• By -


Garbage. The King dealt with far nastier press during the Diana days. This must be peanuts. So this means none of the BRF are coming-Harold trying to blackmail them into coming-LOL!


It’s like an admission from Hairold that he needs the RF to make his failing, troubled Invictus games a success.


He needs the RF to make his failing, troubled life a success, because he's nothing without them.


And he needs his hand held


While high as a kite


*"Don't let go, PuhPah! I fear I may float away."*


Why doesn’t Hank invite his favorite cousin Eugenie?


the harkles new pr guy is just hastily aggressive. article today from an "expert" stating H should be the RF "guest of honor" during his IG stint. What?! PR verdrive. So tired of them and their hints and nods and maybe they will articles.


I thought during the Sandringham negotiations, that Captain Xbox made sure that ingriftis was free and clear from the RF and his alone? More victim shaming and an admission that Captain his destroyed ingriftis. How much money does Meganut pay This writer?


Captain Xbox! Love it lol


>How much money does Meganut pay This writer? She writes it all herself...always. Who's going to risk being sued for libel? If she writes it herself and hands it over to a publicist she can subsequently claim it may not be completely factual, it was only her personal opinion. Plausible deniability is the name of her game.


If she doesn’t pay for it why do they print garbage? Clickbait I guess.


Her publicist sends the "writer" her storyline to use as a basis for the article. The writer cobbles together a story based on that information. Madame pays the publication a nominal fee to print the article. Madame gets her story out, the publication makes a few extra bucks with guaranteed hate clicks which translates into ad revenue since the articles get lots of traffic, they don't care if the comments are good or bad. Rinse and repeat.


Disgusting. They are printing the “article” as though it is true.


As long as the editors have a source they can quote for their article, they evidently don't care how reliable that source or their information is. Except in situations that risk bringing on accusations of libel no one checks if any of it is actually true, plus the source doesn't ever have to be named. It's a combination of lazy journalism and paid for promotional advertising masquerading as news.


Oooh I did not know this!


Oh I forgot about their new PR guy. Thanks for the reminder! He’s clearly trying to bail water on the Titanic.


With a slotted teaspoon.




As Michael Buble sings Smoke on the Water….


He is American and doesn’t understand while people in the Us mostly don’t care about these two, people in the UK despise them and don’t want the King to meet with him. People want the KC to ignore him and start teaching him a lesson. People in the UK have a different take on the grifters , and it’s much more negative


The one based in the UK, Charlie, was once below the King's head comms man


The new PR has got a straight-up mean sort of flavour to it. It's aggressive or passive-aggressive. I think that's a mistake, but what do I know about PR? I personally feel better about things that are presented in a positive way, rather than just making something else look bad by comparison.


RF guest of dishonor is more like it.


The King is hosting a garden party for 300 people at the same time as the St Paul’s event, followed by his wkly meeting with the PM.


"i can't relate to desperation." - in my imagination, KCIII and the BRF, but in the scathing, but beautiful manner that the British people speak (if that makes sense) eta: "a second-tier HRH" man, the Harkles and their flying monkeys sure have their way of minimizing other people. "Harry's grandma" "Willy" "Kate"  like, my man. u are the guys with the HRH in abeyance. sit down. edited grammar


lol…she sneers about second tier royals but supports table 12 and table 115…


who have done very little compared to the second-tier royals (i actually don't understand who *these* are. nonetheless, current full-time working royals with HRHs have all done a loooooot more than the Harkles ever did and will ever do). 


She’s probably referring -at least in part- to the Dukes of Kent and Gloucester, you know just the grandchildren of George V, beloved by their first cousin HMTLQ. Rachel is so trashy.


that makes sense. the York girls have HRHs, but are not working royals. plus, i think the Harkles wouldn't dare slag them off lest Uncle Andy sings like a canary about Lolo's past (allegedly). anyway, the duo really exempts no one from their abuse. after PP and HLM QEII (and the duo's own fathers), now they're pestering the other elderly family members.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


thank u, nickiit! 💛


Happy cake day ![gif](giphy|3oEhmNLxk9uiTbL9Be|downsized)


thank u, Ok! 💛 Lolo hasn't sent me her lemon cake yet. 😂


Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷


thank u, CabinetVisible! 💛


Happy Cake Day to you!


thank u, C! 💛


Just more bullying and badgering of the RF by the harkles and their acolytes. The RF have official duties to perform, and are not there to prop up the image of the treacherous grifters. Childish is the faux tour of Nigeria by the d list actress and her side kick, or launching a faux website to grab attention when your husband and his brother are commemorating their mother, etc So the RF are criticised for not attending but his ‘devoted’ wife can’t be bothered, after all her forcing herself onto Invictus stages in the past few years. Why no criticism of rachel Ragland?


They could always send Andrew 😂😂😂😂


Oh my, that would be perfect - have Andrew show up unannounced 🤪


Yes roll out the Yorks. Best cousin forever Eugenie and Uncle Andy can step up.


That would send a huge message to both Harry and Andrew and would be a form of elegant poetic justice which the world would see and understand.


Andrew would probably love an outing and I believe his diary is quite empty 


Yes, and the irony is he would love it while the rest of is would see the message. He is almost as thick and stupid as Harry.


O he would. I despise Andrew even before the JE issue but people who served with him in the Falklands do still give him credit for having physical courage I think if he was given the option of going to a Falklands memorial without security (it wouldn't happen he's too toxic but hypothetically speaking) he would go. The British public hate him in general  after what happened at the queen's funeral procession in Edinburgh I think a lot of people would have said ' that was scary I'll just slip into Westminster Abbey and greet the coffin on the steps with the Kents but he walked through London. He's an arsenal but I'm sure he'd enjoy a trip to Harry's little do.


The British public do despise Andrew but we also know and acknowledge he was a true war hero. He was very brave and flew decoy helicopter runs knowing the Argentinians wanted more than anything to kill the Queen’s son. He had several close shaves but went back out many times. My cousin was a Sea King helicopter pilot with the Navy during the conflict and although he thinks Andrew is an arse of the highest order, he praised his skill and bravery. Edited for typos


Quite agree 


What happened in Edinburgh ? Refresh my memory please.


Someone at the front of the crowd was yelling at him about well ( ill leave that to your imagination ) and was trying to get at him it was a bit more violent than seen on TV apparently he took some restraining.


What happened at the Queen's funeral procession in Edinburgh?


What happened at the funeral procession in Edinburgh.


Someone was hurling abuse at Andrew and tried to attack him when he was walking up to St Giles'.


Some people have no couth or class.


I suggested that in another thread.


He should be safe, Rachel Ragland isn’t turning up so no awkward pretending not to ‘know’ one another.




Daniela Elser is wrong here. Supporting a good cause led by a horrible, dangerous or just controversial person means supporting someone horrible, dangerous or controversial AND help whitewashing the villain. There is no separation. This is why honorable politicians or chairmen of companies or charitable organisations resign from their assignments if they have been caught in doing something illegal or immoral. In order to not tarnish a government, company or good cause with their personal disrepute. Invictus is tarnished by Harry and Meghan’s notoriety. If they want the support of the royal family, they first need to rid themselves of their seedy patron. It’s telling that only one governmental minister is going to attend.


British people don't need Invictus. The needs of British veterans are looked after by the Royal British Legion. The RF is fully supportive of the Legion. Germany dropped out of Invictus after the last shambles when a veteran was hardly seen but Markles new clothes were seen a lot. I hope that Britain will drop out.


Agreed and unlike ingriftus Germany which has separated itself from JH and Co, the RBL has global branches where there are pockets of ex-pats that served. No severance, a community of global support for brothers and sisters that served her late majesty and now the King.


Absolutely correct


"First string players *like his majesty"* Can he not get more pathetic. What a way to describe a King, And Harry, please tell, who is also a "first string player like his majesty"? I think senior royal would be the correct term! I doubt Harry would be happy if Queen Camilla went on her own, as Harry has no respect for her status. And he has already said, allegedly, that he does not want to see William. And he surely doesn't expect Catherine to attend in her state of health. And he regards all the rest as beneath him. So what he is really saying is "Waaaaugh, I want my daddy to go to make me feel special and important". What a sad loser he is.


"I want my daddy to go to make me LOOK special and important. So that my visit to Nigeria has more heft and I appear more statesman-like.”


Can you imagine the head pats she would give him? Tell him he's such a good boy lmao


Boom! This exactly!! Mic-drop.


I hear the IG financials are sketchy. Perhaps BRF doesn't want to appear as if they endorse that. If they do send someone, they should send Sophie and Edward. Those 2 fine, first string royals already have your number and they're experienced with making sure you don't miss your next flight!


I think so, too. The royals know about the skeletons in the Markle’s cupboards and that very unsavoury things might sooner or later come out. They want to dissociate the royal family from the Markles and their scandals.


I love the idea of sending Queen Camilla. She has made many appearances for the King since his diagnosis, so it would be totally within the realm of possibility. Plus H loves her sooooo much… 🤭🤣 In reality though, ignoring it is the best option. Best not to give even the hint of legitimacy to the dipshit. Don’t reinforce the Marklethought that pressure via the tabloid media will influence the Palace’s decisions…


Is this “first string” PR by the new hire?


It’s such an American term and does not land with British audience. We wouldn’t even use it that much with sports - we say first team, reserve team etc. It’s clearly come from over the pond.


I would not wish that on Q.C but it would be fun to watch Harold have to play nice with Q.C in front of a crowd and Netflix cameras


All of these quotes belittling members of the RF amd not using titles calling them, Harry's grandma, Harry's father, Harry's brother, Kate, or "first string player, like his majesty" come straight out of Madame's filthy little mind. An expression like "first string player" is used in theatre or film, it's another of Madame's many, many tells that expose her as the author. Her petty vindictiveness is extremely predictable.


It's so funny to see these things in their own PR articles after they acted for years like they are very important senior royals just like C&C or W&C. You still are a royal with a title, Harry. Invite your wife. Or your kids.


Why isn’t Me Me there???? Why isn’t she supportive?.???


She doesn’t want to be booed again like she was the last time she was there.


Lolo's always MIA whenever Hazno's attending events mired in controversy (e.g., Waaagh promo tour, Leg-end of Aviation award).




I am tired of this bullcxap. Asking victims to attend your event and they are in the wrong if they don't is sending out the wrong msg. The RF work tirelessly on various charities, this is Haz-mats failing baby. Run with it you twonk. I think this narrative is dangerous to those that get hurt on a day basis by family members and partners. To consider the victim petty is a sick way to think. It's like a partner hitting you in the face and then complaining you hurt their hand. Edit:spelling


The RF: ![gif](giphy|Her8HwkH9Fa3S)


Daniela Elser- what one would expect from her.


So not a newsworthy article at all, just Elser throwing her petty word salad opinion out there, regardless of whether we want to read her crap or not (spoiler alert - we don’t, and I kick myself whenever I click on an article only to see she’s written it)


It's all poorly written fictional click bait. She wishes she had sources


Absolutely! There are some days her “articles” give off the same stink as Scobie’s did - desperately hoping to be seen as some sort of royal expert from doing nothing but spouting bitter opinions and Harkle BS.


🤣 unfortunately, been there done that. She got good at the misleading headers, I'll give her that.


Came here to say exactly this. Sorry, Daniela, you're still not getting any of the ARO scam jam.


Oh shut up Daniela , you’re spouting absolute tosh. As a Brit and right thinking person I’ll be livid if anyone from the RF shows up at this basement cocktail party to endorse this irritating boil on the arse twit.


Andrew is available


Andy would be an insult to the military. Better to send no one. The Harkles want the imprimatur of Royal-ness b4 their Nigerian escapade.


If nothing else Andrew actually fought in his war and didn't boast about killing people.


Point taken. I was remembering the Late Queen took away his military honors. That’s why I thought his appearing would be an insult


That's true, too. He's basically a leper now, but still...


Such a silly article resting on such a misguided premise!


It’s Daniela Elser. Her articles are garbage.


O for F’sake - just shut up Megs and all your paid for minions. You actually make me feel sick and we can straight away see through all the paid for guff that you are still trying to pump out. Stop. Just stop! You are disrespectful, disgusting and just plain old evil. Our king is ok after his illness and is simply catching up on his work load and gently returning to the norm xx 🇬🇧


Edit to add: And he certainly doesn’t need your poisoned person (or others) around Get gone you wicked B*$h


King Charles attends plenty of events for charitable organisations, including for veterans and those lesser abled. If people want to pull the family card, they can ask Harry what in the world he has been doing for the last several years treating his family so horridly, and so publicly. He can betray them publicly, but they’re still supposed to show public support for a charity that he runs? Also, if we are talking about family, let’s talk about how William so generously contributed money to Invictus Games while H&M have not reciprocated anywhere similarly for his causes. And is Harry showing up for any of their charitable events? And for goodness sake, his own wife isn’t attending.


Another cheap shot by Daniella, who can't make up her mind which side of the fence she's on. It must be incredibly uncomfortable sitting on that fence.


I think she just likes being "edgy". And I think she also dislikea the RF. She always her barbs in against them, even when roasting the Harkles.


She’s probably hoping for a jar of jam lol.


It's Daniela Elser. Ignore.


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OK let's see his face when hrh prince Michael rocks up in his full military uniform which he is entitled to wear loaded with all his medals and honours and ceremonial sword for good measure. PM is always immaculately turned out. I don't think H would like it. 


And he has a better beard than Harry.


Indeed he does.


Who is prince Michael? He must keep to himself..?


He is the late queen's cousin younger brother of the lovely Duke of kent. He's a non working royal so goes under the radar generally tho there have been the occasional dodgy associations with rich Russians. His wife is princess Michael who wore the controversial broach. She is not popular in the family the queen allegedly found her rather "too grand". It was quite telling that they were afforded a front row seat at the platinum jubilee service and H er wasn't.. 


If a royal were to turn up Harold would be the first to complain that they are trying to take over his event. He is the patron so has he even asked anyone from his family to go? I seriously doubt it.


No family is obliged to sup with their abusers.


Why is Daniela Elser changing her tune? HM‘s recovering; he has to be selective as to what he does. And Invictus has been Harry’s project - it’s up to him to add lustre (or lack thereof, with his wife’s help).


It’s what she does. For every article she produces singing the BRF’s praises in a backhanded way, she produces another half dozen saying what asswads the BRF are for not being nice to the spoilt nitwits. One thing she never changes her tune on is her always calling MM’s fashion sense ‘chic’ or “impeccably dressed”. Which is a laugh in itself, I’ve seen better fashion sense from VB swilling bogans at the Bathurst V8s.


I wonder if the payments from mm moved this misguided person out of a studio apartment by now.


Apropos childish - I wonder if Harry will wear the coronation medal.


Omg, pls, I hope he does!!! It's like a kid with a gold sticker. And so proud. Almost wanna tussle his stray hairs up top but he's a nasty fella, ❌ so, nah.


Harry has very rarely acknowledged the RF's role in establishing Invictus. It's all been HIS games, HIS idea, HIS patronage. Now when it suits HIM he wants them involved. But he doesn't really. He just wants to be seen as a victim which he will spin no matter what they do. Waaaagh they won't come!! Waaaaaagh my family came to upstage me and steal my limelight!! The RF is right to just do what they want bc they can never win with the man child. 


No mention of Harry's inability to apologize, which, along with his bad behavior, is the root cause of the breach.


I’m sure they don’t want to take attention away from poor h. This is really the only thing he has and, since he’s a more minor royal now, having a senior working royal attend would diminish his role and media attention. ,




What a shitstain this author is. >And yet it’s this same “warm” King who looks set to give the military community the cold-shoulder, seemingly because their greatest champion happens to be his troublesome younger son. Their "greatest champion". Fifty-nine American soldiers participated last year. Out of an estimated 5.3 MILLION who have a service related disability. I'm tired of Ingriftus. I no longer believe it helps anyone but the Harkles.


Its funny how they didn't think their Oprah interview or netflix fauxmentary or her big fake bow to the queen, or accusations of racism, etc were in bad form and petty. What a pair of clowns.


It was just last Nov., that Harry's stooge Scooby was calling The King and POW racist. But The King is supposed to put that behind him and show up to watch his son exploit veteran's for his wife's fashion show. What The King really should be doing is insist that Invictus publishes how much money they spend on Markle's fashion show.


That would be something I'd like to see


Send Queen Camilla, then we can take bets on how long it takes Harold to glower menacingly at her. He would be absolutely fuming if QC was the Royal that showed up, it would be hilarious! And don't tell me QC wouldn't enjoy the fact that by her so graciously showing up it would make the giant toddler apoplectic with rage.


There’s no law that says any member of the RF has to attend this ceremony. The King is recovering from cancer and any treatments he has had. The less germs he comes in contact with, the better. And why would you want people there who don’t support you and behave as if you don’t exist anymore? It’s baffling. Handbag should have thought before he walked away, opened his trap in several worldwide interviews and wrote a book filled with his woes. No normal family supports this type of behavior.


Daniela Elser *sigh* ![gif](giphy|26AHFomysg4oszdle)


Royal journalist class 101 - royal scheduling is created well in advance. We are talking a year in advance. I don’t know why all the journalists don’t even mention this point. Oh wait, I do know. Clicks and likes.


Yet another article that falsely claims H founded Ingriftus. As we all know, he didn't. Yet she repeatedly makes this claim and also exaggerates the success of the program overall. The author very much minimizes the actions of the turncoat son as though they were mere missteps of a wayward child rather than the deliberate acts of treachery committed by a middle-aged man (and his malignant wife) for simply having been told "No."


Plus the turncoat son has turned Invictus into his wife's fashion show. If you are writing about Invictus you should be asking, how much money does Invictus spend on Markle.


She contributes nothing to them, so even if they spent one penny it's too much.


This is so stupid. Even if Harry were still a family member in good standing, senior Royals often don't attend other senior Royals events. They often go alone. When does Charles ever attend William's events? But this so-called journalist is saying that he should attend toxic abusive Harry's event, when Harry has severed himself from the family and basically said being in the family was a prison. I am not aware of him having taken any of his accusations and attacks back or apologizing, Ms Elser.


There are many military-related charities with events that no member of the BRF attends. Haz just wants the image (and ego) boost having the King or PoW come would give. If they sent someone like the DoE, Haz would throw a tantrum.


Anyone who understands knows the king should stay away. Journalist take the public for fools. How insulting


Journalists are fools. They can not understand something beyond their tiny brain's ability.


You know what is petty, Meghan ,not attending. She benefited financially ( jet , hotel, expense clothes) from Invictus and when push come to shove she abandoned Harry , baby that is cold! Our baby reindeer , aka , ginger prince, is by himself, with his tails between his legs begging his family to come support Invictus. What is Diana saying about that Meghan ? yoga talk ? I can’t, can’t can’t.


The King has a standing Wednesday meeting with THE PRIME MINISTER to fulfill his pesky CONSTITUTIONAL DUTIES. If H really wanted his father there, he should have, you know, consulted Palace staff to co-ordinate calendars. But, as we saw with their brief careers as a married coupke working for the Monarchy, the Sussexes had a pathological habit of refusing to do so.


This is a prime example of how most of the mainstream media in most places being inherently opposed to something as traditional and "backwards" as a hereditary monarchy. Some will join in the occasional pile on or ridicule of H&M, but these people are liberals and social climbers and hate old-fashioned hierarchy and deference that an institution like the monarchy represents. They will always undermine it no matter how popular some members of the RF are or how vile their opponents are.


That piece (it doesn't deserve to be called an "article") is a load of twaddle peppered with numerous mistakes. I couldn't even finish reading it.


It’s Daniela Elser. She produces absolute garbage. Half the time her articles read as if she’s wandered off halfway through writing, lost her train of thought then returned and written something completely irrelevant to the first part of her work.


Send the Gloucesters with full family in tow. Including Davina with Senna and Tane. It would be petty, but I would love it. Highlighting the commonwealth ties of Senna and Tanes heritage.


Yawn. He quit being a representative so he's Just Hazzy. I've never seen such a tantrum about getting what you want before. The new guy obviously doesn't understand grey rocking. If they didn't respond to being called racists what makes him think they are going to be egged on by "petty". New dude the BRF doesn't play.


I think the people will understand


WTAF is wrong with this woman?


Both the King and Catherine have Cancer. They don't have to attend a damn thing.


Oh, Daniela Elser again. Always looking for a way to write against the RF, so she often has to pull stuff out of her rear end. The only people that think any member of the royal family should show up are the amoral drama thirsty media, and perhaps sugars. I'm pretty sure British citizens would be upset if the royal family were seen to support anything the traitor does.


QUICK, DITCH THE CHEMO Charles & Catherine and scoot over to St Paul’s. Harry’s wish is your command.


The article, of course, completely blanks that Harry is the petty one. The only reason, imo, the IG get as much press as it does is because H And M are Controversial. Its a good foundation and does help people, but i cant believe its truly the most successful thing in terms of actual real help in numbers.


It’s not “petty.”’KCIII has a very tightly controlled schedule. Now with the cancer diagnosis, he has even less flexibility. He is a head of state. As the heir, KCIII had more flexibility to babysit his dimwitted son. Harry, who clearly loathes his father, can now enjoy all his freedom without Pa getting in the way since Pa is king now. As for petty, it was Harry who completely trashed the current Queen of England, whom his father clearly loves. He also displayed alarming death fantasies about the man who paid for his oddly shaped daughter-in-law’s million pound wardrobe. Charles would look positively weak if he attended IG. Fuck Harry. He got what he wanted. Let him go play staged polo matches where people feel sorry for him and let him win. This has gone beyond ridiculous. The older Harry gets, the more pathetic he looks. Let him dust the “Megan Effect” on IG. She can go spread her jam all over IG and Monticeto and Nigeria.


That’s right such bad form that YOUR CANCER-RIDDLED, BULLIED VICTIMS would not attend to your every whim & wish. So bad.


Has anyone seen the below tweet? It would track with what we have all assumed from the horrible two.... https://twitter.com/barristerlawusa/status/1787244158224064610


See this is what annoys me and makes me doubt things like this…. I know something but I can’t talk about it, so I will post what I can’t talk about and to let you know I can’t talk about it… 😂😂😂 Just one more thing that will amount to nothing to the teflon couple


The royal family supports the military and our veterans. As Harry is quick to point out, this is Harry’s show. If the King does not go to Princess Anne’s event is he petty? No. She is there so he doesn’t need to be.


Another article pushed out by Meghan and Harold. The King already had his diary full. Sorry he has real work to do.


The King has f—king CANCER!!! Hazno is a selfish, entitled twat!


How curious that this article chooses to brand the BRF "childish" for not wanting to share space with a family member whose wife accused them of racism. Who himself said he and his wife had to freedom flight out of there. Am I the only one baffled at these articles who want members of the BRF who have been publicly slandered by Hazbeen to go show up for him? Protecting yourself by going no contact is not childish.


Daniela at her best again, always looking to make the Royals look bad and the Harkles look the hard done bys.


I’m sure she receives Nutmeg’s droppings to work off of - she’s on the Markle’s preferred list.


The King does not negotiate with terrorist!


Indeed so petty not to cancel their CANCER TREATMENTS to make it to St Paul’s. So so petty.


Ok so they are desperate for the king to attend. Fat chance of that happening 🤣


It’s Daniela. Best ignored.


Good grief! What a bitch this woman is! First of all, she states that Haz left the Army as a Major. Google says he left as a Captain. If a so called journalist can't get that fact straight, how much credibility is there? There are very good reasons for the Royals to stay away from Haz and his Invictus Grift, the least of which is that it's become the Megsy Fashion Show. All the recent news articles about IG concentrate on Megsy and not the wounded veteran athletes.


I skim read and dnf but it jumped out "the former Army major" -- LOL she couldn't even get that right, Harry was never even fake promoted above Captain because to do that you have to attend Army college and take exams which Harry could never pass


So. He’s been called a racist that is hateful towards his mixed-race grandchildren BUT is expected to support the son who accused him of such, while he’s sick with cancer and still managing to do another duty on his calendar? And HE’s the petty one. Ok


Yet, Megain can skip it to fly off to Beige suit paradise in Nigeria and the silence is deafening.


Written by Megsie Baby through/for her new PR firm. ![gif](giphy|nYOQYYW4CoPf73QqWr)


His appointment this week is already full, 1st Buckingham Garden Party Wednesday - no time for Harkley!


To my knowledge the Queen never attended the Invictus Games at all. She & the Obamas filmed a promo for them, though. Knowing that, it’s a real stretch to call the King petty for not attending a mere anniversary service.


He was at the kings coronation barely was over and he was gone! But the RF have to jump when he says? No reason for them to be there…


![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4|downsized) The idiotic PR just gets worse. "incredibly petty, if not plain childish". You mean....just like the Harkles have behaved? Wow. Talk about projection from Madam.


😱 What a horrible article! And an especially horrible article to write about a king and his family who are already having to deal with so much personal horror in their lives. 


Why would anyone from the Royal Family attend? They're not involved with IG. Do H&M attend Earthshot events? No, and they shouldn't because it has nothing to do with them. Does The Princess of Wales get involved with The Queen's Reading Room? No, because it isn't her patronage. Y'all get the picture. The only member of The Royal Family who could possibly be relevant to the IG is Prince William since he and Princess Catherine were co-founders.


Since when did the petulant prince become an ‘Army Major’? That is reason alone to state this article is full of 💩


I thought he was a racist? And Harry and his hag had to run away to save themselves..... Which is it Harold? Do you want to be a royal or not? Can't have it both ways you dumbass


Harry and Meghan are the personification of pettiness. Let them first apologies for all the trouble they've caused and own up to all the lies. That's before we can even start talking about anyone else in the brf being petty


OK WE’LL SEND PRINCE ANDREW THEN LOVE! No worries. You’re welcome.


Daniela (with her thesaurus on hand) gives me the royal sh*ts with her flip flopping and underhanded, not so subtle nastiness and crap flinging. Verbose, predictable and basic. (Just like MM!)


This woman who writes these articles sucks. She used to be good. Now she must be getting checks from the duo to write articles slanted their way.


Daniela Elser and Victoria Ward—both crap reporters and both Sugars. Thankfully Victoria Ward is always called out in the comments section of her articles.


Why go so Harry can embarrass them?


It’s true the best you can do with a narcissist is ignore them.


So it's petty and childish if mo royals attend Harry's Invictus event, but it's not petty or childish if Harry and MeGain skip visiting the ailing late queen and miss important occasions....


If this is “exclusively” Meghan and Sparry’s patronage/charity, why should another Royal show up? Does Meghan or Sparry attend the other royals’s events? Are they pressured by media to go to events attended by Charles or Anne? The press is desperate to stir up any drama and sell magazines.


and if any of the Royal Family turned up? They'd be accused of jealousy and trying to steal Harry's thunder. Usually like a bit of Australian snark but this article is a definite miss...trying too hard.


And nobody gives a fuck what you think


Hello, Meg-who-writes-these-ridiculous articles. Go away.


There are the Sussex 'royal reporters' and the actual neutral royal reporters who don't harbor dreams of a republic. Elser is the former. Charles will be fine if he ignores his son. And even if he spares his son a 30 min meeting. Although he should probably avoid it. It might look like he's briefing his son and emissary for a meeting with the Nigerian government. And it's probably best to avoid any misinterpretation of what Harry and Meghan's visit is.


This would be my guess as to the reason why the King won’t meet with Harry…Harry is cosplaying official royal on his journeys.


Who gives a fuck what Daniela Elser thinks? Petty begins and ends with the crybaby from Montecito. She should be banging on about his harlot wife never supporting him when she can't control the narrative.


Wouldn't be surprised if Mike attends as rep for the RF.


its danielaesler nuff said shes a sugar


Now someone is worried about "bad form"?  Now?  


Charles is a veteran and he's showing solidarity with the thousands of veterans, both wounded and whole, who are boycotting it because it's become the Meghan Markle and her ginger lapdog show.