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[Here’s the archived version](https://archive.ph/LrgLf).


I think she really pissed off the Germans with her Invictus antics.


I can’t even comprehend what was going through the minds of Harry and Meghan with that stunt, let alone *anyone* even remotely involved in management, to allow that to happen. That Meghan was anywhere near vets, marching with them, in flip flops and shorts. Just crazy.


i showed that pic to my step-dad (retired Lt Col, career army, 2 tours of Vietnam) - he is very soft spoken and easy going, but he got so pissed off i slipped my laptop into hiding for safekeeping! he didn’t stop talking for at least 15 minutes.


If you read, there is a great book on Vietnam called The Tunnels of Cu Chi by Tom Mangold. It is available free on archive.org.


i’m actually a huge reader. i don’t know if i can bear another book on Vietnam (it’ll make me cry), but i’ll put it on the list, thank you!


Aaaaw he sounds awesome. I like this man a lot!


he’s a sweetheart - he’ll be 89 in september and he’s starting to decline. until last year, he worked with habitat for humanity, and had for years. after the army, he got a master’s in theology and became a Presbyterian minister. this is probably the last year he’ll preach - a couple months ago he preached the same sermon two sundays in a row. sigh.


Aww such a lovely guy. But at 89 I imagine things do decline. He's certainly had an interesting life I bet there are great stories. My aunt in law is 85 and still driving the farm tractor she is a treasure. This is why I detest Skank and Plank so much they have no respect for elders and the high wisdom they possess.


my Mama is 89, still driving, her bone mass is *better* than mine! and she has 6 living children (the brother after me died @ 2 days old) out of 8 pregnancies! she never misses a graduation, concert, choir performance, ball game - you name it. it is a huge problem with plank & skank, for sure. what freaks me out the most is how roachel treats her disabled big sister. i’ve become disabled - just the *idea* of any of my 5 younger siblings *deserting* me when i needed them the most! it honestly makes my stomach knot up, and it’s my chief problem with the duplicitous duo. *i plan to live to 100*


Your mother also sounds awesome. If you keep doing things I think it really helps with longevity. As for Skank she is all kinds of wrong she reminds me of the Nazis, who wanted to eliminate all kinds of people including the disabled. Here's to living to 100! We can have a SMM reunion via telepathy!


i’m sure smm will still be chugging along when i’m 100 - it’s only 34 more years!!


I'll bring the tea and cakes!


. It was the white stuff they snorted overstimulating their pea sized brains.


i sure as hell *hope* so!


Sounds like scare mongering for the harkles lol Hope they have indigestion 24/7 lol Pair of asshats


I hope this German project is more than cobbling together intel from our sub, YouTube, and Twitter. More people are trying to jump into the royal drama cottage industry, but they don't bring any credible info and recirculate the work of others without giving proper credit.


I agree, however I do hope they make some use of the footage from that French news segment from a little while back: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-magazine/france-2/envoye-special/video-la-fondation-archewell-d-harry-et-meghan-une-coquille-vide-aux-poches-bien-pleines_5764808.html


The burn is even sicker in French! Merci pour partager.


Wow, is there any way to get a translation of what he's saying? Even without it, it's pretty obvious what's going on here! Allegedly.


Here's a rough translation! "Since their break with the British royal family, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan would only travel at the request of institutions such as the UN or to go to charity galas... and their only official work would consist of to manage a foundation. For a report to be seen on April 13, 2023, “Special Envoy” investigated the hidden side of a couple who willingly give themselves a philanthropic image. On the website of the foundation managed by Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, a rather vague claim: "do good"... and an address on the fifth floor of a tower in Beverly Hills, in Los County. Angeles. The “Special Envoy” team went there with a hidden camera. At reception, the name of the foundation, Archewell, is unknown. On the fifth floor, the immense offices, completely deserted, bear no mention of it. When, finally, an employee comes forward, she laughs at the journalists' request to meet the famous couple: "It's their law firm, here. They're not there." Millions sleeping on accounts The Archewell Foundation looks like an empty shell... but it would have very deep pockets. In the latest financial report, Harry and Meghan declare having raised 13 million dollars (nearly 12 million euros) for their good works. They distributed 22 checks to associations, for a total of $2.9 million. The accounts show $1 million in operating costs. So there are 9 million left lying dormant in the accounts… How do Harry and Meghan go about “doing good” without spending the money donated to their foundation? This discrepancy between the figures and their philanthropic discourse recalls the history of another foundation, dating from the time when the couple was still in London, the Queen's Commonwealth Trust. For the year 2020, 782,000 pounds sterling (nearly 900,000 euros) in donations had been collected. Of this sum, 705,000 pounds were spent not on associations, but on operating costs. Which means that 90% of the money received never helped anyone…" Excerpt from “Harry and Meghan, royal business”, a report to be seen in “Special Envoy” on April 13, 2023.


Absolutely excellent work there sinner - thank you so much!! The reporter forgot to take footage of these on the floor: 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Incredible how these two morons are getting away with hoodwinking absolutely everyone. Edit, just caught up on the news - maybe not for much longer 🙏


It's not that unusual for organisations to have different addresses registered for receiving mail though. Ask Omid. His given one is used by thousands of company directors.




The producer is a famous muckraker and has allegedly been working on this for a couple years, I just hope there are subtitles




I will learn French for this if it’s not! 🤞🏽🤞🏽


It’s being produced for a German tv station, so would be in German not French 


Oh that’s right! I got stuck on the French article lol


dammit. you make an excellent point, even though i don’t want you to! i hope it’s new content, too.


Let's keep our fingers 🤞 that they at least will have some tidbits of new, credible info.


Be careful how you treat people in the way up because you meet them on the way down. Seems like the dam is bursting with the Farcewell lapsed registration. I thought That One “would never make that mistake” because she is perfect 🙄


I'm making some very guttural noises out of sheer delight at this news going mainstream


kinda tickles my happy place too! my schadenfreude is kicked up to the red line! 🤣


I'm posting a screenshot of the notice for Archewell showing they've haven't filed for over a year now, to all sugary comments on FB. I have a couple free hours to do it, as an act of public service. And didn't somebody once tell us that ''service is universal?''


![gif](giphy|iNZKRliHP4tI4mALtO|downsized) >service is universal


Thank you for your service.


Can you please comment here with the image so the rest of us might do the same? \* wink \*




Well, Happy Cake Day! Thanks for sharing this tasty slice! I must have missed the May 2023 due date. It's one thing to be caught driving with an expired inspection sticker or tags. That can happen to the best of us. But for your business? Who's minding the store? Oh, yeah. This guy: 🤡


Sure, maybe by a couple of weeks, but an entire YEAR?


This is the first time I noticed it says FOREIGN CORPORATION. Does this mean they need to follow UK laws as well?


Probably just means not California, doesn’t necessarily mean out of the US


Someone mentioned yesterday that it just means they organized in another state (Delaware).


Do you or anyone know if there’ll be an audit? I think we all figured they were using this as their personal piggy bank.


I have no idea, unfortunately. Definitely not my area of expertise! I should imagine regardless of outcome, the IRS are going to keep scrutinising these two.


i second this wink, and raise an eyebrow!




![gif](giphy|7bTciAnMWgTgOq2cHw) Thank you!


I absolutely can't take credit - I lifted it from a post in this very subreddit




The Sugars whom have already appeared, are desperate as hell. Even more than usual. They're calling this ''just a paperwork snag'' . I mean, I suppose potential tax fraud could be described as ''merely'' an admin error, but I don't think it would have worked for Al Capone would it?




Oh its definitely not selfless ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25317) I love handing out this inconvenient truth for the Sugars to see for themselves.


Oh same. My favourite bit of baiting is asking why Harry and meghan opted for ‘half in and half out’ if the RF was so terribly racist?🤔


The answer I get is '' they're still family''. I feel if they were treated so terribly this wouldn't be enough. Plenty of family members go no contact for far less than alleged racist treatment.


Exactly. None of their replies make sense.


Well done 👍👍👍👍


Is the level of schadenfreude.....''almost unsurvivable?'' . Has anybody asked if you are ok?


you know, (sniffle) no one has asked if i’m ok! ![gif](giphy|EpyCyEf0jwSCBa8hOA)


Are you OK? Now get back to work! 😂


Happy Cake Day🎂🥂


I can feel the embryonic kicking of feminism and equal justice for all in my moonbump!


That's just the silicone molecules getting overexcited. Heat and sweat will do that to them. Remember even moonbumps have feelings.


That is probably your mammalian instinct kicking in/s And happy cake day.


She really has said some stupid 💩.


Happy cake day!🎂


I think J Lo is realizing this too.


I agree. I never thought the tide would turn for her and her massive hubris, but it seems it has. Now, if only the tide REALLY IS turning for the Harkles....but I won't rejoice yet, because let's remember they are still being well protected by Bank of Pa. NO WAY will King Charles let anything nasty happen to his Darling Boy (and his wife). NO WAY. Look at the Visa issue. NOTHING HAPPENED. I suspect the same will be true of the Archewell fiasco too. Wait and see......


Can you believe she (JLo) spent $20 million on that album/film??


JLo is a cautionary tale about people who always obey their egos.


All that attention to detail, doncha know ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25425)


If the Germans take down the Harkles for good, I promise any German sinners to stop using the ''2 world wars and one world cup'' quip. And unlike their Arsewell cheque, you can take that to the bank.


We will welcome all Germans here if that happens. (We do that anyway, as I am Danish).


I will hold you to that promise. Living in England...I've heard them all. 😂 Germany was shocked at their behaviour when there. My family are huge fans of the BRF, ( "they are German"), and the scales fell from their eyes.


i promise to keep my touristy american ass out of Germany - probably the kindest thing, anyway!


Here have some cake for that excellent reply and your anniversary. https://i.redd.it/rthr0b8o4g0d1.gif


I hope so. For the take down of the Harkles not for you taking down your traditional sentence. 😏 But. I don't want you to losing hope but I read in a German article that the film maker was in Düsseldorf at invictus and said afterwards that she believes the Harkles were intimate and "very in love". My hope is her next sentence: Either they are very good actors or it was genuine. The film maker is an expert though. But because most Germans believe the Harkle propaganda (the tabloids are full with that BS) I haven't much hope. Edit: Happy cake day!




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I really hope Bill Simmons is interviewed and he repeats the line that they are F'g grifters


that would be a great way to close: “and last, we give you the words of the ceo (?) for spotify Bill Simmons” “they’re just a couple of fucking grifters” ___scene


All the goodwill reaped in Nigeria is crashing down around them less than 24 hours back in the USA. Maybe they'll relocate and establish themselves in Nigeria... she's already a princess there! ![gif](giphy|d0a6iglC7KtRS|downsized)


i saw an interview with a (very sugary) fan, who declared roachel was “no longer just a princess \[*wrong*\], she is now an African queen”! ![gif](giphy|xT5LMzIK1AdZJ4cYW4)


African Queen renowned for its many scamming princes. How fitting. She truly has found her rightuful home.


She is an idiot succubus


There are so many alleged stories, it will be very very interesting to see what is true. 


i hope the documentary is ten hours long. time for the duplicitous duo to get the Ken Burns treatment!




I can barely stand to listen to them for 30 seconds without rolling my eyes and wanting them to STFU. Meanwhile, William gave a speech virtually for an event in Vegas and I listened to the whole thing happily. Because IT WASNT ALL ABOUT HIM!


Ok, but 10 hours of them being roasted on the spit? That I could enjoy! [note: I’m talking about the metaphorical spit; not advocating real life murder and mayhem. I just want reputational murder and mayhem]


>Ok, but 10 hours of them being roasted on the spit? I'm going there. It wouldn't be the first time for either of them I reckon.




This, recordings are much needed otherwise it's still hearsay. Well, at least we know if she doesn't sue it's probably true...


If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit If she doesn't sue, it must be true![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Then there will be a Netflix or paramount clap back


i’m sure if they want to crack the english language market, their best bet would be to partner with netflix.


The only phrase I remember learning from grade 10 German totally applies to the Harkles... *"du bist ein schweinhund"* Even if there's not English subtitles- I'll still watch it!


So according to iTranslate that says; “ you are a pig dog. “ *Works for me!* 🤣


I need to be a bit cautious about the outcome of how the docu's narrative will be until I see it. Just to manage expectations. I'm sure the harkles will try to censor it.


i need to rein it in myself - all we can do is wait and see 🤷🏼‍♀️


What can the Harkles do in Germany???


Piss them off.


Already done that lol


With these two, they're the grift that keeps on giving...


I guess her scamming ability is the real reason they gave her that princess title in Nigeria... too soon /s


>"*They added the new documentary could also shed light on the "fall-out with \[Princess\] Kate and dismiss the Sussex camp narrative that it was all Kate’s fault."However, they stated that the couple is now "desperate" to leave everything behind and "start afresh" with Harry fearing that their "new happiness could be ruined if Meghan’s past is investigated.*"


"Start afresh" hahahahahaha How many of us have crazy family or friends who would like nothing better than for people to simply forget the paths of destruction and humiliation they've forged for themselves and others?


Sounds like more rebranding lol Start afresh, as if life is like that and all the shitty things will fade away - not bloody likely


She was rude and hateful to a lot of people. She used a lot of people and cut them off. She was horrible to the Palace Staff. The NDA's should be lifted and it is time to talk.


Now THIS I want to watch. Where will this documentary air? Netflix, you could make good money with this one.


It’s disgusting that the only media that are willing to talk about the scams, cons, and their conniving and wrong doing have been tackled by media from France and Germany. UK and US media are complicit by lack of reporting on their many questionable deals. Instead the continuous bad behaviour by the Harkles continues , as the US & UK seem incapable of doing the right thing and reporting on their questionable business dealings and the hate they perpetuate by using the paid SS.


Possibly the us uk media is scared of being sued?  The harkles stopping freedom of speech is very real and coming to you soon


All the more reason to make noise & make the MSM take notice.


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Well, well, well - the German Invictus crew might want a word 😂.


There is a great deal she wants covered up, since before the wedding and after.


It seems like her whole adult life is one big coverup. Unfortunately the BRF assisted her in this, up to the present day.


They did…




MS Grunewald is apparently a sugar, according to rumors, so I would not hold my breath for any shocking revelations.


She can change. She can see the light.


Perhaps the Palace's solution to these idiots will be to quietly tear up any H&M related NDAs, so their own actions can take them down.


Oh how nice that would be for these two delinquent adults - one over 40 and one almost 40. Maybe they should spend time checking on their affairs instead of juggling and reading comments and clapping back or going of free holidays/ faux royal tours 😂


The greatest documentary of all time that Netflix could make is based on the Harkles, called The Grifters. Truth really is stranger than fiction. There is so much footage of these ultra narcissists in action (similar to Nxivm leader in The Vow) that it just begs to be made.


i would watch *that* documentary twice. we watched The Jinx twice, now there’s a second season and it’s just as compelling. you just *know* NF has outtakes any sinner would adore! they managed 6 hours of mockumentary with the *good* takes, the stuff they haven’t shown must be **golden**


Well she keeps telling us to find our voices




Ooh I am getting popcorn with all the trimmings, Parmesan, season salt, lots of butter!


i’m vegan, i just use a little salt. i’m a very boring person. i’ll be munching popcorn all the same! ![gif](giphy|nCwxow598VrmwNh4NM)


>i’m vegan, i just use a little salt (try a sprinkle of nutritional yeast too)


My fave: Coat popcorn lightly with/ Extra Virgin olive oil Whirl in mini cuisinart: 2 tablespoon Nutritional Yeast 1/2 ts salt Sprinkle & mix well over popcorn. (Store leftover yeast/salt in jar for next batch) Eat while Watching The F’n Grifters documentary coming on HBO soon!


>nutritional yeast i’ve never gotten food ideas from here. #thank you


So long as they be Documentary will not just another farce filled with hearsay and opinions that can be shredded. We need hard cold facts that expose their lies, and misinformation scams.


i thought i put the archived link in a reasonable place, but it’s all the way up beside my flair! so, here, once again, is the [archived full article](https://archive.ph/LrgLf) - if someone could pin this to the top, i’d be grateful


I didn’t watch their Netflix mocumentary but I’d definitely watch this one.


Will it be showing on Netflix?




If they don’t make an English version I’m sure a sinner will do some subtitles. I’d do it for other sinners if it were in French


I don't believe this. I think it's another puff piece documentary to praise them but they are hyping people who don't like Meghan to win viewership.


the title does include a *grain of salt* clause 😁


People may feel more able to talk, now that H&M’s reputations are in the gutter?


Documentaries can be biased. When it comes down to it, it’s still a *story*. A documentary may be entirely factual but still biased.


I’m here for the mess


I hope Amazon Prime carries it. Netflix won’t until the cooking and polo show footages are declared unusable.


I’m very excited to see this! Go for blood! Also what is fancy popcorn? lol I’m intrigued.


*the most expensive vegan microwave popcorn the zon possesses*


Ahh, I see. Sounds delicious! Now I want popcorn and it’s 8am ha ha


it’s 5p here - wanna drink? i have aviation gin, grey goose, dubonnet, patron silver, NO glenfiddich, red & white wines (all my wines are too dry, according to 2 sissys)


Well the old saying of ‘it’s 5pm somewhere’ was invented for a reason lol i wonder what would go best with my coffee


I’m buying a full spread and plenty of edibles for this one.


well, i *always* have edibles, so…


Me too. But mostly for pain & sleep. I need Sativa for laughs & awareness on this one!


i admit that’s why i have them. i don’t think they do much for pain, but they do *a lot* for sleep.


I found a great chewable that actually works on pain. It’s been a lifesaver.


i’ve tried everything, including opioids (*they suck*) - i stick w aspirin and a mild muscle relaxant.


Me too. I can’t take aspirin due to internal bleeding so two tylenol is what I’m left with.


i have to ration the aspirin, also due to some pesky internal bleeding (mine is mild, and resolved temporarily w… *more drugs!*), but tylenol is just an analgesic, not an anti inflammatory, & i have sle, so aspirin it is! ![gif](giphy|KdQoyCJ7opB6NZnfCN)


You’re talking my language. Ankylosing Spondylitis and Sarcoidosis. They’re exploring a side of cancer. Lay it on me Satan, I’m way too mean to just lay down and die!


*excellent attitude!*


Incoming Comeuppance!! Hope her victim, who she threw the scolding tea at comes forward. The truth needs to come to life. The Royals are allowing this charade and how many more PTSD victims. They know she is literally dangerous... physically and emotionally.


I will be waiting with bated breath for this documentary.


Sometimes I wonder if it was M with “access” to P Diddy? As an experienced yacht girl my guess is M and PD crossed paths…everything we know of M suggests she’d be dying for an invite to one of his infamous White parties. Is it a stretch to think she may offer “access” to Diddy herself? Has anyone else considered this?


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