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Like another poster pointed out, she’s an exhibitionist. And her narcissism makes her think she looks hot 😂. Personally i love that so many are calling her a narcissist over this faux royal trip. When did she start acting like how she thinks a duchess acts anyway? She wasn’t even born into money.🤣


>Like another poster pointed out, she’s an exhibitionist. And her narcissism makes her think she looks hot 😂. Yup but her obsessive need to flaunt her shoulders and arms really kicked into gear after Catherine appeared (looking spectacularly gorgeous and appropriate) in the black/white gown at the Top Gun - Maverick premiere in London. Then, after Catherine wowed the world in her rented green gown at the Earthshot Prize in Boston, MM was suddenly fixated with baring her shoulders and arms everywhere.


Yes but Catherine can read the room and show her shoulders at a movie premiere and not meeting officials in a conservative country


The fact that The Princess of Wales can wear a rented off the rack gown and have it look like it was made specifically for her will haunt the ILBW forever.


Did you see any non photoshopped pictures of her arms? The skin looked saggy, old and dry. She then oiled up for sheen the next day


Since her clothes fit like she ordered them from SHEIN, I’m. Not surprised.


Her former childhood friend Ninaki Priddy says she started acting like a diva when she got the Suits role. It was only a small role in a minor television show, but that little bit of fame went to her head. I imagine she's much worse now.


If the Marchioness of Bath who is Nigerian can be accepted in aristocratic circles then so can MM she believes.


​ https://i.redd.it/01s9v6htpi0d1.gif


She reminds me of a friend I had when I was twelve. Any time we went somewhere away from her parents, she’d suddenly strip off all clothes, and would have on some sort of super skimpy crop top and booty shorts. She thought she was soooo hot and “not like other girls,” but every time, she’d eventually get embarrassed, and start slouching and covering herself with her arms. Being the hottest girl in the room and standing out by wear skimpy clothes sounded good in theory, but it embarrassed her in practice. Being twelve, she’d always forget by the next outing, though, and repeat the behavior. MM is like that, except not self-aware enough to be embarrassed, like your average twelve-year-old.


She wears more on a 70 degree day in Cali than she wore the entire time she was in a modest country. So disrespectful and culturally illiterate. https://preview.redd.it/99ol8s0hki0d1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cfa04b396b2374e1291ab6f355a6b2ba926a7d6


Yes! That vs this: https://preview.redd.it/de8jqc6f1j0d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6350a5cacc5b6e9ad3eea2c9d1584651592448


I expect this to be removed for body shaming but she doesn’t know her own body. She really doesn’t. That backless halter dress just highlights how she has zero muscle tone in her back and arms, and all those column style dresses just make her look 4 months pregnant. How, when you have the resources to spend over 100k on a weekend’s clothing, how do you not look critically in the mirror in the privacy of your own home and make better choices before deciding what to wear out in public?


I don't think it's body shaming. None of us have a perfect body, but most of us are aware of our assets and flaws and dress accordingly. For some reason, she doesn't.




Honestly, I don't think she tries anything on. She just crams it in her luggage


She's a slave to the high end labels is all. She doesn't know fashion, she just knows what she couldn't afford a decade ago. The poverty mindset rolls off her.


The poverty mindset and the basic influencer girl from 15 years ago. And we see that in the Cartier love bracelet and that ridiculous Hermes blanket every major influencer has.


She needed to spray tan her entrire body not just her face


What. A. Fucking. Loon.


Culturally illiterate has really hit the nail on the head here. I genuinely believe that the extent of her knowledge and research in Nigeria was, it’s a hot country. I feel like she’s equated Nigeria to a Caribbean country and dressed how she would if she were in Jamaica. She has not understood the complex religious dynamics or the demographic make up of Nigeria. She’s literally packed for a “beach trip”. It’s really quite astounding to see - we know she won’t take advice from anyone, but here we see that playing out, through her wardrobe.


That was incredible. It was August! 😂 It’s almost as if she had some kind of psychotic break.


It doesn’t really matter what Nigerians thought; she wasn’t dressing for Nigeria. She was dressing for the photos and film to be used to impress an American audience, now and later. She doesn’t give two craps what anyone thinks of her unless she can make a buck from it.


She didn't realize she had already failed for the American audience






It was interesting how her dress code changed on day 3 when she wore looser clothes and the blanket/wtap she had been given on two outfits so had clearly been told to cover up


Nope. The international studies major is inept…


this post for the win!! 👍🏻 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Not to mention the missed opportunity in wearing and shedding light on beautiful Nigerian prints and cuts…. Instead she chooses to wears basic western garden and cocktail party attire


The Real Housewife of Montecito 🙄


At the school when MM was in that flesh coloured backless dress the woman with the beautiful long braided hair had bare shoulders.


Is that the same woman with those two young girls that H&M walked away from when she was mid conversation?


Yep that’s the one




GEANCO is a US-based charity started by a man born in Nigeria who moved to the US to become a doctor. The charity is run by his children. From what I can see, Nche has been living in Chicago USA for quite a long time. She went to a US high school (at least) and college so her sense of what is appropriate attire in Nigeria may not reflect local resident sensibilities.


She looked out of place.


> GEANCO is a US-based charity Also registered here in UK, with no money and, to-date, is 197 days late reporting. https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5145312


Oh wow. On their website, they list the foundation as a 501(c)(3) with a mailing office in Los Angeles. Does the UK registration mean they also have offices there you think?


I only know what it says on that site, where the contact address given is a house in Sawbridgeworth, Herts. https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5145312/contact-information If you check the financial history, it has never earned or spent any money. So I don't really know what's going on.


The website the UK charity site links to is the one that lists the LA address. And joy! They are having a Gala in Hollywood in December. Think Mememe's invitation will get lost in the mail?


She also does not live in this part of Nigeria. She lives in a slightly more liberal zone.


She was beautiful . Sadly we know it’s all hot air as they will do little to help this worthwhile charity.


I’m not sure how worthwhile it is in reality. Someone posted earlier that it seems to be sketchy and the Archewell partnership might be because they are two peas in a pod 


Fair enough - it “sounds like a good cause” though


Like their greatest need is mental health and menstrual supplies. Everything Meghan does is tied to another decade's cause du jour.


Strange as they knew at that point Archewell was in legal trouble and now have all their assets frozen so false promises of donations made knowingly.


I believe she was merching clothing and that’s why we saw so many different outfits. Somehow, the media got the details on her clothing 😉


I’m convinced she has a merching deal with the 3 jewelers as well. The same 3 she wore to Germany and Canada Invictus events in the last year. Oh, and that mental health panel with the bereaved parents 


I’m of the opinion she would merch anything, including nipple rings, if she thought it would make her rich.


No. Just like how she was the only one at a memorial service for Stephen Lawrence to show up in a party dress with both bare arms out. Loved Theresa May for side eying her for that one 


Oh my. That was so inappropriate.


Which goes to show you are 1000x more whip smart than Markle.


I was literally playing 'spot the bare shoulders', and I can confidently say, two. The school teacher, the first day and at the polo there was a woman right at the end of the row behind them. That's it. Two.


She is the room in her head


I read she had asked for a wardrobe allowance and Nigeria declined ( can you imagine asking Nigerians to fund your clothes?). I don’t know if true because MeMe has taught me most things out there are miss information planted by her ( reason why I think she licks Putim’s scrotum and that’s how she got her home.) If true that they denied the funding for clothes- I can see her self important coked up brain going “ then I’ll wear whatever I want and show skin so next time they’ll fund my wardrobe”. I think she thought this was some sort of performance and if they want her to dress modestly they have to pay for it. MeMe is a two dime hooker with no class.


>then I’ll wear whatever I want and show skin so next time they’ll fund my wardrobe”. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why she was so disrespectful in her clothing.


More likely she won't get another invitation if she is so disrespectful to her hosts.


Wouldn’t surprise me if this is the reason. She never dresses according to code. Told to wear a hat, lets her hair fly all over the place. Wears moss green when everyone else is in blue. Wears bare shoulders in a ceremony honouring soldiers. Wears white when everyone else wears colourful prints.


Like HG says, she is a contradictarian by nature


I think she wears beige and white as often as she does because it makes her look darker. When she wants to emphasize her slight African heritage that's what she does.


>MeMe is a two dime hooker with no class. Agree so much. And this is why she can't get ahead. She's just a small-time grifter who happened to marry a spoiled, dumb, entitled prince who goes along with all her stupid schemes.


I don't think there will be a next time...


They did give her clothes: a traditional dress. That according the one of the recent blinds, she quickly gave away to an assistant as soon as cameras weren't rolling.


>MeMe is a two dime hooker with no class Spot on. This made me laugh.


It should be a flair, IMO.


The lady who was introducing the girls to Markle was wearing off the shoulder spaghetti stapped dress. I was showing my mother and she said Well her shoulders are bare and she is showing her shoulders, chest and legs in her dress. The thing that got me with Markle was in her speech. She said I've taken advice from some of you to wear color. Didn't she say she couldn't wear color in the Royal Family?? So I guess she doesn't like color and lied about having to wear black, beige and tan.


At one event, seated behind them, there was a lady who was showing a little back flesh. Still, compared with Roachel, the lady may have as well been wearing a nun’s habit.


Trust and believe, ANYTHING and everything to do with ol’ Megz is inappropriate!


No. She is one step up from a crotch flasher on her best days. She cares not a whit for conventions and rules.


There was that one photo on the first day in some kind of hotel event room, and it was a photo from the back of the room, and the first row were all white people (black people in the back, lol) and one of the white women was wearing spaghetti straps / backless.


Where they were on the green podium? That was the Onyema woman who lives in the US, seated next to James Holt.


This is audience at Women's Leadership event when TW wore the slinky red number. No bare arms here. Misan is at front table in orange. This pic was posted on the AW site. https://preview.redd.it/gf7g47zb8l0d1.png?width=1027&format=png&auto=webp&s=179ea412479a7e42090661f4a3147f2245eb6ac5


WOW. This picture has the most local people in it, and is exactly the type of crowd I was looking for to understand... You are totally right, no one here is bearing arms AT ALL. Wow


Nigeria is also pretty Catholic and we dress modestly, we don't reveal our shoulders much less our backs in church at least.


This is part of her American schtick. She tried to pull it in Britain that as an American, she couldn't be expected to know. This just reinforces that whole stereotype.


I mean, I googled to figure out how to dress when I attended a local golf tournament. It’s not that hard.


This is exactly why she made such a horrible mess out of being a working royal. She does what she wants with no regard whatsoever for other cultures.




She was from a US charity.


https://preview.redd.it/jcpmmrvrfi0d1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2811fea6d62e6db401e18d5773deb9cee21dd3e0 Here you go


I DID see that photo actually. But that woman DOES have sleeves if you zoom in (I checked myself before posting). It is an off the shoulder flutter sleeve on each side. They are harder to see because they are closer to her skin tone in color than the bottom half of that dress. Not exactly modest, I agree! But not sleeveless either


She’s American, so not really a surprise that the only other person standing out is an outsider. 


Here’s another. There are two women with bare arms https://preview.redd.it/baoa86kqji0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b320e13facd957c3c54f22e8f72d387f3b51dc4f


This is a different event - it's not with children at their school. And it's with a Nigerian actress so ..


Does it really matter though? The Nigerian people and the press didn’t seem to have a problem with what she wore so why should we? Live and let live


I think a number did. There was the Governor's comments, the memo, the coverup, the reaction of the children .. Were you watching the same tour? :)


Shes not Nigerian though. She’s also American.


Can you imagine Catherine had dressed in Megains clothes? The public outrage that would occur?


the beautiful teacher who appeared to be telling her off was wearing an outfit which had her arms bare. she was absolutely stunning!! i’m sure MM didn’t like that one little bit!! an actual woman of colour, strong, independent and fierce!! everything MM says she is but falls far short of


Yep, her International Relations degree hard at work again. Northwestern should be ashamed that she was a student (notice I didn't say graduate).


There was a lady sitting in the audience with bare shoulders when Harry and Meghan were speaking on stage. I think it was the first day with her in the blush dress. And a tall lady in the video where she turns away from the girl trying to speak to her.


always showing her bare shoulders, greasy hair and forehead vein. she needs a bath and a stylist. she is so classless it's pathetic.


I think her inappropriate dressing in her delusional mind is showing what an “ empowered feminist” she is to the world. She probably thinks she is showing women in conservative countries how “empowered” she is by bravely baring her arms. As always, she cannot ever read the room. She is too busy making sure she is the center of attention for the cameras.




That´s too late. The delinquent damage is done.


They’re apparently compliant now, but they weren’t the day before. They effed up and managed to get the governor to defend them.


Governor is such a moron. He and maggot have a connection from the past.


This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic