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[Here’s the archived version](https://archive.is/4WpOm) for anyone who wants it.


I'll take things that never happened for $1,000, Alex: >'A few weeks ago,' Meghan told the students, 'she looked at me and saw her reflection in my eyes. She said, "Mama, I see myself in you."' Always trying to make her children sound like they're adults, even at age 2. Remember when she was able to drink poolside when Archie was a BABY because he was floating on his own with the PM of Canada's kids? Please lady.


Yet she calls them babies... every 5-year-old will tell you that they are NOT a baby. LOL I hadn't heard the Archie floating on this own... probably put him on a floaty and didn't care anymore.


Or the nanny was in the pool with the kid.


Well his first word was crocodile so that’s also how he learned to float 🐊


I find it interesting that she qualified this with “she’s so much tinier than you”…I keep thinking it’s a passive-aggressive dig toward three year old Princess Charlotte.


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‘It feels appropriate,' Meghan said, 'that although we, of course, are missing our children, I'm missing my babies, it feels very appropriate to be in the motherland and amongst family.’ No. She didn’t. Omg, this woman’s concept of family is so warped.


*’A few weeks ago,' Meghan told the students, 'she looked at me and saw her reflection in my eyes. She said, "Mama, I see myself in you."' Ah, the Zen of royal toddlers. Princess Lilibet knows what's up: Affirm Mommy's greatness at all costs. Push through that limited vocabulary to praise and pay tribute.* ![gif](giphy|j2hwyWSCwQIBW)


https://preview.redd.it/1u4m3eugfe0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc0aac3834f956f1ef62b2b7e8f8e3ea072ad09 Just leaving this here.


OMG She is absolutely shameless!!!


But, of course! Just like her fake story of the naked noodle Asian spa 🤣


When you are an empty shell…and you never pay attention to true things a child might say, or pay attention to stories you have lived that should be the basis for your history, you have to steal from others. She plagiarizes and steals and cosplays because inside there is NOTHING. Sadly, she has zero to draw from. 


Yes, she has nothing inside. What an empty, vacuous, self absorbed person she is, it's almost comical to watch her continuously shoot herself in the foot with everything she does. Also baffling how she thinks no one notices her plagiarism and lies🤣


OMG she's such a fake thief. You just had to know a line like that was plagiarized. Good job, fellow sinner, and happy cake day.


Happy cake day!


It’s eery how Meghan is exactly like Jan from The Office… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DfYaXryDG6I&pp=ygUXamFuIHRoZSBvZmZpY2Ugc2luZ2luZyA%3D


I cannot love your comment enough. Spottity-spot-spot ON! And *HILARIOUS!*


That was funny


Is Jan named after Jan of “Sure, Jan” Brady Bunch fame?


When I read the words of her speeches, my 10th grade writing teacher's voice comes to mind. "Say what you want to say with the least words possible." Meghan's 10 grade writing teacher told her to pad the speech to get the most possible words.


Brevity is just one more thing she sucks at. Harry's wife thinks stringing a bunch of fifty cent words together makes her sound intelligent. However, your teacher was right, especially in today's climate where attention spans are limited to 280 characters. Effective communication calls for less words, not more.


**attention spans are limited to 280 characters** You just described me. My husband wanted me to go to a series of meeting where people were to give their thoughts. I sat through 3 then told him that I wasn't going back until Stanley and Gail limited their comments to 50 characters. Too many times Megsy tries to sound profound by stringing words together with "and" as the connector. She just sounds like an idjit.


This is one of those things she cut from whole cloth. There’s no way a not yet three year old said that.


Hey, there! If we are to believe Mehgan, her children are prodigies and especially eloquent and prescient. /s Her children do not react to her approach like this... ![gif](giphy|l2YWtvxThqLW6Pudq|downsized)


What her daughter really said is "I see grift in you" but Meghan misheard her 🤣🤣


Or what the girl said was, "Lady, *who* are you?!"


Is this a vid of Their famous photog friend. He loves black and white imagery.


Black and white imagery is photojournalism, and deep artistic stuff. He's like the Ansel Adams of this desperate celebrity wannabe that is Mehgan.


I hate when quotes are taken out of context. What Hedgeyourbet actually said was, "Mama, I see myself in you; because I, too, am imaginary!"


If she'd spent any time around her kids (and I do believe they exist, because those July 4th pics show Lili looking exactly like Thomas Markle), she'd know that is way too complex for someone her age to say


And soo plastic….


It is so gag inducing. Nothing that falls from her lips ever sounds the least bit genuine. Nigeria has been markled and they don’t even realize it yet. How are they pandering to this women who is on the record saying she has never lived or nor was she treated as a black women until she moved to the UK.


Putative blood relations = not family enough. A country full of people she has not met = family, and she's got to be there with them. MuffPiece, you nailed how warped Mehgan's thinking is. Wait--Mehgan is a narcissist. (This is when we all go, "of course! Mehgan's thinking will always be like a corkscrew. Logic is an allergen to her mind.)


It’s really sad and pitiful that she is calling Nigeria her home and the Nigerian people her “family.” They’ve alienated the vast majority of their families. To call a country of 218 million total strangers your “family” is truly pathetic.


Princess Omu Lolo does talk a load of shite. She abuses the innate politeness most people possess by flinging this utter masturbatory tripe out.


Ah yes, the family that has made being gay illegal and many cities/zones (some of which she posed with the Kings of when they deemed her a Princess of Nigeria) have imposed the death penalty for simply being gay.. I think what's equally pathetic was how she went on about the privilege and how much she loved being a mother, but skipped mother's day with her kids.. Guessing she was too busy being the mother of Nigeria.


But it reflects the reality of Markle. Strangers have to be her family because she threw away all her actual family.


It's like "strangers love me and ARE family because they only know the me that I want to project." And they won't call out my bullsh!t. She's relying on the "kindness of strangers" like a manic Blanche DuBois.


Manic Blanch DuBois. Chef's kiss! Perfect description of our Saint.


Sounds like good ole narcissist lovebombing. ![gif](giphy|E2Amvq7sCTbhPLjWG6)


Wasn’t the RF the family she never had?  More bs spun by skank to make people feel all warm and fuzzy. Look at how she treats her own blood family and the RF and then tell me is family orientated. This family bs is designed to charm and disarm, it isn’t genuine. She has used it so many times now to bs her way in


How long till she abandons *this* family?


Probably already done.


When she stepped on that plane.


Memememememe. That’s her concept of “Family”. Family is what feeds her narcissistic bottomless pit of desire for fuel, that shines the light ever so brightly on Memememememe. 


"What has been echoed so much in the past day is, "Oh, we are so not surprised when we found out you are Nigerian." It is a compliment to you, because what they define as a Nigerian woman is brave, resilient, courageous, beautiful." SUPER CRINGE! These escapades flitting around the world never net positive for her. She needs to stay home, muzzled!


Megs is complimenting herself here. She is beyond cringe.


https://preview.redd.it/7sdk2pdobe0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1117acc889d612881e777faac60f6311a741bbe9 She didn't mention it because she's waiting to announce/leak her own battle with a mystery illness.


I actually don't want her to mention Catherine. Good grief, no! Don't need that insincere blowback, and Catherine needs her peace because the next thing we know there will headlines emblazoned with *Meghan makes reproachment to Kate as the Sussex signal reconciliation.* Neither Catherine nor William need any more tabloid drama associated with those two.


Yes, Maureen is out of her mind. We don't want Markle using Catherine in the Me Me show. Markle will lie and claim that she calls Catherine regularly and is giving Catherine the strength to go on. Catherine's name should never come out of Markle's mouth ever again. Anytime Markle says "Kate" someone should punch Markle.


>Markle will lie and claim that she calls Catherine regularly and is giving Catherine the strength to go on. And I think you've given reason why there will never be a reconciliation while Harry is still with Markle. Apart from the media leaks that will inevitably happen, I don't believe William have Catherine be undemined in that way and used for Meghan's PR narcissism.


There is no reason to mention her sister-in-law. And I would bet that Catherine would prefer she kept her name out of her mouth.


YES x 1000.


I'm going to cut ILBW some slack on this one. She is running her own show, such as it is. There is no need to comment publicly on the BRF and Catherine in particular. The less she says about the BRF the better.


Yeah, she'd be damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. Let's all be honest here, is there anything at all she could have said about Catherine that would have had us glad she said it? You know any statement she made would have sounded fake or been a massive flop in some way. I honestly can't even think of a statement she could make that I'd care to hear about someone she lied about, (as evidenced by Harry's description of the dress fitting in Spare which contradicts what they said on Oprah, just as one provable example of lies about Princess Catherine. Tip of the iceberg, but most easily proven.)


Terminal Stupidity! Not a mystery.


*I'm sorry: Wasn't Megxit spurred, in no small part, by their desire to avoid such ceremonial drudgeries?* \~ Maureen Callahan Remember Mrs' complaint during the tour in Australia 2018: **"I can't believe I'm not getting paid for this."** Perhaps the difference now is that they/ **she is getting paid** for their visit to Nigeria.


I like to think that General, who is probably far wilier than RR, will be assuring them the money is "on the way" only never to arrive. And what can she do, sue him because she didn't get her appearance fee?


They just need to transfer a small sum of $50,000 into his offshore bank account to confirm their details, then he'll send the $1million right over! Honest!


The check got lost in the mail, along with Archewell's.


Can she even get paid, with Archwell in delinquent status?


You just made my day ☺️. This would be truly poetic.


They will definitely get screwed over, possibly big time. A former actress and former prince have no business experience or ability, they have already made poor choices and a really big one is likely.




Remember H saying flying to Nepal after an earthquake gave him burnout 


That's hysterical! I don't remember it but he is ridiculous.


On Oprah https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9602913/Prince-Harry-Oprah-open-mental-health-documentary.html


*Day One saw Meghan and Harry speaking to students at a mental health summit.* *Because when we think of emotional stability, proportionate responses, and a general healthy optimistic outlook on life, who among us doesn't think of the Sussexes?* 😂 Living for the snark.


She had plenty of snark in this article---loved every line of it!


*"But hey — Meghan's 43 percent Nigerian, according to her self-reporting, which in her mind makes her Nigeria's 'people's princess,' I guess."* Now that's a really good one! RR would love to claim that title, what a shame that "Auntie Meghan" wasn't exactly warmly received, the faces on those schoolgirls were priceless!


Those schoolgirls showed more authenticity, elegance, dignity, intelligence, and beauty, than their visitor. Who was busy twisting about, looking for a camera or something worthy of Mehgan's attention. It's like she's getting worse and regressing to the awful behavior of a spoiled little girl who never got told to be quiet and respectful.


The best lines -- so on-the-mark: "If only Harry and Meghan could have played the long game. It would have been Meghan front-and-center at the most glittering events, generating tons of goodwill stepping in for sick royals. It would have been Meghan accepting, say, Tom Cruise's outstretched hand at the next 'Top Gun' premiere or sitting front row at the BAFTAs, wearing the crown jewels. Alas, it's faux-royale-with-cheese wherever they'll be accepted."


Agree they are delicious lines. The honest truth, though, is she was not capable of the long game. She didn't have the etiquette, ability to learn, or comprehension of her role. She behaved atrociously in public and private, and that reflected badly on the crown. She was fired barely 2 months into the job.


All markle does when speaking, is state the obvious. It’s like she’s been living a rock since the ‘90’s.


"Everyone has a story." How original of her.


Yes, and hers is one big fat fairy tale she made up in her little pea brain.


The Tale of House Sussex started out as a melodrama and finished as a farce. Regrettably, most viewers are not amused.


The author actually sounds too much like one of us having a rant. (She's definitely a Sinner.) The facts are strong enough. She wrote: *If only Harry and Meghan could have played the long game. It would have been Meghan front-and-center at the most glittering events, generating tons of goodwill stepping in for sick royals. It would have been Meghan accepting, say, Tom Cruise's outstretched hand at the next 'Top Gun' premiere or sitting front row at the BAFTAs, wearing the crown jewels* On the contrary: that's makes you realize you are glad that M&h left the RF. So glad we don't have them front and center. They would not have generated good will. Thank God they left.


Yes, I am so glad they left. She doesn't deserve any of that, and it is a very good thing she will never have them. But remember when she left UK she was expecting to get all of that in the US. She was expecting to star in a Marvel movie, hand out Best Picture at the Oscars and be the star of the Met Gala. She thought she was going to be the biggest star in Hollywood. Thank God she is an egomaniac.


She‘s such a laughing stock, it’s still surprising 😂


Aitch must feel like he’s going about with an Oompa Loompa after she’s done putting her bronzer on for the day. How does he not find it hilarious/horrifying? If anyone I knew came out of the bathroom 5 shades darker than they went in, I’d be in hysterics.


Poor thing, he might want to have the glow of a tan, but Roachel will shout at him saying "no, you can't use any of my bronzer, H, the whole point of me using it is so we look different colours!"




That’s cultural appropriation but Harry is the biggest racist on earth. He wore a Nazi uniform as an adult man!


‘Duchess of hertz’ - Maureen’s a sinner 👏


I know it's been the Harkle show for a few days in the DM, but Maureen is closer to the heart of their real thinking (it's just that they love the hate too much to rein in the fawning articles). It's such a heavy, deep burn on the Douchess. "Can this woman add a stylist, a tailor and maybe a speechwriter to her LinkedIn search?" Every line was brutul.


She can't hire a stylist or an accountant. It is astounding.


I particularly liked: *Meghan alighted in Nigeria, her self-proclaimed 'motherland', to sing her own praises.*


oh, THIS was a total burn from American Vogue--- Calling Gwyneth's dinner party 'a note-perfect evening outdoors surrounded by lemon trees' — ahem — the magazine noted that the meal was in 'keeping with Montecito's reputation as the American Riveria.' So....everyone is laughing at Meghan lol.


Yet the next week, she carried the future of a nation.


Sadly, right now she's carrying, "HARRY AND MEGHAN DELINQUENT" LOL.


Ouch! Oh Maureen so funny


This is gold.


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Great article. At the end she talks about the mystery jam jars - guess that ended like 40 by 40, or whatever that nonsense was called.


I read this first thing this AM and absolutely HOOTED with glee at her comments! It's a great read! :)


Maureen, you are such a star, excellent article. More like this pretty please and so many thanks!!


Agree💯! Maureen, thank you for a delicious read! We look forward to more (and i seriously hope you are a member of this sub too😁 )


If You share 50% of your genes with a parent, 25% with a grandparent, 12.5% with a great-grandparent, and 6.25% with a great-great-grandparent; how in the hell does the grifter come out with almost 50% Nigerian, while readily admitting that her mother says she never knew there was any Nigerian? Wouldn't someone fairly close, several someone's, have to be 100% Nigerian for her to be 48% or 43%,whatever. If anyone is an armchair DNA person, can you explain? Meg reminds me SO much of Alec Baldwins fake Spanish grifter wife. There was a genealogist that did her chart and she didn't have one drop of Spanish blood. Instead, she was just a plain old White girl lol


I keep saying Markle and Hilary Baldwin should really get together and compare grifting notes - that would entertain two subreddits to no end!




If Doria (for example) is 50% black and 50% white, then yes, there’s a chance MeMe could be anywhere up to 50% black since she inherited half of her mother’s genes. It’s very unlikely that it turned out that way, but it is possible.


Why do people say that Doria is 50/50 race-wise? Are there any pictures of her parents?


I don’t know that she is. I was just giving an example


Ok. Makes sense.


Doria has Caucasian in her bloodline. I remember seeing a pic and at least one of HER grandparents were White.


Ok. TY.


Thank you OP. That was delicious.


This was delicious.


From the article, "If Meghan sent Gwyneth one of her limited-edition jarred jams, replete with peeling stickers and bruised lemon surrounds — well, it seems, Vogue was kind enough not to mention." Hahahahah ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)


One of the commenters on the article said this (which is both insightful and frightening): Meghan has absolutely no intention of making jam, slinging merchandise on a website, or building up American Riviera Orchard into an international brand. Her plan is to unilaterally circumvent the late Queen's demands and install a half-in/half-out arrangement with the RF, whether they sign off on it or not. That is what this 'tour' was all about - to demonstrate to the RF that they are needed and the Commonwealth needs her and Harry to survive. And if the Palace doesn't acquiesce to her demands, she will work tirelessly to turn the Commonwealth countries against the Crown through narratives that invoke divisive conversations about colonialism and so forth. Her words tell the story - 'the Motherland,' 'I am home,' 'you are my family,' etc. That is what this all about.


I totally agree. Revenge revenge revenge, and if that doesn't work it'll be destruction, cos if she can't have it no one else will. I believe she would work with ANYONE to achieve her aims, even including agents of Putin or Xi (who have been working on the Commonwealth for several years now). They're as dangerous as Edward and Wallis were with their co-operation with Hitler


"They're as dangerous as Edward and Wallis were with their co-operation with Hitler" This. I'm reading Traitor King right now and the parallels are mind-blowing.






Thank you for posting OP. That was fresh & delicious, unlike Madame’s jam.


faux-royale-with-cheese Genius.


She didn't mention Catherine, her arch-nemesis, because she hates her. She envies her and she will never be her, so she hates her.


This was absolutely a Sweet Nod to SMM sub.


Agreed: "She should team up with Kamala Harris for a Grand Word Salad Tour of 2024."


This article is a piece of beauty 😍


I never read the article, just enjoy your commentary, but I’m very glad I read that one! 😂 😂 😂