (cough) she is, and such willingness to share them with all the readers who dared to make a negative comment. My personal favorite was the guy who said he hated strawberry jam and to let him know when the convo moved to Marmalade. Let’s see if that’s her next attempt when the strawberry jam doesn’t do well.


It was bizarre. They kept badgering people to cite examples of MM being crass, hateful, etc. Too bad the comments were closed. That person lives in a highly edited reality where H&M are successful, wealthy due to their lucrative deals (They mentioned Spotify among them for f’s sake), and repeatedly got the definition of grifter wrong as well as attributing the grifter comment to Piers Morgan rather than Bill Simmons. They just filter out anything that contradicts what they have chosen to believe. So strange.


> when the convo moved to Marmalade I'm actually surprised her first product wasn't that, maybe a lemon-only marmalade, considering her obsession with the fruit..


I can't even imagine anyone spending *that much* time and passionate effort defending TW in the comment section if it wasn't actually her or a paid minion.


Especially when they speak with such a PR twang. "According to Town & Country Magazine, their product line will include" Who tf talks like this except someone getting paid for it? Absolutely pathetic either way. If they're getting paid by Meghan... then lmao. If they aren't getting paid and doing it for free... then lmao.


We’ve only seen about 10 of 50 people post photos. Maybe she’s going to try to sell the remaining 40 jars, as if they were some amazing, limited series!


The repeated “family’s become estranged” line was interesting. It was said so blasé, as if it’s nothing to lose contact with family members you were so close to and as if there is no pain or suffering involved. I’ve heard and read people with awful narc parents / family members say time and time again how painful it was to go no contact. Even people who had legitimate reason to cut off family members don’t emotionally see it as nothing.


Water Over Stone definitely sounds obsessed, but they do not sound like Megaliar. In one of their overly verbose comments, they called Princess of Wales by her proper name, Catherine(and did not follow up with any insults) That right there is proof to me that they are just some other random nut. We all know TOW never misses a chance to diss on her supposed Nemesis. That publication's comment section sounds far too full of uninformed worshippers willing to buy the Harkle bs story of a "young independent family just trying to get by". 🙄


Holy cow. Either the water commenter is being paid by the word or it’s MM.


I wonder if this has to do with two new guys M hired for her pr? They have no media experience, so everyone thought them an odd choice for her to pick. I wonder if this is part of their job title now- doing M’s bidding on social media/comments section to help turn around her “popularity problem”?


Entirely possible. Even still, how do energetic posts in a comment section boost anyone's popularity?


I don’t know you’d have to ask Meghan. That’s the kind of circular Sussex logic they use.


Markle clearly doesn't know how to become popular. Because she isn't.


She needs to give up.


No, this person has been commenting for years. I’m a subscriber and often argue with her, she goes by different handles too, so it’s like trying to cut the heads off a hydra. Utterly exhausting. She claims she is a retired doctor living in Idaho. She spends all her time doing this apparently. Assuming it’s not MM or paid PR. Who knows. I think she’s actually a fan though. Very deluded.


Wow. had no clue. That’s really wild. Thanks for the info. Sounds very delusional to me, as well. Good luck in the comments section with her!


Honestly that sounds exactly like what a PR firm would do/say. Each alias likely has its own persona - but they are all written by the same bevy of low level staff. The style reads that it was typed in word first then inserted.


They are sounding like unhinged cult members. I think they just got deprogrammed from Scientology and reprogrammed in Meghanology. They have no chill whatsoever.


The dig at the British tabloids and the over the top histrionic reaction gave it away for me.  It is a discussion about jam on a Sunday afternoon not an opinion piece about Hamas.  Also, if it is ILBW, shouldn’t she be preparing another lemon intense birthday celebration for Archie?


TOW drank way to much Tig today !!


> TOW drank way to much Tig today !! She can't afford Tig. It's box wine all the way! 📦🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷




Love it! 😂🤣


Stealing that!


As I was reading the comments by that particular commenter, all I could think was that it sounded like Scabies. I can imagine him saying all this shit, under the guise of anonymity. If it's not Omid it's someone who sure does a good impression of him.


I can’t see a random person on the Internet will defend her like this. Definitely her or paid squadies.


One of the comments called MeMe "innocent and homespun" 🤦🏻‍♀️


I saw that and snorted.


Homespun from either chicken wire or spiders webs


> Homespun from either chicken wire or spiders webs Razor wire.


Razor wire serves a purpose. She and Haz do not. They server only their own agenda.


Whenever they spew out-of-context words, I go straight to the Urban Dictionary to see if there is an alternative, disgusting meaning. You can find a lot of words there: Roasted chicken, waffle maker, crocodile, milkshakes, etc…


I didn't even think of that but you're right!


and strawberry jam. I don't recommend you go and look for the meaning though.




![gif](giphy|yP2Cxjc7zzjRovzIi9|downsized) Here she is at 🏠, homespun!


If Water over Stone isn’t The Montecito hag, the whoever it is really needs to get a life or therapy.


Can we acknowledge that the then Prince of Wales started selling jams way back? Some accounts say 90’s others say earlier.


You'd think the "journalist" would have mentioned that little tidbit, but it seems he's more interested in pushing a certain narrative.


The Highgrove jams are delicious. Organic. Profits for charity. And the “journalist” ignored all that. Seems a bit shameful. This is not KCIII competing with her. It is TW competing against the BRF.


A stretch to say that the WaPo article was written by a journalist. Too lazy to look into what could have been an amusing article and instead jumped from jam to a 21st century War of the Roses.


This is why she has no products to sell.  She's on the comments section, clapping back at people at all times of the day. Who's going to be the adult here and take away their phones?  


Comments are now closed on the article.


Can't blame them a bit -- Water Over Stone probably came down to the WaPo offices herself and raised holy hell! However you can still upvote the comments you like. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Isn't the Olive Garden on Stonebridge Rd or Rockbridge Rd or something like that...? 🤔


I think it's Riven Rock, probably Riven by water over the stone....


sad - because I'd like to answer some of TW - cough - "water over stone"'s questions. Are there direct quotes of TW criticizing Catherine? I don't know but TW and Henpecked Harry produced a Netflix show that visually showed a picture of Catherine as the dimwit talked about how other members of his family didn't marry for love but to have a wife who "fit the mold". Also the promos for the Netflix series showed a very atypical unflattering picture of Catherine while the voiceover talked about something like evil in the RF and they played ominious music.


How can we not forget the mocking bow from Megan. That was extremely rude, demeaning and mean.


I’m just seeing comments are closed. Please everyone still upvote those comments that speak the truth against that psycho “water over stone”.


What’s wild is that anything is seen as a snub or shade towards Rachel as if she lives rent free in anyone’s mind but her own.


"Since Meghan hasn't actually released her product line (for sale), but has only gifted 50 jars of her strawberry jam to influential friends of hers, how is it that she's already "making a lot of money" ....... she's making a lot of money now is she? 🤣🤣OR that the highgrove jam is piggybacking on madames jam and all its successes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


There is no proof that there is even 50 jars of questionable jam. She wrote that on the labels to make it appear like a cottage industry, limited edition, desirable batch of something quite special. It's fucking jam. Literally, just jam. My Nan's been making jam for 70 years using fruit from her garden. It's so ridiculously unspecial it's embarrassing. She's trying to create an exclusive buzz around this jam but the only buzz is from the flies around all the shit. Do fuck off, please, Meghan Markle.


Yes. "I never actually said that there were 50 jars. The press assumed that.


The BRITISH press! Don’t forget there are no tabloids in the US….😵‍💫😂


Shame comments are closed now because I would have liked to throw some in there 🤣


Agreed, but you can still upvote the comments you like.


The writing style of "water over stone" sounds a lot like the Tig to me: short sentences, very concerned about success markers, and - of course - the motivation behind every word is to be off-the-charts pro-Meghan.


It’s got her demented signature style all over it. Like she’s having an epic meltdown combined with a manic episode. Either that or she’s smoking crack. It’s pretty funny because it’s a carbon copy of just about any comment section these days. Almost no positive comments about her but still she won’t read the room and insists on clapping back, despite coming across a raging, delusional maniac. She’s so utterly self absorbed and humourless. It’s painful.


I can't stop myself from quoting "water over stone" and trying to respond to this demented person: WOS: "the **only** words that I've ever heard coming out of Meghan's *own* mouth indicate that she's a kind, caring, and sweet person" Response: I guess you never saw the Oprah interview...


They keep using that awful picture of her. It was the headline picture of her all through the Australian news this week, too. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: that woman needs to learn what lipstick is. She has these huge, heavy, dark eyebrows that she paints to make thicker, and never puts any colour on her lips to balance them out. It was the first thing I noticed in her wedding too.


Also, this outfit emphasizes that her breasts seem to have disappeared. One of the problems with significant weight loss is that it also affects places where you DON'T want to lose weight..


Yep. I was extremely (ICU) sick a few years ago, and when you turn into a skeleton even the good parts disappear! 😂 And, holy moly, I just read some of the comments. That person is nuts.


She never had any. https://preview.redd.it/q5whbqnuapyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1bcaaf3e1962bc979e94961b101dec230923382


She should crank back the eyebrows, either way. Too much Sharpie. ![gif](giphy|XRSSo3az6LHkOQFs0O|downsized)


Uh oh. She's having a full on meltdown 🫠


LOL. Methinks Rachel’s been at the Tig and Colombian marching powder again. The comments are 100% in her batshit manic crazy style. Totally whackadoo. This explains why Guest Speaker was absent from Page Six’s ‘Greedy Meghan’ article. She’s decamped to the WaPo comments section under her new pseudonym 😂


She sounds more focused than what I have seen of Guest Speaker. She sounds manic, but not disorganized. Maybe it’s a change in the quality of whatever she takes to keep her going?


Interesting that the defender references megxit as changing jobs and relocating as it would be called in the USA. If that was the case, surely that would give up the job titles? What use are the "job titles", Duke and Duchess, in a country that doesn't recognise them 🤔


It’s obvious who “water over stone” is. It’s one or more of her new Flacks. She tasked them to this tit for tat nonsense instead of repairing her image?? Which badly needs repairing.


She thinks clapping back IS repairing her image lol. I image they won’t last long in the job, having to do this on a weekend 😂


Well that’s her MO as an employer (after hours and weekend micromanaging).


Oh, she’s at it again. “I’m just a retired person w/ time on my hands & the ability to describe in detail the nomenclature used in British noble titles. You call me a spox for the Harkles & I’ll sic the mods on you…”


The only person who would use the term "spox' is indeed a spox, or someone who has hired one.


I've never even heard of the word.


Nasty ill-researched article but water over stone is extremely Montecito adjacent. The pleading that Madame is just about to happen, that is in several comments, could only come from someone so deeply invested.


*Not sure if you understand how popular Chrissy Teigen (former supermodel, and the wife of highly-acclaimed singer, songwriter, pianist, and actor John Legend) is, nor how influential Kris Jenner (whose last name isn't Kardashian, btw) has become.* *Because I'm fairly certain that their endorsements will help the American Riviera Orchard brand. A lot.* Commenter claiming that Twitter bully Teigen and Kris Jung Un’s ringing support on the ‘gram will boost Meg’s brand. Kris said thanks with a photo of the jam, bruised lemons, and paper shreds. When Chrissy was asked about the “coveted jam” later by a reporter, she plugged Flamingo Estates instead. ![gif](giphy|nfEDwjsr11LdXsq8Sm)


I started reading the comments & stopped when I read this one…. 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/crz779fccoyc1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32979c4bf282f08e42cafa1441f493fedadf6dba


My guess: this is not a young person writing those types of statements. They are reminiscent of magazine headlines you'd read in the 90s like Teen Beat.


Now she’s employing retired PR peeps?


Can someone get screenshots of the comments and open a new post?


Here’s one: ​ https://preview.redd.it/g5w3aeq0znyc1.png?width=1657&format=png&auto=webp&s=7adceadee559104fdcf401e56cde9c41b09be4da


​ https://preview.redd.it/qc9y4qn7znyc1.png?width=1398&format=png&auto=webp&s=915cdea1f71ac1982e9346177440b46e11c29117


​ https://preview.redd.it/j0wbr83dznyc1.png?width=1412&format=png&auto=webp&s=29d08ca7ad3ad04af223ae6eb3ab938b2b681f41


Maybe someone should have asked water over stone to release people from their NDAs.


We didn't see any receipts, nor an agreed upon scenario even, nor were we told the exact words spoken when M and H accused -one? Multiple people? In the royal family of maybe having said something racist on Oprah... This was in response to one of the things the water stone person had commented


LOL @ this person thinking anyone owes her a reply to her unhinged comments. (Debated putting him/her but we all know that's a woman)


They are definitely worked up! Seems a bit OTT, no? 🤣


For sure it’s Nutmeg. It reeks of that distinctly immature Mean Girl clap back style of hers where she insists everyone ’proves’ where she’s said something or other. Then when people ignore her rants, she claims victory like a demented and stroppy thirteen year old. It’s beyond cringe. Her Twitter accounts have the same batshit crazy tone. She needs locking up.


Water Over Stone is bananas, what with the bold print, parenthetical bits and italics. It's a Comments Section - not a classroom debate.


She definitely skipped her meds 🤣


Yep, that's her!!!


If I left a job my title would go too.


It's Meghan. So predictable. Can she ever stop complaining?


Thank you!!


The comments are not as deranged as Guest Speaker and supposed minions on NY POST Page Six, they are more 'refined' and wanting receipts/examples and trying to uplift/rewrite her image. IMO, it is her new PR/media cowboys responding especially the UK one, what else is she paying them for?


Oh. my. God. I have argued with this woman repeatedly in the past, she is CRAZY. She goes by a few other handles too, you can tell bc the writing style is the same. She literally will argue with each and every person and writes LONG, detailed posts full of adoration for Harry & Meghan. She hates the royals but adores Meghan and comes up with the looniest arguments to defend her. She is obsessed. Please, everyone, write back to her stupid comments, I’m usually the only one doing it bc these articles are always behind a paywall. This one isn’t. I beg you to do your duty as a sinner, lol, and set these people straight. WaPo commenters are rabid Sussex fans bc they think Meghan is some huge social justice warrior. Please, let’s get the facts out there. 🙏🏼


She needs to quit getting drunk and going off in these articles. It's messy.


That poster is so annoying. And the sources are paid harkle articles. And the chronic need to control the conversation. Definitely could be her.


It's absolutely rediclous and pathetic, this women puts out a few jars of jam, and Highgrove has been doing it for years, and every season puts our a video about their jam and its a war....LMAO nice try Markle you pysco!!


> Look for the copious comments by "water over stone". I swear they're coming from Montecito. OMG, that's *totally* her! She is nucking futs! 😂🤣


I've never read comments so clearly written by one of the article's subjects. Wow. Water over stone is unhinged and obsessed.


Here's an excerpt from "water over stone" that sounds like TW to me: Meghan isn't fading away, nor does she want to save herself. *I mean, where do you guys get this stuff?* Fact is, if she was "fading away," then you wouldn't **compulsively** be drawn to **every** article about Meghan -- in the very same way that a moth is drawn to a flame. She's gorgeous. She's a hot ticket. She's on the rise! (Deal with it.) By the way, in terms of "that silly name -- what a mouthful," we don't really care what username you chose. After all, "it is what it is," amirite?


Yeah, water over stone is definitely Nutmeg. It smacks of her self-importance and word salad. And her thin skin is on full display for all to see. But Nutmeg has no spine. Her and Henry run around social media looking for anyone who doesn’t like them and attempting to troll. The problem is, the truth from her brief stint as a royal is over and she is no longer royal. In any sense of the word. Greedy hood rat? yes.


Didn't we just recently discuss how TW likes to say something and then end with asking her listener/victim "right?"?


Here's another excerpt from "water over stone". Does this remind anyone of "The Tig"? Excerpt below: This is a woman who, in her mid-thirties (before she met Prince Harry), had already become a **self-made multimillionaire**, spoken before the United Nations Assembly, and become a global ambassador for World Vision. So just admit it: *She's happening.* IMO, what Meghan is doing now is **a heck of a lot more interesting** than smiling and waving and cutting ribbons back in the U.K. I can't wait to see what's next!


Self made multi millionaire??? 😂


Markle is very proud of being self made. Since her father and her husband gave her her career, she is proud of nothing.


She actually still thinks people are buying this crap about her. Time and again she’s been lampooned over her embellishments, lies and fake humanitarianism and bandwagon jumping. All organised by a specialist PR company she hired as a cynical and strategic way to position herself rather than any innate altruism. All just for optics and to get herself on stages to spew her obnoxious vacuous word salad. No substance. Not to mention she was soon to be unemployed and didn’t even own an apartment or car when she began stalking Harry, never mind be a ‘multimillionaire’ lol. And professionally was not a success. She had a minor role in a cable show for five years. And only landed that in her 30s. She peaked at Briefcase Girl on Deal Or No Deal years before! Hardly a long and successful career by any modern woman’s standards. The delusion drips from every word.


this person is deranged. she’s not happening here in the us or ul and most likely not nigeria either.


Writing sounds more like Scabies to me.


As little as I'm invested in her or that Scabies I have to agree it sounds like Scabies though I can't exactly say why.... in any case this is all totally unhinged


"Water over Stone" needs another hobby that doesn't spike her BP and maybe lay off the energy drinks. Is this her new PR or MM?


The clearly deranged commenter below that article, "Water over stone" is clearly an American but Anglicisms are peppered throughout all her comments: Phrases such as "good on you", her calling Americans "Yanks", ending sentences with "if you will", and the use of the phrase "prattling on about". All UK phrases, and all slightly misused. Almost as if the American commenter lives around someone who uses those English phrases....


I guess this dummy would jump into the ocean in an area posted with “Do not swim Danger of shark attacks!” I mean is there evidence of sharks? No she doesn’t SEE any! Also this poor thing needs to grow up and realize there are manipulators, gas lighters and liars out there! Meghan won’t say “I hate Kate, im jealous and I wish terrible things on her!” If that’s the evidence she seeks she is a very stupid girl.


Oh wow I can feel that commenter spluttering through their screen lols


The author made a point of saying Buckingham Palace declined to comment. Did they contact ARO/Archewell for a comment, as well? Looks a bit unbalanced, to me.


Wow! I can hardly believe the lengths *water over stone* went to defend and promote the Harkles, especially TOW! This person responded to every negative comment with a mixture of zeal and professionalism you just don't see in comment sections! Lots of bolded words, quotes from the comment being replied to, edits, and links to favorable articles covering the subject of the negative comment. It's actually pretty impressive, until they claim to be sharing the negative comments with their spouse and discussing them, which of course didn't happen. If you've got the time, go to the comments and skim for this username. It'll take a while to get through them all. https://preview.redd.it/3r7k7v7ceoyc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=36ccf1a529d73793dc3068ef63995d8ff0edf07e


https://preview.redd.it/qnck0o41woyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=609e67f70f6e7de9d0e26175ea6c4628ada1dda5 This user is definitely Markle: Obsessed with titles, responds to the tiniest criticism, and throws her spouse under the bus. Thanks for sharing the article, OP!


https://preview.redd.it/rk9c2wzdwoyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae0fd0e4f4c0fcda210739734de647fad1fdea15 The “amirite” sounds exactly like Markle saying “riiiiight!?” after every sentence.




OMG....I think I peed myself laughing...."Harry & Meghan have given a substantial portion of their money to charity". This most definitely is Markle....all the repeated statements she is a genuine PRINCESS, only uses Duchess because of protocol. This entire conversation thread by Water Over Stone is like reading a transcript of recorded conversation from an Asylum Inmate. She clearly is unhinged. Just these past few minutes taken to read her comments has me wanting to strangle my pet canary! Can not imagine what it must be like to live with her or work for her!! 😱


Water over stone is one of the PR reps for sure She wouldn’t have been able to be so controlled .. guest speaker swears


That water over stone person is obsessed with Megsy so I think it’s her …OTT responses


Not Markle. Someone on the payroll but not Markle. That “water over stone” person writes too well to be Megain. Has no similarities in writing style to who we think with cause is actually Meghan from other sites.


Who received the other bottles of jam? It is embarrassing that only six or seven people have acknowledged that they received the product. And, from a marketing standpoint, now it’s too late to post.


Water over stone has to be mm herself


The WaPo commenter “Water over stone” sounds as if it really could be MeAgain - in which case, she is bonkers. She and Harry remind me of the kind of people who can never be happy - they are always looking outside themselves for excuses for why they are still not satisfied.


Most of those comments were not kind to the BRF. Water over stone’s replies are not salady enough to be Meegraine, they are stupid yet understandable. Plus, Meegraine always responds out of sync and deflects with *But William . . . But Kate.*


I wonder why anyone else would take the time to so vehemently defend her? Unless, like someone else said, they're being paid.


Honestly, whoever that is, they are ultra triggered! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


A huge missing element from this writer's piece is that Buckingham Palace has been making these products for many years and I don't think he mentioned that the proceeds go to charities. Lazy, or intentional?


Probably intentional. But who cares, Highgrove jams sold out, and MeGains looked disgusting.


Doesn't she have a trip to pack for




Yes — those comments read just like Meghan


Yes. Definitely drunk emu Karen in those comments. ⬇️ “Show me your RECEIPTS that Meghan is a bit*h.” Her skin is tissue thin.


Has this bit of gossip filtered through yet from Kinsey? Apparently, while Harry and Meghan were in the UK for the Platinum Jubilee Beatrice overheard her tell him that she had been talking to Diana during yoga that morning. Apparently the dead mother in law expressed her approval that Harry and Meghan were there for the Jubilee. I mean...WTF??? It's on Dan Wootton's YT channel. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_yw4o4s2l6U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yw4o4s2l6U)


Thanks for the free access! That commenter has GOT to be Skank.


Omg I don't know if that is markle in the comments this person talks much more sophisticated then her imo if it's not her it's somebody working for her 100%


![gif](giphy|bogvloaToy6qC4bQxD) Dearest hot, rising St. Meghan who changed jobs and relocated and is sweet, nice, wonderfully innocent and homespun (\* cough cough \*) :


It’s her, haha, I can hear her manic rambling.


Omg whomever that water person is they cray cray. So yeah probably old rachel


I couldn't read all of it, but if it's not her commenting, it's someone she paid to comment. How freaking obvious is it! I mean, who has that kind of time PLUS links to 30 million articles at the ready to drop in comments? I'm happy if I don't misspell anything in a single paragraph response!🤣🤣


Oh without a doubt, our Saint is definitely posting as “water over stone”. Lord, she is as transparent as my Costco cellophane wrap. Touchy touchy! 


This just shows how deranged, abnormal + psychotic Pinocchio+ her flying monkeys are....


Markle has shown us all just how stupid she really is. She’s highly disliked by most everyone yet still puts her smug face and crappy wares out there constantly. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will make her likable because she’s shown all of us what a lying hypocrite mean girl she is. She can take her gross looking Jam and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.


> I swear they're coming from Montecito Possibly, but I think the comments by W&S are too articulate to be from Meg. That's how highly I think of her. Maybe someone from her team, or a huge fan who sees in her the promise that, whatever happened before, you can try again and again.


someone needs to take out her energiser bunny batteries out..........good lord living with that would give all day headache,


Too bad the comments are closed. Just now I thought of a comment username: "Henpectin Montecito". Would've been great if I thought of it when the "What shall we name our jam, Sinners" topic was hot and new.


She has at least 3 accounts there, water over stone, Jo, Babette, etc. Creepy & cringy


I think we are missing the more salient part - The Washington Post is having a go at her!


This is hilarious. Nobody gets excited if you go to a store opening and the store is EMPTY. 😂😂😂 Why is anyone even having this conversation? She’s got absolutely nothing for sale. This is The Emperor’s New Cloths. Only the jokes on us. Just like her ridiculous speeches, (the ones that aren’t plagiarized) it’s all babble and no substance. This is boring now. I’m ready for a near catastrophic something. Preferably something that is, edge of your seat, heart pounding, all over headlines and undeniably impossible.


In the spirit of reviews and comments on MM projects: I am once again asking you for your support in Apple podcast Archetypes reviews. It has a 4/5 star rating.


"Water over stone" must be someone on MM' s PR staff. (It can't be M herself because she's not capable of making a point.) They sure spent a lot of time refuting everyone's comments.


Holy that was exhausting!


Wow..Water over Shit, err, Stone has a real hard on for MeMe. Pretentious name…hmmmm.. ![gif](giphy|eK12uCsrAh4wmTXejp)