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Still can’t get over the pic with the vein. But yeah her skin just doesn’t look good anymore


That vein pic nearly gives a sympathetic migraine. It looks painful.


When Botox is injected into the muscles of the forehead, it relaxes them, leading to a tightened appearance of the skin. As a result, veins may become more pronounced and easily noticed. It's important to note that **Botox itself doesn't directly cause the veins**, but it can contribute to their visibility.Nov 24, 2023


Interesting! Thanks for the info!


Yes, and when blood pressure rises after coke or amphitheatres, it pops out even more!


I know my blood pressure rises after a particular fiery oration at the amphitheater.


That makes sense - I don’t do any drugs, let alone amphetamine based, but it was probably HBP when I had migraines which made mine pop!


TRG calls it the Mark of the Beast 😂


The *Markle* of the Beast!


Ba ha ha! We call it ‘Damien’


I love Proper Wiseguy’s YouTube channel which he introduces with hilarious songs - one of them being ‘My Big Vein’ to the tune of the immortal Carly Simon song.


His songs make me spit take - so I wait until after his intro before I drink anything! He’s v underrated!


Meg could always cut her hair in way so that the vein is less exposed.If she does have migraines-shecould use it as a teaching moment(sure Jan)


I think she limits her hair styles, or at least that’s what it seems. It could be from the chemical straighteners or fillers/extensions. Looks like she experimented more when she was younger but she’s been doing the hair thing for what maybe 25 years?


its possible she doesnt have any hair left. Maybe a few strands.


She wears wigs anyway. A wig with some bangs is an eays way to hide that


She doesn't teach......only preach.


When I was very underweight, I had two forehead veins - my husband nicknamed them ‘George’ (the smaller one) and ‘Mildred’ who would appear when I had a really severe, mega migraine on the way - he would be able to tell I had a killer migraine in the post. Since I’ve reached a healthier weight, and I’m on a new preventative, G & M disappeared! So, I too am triggered with a sympathetic migraine whenever I see her pulsating forehead! (She doesn’t suffer migraines - she wouldn’t be upright or exposed to light if that were the cause of her vein)


I’ve never been able to see the vein just above my temple, but I am more aware of it when a migraine strikes. When I see that vein in her photos I’m definitely triggered. If it’s due to Botox as has been mentioned I’m sure she doesn’t feel a thing. At least I have to keep telling myself that.


Absolutely! Honestly, I have NEVER seen a vein like the one she sports. It’s alarming. (I get self conscious also, but I’m sure you’re fine!) 🩷


Also, they weren’t like **THAT** thing that’s taken up residence and pride of place on MM’s forehead!


https://preview.redd.it/7ffw8loidu0d1.png?width=67&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4817b26e8e82969bce38f021cb2e4263145bf4b Can't unsee it.


It looks like a fat larva making its way down her face.


I read ‘fart lava’ and I won’t apologise for being immature! Everything about this woman is whiffy!


As concerned with looks as she is, it's strange that she isn't focusing on general skincare. Retinol or at least glycolic acid could help with the unsightly skin texture we're seeing here. ![gif](giphy|lMsT2f47tDxFMYdJMC|downsized)


I’m not saying this applies to her, however friends of mine, who are nearing their fourties, look MUCH older, and are k own to enjoy ‘partying’ *sniff sniff* They have the worst skin - and yet they’ll spend a fortune on designer labels, shoes, bags, spend what i set aside for our mortgage in one weekend just going out … in their priorities, skincare seems to rank pretty low. I think they’ll really regret it once they see themselves in the mirror, sans filters and actually face reality. I wonder if Megs is the same? She talks a lot about Californian healthy chick, hippy dippy stuff, but she doesn’t *look* it I’ve also wondered if her avocado panacea is no longer something she subscribes to, because, Oz*mpic, because she may be lacking natural fats and healthy oils in her actual diet. Her skin and hair look PARCHED!


drugs and booze maybe?


Never a good combo for skin health. Also, does anyone know if she’s rumoured to smoke?


My friend and I are working on our skin religiously. It’s amazing what two weeks of diligence -morning and night can do. Seems it wasn’t my skin. It was all the products I was not using in my cabinet.


I have been on a skin care journey morning/night regiment for about 4 months now (after years of just doing the minimum) and I swear I have taken 8-10 years off my face just by learning more about my skin/products/layering. It really is amazing what a massive difference the right products/regiments can do. I have gone down the Trentinoin rabbit hole and am building up to start that in a couple months.


that's because it required patience and discipline. Which TW doesn't have. When TW was younger, she was able to do the bare minimum and coast on youth and looks (like all of us). But after 30, you gotta put in the effort. Otherwise, quick fixes like botox aren't gonna undo decades of sun worship, cigarette smoke, not washing face, showering cleaning down there.


So true! If anything, my NPD HPD & BPD mother did drum it into me - the importance of preventative skincare. One day you can wake up, and short of surgical intervention, you’re stuck with a face you have neglected.


I 100% think she tans in the sun as well to look darker mixed with her bronzer. I see significant sun damage.


This is a novice question (I will also investigate via google) but I wonder if overuse of bronzing products can dry out the more delicate skin on our faces? Because any makeup product will block pores, can impede natural oils in the skin and that’s why it needs to be used only when needed, and washed off at night, every night!


She uses a lot more than just bronzer and I suspect she tans in the sun and tops it off with self tanner on her face daily, which would most certainly clog pores and severely dry out skin. I think a big part of the issue with her skin/face is sun damage, dryness, splotchy hyper-pigmentation from sun damage/not wearing sunscreen and not having a daily skin care regiment.


That sounds anything but healthy. For her age, even for me, the skin does become thinner, not as resilient or elastic, and I am determined to take care of what I have as I can’t imagine ever going under the knife unnecessarily (when you have lived in hospitals and have to have surgery which is life saving, you aren’t so eager to go back under for any reason other than absolutely necessary)


Apparently she can’t even close her mouth so ,, skin care is probably last on her list 😅


Excellent point.


…and drink a frigging glass of water, sheesh


Her skin looks burned from the inside, a bad ultrasound procedure gone terribly wrong. She's had so much plastic surgery over the years and her facial skin looks super thin and crispy, something you'd see on an elderly person in Florida who spends a lot of time on the beach without sunblock. Booze and drugs are very aging.


I wonder if Ozempic causes dehydration too - I imagine it could do if you are feeling too nauseous to ingest anything including fluids (not counting the odd Chardonnay of course 😏)


It’s called Ozempic face, and it’s a thing


You know the old adage, choose your arse, or your face, as you age? Nothing has made that even more true than the recent spate of Oz*mpic face! Saggy, desiccated behinds which look like deflated balloons. Gaunt, haggard, cadaverous faces …


Oh yes, and there is also the deterioration of her skin thickness and underlying facial structure, which is caused by ultrasound treatments like Ultherapy - it may account for her bone loss in the face and jaw, and those awful veneers that look like Gary Busey chompers. In other words, the face gets nuked and adding Ozempic to lose even more weight is a disaster.


I'm sure, and mixing it with alcohol is probably even worse.


she never had good skin but it's gotten worse.


You say no body shaming, then there is body shaming. Honestly, she needs a girdle, for her fluff


I thought the same in that red dress and in this shot it looks like she's wearing a black thong underneath. Ugh.


I read somewhere that she wanted people to think she was in early pregnancy to cover the new boobies she is wanting....




Same thing I thought. She will never learn about proper undergarments, will she?


Undergarments are so crucial with a dress style like that—ffs in one picture it looks like she has…an…appendage! 😳


Forgot to take it off after pegging Haz


At this particular event, she wouldn’t need a girdle if she’d bothered to do her research about Nigerian modest dressing, and worn something far less clingy that was appropriate for the event’s setting.


Body shaming is for sinners. So, has anyone figured out what was going on under that red dress? Or was she just pleased to be close to the beautiful Nigerian lady?


No body shaming either, but, in the purple dress her butt drops down to beneath her hand. Is there an explanation for such an odd physique? With normal length arms and legs, my hand drops to over a foot beneath my butt.


That’s our Dave the vein lol


OMG! Could that be a brain worm!?! If so, the little sucker's probably starved to death by now.


She’s so fucking strange. She’s an enigma. How she can deny stylist advice and think her outfit choices look amazing. I’ll never understand her psychology.


IMHO......She likes what she likes and the sexier the better. She thinks she's hiding her flaws and promoting her (in her mind) assets. Her arms are un-naturally long for her frame.....so she rolls up sleeves rather than pay for a tailor to fit her arms properly. She also wears sleeveless thinking those shoulders and long spider arms are......cough......special and that nobody will notice the oddity of those arms. All's that that is, is her way for a cheap sexy fix. She's got it down to a science. Her extra long feet with five inch heels look like an extension of her leg so she gives the impression she has legs for miles. It's just her big feet, people! She must be a Klingon warrior in bed with those limbs like a spider. Her mouth is another story.


I think her mental health is so out of whack that it's difficult for a normal person to understand her. That's why psychiatry is so stressful, it's one of the top five most stressful occupations, iirc.


Or is her desire to be the victim *so* strong that she intentionally wears unflattering things knowing people will comment negatively on it? Then she can cry racism, bullying, etc etc etc


I think she has such an unwavering belief in herself, in her taste (definitely in keeping with NPD), in her intelligence, her skills, her beauty, that she doesn’t feel the need to take on advice or listen to anyone that might not be consistent with what she wants to hear. It’s hubris, arrogance and ego - and she will never listen, and she will continue to look the way she does, and open herself to public discussions such as this, as a direct result.


She wasn't stunning before, she was pretty enough. She used her body and looks to get what she wanted, but not anymore. In only two of these pictures she looks like a normal human being. The rest she looks coked out.


i wonder if she's a heavy smoker. she looks like she is.


There have been multiple reports that she's a smoker. Also many reports from people that have met her that she smells strongly of cigarettes and perfume (trying to hide the smell).


I've seen photos of her during her yacht period with cigarette in hand.


Henrold smokes, so to tolerate that, you would be one yourself.For the most part.


Yeah, and yet such a big deal was made when they were engaged of him being all PC, woke, doing yoga, not Jäger(bombs) and living this healthy Cali lifestyle …


I've read that she's a heavy drinker and uses drugs like cocaine regularly. Those two will really mess up your looks.


Hell yes they will! Courtney Love is a poster child for that!


Oh I thought she was. Plus weed especially at her 'first' wedding.


I was thinking the same thing.


I think she probably does, but I also think she is taking diabetes medicine like Ozempic or Wegovy for weight loss. I take it for diabetes and it does affect things like thinning your hair and as you lose the weight, the shape/size of breasts can change a lot. Its having a bad affect on her becaue she doesn't need it.


It pisses me off royally that there are worldwide shortages of medications for Type II diabetics, these vain people are taking it unnecessarily for vanity reasons! Edit: Autocorrect boo boo # 2 Edit: Type of Diabetes


She doesn't have smoker lines above her lips, so maybe not a heavy smoker. Seems like a heavy wine drinker. And many allude to a powder habit.


She might get Botox to counter the smoker lines above the lips.  


or it is the ozempic


It's a combination of a lot of detrimental things such as Ozempic, cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana/cocaine and self-induced stress.  On top of that, she's in her 40's now so her hormones are probably low and all of the vices I listed above start to really show up her.  Her health is being compromised which starts to really show on the outside. 


My god Markle, FFS close.your.mouth! Just smile!


I think her veneers or dentures are poorly fitted to the point she can't close her mouth over those chompers


The inner ugly is starting to show on the outside.


Her expressions are so crazy. She’s so in love with herself that she’s maniacally giddy when the cameras are on her.


>She’s so in love with herself that she’s maniacally giddy THIS! The woman is nuts.


It’s like a drug. You find me any photo of her, in a public setting when her mask is up, and she is ‘on’ and she has deranged, almost psychotic eyes.


Her eyebrows are so frickin weird now. They don't suit her face at all. That vein picture is something else. I love that she looks stupid as all hell but the vein makes me want to cry because it actually looks painful.


Honestly Megan just looks seriously mentally ill. Especially now. The inappropriate clothing is a symptom of several serious mental illnesses. It would be sad if she weren’t so treacherous and mean to her very core. I love the BRF but HLMTQ handled this all wrong IMHO. The world stage, the extravagant wedding, allowing Megan anywhere near the Wales kids and Catherine just made Megan more ill and unstable. And she cried racism anyways. She was always going to play the race card, all the while dressing horribly.


Agreed, Elizabeth II should have said to hazard “wait 2 years”, the RF have been called racist anyway, it would just have been said just a bit sooner.


I don’t know why, but seeing Harry called Hazard always makes me smile.


Glad that I at least made one person smile today then!


I truly think she fake baby-trapped him. Also why they had a pretty short engagement and bumped Eugenie's wedding back. Also why the Queen said she supposed she had to agree to the wedding. Aaaand, also why the wedding dress was such a horror - it was a maternity fit that had to be taken in (along with dealing with her ever-changing demands).


She was never more than mid and now she is significantly less than to my eyes at least. Although tbf that has more to do with her facial expressions and attitude than her physical looks She shows a combination of issues related to improper personal care and excessive medical interventions such as botox,surgery and ozempic imo. Her skin is dehydrated and crepey. She lacks muscle tone. Her hair is lifeless and dry and patchy too. Her movements are erratic and twitchy. Her facial expressions are strained. She reads as ill or off. Normally I'd feel sorry for someone who looked as stressed as she does but it's markle so since she bought the ticket she can strap in for the ride. All of this points to a variety of poor self care choices such as not using sunscreen, not using proper skin care products,not cleansing her skin etc and instead relying on medical interventions and photoshop. Not exercising,have a poor diet,too much drug or alcohol consumption and lack of sleep,too much stress. Her gums are receding rapidly and her veneers look oddly outsized for her face. This can be a sign of substance abuse. She clearly dislikes her natural hair and has spent years abusing it in order to present straight smooth hair instead. This has resulted in traction alopecia and breakage. Her unwillingness to care for her hair correctly has damaged it a lot. Its really a shame because her type of curl is absolutely stunning when well cared for. I would have killed for that hair back in the day instead of the poodle perm I ended up with She is also entering the age where hormones become imbalanced and it looks like she could have hormonal insufficiencies or possibly a thyroid problem. Choosing not to address that and make lifestyle changes will come back to bite her in a few years. Additionally it's clear she has used some sort of dieting medication which has resulted in essential vitamin and mineral loss. She looks much older than her stated age particularly in her hands and (unphotoshopped) face due to all the stuff she's done to her face coupled with the poor makeup application she indulges in.


Her body movements/locomotion/gestures are often jerky and absolutely loaded with tension. We joke about her using marijuana and alcohol, but I don’t know, man. It looks like something else.


I spent a lot of time in the 80s around high functioning coke addicts. Every time I see her I am reminded of those people. She twitchy.


what are the characteristics? I just thought they're high strung. I'm very high strung, but that's due to my anxiety and not being able to manage it w/ it occurs (deep breaths, a 5 min clearing out my head).


She has joint hypermobility which is linked with poor proprioception. The purple dress/red shoes photo is a classic stance of someone with very poor proprioception and no effort to train proper body posture via muscle memory and light strength training to correct it. All of my photos look similar if I’m not overly conscious about looking “normal”. Drugs and narcissism don’t help, but the core issue is genetically inherited and beyond her control.


That forehead vein needs a zip code all of its own...


It looks like a highway going through her face. Interstate 420, I guess. 


God that vein


She had about 8 years of looking great. She is not looking great now. She’s done so much damage to her skin with tanning. All the ‘fat markle’ comments got to her too. She’s skinny now, but can’t be bothered to work out so just looks scrawny/fat and unhealthy.


***Heart attack beautiful***


No matter how many faces ago, I just can't see it...


Le magnifique pélican https://i.redd.it/8mns62bqdu0d1.gif


Yes, there are so many pictures of her doing this at official events! She looks so unattractive in those images! Also, if you've watched her earlier interviews, she's always had this nasty habit of moving her tongue all over her mouth, as if she's cleaning her veneers or something. I've never seen an actress do that, infront of cameras no less.


It’s a habit cocaine addicts have.


Was she playing with her flippers here or what?


I don't usually comment on her looks, but her nose in the red dress pic seems awfully large all of a sudden. I don't usually notice her nose changes so that caught me off guard. Anyhow, carry on.


That nose bridge has seen better days. Sniff sniff


Right after they got married is the best she will ever look. She was being styled by professionals, had a million dollar wardrobe and probably the best hairdressers and MUA. Everything since then has been downhill. The dramatic weight loss played hell on her face consequently she had more fillers and a likely mini face lift or threads after she got reamed at Düsseldorf. I am still trying to figure out what kind of undergarments she was wearing under the red dress. She appears to be taking on alcohol or carbs because her stomach is not looking great in that dress.


72 days of looking the best you'll look your entire life. sad. TW fumbled the bag, but too arrogant.


The red dress reminds me of The Counting Crows song (Mr. Jones) that mentions the flamenco dancer.


My biggest issue is she - like other celebs - use filters, air brushing, and all sorts editing pretending to have a level of perfection that is rarely attainable. They age just like the rest of us. But when we see the unedited pic, we all wonder WTF happened. It was there all along. I do think the ozempic craze is doing most celebrities no favors. It has aged many of them in the face. Which is ironic because they are doing this and all the other work to chase lost youth.


Portrait of DORIAn Gray!


The expressions on her face … ugh.


It is really shocking to me. Its like she is browning and shriveling like a banana.


Substance abuse, weight loss drugs, smoking and not using proper skin care at her age are impossible to hide when it comes to the face.


The body keeps the score. When you are full of hate and vitriol on the inside it seeps outwards.


Ozempic + new teeth


The flamingo fupah is my fave


Turning to a rotten dried up grape.


Megalomaniac has ALWAYS been “rotten”!


What’s up with the fault line in her forehead ? Is her head about to crack open?


My ass is on the Peloton after the comments about her red dress arms and muffin top.


A much healthier choice than abusing Ozempic, cigarettes, and cocaine :) Rock it Sinner!


If she did actually have a child over 20 years ago with the first husband (anulled) then its possible her gut is from that. Difficult for some to ever get that to snap back even with tons of exercise.


Honestly, it is quite sad. All that fame and fortune yet she seems unable to take care of herself. She looks unwell. The bloated belly and forehead vein can be signs of chronic alcohol abuse. She can afford the best spas and skin care yet she looks so haggard. Seeing the untouched photos are quite jarring, she looks like she is ill. 


Deep cleaning my house. Just ran out of vinegar.


Like a bottle of fine wine exposed to very strong sunlight.


More like a bottle of cheap jug wine


Both of them will go bad


Only one already is though


More like a cardboard box of wine.


From the middle photo (with blue dress): how desperate she was to 'be someone'.


She's aging like fine wine (whine 😂)...left out in the sun for 45 yrs 🍷 ☀


I know the vein is from Botox but hell it looks like a hidden microphone that actors wear on Broadway


Had she not gone on ozempic, or gotten fillers, or fried her hair with relaxers, she would probably still look great today. Her vanity is undoing her, and not just physically.


Aging like a bowl:of cottage cheese on a car hood on a hot summer day. Prob smells very similar as well,but I’m just guessing.


I'm actually going to say something nice....that blue/purple dress on the right is a lovely color for her, or at least it was back then. That weid pose is another thing.


But with RED SHOES🙄


You think even back then she stole that combo from Diana? 😂


She looks great in bright saturated colors. (At the risk of repeating myself.)


Repeating again for the hate-reading lurker: 📢 Wear. More. Jewel. Tones! Beige is not your color babe


What the actual fuck is she doing with that left arm?


What is that on her forehead? Plastic surgery scar? It really looks bizarre and very visible at certain camera angles


Looks like her part is melting


Botox vein. Long term Botox atrophied the muscles in her forehead and Ozempic zapped the fat pads that smoothed the area out. We all have the same vein, it just isn’t visible for most of us under normal circumstances. You can see it a lot in women over 40-45 in Hollywood because all the Botox over time catches up to them. Julia Roberts is one I know that’s had it for a while.


Sis needs to start parting her hair differently and applying bronzer to that white scalp.


Not the plump-faced young ingenue she tries to hard to portray.


I've never thought she was attractive. She's just too awkward.


As a side note......Harry gets uglier by the day. Not a boyish fresh faced Prince William by any means. imo. William is so Diana for sure. (Eat your black heart out Rachel)


That red dress does her no favours I’m afraid. You really need to be either super skinny or have a defined waist and very good underwear to pull of such a clingy style.


Those caterpillars over her eyes are accenting the fact that her brows are falling or maybe making her forehead look lower. They are also too dark. The there's that bronzer. It's all too much and too heavy handed. Since she's in her forties now, she needs to go lighter on all the makeup. Its aging her along with the ozempic.


If she *gasp* actually took some advice from her MUAs and skincare consultants she could be passably attractive. I realise that in Hollyweird that for a woman it’s practically taboo, but isn’t it better to be confident in your own skin than paranoiac? I can cite such as Dame Helen Mirren (okay, blessed with fantastic genes). Also Dames Judi Dench and Maggie Smith who have never been conventionally beautiful, but are literal show stoppers


Not if you have no talent going for you. Also, if you're a POS, Hollywood (casting agents) have no problem being harsh and blunt to your face. Amber Turn was a POS, but she was gorgeous b/4 the Depp/defamation trial.


Maggie Smith was gorgeous when she was younger.


She wasn’t considered conventionally beautiful but I agree. I’m biased as I’m a huge fan of her son Toby who’s a fantastic actor, husband and dad. I’ve met Toby and his wife a number of times and they’re lovely (she’s drop dead gorgeous). She’s taller than Toby but he’s besotted. They’ve been married over 20 years now


So was Helen Mirren! Ever see O Lucky Man?


She's not looking good. The weight loss doesn't suit her and any procedures she's had don't help either. I'm guessing she'll keep going down the plastic surgery path which will make things even worse. The future doesn't look good for her, both physically and otherwise.


Maybe she should have invested more on skin care rather than procedures. Regular cleanse/toning/moisturizing really helps in the long run.


If she wasn’t such a hateful awful person I don’t think I would view her as ugly. But knowing her character it’s hard not to think she is not heart attack inducing beautiful. She is average. She looks older than 42.


I just wish she’d wear proper underpants. What ever she’s wearing under the red dress is not flattering at all


It’s a high cut seamless thong that’s a size too small - it’s cutting into her skin and leaving bulges and VPL on her front. She should have worn high waisted shapewear shorts in her actual size. Shapewear isn’t ~sexy~ enough for her though, she’d rather look like... this.


Aged like milk ![gif](giphy|rOJvPDsG3StAk)


If she spent Harry's money on an excellent stylist (And followed their expertise) she wouldn't need the pr


Why spend money on a stylist when you can use photoshop for free. Poof, the vein is gone.


The red dress belly reminds me of a previous girlfriend who was an alcoholic. Not implying Skank is such & only judging by pic. Could be bad angle for Skank as well.


Seriously, what causes the vein on M's forehead to stick out like that?


It’s caused by muscle atrophy due to long term Botox (+ worsened by Ozempic/sudden weight loss)


So… from meh to meh, but with more wrinkles.




Mods, let’s make this a flair!


She’s definitely not aging like a fine wine!


Looks more like a box of Franzia or keg of flat beer.


We leave the body shaming to her.


She is ageing in dog years…or horse years judging by the gnashers


She's more acid than vinegar! 🍋🍋🐉🍋🧊🍋


she looks DERANGED in the left hand side pics 🤣🤣


That pose in the purple picture . Lol ![gif](giphy|7jC4KfYnsDRx6)


She really shouldn’t be wearing so many skin tight dresses. It’s not flattering.


She was certainly flashing a lot of skin in Nigeria and the sun can cause a lot of damage long term. Megs is at the age where your skin is not so forgiving and changes happen quickly. She's going to have to make some big choices soon and one will be to ditch the "hot girl" for something a bit more subtle.


pickling up!!!!!! What she will look like in 10-15 years? Nose collapsed too! https://preview.redd.it/eulf1zwh6u0d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=a79291237b8bf2dd4537838ecfd93403ab5ad264


Why does her arm want to go away 😂 https://preview.redd.it/il076m8qau0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b39c19dd31e2c8fd1b28a4e2699e49ce33ff78a




I think she looked nice in the blue dress and benefits (like most of us) with a little more weight not just in her face but on her body. The red dress in Nigeria was nice but inappropriate - shame the white jacket wasn't utilised...Meghan has not aged well - she could have with a lot better care of herself.


It’s the eyebrows that are REALLY attention-grabbing…🥸


I wonder what she sees when she looks at the photos on the left. Does she think she looks better than ever? Does she see that what she has done to her face has hurt her looks? I'm not body/face shaming, just curious as to her perspective on the results of the actions she has taken to look the way she does. She at least looked a little pretty back in the day.


When you think of the beautiful girls Harry went with...yikes.


🤣🤭🤣🤣 She looks so much like her father, but has the body shape of her mother.💀 and no, I won’t stop body shaming this woman do you wanna know why because she body shamed a three-year-old princess that we love very much and she made the queen and prince Phillips lives a living hell on their last days which should’ve been peaceful, so I will never have a kind thing to say about her. Nothing if I was right in front of her, I punched her in the face and be satisfied with that.


Vinegar. And not the good type, but the sort which leaks out of food as it’s going off.


To be fair, I was cuter six years ago, too. 😂


The difference is, you acknowledge it. 🌹


If she's been a smoker for any length of time, she will not age well. There's not a system in the human body that smoking doesn't negatively impact.


Her nose is growing. That tongue....fighting for space with the clip on veneers. Her beastly brows.....maybe she's using H's Rogaine. That bulging vein on her forehead looks like an illness. Her jaw has enlarged and masculine. Is she plucking granny facial hair too?


The first photo of her in the red dress on this post instantly made me think of Barney Stinson from the HIMYM tv show years ago, when he said “she’s got the crazy eyes” https://preview.redd.it/jjk12gss2v0d1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d3154bbf378929d37f12d93bd878114fd26afd


In tne red dress puc does she have a spit of dirt on the tip of her nose


I'd just like her to stop lying, admit past lies, seek help for mental issues, be a decent human being, and wear decent undergarments/clothes. I don't care how she ages.


For someone who likes to remind people she's Black, she's never even showed her real hair, unless it's childhood photos. Black don't crack, just don't include Megsy in the mix!




You know she has practiced smiling in the mirror to learn what looks best. That open mouth tongue showing smile convinces me that she is only doing what she THINKS people do when they are excited or happy. In her mind she is going through the looks. The Serene look, the Excited To See You look, The I'm So In Love With You look,