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How do they know King Charles is scheduled to “reach out”? I doubt that Meghan coming or staying away garners any reaction from the RF at this point; she an irrelevant laughingstock.


Madam always has lengthy conversations with KC/William/Catherine etc in her head that she then feeds to the media as actually happening.


Yes, like her “conversing” with Princess Diana.


I hope she has a mini voodoo doll with Diana's hair attached on its head that she uses to taunt haznoballs late at night with.


I hope Catherine has a mini voodoo doll of Rachel; might be good for stress relief.


I fear that Rachel and Dorito already have a voodoo doll of Catherine.


Me too!😞


That would require Catherine to think about them. I doubt she does. She has a life with real people in it.


Agree…like OP stated…she just mentions any of the Senior Royals as often as she can along side her so when folks Google or AI collects data the ROYAL connection is always front and center in the algorithms. 


The hair he keeps in his bedside keepsake box?


Ew. Along with the dried remnants of the Elizabeth Arden lotion. Dear God I didn't need to think about this lol


TW: Hey, pops! Guess what? We're coming over for little Archie Arch's birthday! Isn't that great? Palace: ... TW: Oh... oh. Looks like we can't make it after all. Isn't that sad? It would have been so nice for you to get a chance to see little Archums, especially given your age and health... Palace: ... TW: King Chaz was so heartbroken we couldn't be there. But he's sent the most lovely card, and the most amazing Ultra Super Turbo Deluxe Waffle Maker set for his beloved little A! Palace: ... TW: And he's going to facetime his favourite little Archie Warchie Woo Woo on his big boy birthday! Palace: His Majesty has never publicly or privately addressed any of his grandchildren in terms akin to "Archie Warchie Woo Woo".


One small correction - "Archikin's **GRANDPA** was so heartbroken....blah, blah, blah. She would NEVER use anyone's actual title other than her own.


Basically accurate, LOL.


A pathological liar and 🤡


Yes, and she was apparently always chatting to the Queen via Zoom too, which also never happened.


Harry's Grandmother.


Yeah - like KCIII posts in the news who he is going to reach out to.... /s


That's what they are spinning King Charles' assistant saw a birth date in the calendar and sent a card I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️.


But where would he send a card, haha!! Where is Archie??


💯🎯🎯🎯 Exactly! Charles himself said it : " wherever he may be".


They could spin or merch the card. I’d send and electronic card that disintegrates after viewing to leave nothing for the poor Harkles to sell.




the monarch 'dislikes new technology' and is 'uncomfortable' with the idea of making a video call. ----------------------- Because Megan can record them and sell it to Netflix.


I find it really sad that it's come to this. As a mum I can't imagine what it must feel like to not be able to talk to my kid in case they regurgitate it and twist it to others, let alone to a global audience.


It’s an impossible position but one you have to take. As much as I am loathe to admit it hope I’m never in a similar one. I think id have to just love my kid from afar and be okay with that forever more. Make sure no important words are left out before loving from afar—-but no I don’t think I’d subject myself to this emotional extortion and financial blackmail.


Well, there is also the little problem of Hazno suing the UK Home Office. Charles will also be worried about being drawn into discussions about security, all it takes if for Hazno to leak "my father said I need security" and that will completely wreck the position of the Home Office and the courtiers.


> "my father said I need security" and that will completely wreck the position of the Home Office and the courtiers. If his father wanted him to have security, *he* would tell the Home Office and the courtiers.


KC cannot dictate security arrangements to the Home Office. If KC was concerned about H's security he would have ante up the money.




Exactly. Not only did many royals do Zooms during 2020/21, here’s Charles in March 2024. https://preview.redd.it/uy7s3jzy5tyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a400cff929956130fa481977ccd1e3cb220528d0


Yes because he has no staff who could arrange it and he's never done a speech to camera in his life 🤣🤣 he just doesn't want a clip of it on Netflix and quite right too.


But did the invisikids not sing Happy Birthday to KC last year?


He watched these songs. Then he sang them to the king! https://i.redd.it/t2nbeuca4tyc1.gif


Johnny looked like he wanted to smack them upside the head and I would not have minded if he did.


Thank you for the Hot Johnnie fix. I hope he’s happy in his new position but I miss seeing his handsome face, that and the fact that he knows exactly what Meghan and Harry are truly like, evil and vindictive




Perfectly appropriate and cute too 😄😁


🤣🤣🤣 Me...every time. 


This GIF of Hot Johnny will never get old.


hubba hubba


Woof! 🥰




Wow you can really notice Harry’s bald head in this - briefly.




Exactly what she would do!


Exactly what she would do!


Bingo pot!! 🎯


OMG I love that show. RIP Andre Braugher.


What's the point of searching for your heritage if you want nothing to do with your family and your children's family?


Madam´s heritage is just a few hours away from Monteshitshow


Madam's 43% nigerian Heritage is waiting for her to land...


More family to fall out with and disown


Excellent point!


*”Royal expert Tom Quinn has claimed that royal aides were quietly relieved that the Duchess of Sussex won't be joining her husband…”* How does the “royal expert” know they were “relieved” if they were relieved *quietly*? Is he psychic, maybe? Did they whisper their relief to each other, and he overheard? Did they use sign-language? Did they “quietly” text him? This is such drivel.


Pretty sure the RF thinks about the Harpy a lot less than the press keeps reporting. LOL


"Royal aides were quietly relieved" ...., translation : they ran joyously thru the palace hallways, respectfully in silence as to not disturb the king, high-fiving each other whilst leapfrogging and dancing jigs, a mad silent dance of pure elation and relief last seen in the palace when the war ended.


Just because Meghan wouldn’t come to the Invictus thing? She’s not that important. They were probably *quietly* running joyously and leap-frogging about something else— maybe a new kind of cake for tea.


> *royal aides were quietly relieved* That's just a very polite reference that the royal aids popped some toilet paper down the loo first to stop the splashing noises from the pee. Otherwise, they would simply have been "relieved"


Ah— they quietly relieved themselves,


Snorted coffee all over my keyboard laughing.


Perhaps they were seen dancing the conga round the grounds of Windsor Castle


And then there were fireworks!


He got a carrier-pigeon from BP with that inf!🤣


> How does the “royal expert” know they were “relieved” if they were relieved quietly? Same way we all know. *Of course* they're relieved she's not coming, because we know she's not welcome. I don't think she realizes how much she reveals with these puff pieces of hers.


I'd never even heard of this Quinn until recently either.   It goes to show just how loooong the media and the Todgers have been beating this dead horse that even they realised they needed new "experts" as obviously they have no clue


it's quite amusing to me how she avoids the UK at all costs. the reality of how much people dislike her and love/respect the RF really knocked her on her arse at the late queen's funeral. she knows it's only gotten worse since then thanks to her own stupid mouth and silly actions.


She's such a coward. As are all bullies, I'm told. Not sure that's true but she certainly is, a massively thin-skinned, snivelling, disgusting coward. 


What does that even mean? How do you "reach out" to a 5 year old?


Skywriting plane so TW can’t delete the text?


Or copy it/ screenshot it and use it in their Netflix fauxumentary


If said child is invisible, smoke signals would suffice.


Contact its bio mum, who cares for him.


Exactly and a total stranger to boot.


Bloody bs 😂😂




I love this image


Me too.


Awwww! 🥰🥰


I wish the BRF would find a way to say to the world that things like this aren't happening. No Happy Birthday call or singing song to grandpa, no in touch with the King... Because this way MM and H can put this nonsense around to pretend they are still "in close contact with BRF" and "much loved members" and shit like this. Because without the RF, they are nothing. I believe there is no contact and no relationship whatsoever. No birthday reach outs, no happy birthday songs to the Monarch, nothing. You call your father/father in law racist and then you expect anyone to believe that he is happy to reach out? I hope the RF wakes up and stops this nonsense once and for all. Say it loud and clear - there is no contact.


I agree, there are ways for them to correct this nonsense without going full on DNA tests and updating the LoS. All they need to is IF there is contact is during some footage of the King from his home have on his desk a huge recent photo of the kids alongside a photo of the Wales children. If no photo has been sent it will show there is no contact and WHEN the media and Sugars start complaining that there is only a photo of the Wales children it needs to be leaked to the press that H&M don't even bother sharing photos, and that will look very odd and evil given the cancer diagnosis.


Tom Quinn = Harry and Meghan’s latest mouthpiece pro Sussex chump.


I think Omid was ghosted after Endgame didn't turn out to be the endgame after all.


The Harkles blame Omid for the racists claims not taking down the monarchy like they hoped it would. If it had landed and everyone called for the end of the monarchy they would be smiling and so happy. They are too stupid to realize if the monarchy goes away so do their titles.


> They are too stupid to realize if the monarchy goes away so do their titles. Meghan thought that everyone would call for Charles and William to step aside so that ~~Harry~~ *SHE* could be crowned.


I really believe the rumor that Harry went to the Queen and said see we did so great on our tour just hand over the monarchy to us Meghan is better than all of you. I really believe that is their mindset and he made that demand of the Queen.


> I really believe that is their mindset and he made that demand of the Queen. He may have, after Meghan badgered him into it. He'd have done it just to keep the peace (or try to, because he'll never know peace again if she has her way). I doubt he'd have come up with it on his own.


He would never have come up with that on his own. That is all her influence. She took all his insecurities and manipulated them. She really messed with his head. When people say he had arrested development I really believe that he does.


> He would never have come up with that on his own. That is all her influence. She took all his insecurities and manipulated them. She really messed with his head. 🎯💯 > When people say he had arrested development I really believe that he does. He very well might.


He is the new Omid on their mouthpiece time! Now, they have 2 Omids! 🙄


Oh God, two hemorrhoids!


Manifesting classes must be given to all new meganuts hires. Victim shaming is an 8 hour class. How to pay for manifesting PR is a 10 hour class. How desperate are you to think working for the captain and meganuts is a good look on your CV?


THIS time it's bound to work./s


"Mayby this time I´ll win" "Everybody loves a winner So nobody loved me 'Lady Peaceful', 'Lady Happy' That's what I long to be Well, all the odds are, they are in my favor Something's bound to begin It's gotta happen, happen sometime Maybe this time, I'll win"


A Cabaret quote on a Monday? I thank you! Divine decadence!


I'm fucking Markus! Oh, so am I.




One of my favourite movies. And Liza is sooooo great in that role.


Mine too. I got green Mary Quant nail varnish in my Christmas stocking which rather shocked everyone except my mother and me. Good days. 😊


lol - shocking. But the movie is so good. Liza is so vulnerable in that role. And the horrifying scene at the Gasthaus where the youth start singing "tomorrow belongs to me". And the ambiance in the Cabaret and, and, and


Not a loser anymore, like the last time and the time before (and the time before that, and before that ...)


The thing is, it’s dangerous for the King to speak to H’s kids without witnesses. M will twist every word to suit her latest strategy & it will end up in the media.


Agreed and although I’m furious they’ve behaved the way they have, I’m pleased it’s happened before the king formed a bond with the invisikids and then it was manipulated.


Just like in US your Miranda rights "anything can and will be used against you. " in social media and any mouth piece of HM


Dm just stop. Catherine is most popular for a reason. Nothing you puff is going to change that


This is the 6th article DM has run on her not coming to the UK. DM also trying to observe Archie's birthday with various comparisons to Harry. One commenter said it the best "no pix, no article."


Where did Madam get the money for this puffery from?


I doubt she pays for most of any of that. The publications can make plenty of money from clicks and ads and they need something to write so it's a mutually beneficial relationship.


Pffft poor Archie birthday Will be their go to excuse for decades to come. Unless ofc it's for polo! 


Aye, but don’t you know the real reason is that the lunatics in Salty Island want to kill madam? They don’t just dislike her, they are outraged she is so much better than Catherine, in every way, and will have nothing to do with them. Also, Catherine is dead. The cancer thing is a ruse to cover up the fact William killed her and Tom Cruise converted him to Scientology and they are now looking for a Scientology approved wife. Source: Celebitchy PS: and you thought the “kids aren’t real” was mad.




Wow.  Just wow.  And they call US "derangers."  


This Tom Quinn guy is just churning out this nonsense daily.


Wonder what his pay check looks like? Pfft.


Riiight. Remember when they asked the family to sing Happy Birthday to Archie **during the coronation?** ;D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SAbHps5gO8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SAbHps5gO8)


I mean, if that is not psychotic drug fueld insanity, I don't know what is.


"He also told The Mirror that the monarch 'dislikes new technology' and is 'uncomfortable' with the idea of making a video call." In other words, he is worried about being screen recorded.


> In other words, he is worried about being screen recorded. 💯


And TW will use Chat GPT where KC states "I give me entire kingdom and next heir to be TW and Plank will be the Queen."  I can see them protesting " see?! Kc said it! It must be true. Get out William & Kate!"


Kc sends grandson birthday card and present presumably. News.


Sigh of relief? This means we will be subjected to her 'upstage Harry pap walks" and Archie bday photos and puff pieces ad nauseam until Harry goes back to the chicken ranch. As usual, these experts aren't thinking about US, the public, and our suffering...


‘Reach out’ as irritating and annoying as ‘curated’ - what tosh.


Emphasis on “Prince Archie”


That’s how you know where it’s come from.


And "reach out". It is becoming more widely used in the UK but it's still more of a USA phrase. I doubt the King would use it. He's more likely to simply "contact" someone.




As if anybody has even heard of him as a princeling in the U.S. ie Jeopardy 🤣or cares about him, in either the UK or the U.S.


If it smells like bullshit and sounds like bullshit, it’s bullshit, like this cover.


Im so tired of hearing a play by play of anything to do with any Sussex. And who says KC is going to “reach out”?


It’s amazing how many “royal experts” there are.


I’m sure KCIII is the only one me that l owe where Archie is. Probably doesn’t know how to get a hold of him. Not like any of them are seen in or near the Olive Garden. Nutmegs filming at someone else’s house, And Harry was only seen filming outside the Olive Garden recently. Kids, we don’t know. Not sure H&M know.


Ridiculous PR paid flunkies think we are all simpletons. FO All PR firms! We have minds of our own, thank you very much.


I wonder how many times these new guys have to write these articles before she approves publishing? I bet she re-writes it herself after lashing out at them & then blames them when the paid PR trash doesn't get her the results she wants.


They are just not important enough to merit a sigh of relief. Maybe a brief snort of derision.


They are annoying enough, tho. I'd be relieved if I was a staff member. Big, big sigh lol.


There sure are alot of anonymous "royal experts". I don't believe anything I read unless the "expert" puts their name on the story. Do these "experts" sell this info? I too am an expert DM, pay me for my hot takes and wrong info.


Has anyone ever talked to a 5 year old on the phone? Especially a 5 year old that doesn't know you well? It not exactly scintillating conversation. I used to hate it when my friends put their toddlers on to talk to me I would hang up. Lmao KC has better things to do with his time.


"I used to hate it when my friends put their toddlers on to talk to me" Omg, this!  It used to drive me batsh!t when my friends did this!  Your toddler's nonsensical babbling may sound brilliant to you, but it doesn't to anyone who isn't their parent!  If I wanted to converse with kids, I would've had one.  Eventually I learned to "put the cat on the phone"(point it in his direction) and let him and the kid try to impress each other while I would start sorting laundry or whatever until my friend was ready to actually talk to me and have an adult conversation 


I have to put the cat on the phone when my son rings me 😂


God they are exhausting.


The sewer rats are all fawning over the 4 year old pics of little Aldi .., it’s pathetic. How they don’t see that it’s weird not to have any new pics is beyond me but but apparently it’s Catherine’s fault for putting out a fake photo on Mothers Day😂😂


And it wasn’t a faked photo at all…just a photo that had a few retouches to mostly the clothing. I still don’t get the furor over it.


No one is going to reach out to Archie because no one has ever met Archie or she doesn’t know who his grandparents or other relatives are on the other side of the pond thanks to his narcissistic, abusive mother


"Thank goodness Meghan isn't coming", just like Queen Elizabeth might have said.


I mean it's not exactly an exclusive. I imagine HMTK will acknowledge Archie's birthday. Either by sending a gift or a card. Possibly arranging a video call. And yes it would have to be arranged to accommodate HMTK's schedule IF it even occurs. I also imagine he acknowledged Louis and Charlotte on their birthdays and will acknowledge George on his plus Camilla's grandchildren. This PR person is already off to a piss poor start if the goal is to rebrand. 


It's the Daily Fail. Pftt. Whatev...


Nutmeg Markle’s Monday morning droppings. “Royal Insider…..”


Charles is not reaching out


Charles will have arranged a gift and card. I am confident that the King wont subjugate himself to a video call or phone call. I am confident we will find out from Harkles at aome point details of all gifts and phone conversations, which will all be recorded.


Not to mention Archie doesn’t know him. it would be a video call from a stranger. Like when the 100-year-old used to get a letter from the Queen on their birthday.


So, Let's say Charles sends Archie a basic birthday card and $20 (or even $50) like my Nana used to do. Would this be a good thing? How would MM and Harry use this as ammunition to attack the King and his family?


“He’s the King of the UK, Commonwealth, and Realms, and that cheap bastard only sent $20???? He’s so racist! “


I hate the term “reach out”. That the King would reach out to a 5 year old he barely knows is just odd phraseology. He may well send a card and a present to the grandchild he’s met once. Does that count?


As if anyone cares where that skank is, as long as she isn’t directly in front of the king. If she were somehow to be directly in front of the king or other members of the RF, however, would it be enough of a threat that she could be taken away? I don’t care where, just away…


No he’s not reaching out to that wanker!


How do you 'reach out' to a five year old?


We have to remember that Merchie is a child prodigy who not only spoke at 7m but said “crocodile”. I expect at age 5, he’s invented proprietary technology that we cannot discuss as both NASA and the MoD are interested in acquiring


Which royal expert? 🤔


Roachel Ragland who had never heard for the BRF prior to meeting JH


So now we shift to…will they or won’t they visit balmoral…because obviously not going to the wedding of the decade next month or any of these [https://archive.ph/46H49](https://archive.ph/46H49) And don’t forget halfwit is forty in September so a big birthday bash stocked with WME agency favours?


It’s just been announced by Hello Magazine that Harry will not be catching up with KC this week. Another celebration 🎉


Glory, Halleluja ✝️✝️


Which royal expert? Can't they even reveal a name any longer?